Entries by Mary Grow

China public hearing set on apartment application

by Mary Grow At their April 9 meeting, China Planning Board members scheduled a May 14 public hearing on Carrol White’s application for a permit to convert the former Silver Lake Grange Hall in China Village to four two-bedroom apartments. Board members reviewed the application at their Feb. 13 meeting and would have approved it, […]

Vassalboro school board reviews proposed 2024-25 budget

by Mary Grow Vassalboro School Board members continued review of the proposed 2024-25 budget at an April 3 special meeting. At their regular meeting April 9, they discussed non-budgetary and budgetary issues, before joining the Vassalboro Budget Committee for a joint review of the proposed 2024-25 school budget. The April 3 meeting, held despite an […]

Vassalboro budget committee works on school, municipal budgets

by Mary Grow Vassalboro budget committee members met the evenings of April 9 and 10, the first time for a presentation on the school budget and the second time for review of the municipal budget. The April 9 meeting followed that evening’s school board meeting. [See accompanying story in this issue.] Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer had […]

China budget committee endorses select board proposal

by Mary Grow China Budget Committee members have endorsed the select board’s proposed 2024-25 budget, to be presented to voters at the June 11 annual town business meeting. At their April 3 meeting, committee members also supported buying a new town truck, at a cost not to exceed $296,715, with a condition and a suggestion. […]

Protecting water quality in local lakes theme of Vassalboro planning board meeting

by Mary Grow Protecting water quality in Vassalboro lakes, especially Webber Pond, was the theme running through most of the discussion at the April 2 Vassalboro Planning Board meeting. The issue was presented by representatives of the Conservation Commission and the Webber Pond Association; was the purpose of board member Paul Mitnik’s suggested amendments to […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Two Augusta women poets

by Mary Grow As mentioned last week, the list of writers in Henry Kingsbury’s Kennebec County history includes many from Augusta, Hallowell and Gardiner. Among them were two Augusta women listed as poets, Emma Nason (born Emma Caroline Huntington) and Olive Eliza Dana. * * * * * * Emma Caroline Huntington Nason (Aug. 6, 1845 – Jan. 11, 1921) […]

China select board approves 32-article warrant at special meeting

by Mary Grow At a short special meeting April 1, China select board members approved the 32-article warrant for the June 11 annual town business meeting. Budget committee members were scheduled to meet April 3 to make their recommendations on proposed expenditures. Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood plans to have the official warrant ready for signing […]

China road committee prepares list of roads to be repaved

by Mary Grow China road committee members met March 26 and prepared a preliminary list of roads to be repaved in 2024, money permitting. The proposed work, according to committee member and China deputy clerk Jennifer Chamberlain, totals 5.27 miles. The three longest stretches are 1.3 miles on Deer Hill Rd., from South Road to […]