Entries by Mary Grow

Vassalboro town meeting set for June 7-8

by Mary Grow Vassalboro’s annual town meeting will be held Monday, June 7, and Tuesday, June 8. The town meeting warrant and related information are posted in the center column of the town website, www.vassalboro.net. The open meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. Monday at the Vassalboro Community School gymnasium. After voters complete Art. 37 (the […]

China selectmen act on bids

by Mary Grow At their May 24 meeting, China selectmen acted on bids for summer work and got updated information on buildings that might meet the state definition of a dangerous building. They need more information on the buildings before possible action. Bids were requested for three categories: road paving, materials for the Public Works […]

China business meeting ballot shortened to ease voting

by Mary Grow For the second year in a row, China’s annual town business meeting will be entirely by written ballot, with voters able to choose an absentee ballot or a Tuesday, June 8, trip to the polls. To shorten voting time, town officials have condensed the ballot into 26 articles, most dealing with 2021-22 […]

China planners approve extension on solar permit

by Mary Grow At their May 11 meeting China Planning Board members approved a one-year extension of SunRaise Investments’ permit for a solar development on Route 3. At their April 27 meeting, SunRaise representatives explained delays in starting construction as due to factors outside their control. Planners postponed action in case neighbors wanted to comment; […]

CBC decision makes it easier for consultants to prepare costs

by Mary Grow At their May 13 meeting, China Broadband Committee (CBC) members unanimously approved one piece of the outline of their proposed China Community Broadband Project, making it easier for their consultants to prepare cost scenarios. The program they intend to offer will have three tiers, or service levels, providing different capacities at different […]

China committee gets update from Fiberight

by Mary Grow China Transfer Station Committee members focused on various forms of recycling at their May 11 meeting, talking about China’s Free for the Taking building; regional hazardous waste disposal and alternatives; and additional recycling possibilities. They also got an update on plans to reopen the Fiberight disposal facility in Hampden from Michael Carroll, […]

Vassalboro library, town-sponsored rec coordination gets conditional interest

by Mary Grow  At their May 13 meeting, Vassalboro selectmen talked about coordinating Vassalboro’s town-sponsored recreation program with the Vassalboro Public Library, with library Director Brian Stanley expressing conditional interest. The recreation program, which focuses mainly but not entirely on organizing use of the town ballfields in East Vassalboro, is run by a director, who […]