Entries by Mary Grow

Vassalboro board gets update on student staff wellness team

by Mary Grow The Vassalboro School Board’s Dec. 10 meeting featured a virtual presentation by two of the three members of the student and staff wellness team at Vassalboro Community School (VCS). Counselors Gina Davis and Jamie Routhier explained what they and social worker Megan Simmons do, working with students and their families, other staff […]

Vassalboro select board undertakes several ongoing issues

by Mary Grow Vassalboro select board members discussed many ongoing issues at their Dec. 12 meeting, and settled five. — They appointed public works department employee Brian Lajoie as the new department director, succeeding Eugene Field, who has retired. — Vassalboro First Responders Assistant Chief Josi Haskell reported the Stephen and Tabitha King Foundation gave […]

China local resident expands on community garden plans

by Mary Grow China select board members heard two presentations at their Dec. 16 meeting. Resident James Hsiang expanded on the plan for a community garden that he presented in November; and Dr. Timothy Pieh, of Rome, Maine, and MaineGeneral Medical Center, summarized the first year of Kennebec County’s MD3 program. Hsiang proposed locating the […]

Up and Down the Kennebec Valley: Education in Fairfield

by Mary Grow After multiple postponements, this article really is about the history of education – elementary education; high schools next week – in Fairfield, the town next upstream from Waterville on the west bank of the Kennebec River. Your writer thanks the Fairfield Historical Society for generously sharing material on the topic. The present […]

EVENTS: China planning board meeting canceled

by Mary Grow The China Planning Board meeting and public hearing scheduled for Tuesday evening, Dec. 10, were canceled due to weather conditions. The two main agenda items were a public hearing and application review for a proposed retail store at 363 Route 3, in South China, and review of the town’s application for an […]

Up and Down the Kennebec Valley: William Mathews of Waterville

by Mary Grow As noted last week, this biographical sketch of Professor William Mathews, LL.D. (Doctor of Laws), is another follow-up to an earlier account, the Nov. 21 article on Waterville residents Jeremiah Chaplin and James Hobbs Hanson. Mathews was mentioned as a critic of Rev. Chaplin’s preaching. He also wrote the chapter in Edwin […]

China select board hears proposal for street radio installations

by Mary Grow China select board members’ main topic at their Dec. 2 meeting was a proposal by Tom Kroh, Regional Director, Site Acquisition and Deployment, for Ubicquia, Inc., based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. His company would like to contract with the town to attach street radios to town streetlights, to improve residents’ telephone and […]