China select board postpones action on broadband expansion

by Mary Grow

China select board members were joined by local, out-of-town and out-of-state spokespeople for broadband service at the July 18 select board meeting.

Robert O’Connor, chairman of the China Broadband Committee (CBC), had shared with select board members and town attorney Amanda Meader a proposed memorandum of agreement (MOU) with Direct Communications, based in Rockland, Idaho, and its local subsidiary, UniTel of Unity, Maine. Representatives of both telecommunications companies spoke with select board members.

Because Meader had raised questions based on her preliminary review of the document, select board members postponed action. They proposed direct discussions between Meader and a Direct Communications attorney.

Select board members decided to go ahead with a smaller project on the July 18 agenda, drafting a local fireworks ordinance that they hope to have ready to submit to voters on Nov. 8.

They do not intend to ban fireworks in town, as board chairman Ronald Breton said some Maine towns have done. They do intend to set a nightly curfew intended to benefit people who have to get up early to go to work or send children to school.

In other business, board members unanimously:

  • Appointed Nicholas French as China’s Licensed Plumbing Inspector; and
  • Renewed the pawnbrokers license for Wildwood Pawn, Inc., on Gunshop Road, off Morrill Road.

The next regular China select board meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 1.

Seek volunteers for comprehensive plan committee

China select board members are seeking volunteers for the Comprehensive Plan Implementation Committee and a Regional School Unit (RSU) 18 Cost Share Committee.

The job of the Comprehensive Plan Implementation Committee, which they decided to limit to seven members, is to review the revised town plan that voters approved at the June 14 town business meeting and decide what should be done, and by what official or committee, to carry out recommendations.

The RSU #18 Cost Share Committee, for which three China members will join representatives from the other four towns (Belgrade, Oakland, Rome and Sidney), will review the formula by which costs are divided among the five towns. Select board chairman Ronald Breton said the current formula bases cost-sharing 75 percent on each town’s property valuation and 25 percent on each town’s student enrollment.

China residents interested in serving on either committee should contact the town office.


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