University of New Hampshire announces local May 2017 graduates

The following students participated in the University of New Hampshire Commencement Ceremony held Saturday, May 20, in Durham, New Hampshire.

Kelly McCormac, of South China, graduated summa cum laude with a BS degree in social work.

Myrilla Hartkopf, of Albion, graduated with a BS degree in environmental conservation and sustainability.

Kevie Rodrigue, of Augusta, graduated with a BS degree in nutrition and wellness.

Erskine’s Hannah Burns wins national scholarship

Hannah Burns

Hannah Burns, a senior and member of the National Honor Society (NHS) at Erskine Academy, has been named one of 400 national semifinalists in the National Honor Society Scholar­ship program. Burns was chosen from more than 9,000 applicants and will receive a $2,325 scholarship.

High school seniors who are members in good standing of an active National Honor Society chapter are able to apply for an NHS Scholarship. Finalists are selected on the basis of their leadership skills; participation in service organizations, clubs, and other student groups at school and in the community; and their academic record.

Erskine students presented with scholarships

Erskine Academy students/scholarship winners, from left to right, Abigail Haskell, Audrey Jordan, Keeley Gomes, Allie Bonsant and Hannah Burns. Contributed photo

On May 25, the Whitefield Lions Club awarded five scholarships to local students.

This year, the Lions are proud to have increased the number of $1000 scholarships from three to five.

All five recipients are Erskine Academy students.

Winners are Abigail Haskell, Audrey Jordan, Keeley Gomes, Allie Bonsant and Hannah Burns.

Their families were in attendance

Earlier in the evening, the newly-formed Leo Club, of Erskine Academy, was awarded a check for $250.

This money, donated by the Whitefield Lions, is to be spent on community service projects For the Leo club to choose and use at their discretion

The Leo Club, was formed this year in conjunction with the Whitefield Lions Club.

Leo clubs provide young people with an opportunity for development and contribution, individually and collectively, as responsible members of their local, national, and international communities.

Submitted by Britt Morris.

Area observances of Memorial Day

All gave some…some gave all: Flags line all the graves at the Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery, in Augusta.
Photo by Kevin Giguere, Central Maine

by Central Maine Photography Reporter/Writer Jessica Laliberte

Local service organization leaders pose at the veterans memorial in South China. From left to right, Rick Fischer, Jeff Zimmerman and Neil Farrington.
Contritured photo

A sea of red, white and blue fills the Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery, in Augusta, as thousands of flags adorn the graves of soldiers buried in the cemetery. This is the 11th year of the event. The ceremony featured music from the Public Safety Pipes and Drum Corp, the singing of the National Anthem, prayer by a local deacon, and brief remarks from Maine Governor Paul LePage.

Hundreds of volunteers including Scouts, veterans, civilians and other civic groups joined forces to place a flag on the grave of every soldier buried in the cemetery, about 15,000 in total, on Saturday, May 27.

As the volunteers dispersed to the graves with flags in hand, the bagpipes playing Amazing Grace echoed in the chilly morning air.

The flags were purchased through donations. According to Donald Simoneau, a past state commander and organizer of the event, about 750 veterans die each year and are buried at the Maine Veterans Cemetery.

If you would like to donate you can make checks payable to the American Legion “Grave Flag Program,” P.O. Box 900, Waterville, ME 04901.

In honor of their service: Derek Fennell, a Marine veteran from China, with his two sons, Kamren and Evan, places flags at the Maine Veterans Memorial Cemetery, in Augusta, on May 27.
Photo by Kevin Giguere, Central Maine Photography staff.

Stage Bluebirds

Stage Presence for Dancers advanced ballet class in a piece entitled “Bluebird,” choreographed by instructor Meghan Loubier.
Photo by Mark Huard, owner Central Maine Photography

Julia Pershken claims women’s rowing postseason honors

Julia Pershken, of Albion, claimed women’s rowing postseason honors from the NERC or NIRC, at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Hayward inducted into Spanish National Honor Society

The World Languages and Cultures Department at Eastern Connecticut State University, in Willimantic, Connecticut, recently held its annual induction ceremony for Sigma Delta Pi, the national honor society for Spanish.

Kirstin Hayward, of Augusta, was one of the inductees. Hayward’s major is Continuing Education.

Sigma Delta Pi is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies..

History House Museum expanding volunteer team in Skowhegan

Submitted by Melvin Burnham

A Volunteer Open House at the Skowhegan History House Museum & Research Center, 66 Elm Street, Skowhegan, has been scheduled for Wednesday, May 24, 3 – 4:30 p.m. History House veteran volunteers and folks from the Skowhegan area who would like to learn more about the Volunteer Program are invited to attend.

History House volunteers consistently make a positive impact on the museum and its patrons. They play an active role in preserving and promoting collections dating back through the late 1700s and therefore contribute greatly to our community. Volunteers learn about early Skowhegan and the citizens of the time. They make new friends, utilize existing skills and learn new ones.

Volunteers assist with visitors and tours, design and create displays, assist with clerical work, answer the phone, or conduct research. Others maintain and clean the museum, teach small groups of children about local history and historic preservation and others work directly with artifact preservation and cataloging. Some volunteers like to dedicate their time to working in the Heirloom Gardens, assisting in preparing for major projects or events, or assisting with tasks pertaining to society membership, preparing materials for distribution or mailings, creating presentations, etc.

Museum staff strives to match a volunteer’s skills and interests to meaningful and necessary tasks. We utilize the skills that talented folks bring with them and we offer training to those who wish to learn new skills.

Volunteers of all ages are encouraged to attend the Open House. We welcome volunteers of all ages including high school students who would like to explore museum science or complete community involvement requirements. Come see what we have to offer and share your talents and interests with us. More information pertaining to the program can be found at or by contacting Kay Marsh, volunteer coordinator, 465-7458,

Graduating seniors

Dancers from Stage Presence For Dancers, in Winslow, under the direction of Heather Vigue-Beaster, performed in the school’s 17th annual spring production entitled “Movement Speaks,” on April 28-29-30, at the Messalonskee Performing Arts Center, in Oakland. Graduating seniors Amica Jolicoeur, Shelby Stanley, Juliana Vanegas, Madison Grass and Jordan Jabar perform in a special piece with instructors Heather Vigue-Beaster and Ashley Roberge.

Photo by Mark Huard, owner of Central Maine Photography

Stephen Csengery earns Eagle Scout status

Stephen Csengery

Stephen Csengery

On February 22, Stephen J Csengery, 17, from Troop #410, in Vassalboro, passed his Eagle Scout Board of Review. On May 7 Stephen received his Eagle badge at his Eagle Court of Honor. The COH took place at the Vassalboro United Methodist Church in Vassalboro. VUMC is the Charter Organization for Troop #410.

Rep. Dick Bradstreet, of Maine House District #80, attended and presented Stephen with a congratulatory letter from the Maine State Senate and House Of Representative.

Stephen is the son of Joseph and Cheryl Csengery, in Vassalboro. He is a junior at Erskine Academy, in South China. Stephen started scouts in 2006 as a Tiger Scout in Vassalboro Pack #410. He was an active scout attending all the meetings, field trips and camping trips. They made trips to Maine Criminal Academy, in Vassalboro, Fort Western, in Augusta, and Camp Hinds, in Raymond. His favorite trips were to Massachusetts to Battleship Cove as a Bear and to two trips to Coos Canyon, in Byron, as a Webelos 1 and 2.

On April 7, 2011, he achieved the highest rank in Cub Scouts, Arrow of Light and crossed over to Boy Scouts.

He belonged to the Flaming Outhouse Patrol and enjoyed every part of Boy Scouts. He attended Boy Scout camp, merit badge colleges and many other trips. His favorite was two trips to the U.S Army Academy, at West Point, in New York. They also hiked to the 1963 B-52 crash site on Elephant Mountain, in Maine.

Even though he was busy with scouts he also attended Maine Isshunryu Karate Academy where he achieved his black belt at the age of 15. He still is training with MIKA under Renshi Glen Fitzmaurice, in Randolph, and he also works there as a instructor.

His eagle project, to benefit the Kennebec Land Trust, was clearing and cleaning up the Seaward Mills Conservation Trail, on Seaward Mills Road, in Vassalboro. He also build two benches which he put on the trail and also made signs identifying trees. Plus there was an area that was washed out from the drainage from the fields, where he rip-rapped the ditch to prevent more erosion.

Stephens goals for the future is go to college for electrical technology to become an electrician.

He wants to continue with Scouts as an assistant Scoutmaster or a Scoutmaster. He also wants to continue training in karate and becoming an instructor.

Stephen and his parents thank the following people who supported Stephen and mentored him throughout his scouting adventure: Rick Lees who mentored him throughout his Eagle Project. Rick went above and beyond and it was much appreciated; Kevin Reed who was his scoutmaster though out his Boy Scout years; Rick Denico was there for Stephen thorughout his Cub Scout years as his Cub master.

Also to the following people who donated to his eagle project: Dana Suga for a huge donation of rip-rap rocks, Ross Trainor for the use of the sawmill and to John Tracy for being the official photographer.

Also to all those that help with the project from clearing, placing the benches and rip-rapping the ditch.