Week of March 23, 2017
With bicentennial nearing, China remembers Sybil Jones
Sybil Jones was at work in the southern states during a part of the year 1860, and returned to her northern home only a few weeks before the attack on Fort Sumter. The sound of war carried sorrow to the hearts of herself and her husband. They were loyal to their country and the great cause of human freedom, but they were loyal also to the Prince of peace. For years they had longed to see the light of freedom break in on the south, but they had hoped no less for the day “when the war-drum should throb no longer” and universal peace should gladden the long watchers for its dawn. Now they saw the oncoming of a most terrible civil war, threatening the life of the nation. They mourned for mothers and fathers who must see their boys go to the field; they thought of the homes shattered for eer; but they did not yet realize that their eldest son was to go forth to return only on this shield – that the son who had urged them to go forward in the work of love in Liberia, their noble son, was to be demanded as a sacrifice. […]