Entries by Peter Cates

REVIEW POTPOURRI – Composer: Bartok; Musician: Sidney Bechet; Comedians: Jonathan Winters & Dean Martin

by Peter Cates Bartok Divertimento; 5 Chants for Children’s Chorus and Orchestra; 12 Miniatures for Orchestra Vassil Kazandjiev conducting the Sofia Chamber Orchestra, with the Bodra Smyana Children’s Chorus directed by Liliana Bocheva singing the five chants – Balkanton/Harmonia Mundi HMB 103, stereo LP, released early 1980s. Also a noted Bulgarian composer and now 84, […]

REVIEW POTPOURRI: Yellow Rolls Royce/Umbrellas of Cherbourg Excerpts

by Peter Cates Yellow Rolls Royce/Umbrellas of Cherbourg Excerpts Cinema Sound Stage Orchestra, Somerset records, LP, 1965. The 1964 films, Yellow Rolls Royce/Umbrellas of Cherbourg generated original musical sound tracks. The above release had no connection with the originals. The Cinema players were hired by D.L.Miller, a fascinating businessman worthy of a biography while the […]

REVIEW POTPOURRI – Bizet: Carmen excerpts

by Peter Cates Bizet Carmen excerpts Remington RLP-199-15, mono LP, recorded in 1950. Remington records was started in 1950 and stayed in business until 1957. The records themselves often had noisy surfaces; they also had very beautiful and colorful album covers, which makes them often collectible and also very expensive on different Internet sites. Finally, […]

REVIEW POTPOURRI: The World’s Greatest Cellists

by Peter Cates The World’s Greatest Cellists Sine Qua Non-SQN-112X, three LPs, released 1973. The set contains an assortment of truly great masterworks performed by three of the greatest practitioners of the cello. Each individual and his offering(s) will be considered: Pablo Casals (1876-1973) did more than any previous player to expand appreciation of the […]

REVIEW POTPOURRI – Singer: Sarah Vaughan

by Peter Cates Sarah Vaughan Sings the Mancini Songbook Mercury, 61009, stereo LP, recorded 1965. This very fine album, a bringing together of one of the finest singers and composers in American music history, was a collaboration that never got the attention it truly deserved. Singer Sarah Vaughan (1924-1990) brought thorough professionalism, exquisite taste, and […]

REVIEW POTPOURRI: Mendelssohn Violin Concerto Part 2

by Peter Cates (Read part one here.) Zino Francescatti had a style of playing that was elegant, vibrantly alive and communicative and recorded an early ‘50s Columbia mono LP with Dimitri Mitropoulos and the New York Philharmonic in which this style truly shined. A late ‘50s second recording of the firebrand Jascha Heifetz paired him […]