Week of June 21, 2018
Vassalboro Community School Principal Dianna Gram retires after 24 years
Principal Dianna Gram is retiring from Vassalboro Community School this month with mixed feelings. She expects to miss people she’s worked with over more than two decades, especially the students. But she’s totally confident incoming principal Megan Allen is the right person to succeed her. “I have a great sense of relief and pride in her similar values,” Gram said, predicting a smooth transition […]
Your Local News
Public invited to retirement party for China town manager
CHINA — Residents of China and nearby towns are invited to a retirement party for China Town Manager Daniel L’Heureux, scheduled for 5 p.m., Saturday, June 30, in the portable building behind the China town office on Lakeview Drive […]
Residents asked for input on marijuana, picnic area
Vassalboro — Vassalboro selectmen would appreciate residents’ opinions on two topics, preferably before the June 28 selectmen’s meeting. The first issue is whether townspeople want to try to restrict the number of storefront medical marijuana shops allowed in town […]
Veteran Messalonskee bus driver retires
OAKLAND — Donna Pullen, a 51-year veteran school bus driver for RSU #18 Messalonskee School Department was treated to a surprise retirement party by her fellow bus drivers and supervisors recently. She plans to retire at the end of this school year […]
China TIF committee reports little progress
CHINA — China’s TIF (Tax Increment Finance) Committee members had little progress to report at their June 18 meeting. The committee’s main focus is on the head of China Lake’s east basin, where the first phase of a multi-year project involves replacing the bridge across the inlet stream […]
China resident sworn in as new state police chief
CHINA — John Cote, of China, was recently sworn in as Chief of the Maine State Police. Cote, a 29-year veteran, has served as deputy chief for the past two years and is the former commanding officer for Troop F, in Houlton […]
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School News
Erskine names Leo officers
The Erskine Leo officers for 2018-19 have been announced: Alex Mahon, Parker King, and Tori Grasse, all executive committee. Also, Alana York, Samantha Heath, vice president, Liz Sugg, president, Lucy Allen, secretary. Not pictured: Olivia Kunesh, treasurer, and Matt Veilleux, executive committee […]
Winslow students to attend Boys State
Seven Juniors from Winslow High School will be attending the 71st annual American Legion Dirigo Boys State Program, at Thomas College, in Waterville, during the week of June 17-21, 2018 […]
Erskine hands out Renaissance awards
On Friday, June 8, Erskine Academy students and staff attended a Renaissance Assembly to honor their peers with Renaissance Awards […]
Ashley Carver graduates from Becker College
SIDNEY — Becker College’s Commencement ceremony was held on May 5, in Worcester, Massachusetts. Ashley Carver, of Sidney, graduated with honors with an associates degree in veterinary science […]
Winslow resident makes dean’s list at Tufts University
WINSLOW — Cody Lambert, of Winslow, was recognized for earning a spot on the Spring 2018 dean’s list at Tufts University, in Medford/Somerville, Massachusetts […]
SOMERVILLE — I’ve heard concerns expressed about a new comprehensive plan (Plan) being considered in the Town of Somerville. Some worry that passing the Plan gives selectmen the right to change regulations for things suggested in the Plan, or to vote whatever they want to do if the Plan isn’t specific enough […]
VASSALBORO — The Vassalboro Ministry Association Fuel Fund board is having a talent show fundraiser at the North Vassalboro Mill on Friday, June 22, from 6 – 8 p.m. There will be musicians, poets, and dncers, hot dogs and baked goods sales, as well as several raffles […]
Obituaries – week of June 21, 2018
WINSLOW – Elizabeth E. (DeRaps) Tuttle, 77, passed away Sunday, May 27, 2018, at MaineGeneral Medical Center, in Augusta. She was born December 21, 1940, in Waterville, the daughter of Leo E. Sr. and Martha L. (Muzzeroll) DeRaps… and remembering 5 others…
Town Line Original Columnists
by Roland D. Hallee | OK, let’s shift gears this week and talk about our roads. No, not the ruts, potholes and whoopsy-dos, nor the bevy of political signs that sprout along the roadway. I’m talking about the carnage on our highways […]
St. Denis Church, originally spelled with two “n’s”, is the second oldest Catholic church in New England, predated only by St. Patrick Church in Newcastle […]
by Peter Cates | The 4th Violin Concerto of Bjarne Brustad, one of Norway’s leading 20th century composers, is a meandering exercise full of dramatic, pounding chords that go nowhere; the only Violin Concerto of Sir William Walton is an exciting example of perky, exotic rhythms and emotionally wistful poetry that, for me, gets better with every hearing […]
by Debbie Walker | Most of you know I am part of the Foster Grandparent Program and I volunteer in a first and second grade class. I think I have mentioned before how much I enjoy the kids and the teacher. Today I had an amazing experience […]
by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy | The North Anson Methodist Church is holding it’s annual suppers on June 30, from 5 – 6 p.m. July 21 from 5 – 6 p.m., and July 28, from 5 – 6 p.m. Received the following e-mail on the way people in Solon voted on Question 1. 76 voted yes and 128 voted no […]
by Katie Ouilette | Whew, WALLS, thank goodness, the annual fishing trip is over. Nope, WALLS, I didn’t want any, but I am sure the boys (including Lew) had their fill of trout at Camp Wapiti, in Patton, (Aroostook County), even though they left on Sunday and returned on Wednesday. They had arranged their flights from Washington State so that they had time visiting family […]
The next time you find yourself kicking your leg out of the side of your blankets to cool off or turning your pillow over because it’s too hot—you won’t be alone. Some 50 million Americans are affected by intermittent sleep problems, potentially created by bedding choices, according to the National Sleep Foundation—but you don’t have to be […]