Scout leaders complete training in Belgrade

Training staff and course participants outside McCurdy Lodge at Camp Bomazeen. Front row, from left to right, Ginger Fails, of New Sharon, Brett LeBlanc, of Winthrop, Marcy Richardson, of Phippsburg, Tyler Pease, of Sidney. Back row, Allen Blake, of Raymond, Walter Fails, of New Sharon, Jason Crocker, of Jay, Dan Bernier, of Waterville, Shalee Hills, of Kittery, Geoffrey O’Brien, of Scarborough, Chris Fox, of Mechanic Falls, Joe Poulin, of Oakland. The four trainers are the first two (Blake and Fails) and last two in the back row (Fox and Poulin). (photo by Chuck Mahaleris)

Scout leaders completed training courses during the weekend of October 22 at Camp Bomazeen, in Belgrade. Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) Training and the Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) were the two courses offered. BALOO provides basic instruction for any Cub Scout adult leader or parent who will go on Cub Scout Den or Pack outdoor events, including pack camping overnighters and Webelos Den overnight camping. The IOLS training is for new Scouts BSA Scoutmasters (highest-ranking adult volunteer leader working with youth in a Scouts BSA Troop) and Assistant Scoutmasters in order to safely offer Scouting’s outdoor program to their youth.

Veterans honored at Northern Light

In the photo, Tim Dentry, right, president and CEO of Northern Light Health, thanks Charlotte Bolduc (veteran), left, with Michelle Rossignol, back, manager of Life Enrichment at Lakewood.

On Veterans day, November 11, 2022, resident veterans were honored at Northern Light Continuing Care, Lakewood, in a special ceremony. Ron Cunningham, chaplain of Northern Light Home Care & Hospice led the event. Tim Dentry, president and CEO of Northern Light Health, delivered a heartfelt message to the veterans. Downeast Brass Quintet opened up the ceremony with their beautiful United States Armed Forces medley. Susan Roy, LSW, MHA, supervisor of Clinical Hospice Services of Northern Light Home Care and Hospice, shared a reading reflecting on our service men and women.

Cub Scouts present donation to Vassalboro legion

Pictured are front, Hunter Brown. Back, from left to right, Jim Kilbride, adjutant, Christopher Santiago, William Vincent, and Elliot Rafuse. (photo submitted by Chuck Mahaleris)

On November 21, the Webelos of Vassalboro Cub Scout Pack #410, on behalf of the entire pack, met with Jim Kilbride who is the Adjutant of American Legion Post #126, in Vassalboro. The Cubs delivered a donation of “Forever Grateful” notebooks and pens to be placed into the stockings provided to veterans at the Veterans Administration (VA) Hospital at Togus by the Legion Post.

Parade of Lights returns after two-year hiatus

Fairfield Police Officer Casey Dugas makes his way across the Waterville/Winslow Bridge during the Parade of Lights, on Saturday, November 26. (photo by Kevin Giguere, Central Maine Photography)

by Amarinda Keys
Children’s Discovery Museum

After two years, the beloved Parade of Lights was back! This annual event has drawn thousands of families for many years and serves as a fun and festive kickoff to the holiday season. The Children’s Discovery Museum was excited to collaborate with the town of Winslow and the city Waterville to host this wonderful event. The museum is working to create a brand-new play space for Central Maine. While they anxiously wait to open the doors of their new location, they are excited to coordinate such a wonderful event for the community.

The 2022 Parade of Lights was held on Saturday, November 26. Floats assembled at the Winslow High School, traveled down Benton Avenue, crossed the bridge, traveled up Main Street, in Waterville, and dispersed at the Elm Street/College Avenue/Main Street crossing. Santa made his entrance in a horse-drawn carriage. Floats included dancers from SP4D, a collection of Jeeps from Central Maine Jeep Owners, and fire trucks and police cruisers from local towns. This year’s parade included a panel of judges. The winning float was Living Water Community Church and their float featured The Chronicles of Narnia scene with characters. Runner-up was Hamlin’s Marine, with the most festively-lit boat the judges had ever seen. This year’s Grand Marshal, sponsored by Central Maine Motors, was a longtime volunteer and local martial arts instructor and photographer, Mark Huard.

As always, the parade also kicked off the Kringleville season, a long-standing holiday tradition that is now organized by the Children’s Discovery Museum. Santa will be visiting children in his house at Head of Falls each weekend from 1 – 4 p.m., leading up to Christmas. Many weekends feature free hot chocolate, giveaways and special activities thanks to local businesses and organizations. Every child who visited with Santa will leave with a book donated by the Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce and Marden’s. Families will also be offered the opportunity to purchase a photo with Santa, courtesy of Central Maine Photography. For more information about Kringleville, including updates for the 2022 year, please visit

Members of the Stage Presence Dance team, in Winslow, led Santa Claus in to Winslow/Waterville during the Parade of Lights, on November 26. From left to right, Malyn Beaster, Dinah Lemelin, Emmy Carlson, Lizzie Schmitt, Lexi Reynolds, Hayden Gates, Haley Martin, Addie Blackstone, Ailie Rancourt-Smith, Nevaeh Mason, Autumn Sawyer, Brooklynn Ferreira, Addie Benavente and Jayda-Ray Atkinson. (photo by Kevin Giguere, Central Maine Photography)

14-year-old Albion girl achieves hunting grand slam

At the age of 8, Emily Peirce, of Albion, took an interest in hunting. Since then, she has harvested six deer prior to this year. She has applied for a moose permit in years passed and was lucky enough to be drawn this year. Since being drawn for her moose permit Emily decided to try for the hunting Grand Slam.

To start the season, Emily shot her bear in Upper Enchanted Township on September 16, weighing 87 pounds. September 21 she harvested two turkeys on family land in Albion. On October 15, the last day of her permit, she was able to shoot her moose in Zone 4 weighing 769 pounds with a 50 ¼-inch spread. With determination and support, she shot a 4-point buck weighing 156 pounds on November 10, to complete her Grand Slam and her personal goal for the 2022 season.

Her friends and family are incredibly proud, and Emily is overjoyed with her success.

EVENTS: Yummy, Ready-to-Be-Baked Turkey Pies Coming

It’s one of Winslow’s most beloved holiday traditions! On Saturday, December 3, from 12 to 3 p.m., Winslow Congregational Church (12 Lithgow Street) will be offering over 400 incredibly yummy, ready-to-be-baked turkey pies for curbside/drive-through pick-up. Cost is just $12 per pie, with all proceeds going to empower the Christian/humanitarian work of the church, and for building improvements and repairs.

Freshly-prepared for baking and featuring an all-new crust recipe and a mouth-watering blend of turkey, peas, celery, carrots, onions, broth, and a pinch of sage, each turkey pie will be perfect for supper or for freezing for later winter comfort-food enjoyment.

Also available for your sweet tooth will be various delectable dessert pies, also available for $12 each, prepared by the members of Benton Falls Congregational Church and which will raise money for that church.

For more information, please call Winslow Congregational Church at 872-2544.

Local church collects for Samaritans Purse

Gift boxes filled by China Baptist Church

Last Sunday was collection day for the ‘shoebox ministry’ of Samaritans Purse. Individuals fill shoeboxes with gifts intended for a boy or girl, in a specific age group. Suggested items include school supplies, hygiene items, hair accessories, toys, etc. These are then distributed around the world to children in over 170 countries and territories.

The shoebox ministry began in 1993 as a way to support the war torn country of Bosnia. That year 28,000 boxes were sent to children in the Balkans. Last year more than 10.5 million boxes were collected and distributed. This year the China Baptist Church filled 29 boxes…a small part in a very big mission.

Owen Riddle achieves Eagle Scout

Eagle Scout Owen Riddle, 14, of Sidney shows off the more than 70 merit badges he has earned in Scouting since joining in 2019. During Covid-19, many Scouting programs stopped meeting but many met virtually and Owen was able to meet with Merit Badge Counselors not only from around the country but as far away as Germany to complete some of the badges. To earn Eagle, a Scout must have earned 22 Merit Badges including 13 required for Eagle.

by Chuck Mahaleris

Owen Riddle, 14, of Sidney, received Scouting’s highest honor, the Eagle Scout rank, after earning more than 70 merit badges and completing a project for the Messalonskee Middle School where he attends school.

Family and friends from as far away as Pennsylvania gathered at the Augusta Elks Lodge on Saturday, November 12, to witness the ceremony. “I like challenges,” Owen said before receiving the Eagle rank. “Scouting is a lot of fun and I enjoy the program a lot.”

“By the authority vested in me by the National Court of Honor of the Boy Scouts of America, it is my privilege and pleasure to pronounce you an Eagle Scout,” announced Pittsfield Troop #428 Scoutmaster Shelley Connolly. Owen’s mother, Sarah Riddle, then pinned the Eagle Scout medal on his uniform shirt pocket flap. His father, David Riddle, swapped off Owen’s old neckerchief for the new Eagle Scout neckerchief.

Owen received his first rank in his Scout Troop, the Scout Rank, on May 17, 2019. During his Eagle ceremony, he was presented 10 Eagle Scout Palms – one for every five merit badges he has earned above the 22 necessary to attain the rank of Eagle. Other awards he has received in Scouting include the Messenger of Peace Award, the National Outdoor Achieve­ment Award for Camp­ing, the Tho­mas Edison Super Nova recognition, the National Outdoor Achieve­ment Award for Conser­vation, the World Conser­vation Award, and the 50th Anniversary Environ­mental Protection Award.

Eagle Scout Dr. Paul Buckthal, Owen’s grandfather, led his grandson and the other Eagle Scouts in the room in the Eagle Scout Charge. “When you pledge yourself on your sacred honor, using the same words which are found at the end of the Declaration of Independence, you seal your eternal loyalty to the code of the Eagle Scout.” Paul earned his Eagle in 1962 but said that the skills he learned in Scouting and the life lessons of the Eagle Scout rank have been prominent in his life ever since.

“The Eagle soars high and seeks to rest only upon the lofty peaks,” Scoutmaster Connelly said. “As an Eagle Scout, you too must soar high. You must not swerve from the path of duty. You must strive to obtain that which is highest and noblest in life.” His Eagle Scout project saw the construction of eight handicap accessible picnic tables at Messalonskee MIddle School.

After high school, Owen plans to attend medical school and become a doctor. “My life vision is to become an individual that can help others,” he said. “I always feel great about myself when I am helping others in need.”

EVENTS: Waterville Rotary Club launches annual charity auction

The 59th annual Waterville Rotary Auction with hundreds of gifts, services and unique items will once again be held on-line through If you would like more information about the online auction November 27 through December 3, 2022, please see our webpage for details: You may also actively bid and participate in the auction simply by visiting: Bidding opens at 6 p.m. on November 27.

The Waterville Rotary Club hosts the auction each year in late November to benefit what Rotarians determine to be among the worthiest causes of the region. Every year, for more than half a century, this important community event has supported Rotary’s efforts to make a difference in our community.
Proceeds from our 2022 Rotary Online Auction will again go to support community programs and initiatives. Early childhood development and education help to ensure a bright future for our community’s most vulnerable and valuable asset, our children.

The goal is to support the construction of the new Children’s Discovery Museum and the development of a second natural play area at Educare Central Maine. Together, we can make a difference for the children served by both amazing organizations located in Waterville.

Rotary Club of Waterville thanks the business community for its support and contribution to the local community.

For more information about the Rotary, visit the website at

Happy birthday to a dear friend

Rena Harding, center

Rena Harding, of Albion, spent her 100th birthday on October 29, 2022, at home with family and friends.

Rena is the daughter of the late Lesley and Gertrude Bailey, of Palermo. Rena’s last sister, Natalie Coro, of Waterville, attended her party.

She has four children, Eugene, Athene, Sheldon and Neil as well as many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Karen Noyes Moody made a beautiful birthday cake.

I have spent many good times at Rena’s home and I was treated so nicely; she calls me her “little girl”. She worked very hard through the years and I am so happy that she had a nice birthday. She deserves it.

I love you and wish you more birthdays.

Ruth Fuller
China Village