Entries by Website Editor

Financial Fitness Fair held at Messalonskee High School: New Dimensions FCU hosts mission to provide financial education

On January 17, New Dimensions Federal Credit Union arrived at Messalonskee High School, in Oakland, and set up and put on a Financial Fitness Fair for around 720 students. The mission was to provide education on financial security and basic real-life budgeting concepts. The students chose a profession and were assigned an annual salary and […]

Heading up court

Waterville rec basketball team member Becket Gray, 9, runs down the court during a recent game at the Alfond Youth Center, in Waterville.                    Photo by Mark Huard, owner Central Maine Photography

Bald eagles back in the news

by Roland D. Hallee Bald eagles are in the news again. It seems they have made such a historic recovery from near extinction, that they once again are becoming a nuisance in rural areas, especially among chicken farmers. Unfortunately, that has led to the killing of many bald eagles, illegally of course, but still, a […]

SOLON & BEYOND, Week of January 19, 2017

by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy grams29@tds.net Solon, Maine 04979 Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy! The Solon Pine Tree 4-H Club has been busy in December and January. In December they adopted a family and gave them a Christmas dinner in December, collected items for the Somerset Animal Shelter, enjoyed a Christmas Party […]

I’m Just Curious: Random acts of kindness

by Debbie Walker I want to write about what I believe is a very simple subject. I thought it was anyway. I made the mistake of looking it up on the internet. Sometimes things just go a little too far. So I will tell you tonight what I captured from something called “Coffee Cups and […]