Oakfest under sunny skies
/0 Comments/in Community, Oakland/by Website EditorOakland’s Oakfest was held on July 21 under sunny skies with live music all day by the Old Liberty String Band, Eric Lunt, E family and the Camp Manitou Band. Above, Trenton Clark, front, with his grandmother Cindy Potter, ride on the Flower Committee float. Below, the Young Americans Dance Center team members Emilee Arbo and Brooke Allen perform during the parade.
Photos by Mark Huard, owner Central Maine Photography
China police log for June 2017
/0 Comments/in China, Community, Police Log/by Website EditorFriday, June 2
9 a.m., harassment complaint, Village Rd.
Saturday, June 3
4:30 p.m., property check, Neck Rd.
4:45 p.m., property check, Old Waterville Rd.
5:10 p.m., business check, Lakeview Dr.
5:30 p.m., business check, Dunton Rd.
6 p.m., property check, Thurston Rd.
6:50 p.m., radar detail, Dirigo Rd.
8:10 p.m., business check, Vassalboro Rd.
Monday, June 5
9 a.m., traffic complaint, Weeks Mills Rd.
Friday, June 9
2:20 p.m., assist Rescue, Tyler Rd.
2:45 p.m., property dispute, Village Rd.
3:15 p.m., property check, South China boat landing
3:30 p.m., radar detail, Vassalboro Rd.
5:10 p.m., business check, Vassalboro Rd.
5:20 p.m., business check, Rte. 3.
5:30 p.m., business check, Rte. 3.
6:05 p.m., property check, Branch Mills Rd.
Sunday, June 11
8 a.m., animal complaint, Bog Rd.
Wednesday, June 14
2 p.m., civil dispute, Nana’s Way.
Thursday, June 15
3 p.m., hit and run complaint, Windsor Road.
Friday, June 16
8:30 p.m., neighborhood dispute, Colwell Boulevard.
Saturday, June 17
4 p.m., traffic stop, Aldere Park Road, warning for registration violation.
4:15 p.m., traffic stop, Dirigo Road, speeding warning.
5:10 p.m., traffic stop Dirigo Road, warning for inspection violation.
5:30 p.m., traffic stop, Weeks Mills Road, warning for stop sign violation.
7 p.m., property check, Neck Road
7:20 p.m., property check, Old Waterville Road.
Monday, June 19
4:40 p.m., traffic stop Rte. 3, warning for inspection violation.
4:58 p.m., traffic stop, Lakeview Drive, speeding warning.
5 p.m., business check, Rte. 3.
5:45 p.m., business check, Lakeview Dr.
5:55 p.m., property check, Causeway Road
6:30 p.m., property check, Nana’s Way
6:45 p.m., intoxicated male, Causeway Road. Warning for disorderly conduct, transported home.
Wednesday, June 21
10 a.m., criminal mischief, Main Street.
Friday, June 23
4:40 p.m., traffic stop, Rte. 3, speeding warning.
4:51 p.m., traffic stop, Rte. 3, speeding warning.
5:04 p.m., traffic stop, Rte. 3, speeding warning.
5:30 p.m., traffic stop, Lakeview Drive, summons for speeding.
5:45 p.m., traffic stop, Lakeview Drive, warning for expired inspection sticker.
6:17 p.m., trespass by motor vehicle complaint, Old Waterville Road.
6:45 p.m., traffic complaint, Cross Road.
Saturday, June 24
6 p.m., civil dispute, Nana’s Way.
Sunday, June 25
12:15 p.m., neighborhood dispute over unsafe gunfire, Fire Road 54.
Wednesday, June 28
4 p.m., suspicious vehicle, Main Street.
4:30 p.m., traffic complaint, Causeway Road.
Friday, June 30
2 p.m., traffic complaint, South Road.
3:55 p.m., traffic complaint, Neck Road.
China VFD thanks supporters
/0 Comments/in China, Community/by Website EditorThe China Village Volunteer Fire Department extends a sincere “Thank You” to the folks that participated in their annual Chicken BBQ & Raffle on Saturday July 8.
They were again blessed with a beautiful Saturday and very pleased to see all the people that came out to the BBQ – bringing friends and family, smiles and memories – which made for a another memorable day for us. They also extend a heartfelt appreciation to their spouses, who unselfishly donated their time, again.
They enjoyed seeing many friends again and sincerely appreciated the kind words, shared on Saturday. For all the fire department folks, events like this are a pleasant reminder of the caring and giving people in the community.
They also thank all the business that donated to the raffle: Maine Boat Rental, Wildwood, LaVerdiere’s, Circle K, Lakeview Lumber, Toby’s, The Landing, Cedar Springs golf, MJEK Seafood & Grill, Boivin’s Plumbing, Bob’s Glass, Adams Insurance, New England Imports, China Lake Auto, Raider’s Sugar Shack, Courtney’s Hot Dogs, and KFC Waterville.
Folk concert & Contra dance at Pumpkin Vine Farm Aug. 12
/0 Comments/in Community, Somerville/by Website EditorThere’s folk music in the air and it’s coming from the fields of Pumpkin Vine Family Farm in Somerville! Come find out why the pigs are shaking their tails and the goats are stomping their feet…
Sassafrass Stomp is performing their sweet, high-energy folk music on Saturday, August 12, from 6 – 9 p.m., in a tent overlooking the back fields. No experience is needed to enjoy the fun as Chrissy Fowler, the dance caller, specializes in teaching contra dance to beginners and children, at 217 Hewett Rd., in Somerville!
Sassafrass Stomp, the husband and wife duo of Adam Nordell and Johanna Davis, perform traditional fiddle tunes and old ballads from the various branches of Celtic and old-time family trees as well as their own original material. They back their sweet harmony vocals with fiddle, banjo, guitar, shruti box and foot percussion. When they are not performing, they are also the farmers of Songbird Farm, in Unity, where they grow heirloom grains. Learn more and hear samples of their music at www.sassafrassstomp.com.
Pumpkin Vine Family Farm became incorporated as a Farm Education Center in 2017, with a mission of connecting the community to small family farms. In that spirit, we are hosting this concert and dance as a non-profit event; all proceeds go to the musicians and equipment rental companies.
Tickets are $10/person or $25/family (2 adults and any number of children). Reservations are recommended as space is limited to ensure space under the tent in case of rain. Call Kelly at (207) 549-3096 or email info@pumpkinvinefamilyfarm.com to save your space. To learn more about the farm visit www.pumpkinvinefamilyfarm.com.
Self defense, computer classes in Palermo
/0 Comments/in Community, News, Palermo/by Website EditorA self defense class to increase your confidence on Tuesday and Thursday, August 8 and 10, from 6:45 to 9:00 p.m. Participants should be reasonably healthy, wear comfortable, loose clothing, sneakers and no jewelry. Bring sturdy work gloves. Cost is $10 and includes Persuader Keychain. The class is limited to 10. Pre-registration is required by calling 993-6088 or emailing palermo@palermo.lib.me.us.
Free computer classes for those who want to learn computer basics, Windows 10, Excel, and much more on Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning on Tuesday, August 15 through Thursday, August 31, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. If available, please bring a laptop. Computers and laptops will be available for those who need them. For a detailed Computer Class Outline, go to www.palermo.lib.me.us.
The library is located at 2789 Route 3. For more information: call 993-6088 or email palermo@palermo.lib.me.us or www.palermo.lib.me.us.
The Palermo Community Library offers Kindles, books, large print books, audio books, Inter-library loan, DVDs, VHS tapes, Wi-Fi, patron computers, printing, faxing, and ancestrylibrary.com! There is also a community room with a large screen TV available for meetings and presentations.
The Palermo Community Library is an all-volunteer library. If you’d like to volunteer, please call 993-6088.
What’s the “Buzz about Bees”?
/0 Comments/in Community, Unity/by Website EditorWhat types of bees are found in Maine? Why are some bee species in decline? What can we do to protect bee populations in Maine? What plants encourage bees in our landscapes? Jennifer Lund, from the Maine Department of Agriculture, will speak on the topic at the monthly series of the Sebasticook Regional Land Trust, on Wednesday, August 9, at 6:30 p.m.
To answer these and many other common questions about bees, Lund’s talk will focus on understanding basic bee biology, nesting requirements, and foraging behavior. Lund is the State Apiculturist with the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry. The Apiary program helps prevent the introduction and spread of regulated honey bee diseases, parasites, and undesirable genetic material in resident and migratory honey bee colonies.
Lund’s talk is part of the Sebasticook Regional Land Trust’s monthly speaker series, “Restoring Connections to Place,” featuring a wide variety of conservation topics. The programs are held on the second Wednesday of every month at the café, 93 Main Coffee Shop, located at 93 Main St., Unity. These monthly events are open to the public and a $5 donation is suggested. For more information, please email info@sebasticookrlt.org or call 948-3766.
Kennebec Historical society monthly meeting
/0 Comments/in Augusta, Community/by Website EditorThe Union Meeting House is on the National Register of Historic Places primarily because of the famous well preserved trompe l’oeil murals by Charles Schumacher, of Portland, done in 1866-68. The building was built in 1827-28 and is said to be one of the oldest brick churches in Maine. The presentation will focus on the murals and discuss steps being taken to preserve this historic, artistic and cultural landmark.
The speaker, Marius B. Peladeau, is the president of the Union Meeting House, director emeritus of the Farnsworth Art Museum, former executive director of the Theater at Monmouth, former exhibition curator at the L.C. Bates Museum, in Hinckley, former director of the Maine League of Historical Societies and Museums. He was an accredited White House correspondent and press secretary to a U.S. Congressman. Marius also holds B.A., M.S., and M.A. degrees and is the author of six books on art, history and culture.
The Kennebec Historical Society August Presentation is co-sponsored by the Lithgow Public Library and free to the public (donations gladly accepted). The presentation will take place on Wednesday, August 16, at 6:30 p.m., at the Lithgow Public Library, located at 45 Winthrop Street in Augusta.
China Days this weekend, August 4-6
/0 Comments/in China, Community/by Website Editor
Pie eating starts at 11:30AM for 14 and under! Photos courtesy of China Days facebook
by Eric Austin
Over its 14-year history, China Community Days has grown from a small, local festival to something that pulls in residents and tourists from all over Central Maine. This year looks to up the ante with dozens of activities, vendors, and a new community-driven event dubbed “The Bazaar” – where any resident can bring their own table and display items for sale.The festivities kick off on Friday, August 4, with a chicken barbecue at the South China American Legion at 4:30 p.m. Then bring your inner artist over to the China Primary school bus circle where there will be a parking lot art contest at 5:30 p.m. At 6 p.m., take your kids to the Youth Wiffle Ball Game up between the elementary and middle schools at the China Recreation Ball Fields.

Nearly 20 Organizations and Vendors will have booths set up on Saturday
Saturday, activities ramp up bright and early at 10 a.m. Start your day off with a little exercise at 10:30 a.m. at the China School Forest table, where Elaine Philbrook, on behalf of the Town Forest at China Schools, will be giving walking tours.
Forget to feed the kids? They’ve got you covered! There’ll be a pie eating contest for ages 14 and under at 11:30 a.m., up at the China Recreation ballfields. The 15 to 18-year olds will get a chance at pie-eating at 1 p.m., while 18 and over adults will go last at 2 p.m. If you plan to participate, you should sign up at the China Community Days booth. Registration is $3 and there is space for up to 10 participants in each of the age groups. While you’re there, buy a raffle ticket to win a hand-carved bear by local artist Ron Carlson!
For those not planning to fill up on pie, food will be available from multiple vendors, including the China Four Seasons Club, MAJEK’s Seafood and Full Fork Farm. While you’re waiting for your food, you might want to browse the booths of nearly 20 community organizations and vendors who will be in attendance.
Kids should find no end of entertainment with nearly a dozen different activities, including an Obstacle Course, Joust competition, Dunk Tank and Bounce House. Make sure they have a little spending money for cotton candy and snow cones ($1 each)! A number of organizations, including our local Rescue & Volunteer Fire departments, will have vehicles there for children to explore. Has your child ever held a fire hose with water shooting out of it at 80 miles an hour? This is their chance!

This unique chainsaw bear carving by local artist, Ron Carlson, will be up for Raffle!
Saturday evening, activities shift to the Causeway at the north end of China Lake, with a street dance in the China Baptist Parking Lot starting at 6 p.m. The band The Resistance will be playing live, so come and boogie-woogie with other residents! That will certainly work up your appetite, so grab a burger at the China Baptist Hamburger booth.
Then at 9 p.m., is the show everybody’s waiting for – FIREWORKS! The team is planning a stellar display to make up for the stumbles encountered last year. Be sure to arrive early to ensure a good spot, or come by boat and enjoy the best seat in the house!
Sunday sees two of our favorite activities return from years past. From 9 a.m. – 11 a.m., is the Youth Fishing Derby for ages 15 and under. Fishing will occur along the Causeway at the north end of the lake.
Then at noon, there will be a competitive Scavenger Hunt. Teams can be made up of children and adults, and should meet in the parking lot of the China Baptist Church at noon sharp. You’ll be given a list of 100 items and a deadline of two hours. Winners will be the team that finds the most items and returns by 2 p.m.
The Economic and Community Development Committee of China has really outdone itself this year, and they hope everyone will come and enjoy the celebrations! Be sure to check out the full Program of Events here. For questions, to volunteer (they still need lots of help!), or to inquire about a vendor booth (it’s not too late!), contact Kelly at the China Town Office at 445-2014 or kelly@chinamaine.org.
Residents should take note that the Causeway at the north end of China Lake will be closed to vehicles Saturday, August 5, from 4 – 11 p.m., for the street dance, and on Sunday, August 6, from 8:30 – 11:30 a.m., for the Youth Fishing Derby.

The Bounce House, a festival favorite, is back this year!
Palermo School Middle Level honors Third trimester
/0 Comments/in Community, Palermo/by Website EditorHigh honors: Cody Devaney, Jacob Devaney and Lily Vinci. General honors: Lily Bray, Nick Christiansen, Timmy Christiansen, Eric Cochran, Robbie Conlogue, Atilio Delgado, Isabella DeRose, Jessica Giguere, Grady Hotham, Rachel Huntoon, Bo Johnson, Moira MacDowell, Richard Mahoney, Holden McKenney, Sophia Pilotte, Kaden Porter, Karen Potter, Lily Potter, Riley Reitchel, Kiley Stevens, Paige Sutter, Aidan Tirrell, Jackson Tirrell and Sam York.
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