Week of May 30, 2019
Vassalboro senior fair provided much-needed information
On May 22, the FAVOR committee hosted a Senior Fair at the St. Bridget’s Center, in Vassalboro, bringing area agencies together to provide information to seniors and their families…
Your Local News
A dozen residents attend public hearing on two ballot questions
CHINA — About a dozen China residents attended the selectmen’s May 13 public hearing on two June 11 ballot questions, focusing most of their attention on the first and more expensive one…
Pfeiffer: School budget no impact on local taxes
VASSALBORO — The good news about Vassalboro’s 2019-2020 school budget, which totals more than $7.7 million, is that it is more than $26,000 lower than the current year’s budget…
School board decides to reluctantly raise school lunch prices by 10 cents
VASSALBORO — At their May 21 meeting, Vassalboro School Board members reluctantly voted to raise the bill for a full-price school lunch from $2.75 this year to $2.85 for the 2019-2020 school year…
Unity College 2019 graduates: Be prepared for change
UNITY — The theme heard at the Unity College graduation ceremony, on May 11, 2019, was the importance of being prepared for the changing world ahead. New graduates will need to do more than survive change but lead the way for others…
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Gladys Benner presented with Boston Post Cane in Fairfield
FAIRFIELD — The Town of Fairfield has presented its Boston Post Cane to Ms. Gladys E. Benner, who recently reached the age of 97 years. The Town of Fairfield continues the time-honored tradition of presenting the Boston Post Cane to its eldest permanent resident…
Results of dam removal
VASSALBORO — With the removal of the Lombard Dam, in Vassalboro, another section of the China Lake Outlet Stream is flowing freely (photos)…
Caught volunteering, again!
CHINA — China selectman Irene Belanger was caught, once again, volunteering. Here she is seen working in the flower gardens next to the China Town Office, in front of the Old Town Hall, on Lakeview Drive (photo)…
Summer hours at South China library
CHINA — Beginning on Monday, June 3, the South China Library will be observing new summer hours…
COMMUNITY COMMENTARY: An open letter to Gov. Janet Mills regarding the NECEC project
from Bob OConnor (China) — This is my Open Letter to you to consider revising your stance on the NECEC project (CMP-Quebec Hydro). Please require that NECEC put the new power lines underground…
Town Meeting schedule for 2019
Check here to see when your town has scheduled their 2019 town meeting. Current listings for Vassalboro and Windsor. To have your town listed, send an email to townline@fairpoint.net.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Trust emergency responders
from Neil Farrington (China) — As you all know, I’m pro volunteer emergency services. Anyone who voluntarily races towards an emergency I trust with my life (and my wallet).
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Thanks from food pantry
PALERMO — The Palermo Food Pantry thanks the generous people of Palermo who donated food for the pantry in the annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive sponsored by our post office…
School News
Erskine annual spring concert slated for May 31
CHINA — The Erskine Academy Annual Spring Concert will take place on Friday, May 31, at 6:30 p.m., in the James V. Nelson Gymnasium. Admission is free. Participating ensembles are Chorus, Concert Band, Collaborative Ensemble, Jazz Combo, and Music Lab…
OAKLAND: CENTRAL MAINE GARDEN CLUB WATERVILLE will host annual plant sale on Sat., June 1, 8 a.m. – noon, at the United Methodist Church, 20 West School St. Perennials, annuals, food and jewelry will be offered. Proceeds to help maintain Redington Museum gardens and community beautification projects….
WINDSOR – John Turner Fish passed away at home, in Windsor on Friday, May 17, 2019. John had a long four-year battle with small cell cancer. He was born on June 25, 1948, in Damariscotta, the first born of twins. John was the son of Miles Amos Fish Jr. and Melissa (Turner) Fish… and remembering 4 others…
Common Ground – Round 5: Win a $10 gift certificate!

DEADLINE: Friday, June 20, 2019
Identify the people in these three photos, and tell us what they have in common. You could win a $10 gift certificate to Retail Therapy boutique, 11 KMD Plaza, Kennedy Memorial Dr., Waterville, next to the Dairy Queen!* Email your answer to townline@fairpoint.net or through our Contact page.
You may also mail your answer to The Town Line, PO Box 89, South China, ME 04358. (To be eligible for the drawing, you must email or snail mail your answer to us.)
* Should there be more than one correct answer, a random drawing will be held to determine the winner.
Previous winner: Diana Gardner, Windsor
Town Line Original Columnists
by Gary Kennedy | One issue that seems to be bothering some of you is the new congestion at the Togus VA facility due to the advent of the construction of a new building in front of building #200…
by Peter Cates | I offer two paragraphs from E.B.White’s One Man’s Wheat in which he writes about the movies from the sweet peace of his Brooklin, Maine, farm in May 1939…
by Debbie Walker | We will soon be heading into June and I don’t want you to go into the month without being prepared for your fun holidays. Maybe you can work some of these holidays into your vacation time. Let me know what was the most fun for you!…
by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy | Received this e-mail from Susan Lahti: Good Morning all, Please help us publicize the annual East Madison Historical Association’s Yard and Bake Sale on June 1 – 2 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m…
(NAPSI)—According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), health care professionals could save more than 130 lives lost to the opioid epidemic each day…