THE BEST VIEW: Picking raspberries, with reptiles

by Norma Best Boucher

I have always loved raspberries. My earliest memory of the sweet seedy globules was on my aunt’s farm, in Bangor. In the summer my father and I visited his older sister’s family for a week filled with the softness of feather beds, the smell of sweet peas, the taste of fresh garden produce, and the succulence of ripe red raspberries.

I had been too young to go berry picking before that summer. Apparently, it was more work to watch me than to pick raspberries, but that year I became of age, four. With the index finger of my left hand gripping the handle of the small tin cup and with all the fingers of my right hand grasping my father’s fingers, I was off on an adventure into the Maine woods.

The year was 1951, so television hadn’t educated me. The only animals I knew were dogs that bit, cats that scratched, and an array of bugs that did God knows what. I was a typical city girl about to be introduced into the wild.

My father, my aunt, and I walked for what my short legs felt was forever but for what my imagination thought was a second. I was introduced to chipmunks, to birds, to wild flowers, to fallen trees, and to peace.

I never got the hang of berry picking that summer because I saw an unidentified bug on a bright red fruit and refused to touch any other berries. I did behave, though. As long as they filled my cup with juicy berries, I stood quietly and contentedly in one spot watching them and eating one red berry at a time.

In a short time, they exhausted the area and moved farther away. I stayed on my spot to avoid the scratchy bushes, but I never lost sight of my father. As soon as I had eaten that last berry in my cup, my father refilled it, each time promising me there were no bugs.

My aunt eventually moved much farther away, and I heard her voice fade into the distance.

Becoming more relaxed with my surroundings, I began to take in the sights – trees, birds, and new sounds. Quite at peace with the world, I reached into my cup for another berry. As I did, I looked down past the cup to the ground.

Just then a long, slender, green creature slithered across the top of my bright red canvas sneakers. I let out one long, loud, blood-curdling scream. In the distance I heard the sound of my aunt’s yell and an avalanche of gravel.

Of course, my father ran to me first, and after calming my tears, he explained that I had seen only a harmless snake. Even today the words “harmless” and “snake” are never used by me in the same sentence.

Back then I stuck out my pouted lips and begged to be carried. I decided then and there that my feet would never again touch the same ground as that “harmless snake.”

Carrying me, my father set off to find my aunt. We discovered her at the bottom of a gravel pit. Hearing my shriek, she had lost her footing and had slid feet first, stomach flat all the way down to the bottom.

After relating my episode with the reptile, they both laughed hysterically and did so for many years later with the memory. Only later in life did I fully grasp the humor of the situation.

I enjoy daily walks now but on the side of the road. Lately, I have seen red raspberries ripening. With no one watching, I walk into the brambles and pick a handful of berries. They are just as sweet as on that first day in the woods at my aunt’s farm. Each day I take a handful noticing that others are doing the same. Soon they will be gone and a cherished memory will fade with them.

On those daily walks I continue to look for the chipmunks, the birds, the wildflowers, the fallen trees, and the peace.

Oh, yes. I still look for the bugs on the raspberries…but never, never do I look down for that “harmless snake” in the grass.

REVIEW POTPOURRI – Musician: Carl Stevens; The Lotus Club

Carl Stevens

Peter Catesby Peter Cates

Carl Stevens

Carl Stevens was the professional name of trumpeter Charles H. Sagle (1927-2015). A 1959 Mercury LP, Muted Memories, featured him with a group of four outstanding session players performing a dozen pop classics.

They include Cole Porter’s I Concent­rate on You, Harry Warren and Johnny Mercer’s Jeeper Creepers, Cy Coleman’s Witchcraft, Duke Ellington’s Satin Doll, Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Younger than Springtime , etc. The accompanying musicians included Bobby Christian (1911-1991) on percussion, guitarist Frank D’Rone (1932-2013), John Frigo (1916-2007) on bass and pianist Dick Marx (1924-1997). For those who wish to explore further, each of the four have recorded albums under their own name for Mercury and other labels.

On the surface, the music here might sound like typical background music at a bar or restaurant but, if one listens closely, he/she would hear different shades of phrasing provided by an assortment of mutes and the sharing of solo spotlights among the five musicians.

My copy of the album is on Mercury’s budget priced Wing label whose various classical and pop reissues were found often in downtown Waterville’s long gone dime stores such as Center’s and McClellan’s for $1.47 when I shopped for records at the cheapest possible price. Nowadays, some of the recordings of all five musicians can be heard via YouTube, including the above album.

Lotos Club

The Lotos Club

The Lotos Club was founded in 1870 as a gentleman’s club for the promotion of literature, art, music and other cultural topics; still in operation in New York City, it would eventually honor women with membership.

A 1911 book, Speeches at the Lotos Club contains after dinner speeches from the likes of Teddy Roosevelt, Andrew Carnegie, composer Richard Strauss and Mark Twain, and many long forgotten luminaries.

Current members include soprano Renee Fleming, cellist Yo Yo Ma and trumpeter Wynton Marsalis.

In a speech given January 11, 1908, Mark Twain reminisced about his very happy recent trip to England and then stated, “that you know you can’t understand an Englishman’s joke, and the Englishman can’t understand our jokes. The cause is very simple, it is for the reason that we are not familiar with the conditions that make the point of the English joke.”





FOR YOUR HEALTH: The benefits of that cup of coffee

Ah, coffee. Whether you’re cradling a travel mug on your way to work or dashing out after spin class to refuel with a skinny latte, it’s hard to imagine a day without it. The caffeine perks you up, and there’s something incredibly soothing about sipping a steaming cup of joe. But is drinking coffee good for you?
Good news: The case for coffee is stronger than ever. Study after study indicates you could be getting more from your favorite morning beverage than you thought: Coffee is chock full of substances that may help guard against conditions more common in women, including Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease.
Caffeine is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about coffee. But coffee also contains antioxidants and other active substances that may reduce internal inflammation and protect against disease, say nutrition experts from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

What are the top health benefits of drinking coffee?

Your brew gives you benefits beyond an energy boost. Here are the top ways coffee can positively impact your health:

You could live longer.

Recent studies found that coffee drinkers are less likely to die from some of the leading causes of death in women: coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease.

Your body may process glucose (or sugar) better.

That’s the theory behind studies that found that people who drink more coffee are less likely to get type 2 diabetes.
You’re less likely to develop heart failure. Drinking one to two cups of coffee a day may help ward off heart failure, when a weakened heart has difficulty pumping enough blood to the body.
You are less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease. Caffeine is not only linked to a lower chance of developing Parkinson’s disease, but it may also help those with the condition better control their movements.

Your liver will thank you.

Both regular and decaf coffee seem to have a protective effect on your liver. Research shows that coffee drinkers are more likely to have liver enzyme levels within a healthy range than people who don’t drink coffee.

Your DNA will be stronger.

Dark roast coffee decreases breakage in DNA strands, which occur naturally but can lead to cancer or tumors if not repaired by your cells.

Your odds of getting colon cancer will go way down.

One in 23 women develop colon cancer. But researchers found that coffee drinkers — decaf or regular — were 26 percent less likely to develop colorectal cancer.

You may decrease your risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease.

Almost two-thirds of Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease are women. But the caffeine in two cups of coffee may provide significant protection against developing the condition. In fact, researchers found that women age 65 and older who drank two to three cups of coffee a day were less likely to develop dementia in general.

You’re not as likely to suffer a stroke.

For women, drinking at least one cup of coffee a day is associated with lowered stroke risk, which is the fourth leading cause of death in women.

I’M JUST CURIOUS: Different uses for beer, soap, coffee grounds

by Debbie Walker

This column will make some folks happy and some probably not so happy. I am going to start with beer:

For some who the thought of using beer for anything other than drinking could cause them painful thoughts, this might make you feel a little better: Do you have any yellow patches in your lawn (possibly from a fungus)? IF you have any flat beer in the house, feed it to the yellow (finding flat beer a problem?) and watch it improve.

Need help falling asleep? Not a drinker, you don’t have to be. I don’t know where to find it but I read you need to buy some India pale ale, no, not to drink. Wash your pillowcases with three to five tablespoons of the ale, the hops make quite the sedative.

Wish Mom and Dad knew you could use beer to wash the smell of skunk off your dog. If my Mom was still alive I would love to tell her this one! Mom went into our barn one night and came back into the house smelling of skunk. We dug through the pantry looking for anything tomato trying to find the cure. Of course, the skunk had sprayed Mom close to our front door and that smell lasted just way too long! Got any stories?

Do you have gold jewelry? You don’t need the expensive cleaner. Pour some pale beer in a shallow bowl, add the jewelry. After soaking for 10 minutes, buff with clean cloth – it sparkles again.

Do you ever have slivers of bar soap? Slivers have uses, too.

Do you have a zipper that sticks? Rub the sliver on the teeth of the zipper, a couple of ups and downs and ta-da, it works.

Do you have a cabinet or room door that sticks? That’s right, just rub the soap sliver where it seems to be sticking. Works like a charm.

Do you have a pet who likes to chew, and is trying to chew electrical cords? Wipe those cords with your sliver of soap and your pet will decide the taste is not appealing.

Coffee grounds are usually a throw-away item in the home. There are uses for the used grounds.

Do you have black clothing that’s faded? Revive them with coffee “dye”. Steep ¼ cup of coffee grounds in one gallon of water for 10 minutes. Pour in washer with clothing and run on gentle cycle (no soap). Once the dying is over run a cycle of the washer with a cup of vinegar.

Coffee grounds for the garden. Sprinkle a thin layer of coffee grounds over the soil. When it rains, nitrogen will seep into the dirt. It will create a healthier environment.

I am going to get a little personal for a few minutes. I guess most people are aware that Florida, as well as a few other states, just experienced a hurricane. When I first moved here from New England my family and friends thought if the news said “Florida” then it must be affecting me. Not the case. I live in what is referred to as “Central West Coast” Florida. It means we are on the west coast of Florida and midway down the coast.

I have been here the better part of 40 years and have always considered myself lucky this is the area I landed in! David moved here from Maine in March and he was feeling uneasy (to say the least) about all the talk of hurricanes. I explained to him there are many types of areas here just as in Maine. There are miles of coast and some lowlands in Citrus County but for the most part we have comfortable elevation. Dave kept the TV on and watched here as it rained, and we had some wind. The TV is, of course, showing all the hardest hit areas of the coast and across state.

I recommend whenever anyone is relocating, please research the areas you are interested in. I have met too many people who moved here with so little information. For instance, because you visit here once and the property appears dry, next time you come, it looks like a lake. Get the idea?

Are you curious about anything Florida? Let me know, I’m not selling anymore but I haven’t forgotten what I have learned! Contact me at

REVIEW POTPOURRI – Authur: James Thurber

James Thurber

Peter Catesby Peter Cates

James Thurber

James Thurber (1894-1961) achieved a much deserved hilarious notoriety for his writings and cartoons via the New Yorker. With respect to his cartoons, Maine’s own E.B. White, while still working at the magazine’s Manhattan office as an assistant editor, found some of Thurber’s sketches in the wastebasket and published them, later commenting that they could stand on their own as artistic expressions.

One notable book, Thurber’s Dogs, collected his writings and drawings celebrating those real and imaginary canines; a paragraph conveys the precisely honed wit and clarity that Thurber achieved so often:

“My inherent fairness and open mind led me to admit that some dogs have been known to let people down, or stand them up, or exasperate and even distress them by unpredictable behavior. I even went so far as to confess that some of my own dogs had double-crossed me for a total, as I put it then, of sixteen or eighteen times, but I quickly added that the basic fault was, in almost every instance, my own.”

Two other highly recommended books are My Life and Hard Times, recounting his childhood growing up in Columbus, Ohio; and The Years With Ross, documenting the years of working with the legendary founder and editor of the New Yorker, Harold Ross (1892-1951).

A frequently anthologized sketch from My Life is The Night the Bed Fell which can be read on Google.

In the Years With Ross, Thurber comments on the huge thick mane of hair on Ross’s head which made my woman comment that she wanted to take off her shoes and walk barefoot through it.

When Thurber was seven, he and a brother were playing William Tell. His brother’s arrow missed the apple and took out one of Thurber’s eyes. The resulting neurological damage is believed to have caused increasing blindness during Thurber’s later years.

Thurber also wrote that his mother was one of the greatest comedians he ever witnessed. She once pretended to be paralyzed at a revival service and then jumped up screaming, “I’m healed.”

SCORES & OUTDOORS: What are all those chirps we hear in the night?


Roland D. Halleeby Roland D. Hallee

I’ve always been interested in folklore. It is intriguing how older generations and cultures came up with them, with most dealing with nature.

While sitting around a campfire with friends once in late summer, we heard a cricket chirp in the distance. One of the friends, we’ll call her Lauri, groaned at the sound. “What’s the matter?” I asked. Lauri responded, “Hearing a cricket means the end of summer.”


Well, my curiosity got the best of me. I started asking many acquaintances, friends, family and whoever else would listen: Had they ever heard of that folklore? The answer has been “no” every time. One thing I failed to ask Lauri was where she had heard that. It probably is an old wives tale or something, just like the cicada predicting the first killing frost in the fall, or the wooly bear caterpillar forecasting the severity of a winter.

Crickets, family Gryllidaeare, are found in all parts of the world, except in cold regions at higher latitudes. They are also found in many habitats, upper tree canopies, in bushes, and among grasses and herbs. They also exist on the ground, in caves, and some are subterranean, excavating shallow or deep burrows. Some live in rotting wood, and some will even run and jump over the surface of water. They are related to the bush crickets, and more distantly, to grasshoppers.

Crickets are relatively defenseless. Most species are nocturnal and spend the day hidden. They burrow to form temporary shelters, and fold their antennae to conceal their presence. Other defensive strategies are camouflage, fleeing and aggression. Some have developed colorings that make them difficult to see by predators who hunt by sight.

Male crickets make a loud chirping sound by scraping two specially textured limbs together. This organ is located on the fore wing. Most females lack the necessary parts to stridulate, so they make no sound.

Crickets chirp at different rates depending on their species and the temperature of their environment. Most species chirp at higher rates the higher the temperature. The relationship between temperature and the rate of chirping is known as Dolbear’s law. According to this law, counting the number of chirps produced in 14 seconds by the snowy tree cricket, common in the United States, and adding 40 will approximate the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.

Some crickets, such as the ground cricket, are wingless. Others have small fore wings and no hind wings, others lack hind wings and have shortened fore wings in females only, while others have hind wings longer than the fore wings. Probably, most species with hind wings longer than fore wings engage in flight.

Crickets have relatively powerful jaws, and several species have been known to bite humans.

Male crickets establish their dominance over each other by aggression. They start by slashing each other with their antennae and flaring their mandibles. Unless one retreats at this stage, they resort to grappling, at the same time each emitting calls that are quite unlike those uttered in other circumstances. Once one achieves dominance, is sings loudly, while the defeated remains silent.

Crickets have many natural enemies. They are eaten by large numbers of vertebrate and invertebrate predators and their hard parts are often found during the examination of animal intestines.

The folklore and mythology surrounding crickets is extensive. The singing of crickets in the folkore of Brazil and elsewhere is sometimes taken to be a sign of impending rain. In Alagoas state, northeast Brazil, a cricket announces death, thus it is killed if it chirps indoors, while in Barbados, a loud cricket means money is coming, hence the cricket must not be killed or evicted if it chirps inside the house.

In literature, the French entomologist Jean-Henri Fabre’s popular Souvenirs Entomoloquques devotes a whole chapter to the cricket. Crickets have also appeared in poetry. William Wordsworth’s 1805 poem, The Cottager to Her Infant includes the lines, “The kitten sleeps upon the hearth, The crickets long have ceased their mirth.” John Keats’ 1819 poem Ode to Autumn, includes the lines, “Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft, the redbreast whistles from a garden-croft.” Could this be from where that folkore about the end of summer comes?

Crickets are kept as pets and are considered good luck in some countries. In China, they are kept in cages specially created. The practice is also common in Japan, and has been for thousands of years. Cricket fighting is a traditional Chinese pastime that dates back to the Tang dynasty (618-907). It was originally a common indulgence for emperors, but later became popular with commoners. (I hope Vince McMahon doesn’t read this!)

While serving in the Army in Southeast Asia from 1968-69 (Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam), I learned that crickets are commonly eaten as a snack, prepared by deep frying the soaked and cleaned insects. In Thailand, there are 20,000 farmers rearing crickets, with an estimated production of 7,500 tons per year. No, I didn’t try them.

And, of course, in popular culture, we have Walt Disney’s Jiminy Cricket in the 1940 film Pinocchio, and in the 1998 film Mulan, Cri-kee is carried in a cage as a symbol of good luck.

In the media, the sound of crickets is often used to emphasize silence, often for comic effect after an awkward joke.

I’ll bet you didn’t think crickets had such a valued place in societies and cultures for centuries.

Roland’s trivia questions of the week:

Is Jim Rice the all-time Red Sox home run leader among right-handed batters?

Answer here.
Yes (382).

VETERANS CORNER: Best way to apply for VA benefits is to contact a veterans service officer

by Gary Kennedy

Those of us who have been in the VA system for some time assume that everyone knows how to apply for help from the VA. Unfortunately, that is not the case. I meet people all the time that don’t have a clue on how to become part of the system. That is exactly what you must do to begin with, become part of the system.

The best way to begin is to connect with a Veteran’s Service Officer, (VSO). There are many agencies that can be of help such as American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Disabled American Veterans, Maine Veterans Services and Paralyzed Veterans of Maine. There are also independents such as myself as well as VA lawyers. The latter one is a last resort as it will cost you a percentage of your initial win. However, they have a good track record in financial recovery. Also, as I stated in previous issues the most knowledgeable V.S.O.’s are located at Veteran Services on the second floor of building 248. They now accept walk-ins or you can call and make an appointment. In my opinion this is the fastest way you can achieve your goal. Once again the number is 207-621-6938. Their door remains locked at street level so you will have to enter via building 200 or 205.

VA has made changes since covid. Some of the doctors we have grown to know have either left for greener pastures or retired. Dr. Susan Hage, physiatrist, has gone as well as Dr. Cathy Boulet, both of the PN clinic. They will be missed. However, they have been replaced by some knowledgeable medical professionals such as Dr. Macy, physiatrist. She is very gentle and extremely knowledgeable. They really know their stuff when it comes to anatomy and physiology.

That is a very complicated skill set but take is from me they really have their stuff together. They know what pain is all about and how to deal with it. I have found that department to be very thorough. Also many of you remember Dr. Juta Eichelman, Doctor of Neurology. She was that great doctor with the German accent. I spent a couple of years in Germany and was stationed near her home. Through the years we became great friends.

As most of you know the equipment in that department broke down years ago and EMG’s were all farmed out at great expense. This was very heartening for Dr. Eichelman. I don’t know if she resigned or just retired. I for one do miss her. Since then new equipment has been acquired. Orthopedics has also had some changes. Drs. Beauchene and Olinik have left. Actually, I believe we are still short an orthopedic surgeon and I have heard we could use more operating theatres.

Also, I might add, emergency needs more room, as well as a better access to the emergency room for ambulances. Stroke and heart attack care experience is of great demand at every medical facility. They are disorders that are extremely time sensitive. There has been some turn over at Podiatry, however, Dr. Melissa Williams is still running the show and is an excellent foot and ankle doctor and surgeon. Her door is always open to our veterans. For the veteran that is an area of expertise that is direly needed.

There has been some retirement in Release of Information but Donna, Ruth and Sandy are still able to keep the door open and the flow of needed information available to their veterans. Their job is probably the most stressful positions in all of VA as they are responsible for not only VA medical records but social security issues as well. Unfortunately, they are always shorthanded. Be patient with them as they are doing the best they can, with limited staff. I hear a lot of people say “if I were running the show”, I would do this and that. If I were running the show with the VA budget I would prioritize and implement that which is critical. However, that is too logical a solution. In any case we veterans need the VA system even with its flaws.

The administration should know that 75 years ago, or so, veterans were given a pool and gym in which to work out their physical and emotional problems. That was considered important then and hasn’t changed to this day. We have been sending letters to Washington in order to gain some support and also remove the non-military obstacles that plague veterans receiving the care they need and deserve. That facility is the home of thousands of physical therapy interventions and should be considered alongside the other support venues that should be available to veterans.

A new school of thought is needed regarding this issue. Many veterans still talk about this loss, taken by the administration. If enough of us stand for our rights the powers that be will disappear and things will go back to normal. Administration has opted to make our bricks pretty at the cost of just repairing the pool which is needed for spinal therapy and emotional therapy. For some of us veterans this is a home away from home and serves to help us live longer, and more pain free lives. We need Washington to step in. Please give the gym back to the veteran and open the pool. It is now being used to store hospital beds. Very sad!

It is a slap in the face to veterans to rent our facility out to employees and deny veterans access. While at the same time tell veterans VA will pay for them to go to YMCA. We always shared the gym with employees on scheduled days per week. Now the director is saying it should be used as an employee perk. There are 500 acres at VA. Let them perk somewhere else. There perhaps should be more veterans employed in the administration office. For sure, that office is not listening as they didn’t listen about building the Hospitality House on wet lands.

As you know, I did file a complaint with the State of Maine before they built it, in order to eliminate the follies and to protect the wildlife habitat there. They built the building and now it is shutdown and sinking, after only one year. It’s a shame and wasteful spending of other people’s money. I send my thoughts and feelings to D.C., and at least, they will know we are watching.

In closing I will share a couple of things that I had forgotten. The first would be we lost a great man, Nathan Laverriere, Chief of Business Service Line (BSL) at Togus. I believe that’s considered an over sight committee. Some employees have discussed this. I can’t elaborate as I am not personally familiar with this person, only what I am told. What I do know is he is sorely missed by the staff of Release of Information but was transferred to the Boston Office.

Elections are coming up and we wait with anticipation regarding the change of the guard. We are hoping for recognition and change before too many of the ‘Nam Era Vets expire without the peace they seek.

Vets meet weekly so hopefully I will have some more news for you next time, perhaps of a more positive nature. I know we all need it.

God bless you and yours.

The views of the author of this column are not necessarily those of The Town Line newspaper, its staff and board of directors.

LAKE LIFE TODAY: conclusion

China Lake

Lake Life Today is a series of articles that are hoped will inspire you to see how, by taking just a few steps, you can make a difference and help preserve the quality of water in our lakes for future generations.
These articles have been collected and organized by LakeSmart Director Elaine Philbrook, a member of China Region Lake Alliance (aka “the Alliance”) serving China Lake, Webber Pond, Three Mile Pond, and Three-Cornered Pond. The Alliance would like to thank our partners at Maine Lakes and Lakes Environmental Association (LEA) for information to support this article.

The LakeSmart Laker’s Dozen Lakes are fragile, Care for them today.
Enjoy them tomorrow.

As I listen to fewer loon calls at night and watch them gathering in social groups during the day, I am aware summer’s coming to a close. By the time you read this final Lake Life article of the season Meteorological Autumn will have begun. My hope has been that these Lake Life resources over the summer months would inspire you to take action and, knowing the difference you can make in the future, protect our lakes and ponds. One of my favorite quotes is, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” (Helen Keller) It seems very fitting about what needs to be done. Pick one or choose all 13 of the LakeSmart’s Dozen and make a difference for the future of our lakes and ponds.

1. Support Lake Associations.

Join the Board of Directors. Attend your Annual Lake Association’s meeting. Get involved. Visit to see a map of Maine’s Member Lake Associations.

2. Stop The Spread of Invasives.

Clean plant fragments off your boat, trailer, and boating equipment before moving your boat.

Drain bilges away from the lake when you leave a waterbody.

Dry your boat or let it sit several days between uses on different water bodies.

Never transfer water or fish from lake to lake.

This is the law as of 2023:

3. Follow Shoreland Zoning Rules.

What happens on land doesn’t stay on land. Actions you take on your property can have devastating consequences for the health of your lake. Before any project, check with your local Town Office or Code Enforcement Officer to see if you need a permit for work within the shoreland zone, the 250 feet deep strip of land along the edge of a lake.

4. End Erosion.

On a rainy day check around your buildings, paths, driveways, and roads to identify places where soil is eroding or washing away. Erosion drives phosphorus into the lake, which in turn feeds algae and causes lakes to turn green and “bloom.” Fix erosion by planting vegetation downslope; installing crushed stone or erosion control mulch where needed; or by constructing swales or rain gardens. For more information on these and other stormwater Best Management Practices visit

5. Build Better Buffers.

Trees, shrubs, and grasses protect water quality by slowing down rainwater in order for phosphorus and other pollutants to filter out in the soil before washing into the lake. Deeper buffers are better, as are those with more layers of vegetation. Native plants do more for pollinators, birds, and other wildlife. Visit Maine Audubon Native Plant finder for resources on buffer plantings.

6. Ditch Fertilizers, Herbicides and Pesticides.

Long-lasting chemicals in these products can harm children, pets, and aquatic life. They can also feed algae in your lake and turn it green and smelly.

7. Take a Break. Stash Your Rake. Save the Lake!

Limit lawn size, mow less often, and leave clippings and you won’t need fertilizer. Try not to rake within 75’ of the shore. This comes highly recommended under Shoreland Zoning Guidelines and is also a practice that helps promote native pollinators, and shelters and feeds wildlife.

8. Don’t Stress Your Septic.

Check your septic system for signs of malfunction and pump the septic tank regularly. Have your service provider check the tank’s baffles. Use phosphorus-free cleaners and detergents. Stagger laundry loads and dishwasher runs to occur no more than once a day. Avoid using the (garbage) disposal, and minimize water use when possible. Don’t put toxics or grease down the drain. Visit for more info.

9. Build Lake-Friendly Docks.

Cedar, cypress, plastic, or aluminum are good dock materials.

10. Don’t Treat Your Lake Like a Washtub.

Dogs, humans, or boats should never be washed in the lake! Soap is not good for water quality. It feeds algae and isn’t good for fish or other wildlife.

11. Observe Headway Speed Close to Shore.

Maine law prohibits wakes from boats within 200 feet of shore. Boating wakes in shallow water disturbs aquatic habitat, stirs up sediment, destabilizes the shoreline, and can damage or destroy nearby loon nests.

12. Give Wildlife a Chance.

Lake shallows and land near the water provide food and shelter for more than 60 native wildlife species and can also serve as nurseries for their young. Don’t “Tidy them up!”

13. Learn About LakeSmart.

LakeSmart provides site-specific suggestions to homeowners on how to protect water quality, enhance property values, and prevent lake degradation. To learn more, visit or contact Maine Lakes at

If you have any questions about what you can do to ensure the integrity of your valued lake or if you would like a free LakeSmart evaluation you can reach Elaine Philbrook by email at and read past Lake Life articles in The Town Line newspaper.

“Live lightly on the land for the sake of the lake (LakeSmart).”

FOR YOUR HEALTH: Liver Disease And Your Life

Show your liver a little love: Learn whether you have fatty liver disease by taking an online quiz.

(NAPSI)—You may be at risk for liver disease and not even know it. Consider this: Fatty liver disease affects an estimated 80 to 100 million Americans and many are completely unaware they have it. Fortunately, you don’t have to be among them.

Take the Liver Health Quiz

Through a simple liver health quiz, available at, it is easy to find out if you’re at risk and learn what to do next. Those who are most at risk for fatty liver disease include:
• People with type 2 diabetes
• People who are obese or have a high BMI
• People in Asian and Hispanic communities

What To Know

Fatty liver disease is one of the most common causes of liver disease in the U.S. and the most common cause of liver disease worldwide, affecting one billion people. It is the most common form of liver disease in children in the U.S. and cases have more than doubled over the last 20 years.
Causing excess fat to build up in the liver, fatty liver disease has little to no symptoms. Its exact causes are unknown but continued research indicates genetics, digestive disorders and diet can all play a role.
Research also indicates that fatty liver disease is not caused by heavy alcohol use (alcohol-associated liver disease). Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is an advanced form of fatty liver disease causing inflammation and liver damage, which can lead to liver failure and the need for liver transplant.

A Look at Your Liver

A healthy liver is essential to your overall health and wellness, and performs many necessary functions such as:
• Filtering toxins from your blood
• Making bile to help with digestion
• Storing sugar for energy
• Making protein for blood plasma
Additionally, the liver is the only solid organ in your body that can regenerate or repair itself, so getting an early diagnosis is critical. Often, liver patients can reverse liver damage or slow disease progression with a few small changes to their daily lifestyle.

Minimizing Your Risk

Everything you eat, breathe and touch is processed through your liver, therefore ensuring good liver health is critical. You can take steps to minimize your risk of fatty liver disease by following these simple tips:
• Maintain a healthy weight
•. Eat a healthy diet
• Exercise regularly
• Limit alcohol intake
• Take medications only as prescribed
In October, which is National Liver Awareness Month, the American Liver Foundation (ALF) encourages everyone to find out if they are at risk for fatty liver disease through its national public awareness campaign, Think Liver Think Life™.

About ALF

ALF is dedicated to ensuring every American understands their risk for liver disease, receives the appropriate diagnostic testing and care coordination and feels well-informed and supported throughout their liver journey. By partnering with community health centers and state departments of health, ALF offers screenings for those most at risk for fatty liver disease and provides them with connections to follow-up care when appropriate.
Getting a diagnosis early is critical for having a chance to reverse course before liver disease progresses. You can find out if you’re at risk by taking ALF’s liver health quiz at

THE BEST VIEW – School’s in: those smilin’ faces

A young girl on her first day of school. (AI generated)

by Norma Best Boucher

At first, I was embarrassed when I couldn’t remember this teacher’s name, but then I realized that teachers’ names are not written on their students’ foreheads, but what they do for their students is indelibly written on their minds.

I was going through adolescence. I hated the world, and I was sure the world hated me. My arms and legs were too long for my already too skinny body, and my hair, which had always been worn in tight side braids, was now long and stringy. I even bit my fingernails. I was too self-absorbed to notice that every other young girl looked and felt the same as I.

I sat in a corner back seat in class and saw everyone and everything that went on in the room. No one ever saw me, except, of course, when I took that long walk to the front of the room. I just knew everyone was staring at me. I did anything to avoid that walk.

I wanted to be somebody. I wanted to be special. I wanted to do something that no one else could do, and I wanted to do it well. The only individual things we ever did in class to be recognized were spelling bees, reading aloud, and playing the flash card math game. All of us could spell and read, and all the math game ever did was to prove to me and to the rest of the class that I was a math dunce.

One day, hope sprang eternal. Our class had been chosen to do a special project, and the teacher needed volunteers. Up went my hand when suddenly I heard the words “mural” and “pastels.”

Oh, no, just my luck. The only thing I did worse than math flash cards was art.

I quickly lowered my hand but not fast enough. The next words I heard were, “and Norma can be the flower girl.”

Oh, God, why me?

The mural was to have three sections. The first was to be a picture of the Waterville Savings Bank, where the mural would ultimately hang. The second section was to be a busy city street, drawn in perspective. The third was to be a friendly neighborhood setting with houses and children playing.

My job was simple, or so it seemed. All I had to do was make multi-colored dots in four rectangular flower boxes.

I worked on those boxes for what seemed forever. Every spare minute I had, I worked on those flowers, but they always looked like multi-colored dots in rectangular boxes. I erased and erased and erased again.

One day, I must have looked especially depressed. She had given me the easiest job on the entire mural, and I couldn’t even do that right. Finally, the teacher approached me.

Maybe she remembered being a young girl with long, skinny limbs, stringy hair, and bitten nails herself, or maybe she knew that the next year I would start to fill out and begin to like myself and the world. She gave me her “we can do this together” smile and asked me what my favorite flowers were.

That was easy. I liked red roses because my father gave them to my mother every year for their anniversary. I liked the pink bleeding hearts that were in front of my best friend’s house. I liked the lavender lilacs we picked on Memorial Day, even though they made me sneeze, and the lemon-colored marigolds in our neighbor’s garden that I could see from my bedroom window. Best of all, though, I liked the purple and blue pansies because they had smiling black faces.

“Draw those,” she said.

“Every time you make a dot,” she explained, “remember you’re drawing red roses, pink bleeding hearts, lavender lilacs, lemon-colored marigolds, and purple and blue pansies with smiling black faces.”

That was it. When I drew dots, they looked like dots, so all I had to do was draw flowers, and they’d look like flowers.

When each student finished his/her job on the mural, the teacher always made a point of interrupting the class for the students to recognize each artist.

I remember as if it were yesterday. When I finished my window boxes, the teacher said, “Everyone, look. Norma has finished her flowers. Aren’t they the most beautiful flowers you’ve ever seen?”

At last, I was somebody.

I literally floated through the remaining days of school in anticipation of the unveiling of the mural at the Waterville Savings Bank. I rushed my parents to the bank with such excitement they must have thought I was a young Van Gogh. When I showed them what I had done, they looked at each other with questioning expressions: “All this hullabaloo for that?”

All they saw were multi-colored dots in boxes.

I looked at their puzzled faces, and I knew they didn’t understand. I saw four flower boxes filled with red roses, pink bleeding hearts, lavender lilacs, lemon-colored marigolds, and purple and blue pansies with smiling black faces.

They didn’t know – they couldn’t know – but somehow that didn’t matter. What was really important was that I knew…and she knew.