Entries by Mary Grow

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Library series conclusion

by Mary Grow Vassalboro, Waterville, Winslow There is no evidence that the Town of Vassalboro had a public library before 1909, when the ancestor of the present lively institution was founded. The 1909 association’s bylaws give it two names, the Free Public Library Association of Vassalboro, d/b/a Vassalboro Library Association. The library has always been […]

China planners settle three issues

by Mary Grow China Planning Board members settled all three issues on their Dec. 14 meeting agenda. They approved a revised subdivision plan for Fire Road 19, updating records to show a relocated road. They agreed the former subdivision on the Lakeview Drive lot that Brent Chesley recently bought from the Town of China had […]

China TIF committee receives first 2022-23 application

by Mary Grow Members of China’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Committee received their first applications for 2022-23 TIF funds at their Dec. 13 meeting. They postponed action until more applications are in, they hope by the Jan. 3, 2022, deadline. Scott Pierz, executive director of the China Region Lakes Alliance, talked about plans for the […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Palermo & Little Free Libraries

by Mary Grow Palermo residents are currently enjoying at least the third library in the town’s history. The earliest, according to Millard Howard’s history of Palermo, was started by Benjamin Marden 2nd, “around mid-century [1850], apparently at his home on Marden Hill,” and was called the Palermo and China Social Library. Marden Hill is in […]

China Broadband Committee (CBC) entertains proposal for expanded service

by Mary Grow China Broadband Committee (CBC) members entertained a proposal for expanded service by Spectrum at their Dec. 9 meeting, and offered multiple suggestions for sweetening the deal. Spectrum was represented by Melinda Kinney, Regional Senior Director for Spectrum’s parent company, Charter Communications. Her prepared presentation started with Spectrum’s nation-wide reach, zeroed in on […]

Vassalboro select board discusses money, ordinances

by Mary Grow Much of the discussion at the Dec. 9 Vassalboro select board meeting was about either ordinances or money, the money as a preliminary to consideration of the 2022-23 municipal budget. Ordinances included the Marijuana Business Ordinance town voters approved in June and the Mass Gathering Ordinance they rejected in November. The former […]