Entries by Mary Grow

China planners finish three ordinance changes

by Mary Grow CHINA, ME — China Planning Board members used their March 15 meeting to finish getting three proposed ordinance changes in final form. They hope to ask voters to approve them at the June 14 town business meeting. The draft ordinances are amended versions of Chapter 2 and Chapter 11 of China’s Land […]

VASSALBORO: Funds added to budget for church razing

by Mary Grow VASSALBORO, ME — Vassalboro Budget Committee members continued their pre-town-meeting work at a March 15 meeting. They reviewed the third draft of the proposed municipal budget, and heard more details about the Vassalboro Public Library trustees’ plans. Town Manager Mary Sabins had amended the earlier budget proposal by increasing recommended amounts for […]

Vassalboro select board approves suggested marijuana business ordinance changes

by Mary Grow VASSALBORO, ME — At their March 17 meeting, Vassalboro Select Board members recommended ways to spend part of the town’s $231,692.56 in federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds and discussed amending the town’s Marijuana Business Ordinance, approved by voters in June 2021. They had anticipated two marijuana ordinance issues, a virtual […]

VASSALBORO: Fuel costs to affect several budget areas

by Mary Grow Vassalboro Budget Committee members started their second meeting on March 10 with a wrap-up of the previously discussed 2022-23 public works budget proposal. They moved on to solid waste, and then stopped until they have updated estimated fuel costs, which will affect several budget areas. The price of paving material fluctuates with […]

China transfer station committee agrees on formula for rate hike

by Mary Grow China Transfer Station Committee members agreed unanimously on two recommendations at their March 8 meeting. They will ask select board members to provide help – perhaps an intern – to analyze data from the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) system that keeps track of vehicles entering the transfer station. Committee Chairman Lawrence Sikora […]

China Broadband Committee (CBC) reaches no conclusion on expanded services

Consolidated: expansion “not likely” in the short term by Mary Grow China Broadband Committee (CBC) members continued consideration of possibilities for offering residents expanded and improved internet broadband service at a March 9 meeting. They came to no conclusions. Committee members have been talking with representatives of Spectrum Communications and Consolidated Communications, the two companies […]