Entries by Mary Grow

China, Palermo agree on new transfer station fees

by Mary Grow China Select Board members held a brief meeting Feb. 28. With one member absent and another participating remotely, board Chairman Ronald Breton had postponed continued review of the proposed 2022-23 town budget. Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood reported that she and Robert Kurek, who chairs the Palermo Select Board and is one of […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Wars – Part 8

by Mary Grow Generals Chandler and Ripley Two national military leaders in the War of 1812, Brigadier General John Chandler and Brigadier General Eleazer (or Eleazar – sources differ) Wheelock Ripley, were from Maine, according to Louis Hatch’s state history. Both had connections with the central Kennebec Valley: Chandler lived most of his life in […]

VASSALBORO: Mothers want to nix mask requirement

by Mary Grow At their Feb. 15 meeting, Vassalboro School Board members again heard from half a dozen mothers who do not want their children to wear masks in school. Board members corrected two pieces of misinformation the parents had heard, and Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer said he is “incredibly hopeful” that if Maine’s covid cases […]

China committee approves four TIF requests

by Mary Grow At a brief meeting Feb. 9, members of China’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Committee unanimously approved four requests for TIF funds for the 2022-23 fiscal year. Their recommendations go next to the select board; voters at the June 14 town business meeting will make the final decision. The approved applications were from […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Wars – Part 7

by Mary Grow War of 1812 Hampden and Wiscasset Two events in September 1814 involved central Kennebec Valley residents directly in the war against the British, fortunately without recorded casualties. The first and less significant began in Hampden, where British forces sailed up the Penobscot River to capture the USS Adams. The Adams began life […]

CHINA: Committee discusses out-of-town disposal options

by Mary Grow At their Feb. 8 meeting, China Transfer Station Committee members continued discussion of out-of-town disposal options and possible changes at the local disposal facility (see The Town Line, Jan. 20, p. 3). They again reached no conclusions. After years of sending trash to the Penobscot Energy Recovery Corporation (PERC) incinerator, China and […]