Entries by Website Editor

PALERMO: Community Garden gives back

Group seeks donations for seed money by Connie Bellet Although 350 pounds of vegetables may not sound like a lot, the fact that most of these freshly-picked, organic veggies are greens that do not weigh a lot translates into loads of nutrition for people in our communities. Every growing season, the volunteers at the Palermo […]

The town of China has a new author!

Lance Gilman, who was born in Waterville, raised in Bangor (graduated from Bangor High School) and currently a resident of China, is now an author who has just released his first book – Conquering Retirement! Lance is a 20-year veteran combat engineer, army officer and an independent Investment Adviser Representative (IAR). He is also President […]

LEGAL NOTICES for Thursday, November 30, 2023

STATE OF MAINE SOMERSET, SS. DISTRICT COURT SKOWHEGAN DOCKET NO. CV23-136 ORDER FOR SERVICE ON DEFENDANT BY PUBLICATION THE INHABITANTS OF WEST FORKS PLANTATION of Somerset County, Maine PLAINTIFF v. GLADYS M. DURGIN’S heirs, legal representatives, devisees, assigns, trustees in bankruptcy, disseizors, Creditors, leinors and their grantees, and any and all other persons who claim […]

OBITUARIES for Thursday, November 30, 2023

ROLAND E. TUTTLE WINSLOW — Roland E Tuttle, 81, passed peacefully on Wednesday, November 1, 2023. Roland was born in Winslow, on June 6, 1942, to Randall B & Gertrude (Grant) Tuttle. He attended Waterville schools, and although he started his work career before completing high school, he later earned his GED. Roland worked physically […]

EVENTS: Mary Matteson to lead sing-a-long

On Tuesday, December 5, the South China Community Church will offer a hymn sing-a-long at 1 p.m. Please come and join in singing many of your favorite hymns. Christmas hymns and festive holiday songs will also be sung. To add to the special gathering, they will have bells to ring and refreshments to enjoy after […]