HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY: A Mother’s Day poem

by Roberta Barnes

Mom you are my rainbow,
even on those days when the sun is blocked from view.

Rainbows suddenly appearing on my wall
remind me that though mothers come both short and tall.

There is one thing they all share.
giving love and support to which nothing can compare.

In the middle of the rainbow between the yellow and blue
is the green of healing that to a mother’s nature is so true.

I can never give enough thanks for all the love
that has carried me above troubled waters as if on the wings of a strong dove.

The calendar marks but one day a year
yet it is every day that I remember how you have hushed all my fear.

Never can I in words say
how your strength and love has gotten me through the most distressed day.

Thank you for always helping me make my path clear
and in my heart I will always hold you dear.

FICTION: The House, part 10: Visions of Christmas Past

This story is completely fictional. Any resemblances to names of people and/or places is purely coincidental.

by Peg Pellerin

Click here for the previous installment.

They decided to call it a day and attempt to tackle the last room and ‘adventure’ the next day.

The following morning Jake said, “Wonder what we’ll find in our final room,” while the four were enjoying a waffle/egg sandwich, compliments of Miri and Amy’s creative cooking. They were still trying different things that they would hope to serve guests in the future and the guys didn’t mind testing them out.

“I don’t know,” replied Miri, “but I, for one, will be glad to have it over so we can get back to our normal lives.” Everyone nodded in agreement.

They stood in front of the sixth room, the final room to be searched for something that belonged to the young spectral boy. They took a deep breath, signaled each other that they were ready to enter and went in. For some reason this room seemed a tad larger than the others. It was filled with several pieces of furniture that could be considered child-sized. There was a dry sink, bureau, armoire, an adult-sized rocking chair next to a child-sized one, and a bed. Everything was in near perfect condition as if it was still being used except the dust on everything showed it hadn’t been for many years.

“Wow, this is amazing,” said Amy in wonderment. “Could this have been Ian’s bedroom?”

“I don’t think so,” replied Miri. “When we started moving in and preparing the two bedrooms, ours and Dave’s, the one Dave has was nearly identical to this one so we assumed it was the child’s bedroom being closeby to the parents’. Maybe this one was in anticipation of another child, which never happened. ”

As they walked around looking over everything, they nearly forgot why they were in the room in the first place. Dave was the first to ‘wake’ up and started searching. The others followed his lead. Jake opened the doors to the armoire, which appeared to be empty. As he was about to close the doors, something caught his eye. He bent down to peer into the back bottom left corner of the cabinet and found a square wooden box, which was about 7 inches by 7 inches. “I think I found it or at least something,” he called out to the others who immediately surrounded him. He wasn’t sure if he should open it but they did want to get whatever event was about to happen over with. Holding his breath, he slid the cover off the box. Within was a beautiful star.

“What a beautiful star,” said Amy.

“This isn’t just any star, it is a Moravian star, originating in Germany back in the late 1700s. I can fill you in on the history of that but this is gorgeous,” said Jake in awe.

“Why hasn’t anything happened yet?” wondered Miri. “Maybe you have to take it out of the box,” she answered her own query.

Jake carefully turned the box over to let the twenty-six pointed star slip out onto his hand. Then it all started. The four felt that they were in a slow moving eddy but when all cleared, they found themselves in the downstairs living room, but it wasn’t the current one. A fire was lit in the fireplace and the scent of baking and wassail wafted from the nearby kitchen. A slight rapping at the front door could be heard and a woman quickly walked out of the kitchen to open the door. Cold air rushed from the open door as a tall, robust looking man came in carrying a young boy on his shoulders. Behind him was another man carrying a fresh cut red spruce, which was common in the Poconos region.

“Before you bring that tree in here, please shake the snow off onto the porch,” demanded the woman who turned out to be Emma Hodges. The tall man must have been Jebediah and the young boy, about age three, was Ian. Unlike the events in the past, everything was vivid as if the four were actually in the living room with the residents of the house, but weren’t noticed.

“Thank you, Tom, for helping my boy and I to bring that tree from the back of our property to the house. Once you’ve placed it where the Mrs. wants it, please go into the kitchen and help yourself to whatever Emma has made and some Wassail. I can smell it all from here.”

“Thank you sir,” replied Tom Meuller, the handy man of the Hodges home. Once he placed the tree into the stand in the living room, he went off to the kitchen to dig into the goodies and drink.

“C’mon lad, let’s get those cold damp clothes off you and sit in front of the fire before you catch your death of cold,” said his mother in a stern voice, staring harshly at her husband. “You kept him out there too long. You know how delicate his health is.”

“He needs good fresh air once in a while. You coddle him too much, plus he needs a little fun once in a while.” replied Jebediah. “You did have fun didn’t you, Ian.”

Yes father, I did. I’m not cold mother,” said Ian as his mother hurriedly took off his wool coat, pants, hat and mittens, which she had knitted for him.

Jebediah had taken off his outer clothing and had rushed into the kitchen to grab he and Ian a cup of warm Wassail and a tea cake. After placing them down on the table, he went to the side room, returning with a square wooden box. “I’ve been holding on to this until I felt Ian was old enough to appreciate it.” He sat down next to the young boy and slowly opened the box. He carefully turned over the box in order to let the content slip out onto his large meaty palm.

Both mother and son exhaled in awe at the beautiful sight. Sitting in Jebediah’s large but gentle palm was the most beautiful sight the two had ever seen. It was a multi-pointed, twenty-six to be exact, silver and gold star. The light from the fireplace made it appear to sparkle. “Oh, Jeb, it’s beautiful! Where did you buy it?”

“I didn’t. It was given to me by my father when I was Ian’s age. Look see,” instructed Mr. Hodges as he removed one of the points, exposing a hole. He then gave the star to Ian, instructing him to carefully hold it so as not to drop it and he lifted the boy so he could reach the top of the six foot tree. Ian was able to place it on the top point of the tree. The first decoration of the Christmas tree.

The four quietly watched the three as if they were looking at a live Victorian image on a Christmas card. Jake looked down at the star in his hand knowing that it was the same star that had been placed on the tree. Amy remembered the wool coat she had removed from the armoire, which brought Dave and herself into a tundra facing a polar bear.

Suddenly their vision seemed to waver. When it cleared they were still in the living room but it was a different time. The tree was already decorated with the star at the top and the remainder of the tree covered with ropes of popcorn, berries and other handcrafted items. Mother, father and Ian at approximately seven years old were sitting nearby, unwrapping gifts. Laughter could be heard from the three until Ian untied the cloth ribbon that was holding a flat square cloth covering the present. It was a slate framed in wood. There was a clay pencil and the cloth was considered to be the ‘eraser’. “It’s time you start some academics, learning how to read, write, and to do sums,” explained Mrs. Hodges of the present that Ian didn’t seem too thrilled about receiving. The child thanked his mother and put the unwanted gift down to his side.To break the somber moment, Mr. Hodges picked up another gift, much larger than the one that the young boy had just unwrapped. “Let’s see if this will brighten up your spirit,” as he glared at his wife. Ian had a difficult time unwrapping the package which appeared to be too heavy for him to hold. His father went to his side and loosened the twine so the boy could unwrap the heavy brown paper that covered a box. Ian opened the box and whooped with delight. He lifted the object out of the box. It was a toy Blunderbuss Pistol.

Mrs. Hodges didn’t look pleased. She quietly said to Mr. Hodges, “Why did you get the boy something like that? Is it to try to make him feel like he’ll be a big game hunter like you? You know he’ll never be able to do these things.” The boy didn’t hear their conversation as he was too excited by the toy he held in his tiny hands.

Jake, Miri and Dave looked at each other as they recalled the event in the attic, the first of several they had experienced since finding items belonging to Ian.

The living room vision wavered once again. When it cleared another Christmas unfolded in front of the quartet. This time it appeared that Ian was a couple years older. He walked into the room with a piece of raspberry tart in one hand and a cup of wassail in the other. He set it down on the table. His mother was the only other person in the room. “I was hoping that your father would have made it back in time for Christmas, but it doesn’t look like he will. There is a heavy snowstorm going on in New York where he went for business,” explained Emma to her son of the absence of his father. “We can still enjoy the day. There are some gifts for you under the tree and supposedly a special one from your father. I wonder what he got for you this time,” she stated rolling her eyes. It was obvious that Mrs. Hodges did not approve of some of the things her husband had brought home for her son. He felt she coddled Ian too much and she felt that her husband didn’t see or didn’t want to see how feeble her son was.

The boy slowly went to a chair near the tree and sat down. He didn’t seem to have the spirit in him as he did in the past Christmases that Jake, Miri, Dave, and Amy had witnessed. There was a sad somber feeling in the air. The mother brought some small wrapped items to Ian for him to free from their wrappings. There were new mittens, hats, a coat, and a few other items she had made for him. He hugged her giving thanks. Emma finally came to a larger item that was under the tree, evidently something that Mr. Hodges had sent for Ian and that Tom had picked up at the post office.

To be continued

FICTION: The House, part 9: Ahoy, Matey – Continued

This story is completely fictional. Any resemblances to names of people and/or places is purely coincidental.

by Peg Pellerin

Click here for the previous installment.

Both vessels were built for speed and maneuverability. It appeared that the schooner was trying to head toward an estuary in order to hide, but the cutter was able to cut it off. Both vessels became close enough that the quartet could see blurred figures on the schooner as well as hearing loud voices. At one point it looked like the crew of the schooner was preparing to fire upon the cutter as well as the cutter readying to fire back.

“Oh, please don’t let this happen!” cried both Amy and Miri. Dave and Jake stood closer to the women having them stand closer to the bridge for protection in case something happened.

A boom was heard coming from the schooner and the water splashed close by. In turn the cutter fired their cannon, also missing the other vessel. A couple more volleys were sent from both vessels, both rounds getting closer and closer. A shot from the schooner grazed the side of the cutter as the cutter sent a shot to the schooner, hitting it broadside. Fire could be seen erupting onto the schooner.

“I don’t think I can take much more of this,” cried Miri who was crouched down and covering her ears from the loud noise of the cannons being fired. She no sooner said that then everything became a larger blur and suddenly everyone was back in the room of the house.

It took a few moments for the four to realize that they were back in their actual time and space. Miri was still crouching while leaning against the wall. Jake quickly lifted her into a standing position and was hugging her tightly. Dave and Amy were holding each other just as tightly. Tears were rolling down all their faces. “This was too real, Ian.” We didn’t like it at all.” Miri shouted out.

A very tiny voice was heard to say, “I’m sorry.”

As the four were slowly getting their land legs back, as well as their wits, Dave trying to quell the fear they had all experienced said, “Aaaargh!”

The three looked at him and yelled, “NOT FUNNY!” and Amy punched his arm.

Click here to read the next part of this story.

FICTION: The House, part 8: The Conclusion – part 2

This story is completely fictional. Any resemblances to names of people and/or places is purely coincidental.

by Peg Pellerin

Click here for the previous installment.

Another activity unfolded on the floor. Several clowns appeared performing antics to make the young and young at heart laugh. They were followed by jugglers passing what looked like bowling pins as well as swords and sticks on fire to each other. The four, or was it five, from the Stewart House, were enjoying themselves immensely. On stage others later came out doing acrobatics, performing tumbles and gymnastic routines. “I used to do those types of routines in the gym but we had mats on the floor,” remarked Miri.

When these performances were completed a huge cage was rolled out to the center of the ring. It contained a very large lion. The voice of the Ringmaster then announced, “Ladies and gentlemen. You may want to cover the eyes of your youngins for this next act. The keeper will now enter the cage of Sarabi, the largest lion in captivity.” Again, there was total silence.
Dave whispered to Amy, “Do you want me to cover your eyes? If not, could you cover mine?” She lovingly punched his arm.

The lion tamer, better known as a keeper, walked out into the ring. He was bare chested except for a red vest. He wore tight pants and tall boots. He carried a short whip. An assistant followed him to the cage, opened the cage door and quickly closed and latched it as the keeper entered the cage. The Ringmaster stated, “Watch as Gabriel attempts to allow Sarabi to lick his hand.”

As the keeper slowly brought his hand toward the lion’s mouth, Miri said, “I hope Sarabi doesn’t think that hand will be its snack,” as she partially covered her eyes.

The lion licked Gabriel’s hand in a very affectionate way. “Good boy, Sarabi,” said the keeper as he gave the lion what appeared to be a treat. The keeper then played around with the lion, pulling on its mane, rubbing its neck and then the enormous nose, all the while the audience watched, barely breathing. Then Gabriel did what would be considered an act asking for death. He opened Sarabi’s mouth, put his hand in his tremendous jaws, and pulled out the enormous cat’s tongue. He even wantonly whipped the poor cat, but it seemed as if the cat enjoyed the ‘play’ by his keeper. There were sounds of gasps of fear and astonishment of the performance then suddenly the unspeakable happened and the lion struck out with its ginormous paw and struck Gabriel’s chest, tearing the vest.

“Oh my God!” Called out Amy when she realized that she, as well as the others, were back in the bedroom. They found whatever they could to sit on and tried to catch their breath. “Did we just see Gabriel clawed to death?”

“I don’t know, but I bet Ian had enough of the circus at that point and ended the adventure,” replied Miri. I felt a small person standing near me during most of the circus acts and I think it was him. I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve had enough of this for the day,” she said, looking at the time on her cell phone. “It’s about time we get some dinner going anyway. I’m heading downstairs to the kitchen.” All were in agreement and followed her down.

Click here for next installment.

FICTION: The House, part 8: The Conclusion – part 1

This story is completely fictional. Any resemblances to names of people and/or places is purely coincidental.

by Peg Pellerin

Click here for the previous installment.

A couple days went by to rest up from the ‘adventures’ as well as to go into town for some fun and grocery shopping. “Two more rooms to go through and hopefully we can be rid of Ian,” exclaimed Jake.

“If it wasn’t for these wild events we go through every time we find something of his, I wouldn’t mind him being around, but I don’t know how much more of this I can take,” agreed Miri.

“Not only that,” said Dave, “I’m behind in getting this place up to speed for the B&B.

“I’m not worried about that Dave,” stated Jake. “Miri and I talked about it and if we have to wait another six months to a year to get it running, so be it. I’ve been able to locate some folks who are interested in purchasing some of the antiques we have here and that should help with expenses for a little while, plus we’re both still working. But it would be nice to start having a somewhat normal life again. Are we ready for room number five?” All hesitantly nodded.

The item was found quickly. A thin dark leather box was found in one of the bureaus. It contained a spyglass made of brass and leather and it didn’t take long for the room to start spinning and all found themselves on a cutter out in the middle of the ocean. “Oh, boy! Exclaimed Dave who was holding the spyglass, what next pirates?”

“Dave,” shouted Amy, “Be careful what you’re thinking and saying! Remember, these events seem to go along with what we’re thinking.”

“I remember reading about these cutters. They were built back in the late 1700s when the Navy was disbanded. They were first used to intercept slave ships illegally importing slaves into the United States. Later they were used to board other vessels to make sure that the proper tax was paid on the cargo that was being exported. This didn’t always go well between the captains of the cutters or the vessels they boarded. In between, they also protected United States waters from pirates. Later on they became the Coast Guard and they still use the term cutter for their vessels. This two-masted one is a beauty,” said Jake as he admiringly looked around him.

“Thanks for the history lesson, Jake, but what is this one being used for?” asked Miri.

“Not sure yet because I don’t see anything to indicate what the time frame is,” Jake replied.

He no sooner said that when blurred figures moved about. Several were wearing dark blue jackets with five buttons. Under the jackets they wore white frocks and blue trousers. One individual was seen to apparently be giving orders. He was dressed in a dark gray cloth coat with nine buttons and sporting two epaulets. “This time period must be in the early 1830s. The gentleman with several buttons on his coat and the two epaulets would be the captain. The others are lower ranks, or seamen.”

They continued to watch the foggy vision before them wondering what was going to happen. One of the seamen pointed out toward the ocean. The captain pulled out a spyglass, stretching it to its fullest length to look at what the seamen was designating. The foursome turned toward the direction where the captain was looking. They saw another sailing vessel, more aptly called, a schooner, which appeared to attempt to keep a distance away from the cutter. The captain apparently ordered the cutter to head off the schooner, most likely boarded with pirates.

“I’m not liking the look of this. I hope we won’t be involved in a sea battle,” worried Dave. “Granted none of us have been injured other than us being scared out of our wits, but I don’t want anything serious going on here.” The trio agreed and huddled next to each other next to what would be considered the bulkhead to the bridge.

Continued next week

FICTION: The House, part 7: A couple more diaries

This story is completely fictional. Any resemblances to names of people and/or places is purely coincidental.

by Peg Pellerin

Click here for the previous installment.

Having gotten over his chilling experience, Dave went to the cellar to look for parts of items stored there that would make the renovated bedrooms unique. In the process, he opened a drawer to what appeared to be a woman’s vanity. He found a packet bound in cloth and closed with ribbon. “I wonder if this contains more of the diaries like Miri found in the antique desk a couple of months ago,” he said to himself. He did find some pieces of furniture that would add to a room or two. He went back to the main floor to find Jake to help him bring them up. He found Miri and handed her the packet, “I think I found more for you to read, maybe telling us more about our little spector. Where’s Jake?”

“Thanks, I think. He’s in the carriage house looking around for things we might be able to use in or outside the house.” She took the small bundle and immediately unwrapped the bundle, which held two more diaries. “Guess I’ll put my book aside for a little while and go through these while sitting on the porch,” she said to no one in particular, but she thought she heard a child’s voice say, “Thank you.”


“Hey Jake, finding anything interesting?” Dave said as he looked around. “This is a large and sound building. There’s plenty of room for tools, a tractor. Any idea of what you want to do with the rest of the place?

“We haven’t really talked about it since we’re spending more of our time trying to get the house ready for our business. Why? Do you have some ideas?” Asked Jake.

“It’s something I’d like to talk to the two of you about and see how you feel.” I’m planning on proposing to Amy on her birthday in September. I hope you don’t mind her staying here with us until I get a place of our own, which is where the carriage house comes in. If you guys aren’t planning on anything in particular, I’d like to buy it from you two and turn the larger part of the place into a home for us and a studio for Amy’s photography business. I’d make sure that part of it would still be able to be used for the storage of the tools and tractor.”

“Wow! Congratulations, Dave! Amy is great and I won’t say a thing until you propose to her. I truly believe she’ll say yes. It’s obvious that she is deeply in love with you. As far as turning the place into a home and studio, I think that we should get together with Miri and talk about it but personally I don’t have an issue with it. In fact I think it’s a great idea.” A big hug was shared.


The beginning of August had arrived and it became crunch time for Dave and Jake to try to get at least one more bedroom fitted for guests since Jake would need to go back into school to prepare for the new school year and Miri to prepare her classroom for probably what would be her last year teaching. It was a very warm first weekend of August when Jake, Miri, Dave and Amy walked around the room looking for whatever would cause the next ‘event’ since it seemed something of the little spectral Ian was left hidden throughout the upper floor of the house. “I wonder what we’ll find and where it will take us this time,” stated Miri.

“I shudder to think of it,” commented Amy remembering her memory of the frigid adventure she and Dave experienced. Maybe you guys thought about this already so forgive me for mentioning it but why haven’t you gone through all the rooms to find these items and get the ‘adventures’ over with so you can continue with the renovations?

The three looked at each other and with Jake slapping his forehead said, “Doh! We’ve been so focused on the renovations that we only looked for items in the room we were going to tackle. What do you say, guys; follow Amy’s lead in searching the rest of the house first?

“Are we up to multiple events not knowing what we’ll face?” replied Miri.

Dave gave his two cents worth, “We have been frightened out of our wits but we haven’t been injured. I vote to get it over with.”

“Whatever we decide,” interjected Miri, “We should be careful of what we are imagining when we find whatever was left behind. It appears we have had this wrong. When Ian died, his mother was quite distraught and decided to take items he enjoyed spending time with because his father would bring him gifts after most of his trips and hide them around areas where he spent many days, especially later in his shortened life. She strongly felt that her son’s spirit would remain in the house and these would make him happy. I think we’re correct in thinking he’s experiencing adventures through our imagination once we find these items, so let’s be very careful where our imagination might lead to.” After a few moments of thinking it over all were in agreement and continued with the search of the room they were currently in.

Jake was the one to find the item. It was hidden under the raised armoire. He barely had the time to show the others when everything within the room became fuzzy. In his hand he held a tin toy of an early train engine looking very much like what was called the Tom Thumb. However, what they saw in front of them was a real life Tom Thumb hauling passenger cars made of stagecoach bodies. It looked like people could sit either inside or on outdoor rumble seats.

“All aboard,” was heard and an apparition of a conductor could be seen pointing toward one of the carriages.

Four pairs of shoulders shrugged as Miri, Amy, Jake and Dave entered one of the cars. “What can go wrong?” questioned Jake. “These didn’t go very fast and only for short runs.”

As they sat down Amy wondered, “Are we still in the room and is this for real?”

“I have a theory about all of this,” replied Miri. After reading Emma’s diaries, which were mostly about her son, Ian, I believe that Ian is using us to fulfill fantasies of what he wished he could have experienced. We know more of what could have been so our imaginations are triggering the ‘adventures’ for him. We just have to make sure our imaginations don’t run wild. Once the ‘adventure’ is over we move on to the next and he’s happy. Why he never moved on to the ‘other side’ after his death, who knows, but this is probably the only way we’ll finally get him there and he’ll leave us alone, I hope.”

They climbed into one of the carriages and sat on the very hard seats that were made of wood, with very little padding. “I do hope this will be a short ride,” complained Dave who found that his tall frame felt cramped within the compartment.

At first the four were quiet while listening to the rumbling as the train left the station/room, and as it started to speed, up the chug, chug of the train was almost tranquilizing and would have been if it were not for the uncomfortable seating arrangement. “Wow, I think I could walk faster than this train is going,” remarked Jake, “I read that they went anywhere from twenty to thirty miles per hour but I feel like we’re crawling.”

“That’s OK by me,” said Dave showing how uncomfortable he was being confined to such a small area with his knees practically under his chin. “I just hope this is a short spur and we’ll be over this ride soon.”

Miri, glancing about, was able to see into the carriage behind them. She could have sworn she saw a little boy looking at her with the largest smile on his face. He definitely looked like he was having a good time. “I think Ian is happy,” she said and pointed to the other carriage. It was a quick glance and all agreed they thought they saw the face of a young boy but the ride was over and they were all standing in the bedroom of the house.

“Well, that wasn’t too bad,” said Jake, “Even though it was a bit uncomfortable. Nothing happened to scare us out of our wits. Do we have time to look in another room? This one took us a little over an hour.” Nods of approval went around. They left the room to go to the next room with Dave rubbing his rump and stretching his body to get over the cramped muscles.


The four immediately started their search ofthe next room. They looked within the furniture that was in the room, a chest of drawers, a wardrobe, under the wardrobe, and even under the bed all coming up empty. Scratching his head, Jake wondered if they would find anything at all but couldn’t understand why this room would be free of anything that Ian would have left behind. He thought of one last place to look, which was between the cotton-stuffed mattress and the weave of ropes that held the mattress up within the wooden frame. “I think I found something,” he said, holding up a large rolled up heavy paper. “Help me unroll this,” he said to Miri who came over and gently they unrolled what appeared to be a poster advertising an Equestrian Show at the Bowery Amphitheatre in New York City.

Just as all four came together, the room wavered and they found themselves in an amphitheater with a stage and circus ring. They could hear but only see blurred visions of what they assumed to be other attendants of the circus that was about to unfold in front of them. “I think we’re at the place we saw in the poster. I’m curious what we’ll see but hope it’s over soon and we’re back in the real room,” stated Jake.

They saw a group of horses come out with riders standing on their backs with both riders and horses doing all types of tricks. After what seemed to be fifteen to twenty minutes, a voice, most likely coming from a Ringmaster, spoke loud and clearly announced, “Ladies, gentlemen and youngsters. Raise your eyes upward and behold a large rope stretched across the way. Watch as you see a rope walker doing his death defying tricks walking across it without a net below.” Total silence filled the room until it appeared that the walker was about to fall and several sounds of gasps could be heard, but he was able to catch his balance and stay on the rope. He made it to one side and returned to the other. “Whew!” Said Dave as he was catching his breath. “I thought the guy was a goner.”

Another activity unfolded on the floor. Several clowns appeared performing antics to make the young and young at heart laugh. They were followed by jugglers passing what looked like bowling pins as well as swords and sticks on fire to each other. The four, or was it five, from the Stewart House, were enjoying themselves immensely. On stage others later came out doing acrobatics, performing tumbles and gymnastic routines. “I used to do those types of routines in the gym but we had mats on the floor,” remarked Miri.

When these performances were completed a huge cage was rolled out to the center of the ring. It contained a very large lion. The voice of the Ringmaster then announced, “Ladies and gentlemen. You may want to cover the eyes of your youngins for this next act. The keeper will now enter the cage of Sarabi, the largest lion in captivity.” Again, there was total silence.

Continued next week

FICTION: The House, part 6: There’s a chill in the air

This story is completely fictional. Any resemblances to names of people and/or places is purely coincidental.

by Peg Pellerin

Click here for the previous installment.

“Would either of you two mind if Amy comes over this weekend?” asked David about his girlfriend, Amy Cookson. “I’ve been telling her about the house and the weird things we’ve been experiencing and she’d love to see the place.”

Both Miri and Jake agreed to have her over, “Just tell her not to pick up any toys that she might find in the house. We’d hate to have her have to experience any of the ‘weird’ events we’ve been going through,” insisted Jake.

The first visitor to the Stewart home arrived Friday afternoon. Amy was quite excited at seeing the place even before she set foot through the door. “This place is lovely, Miri. I love the large porch and that octagonal window on the top floor is alluring. I’d love to take photographs of the place.” Amy is a professional photographer.

“I loved that window the first time I saw it,” replied Miri. “You’re welcome to take photographs of the place and who knows, we may ask to use some as advertisement once the place is a B & B. C’mon in and see the inside. It’s just as lovely. Dave and Jake have done a lot of work in getting the place set up.”

“Speaking of,” started Amy, “Are you planning on having anyone else to help you once the place is open?”

“Are you offering?” queried Miri with a sly smile. “I don’t know how much we’d be paying, but I know I could use the help in cooking, cleaning and laundering once we get going.”

“I think it would be charming to work in a B & B so yes. I could still keep my business, working it around the work to be done here,” answered Amy.

“As it gets closer to opening, we’ll look into it. How much did Dave tell you about the place?” asked Miri.

“If you mean the hauntings by a little boy, I guess a lot. At least no one has been injured only ‘inconvenienced’, replied Amy

“I guess you can call it that,” muttered Miri. “I hope Dave told you not to pick up any toys that you might see. That seems to start an occurrence.”

The four enjoyed a quiet evening of dinner, which both Miri and Amy prepared, and sitting out on the porch talking over several topics. “If you don’t mind,” Amy interjected into their conversations, “I’d love to see the rest of the house tomorrow and see what you guys have done with the place. I promise to not pick up any toys,” she laughed.

On Saturday morning, the guys were greeted with the scent of a wonderful breakfast waiting for them. Both Miri and Amy made omelets, french toast, bacon, and fresh squeezed OJ. “Wow, what did we do to deserve this?” asked Jake of the scrumptious site and smell.

“Miri and I decided to see what we might do in the future when this place opens up for business and you guys are our guinea pigs,” answered Amy.

“That’s right,” said Miri. “Amy and I were talking last night about the possibility of her coming onboard to help us out.”

“Sounds great,” Jake commented, but we won’t be able to pay you much at first.

“I’ll be continuing with my photography, which I do well, financially,” Amy pointed out. “After breakfast I’d love to look around the place if you don’t mind.”

“I’ll show you around,” Dave said with a wink to Jake and Miri, reaffirming everyone’s agreement that Amy would not pick up any toys.

Dave started out with showing Amy what he and Jake had completed in their renovations thus far. He told her about the events that happened in the attic and the small storage room for the linens, towels, and other sundry items. “This is a weird kind of haunting,” she commented. “It’s as if the little boy is using you folks to experience a fantasy that he wishes he had experienced while he was alive.”

“You might be right,” confirmed Dave. “Here is the next room we’ll be working on building an area for the bathroom and shower.” He noticed Amy walking toward the armoir in the room. “None of the rooms have closets,” he told her, explaining the whole thing about back in the day closets were taxed as rooms.

She admired how beautiful it was with some curved molding, not making it ornate but helping to take away the plainness of the piece of furniture. She opened the wardrobe and found it was occupied by a piece of clothing. A couple of moths flew out causing Amy to swat the air in hopes to push the pests away from her. “Someone left a coat in here.” Before Dave could tell her not to take it out, she had it in her hands. It was a child’s winter coat.

“I wish you hadn’t picked that up,” said Dave.

“You said not to pick up any toys. This is a little woolen coat,” she replied. She felt the room sway. Dave hurriedly came to her side, knowing something was about to happen. “Why am I feeling dizzy?” she asked.

“We’re about to experience something, that according to your words Ian, the little boy, wants us to fantasize for him,” he explained to her. They started hearing wind in the distance. He noticed that Amy looked like she was getting cold. “You’re shivering,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders. He started to see his own breath.

“How is this possible? It’s in the nineties outside and quite warm in the house. Why is it getting so cold?” asked Amy.

“My guess is that you touched Ian’s winter coat, triggering us to start undergoing something he would have liked to experience in the winter. Our luck is we don’t even have a sweater to wear to keep us warm. Hope this doesn’t last too long,” replied Dave.

The sound of the wind was becoming closer and along with the wind they thought they could hear a throaty rumbling and then a growl. Snow started to fall around the area which turned the bedroom into a tundra. “What was that?” asked Amy through chattering teeth.

“I think we’re about to find out,” said Dave pointing toward a shadow in the snow that appeared to be coming closer to them. The rumbling was heard again. Dave held Amy closer to him as they slowly backed away from the sizable figure coming their way. “Ian, this isn’t fun. Make it stop,” called out Dave to the haunting child. He and Amy continued to slowly back up and were stopped by the wall of the bedroom reminding them that this couldn’t possibly be real yet it felt and sounded real.

A small voice was heard to say, “A polar bear,” while the young person started to clap with glee. “Father hunted a polar bear,” the young apparition whispered.

“Make the polar bear go away Ian. We’re not having fun. We are scared and cold. Please make this all go away!” insisted Dave. Just as the white beast of a bear clearly appeared it disappeared. The sound of the wind also stopped as did the snow and cold and suddenly Dave and Amy found themselves back in the bedroom. They still felt quite chilled and hurriedly went downstairs to find Jake and Miri to tell them what had happened.

“I think he went too far this time,” said Dave as he and Amy were drinking cups of hot tea, which were helping them to take the chill away as well as calm their nerves.

“I don’t think he would have allowed the bear to harm you,” said Miri while she was sipping on her iced tea. “I guess we have to be careful of whatever we pick up that may have been his, but getting these items out of the rooms is probably the only way we will clear them of his hauntings and eventually clear the house. “Amy, I’m sorry you had to experience that.”

“We weren’t harmed, as you say, and we may not have been harmed, but I was scared out of my wits and pretty darned cold. But you might not think this is humorous, but I wish I had my camera. That would have been an awesome picture of the bear coming out of the swirling snow.”

Laughing, “I think you would have been too frightened to even think about picking up that camera,” said Jake.

Continued next week

FICTION: The House, part 5: A Clean Slate

This story is completely fictional. Any resemblances to names of people and/or places is purely coincidental.

by Peg Pellerin

Click here for the previous installment.

Dave, with Jake’s assistance, measured out the smaller second floor room. Since the room had been made smaller than the other rooms due to the fact that a half bathroom was constructed from one of the large bedrooms, Jake and Miri had decided that it would be the perfect size for storage of linens, towels and other sundry items when the house would be turned into the Bed and Breakfast. There was a child sized desk and chair in the far corner of the room. In order to gain access to the walls, Dave moved the desk to the middle of the room. In the process, something fell out of the storage space of the desk. Jake immediately went over to pick it up to see what it was. He found a thin slab of slate and a pencil made of clay. “What is it?” asked Dave.

“Apparently this was where little Ian was home schooled or the desk and chair were brought up here for storage,” answered Jake. “Boy have we come a long way in school supplies,” holding up the two items to show Dave.

Suddenly they felt as if the floor was undulating beneath them. “Not again!” cried out Dave as he was looking for something to hold on to so he wouldn’t fall over from the vertigo that suddenly struck him. They found themselves in a single room schoolhouse. At the front of the room was a large wooden desk with a small desk and chair facing it and two regular sized desks and chairs behind it. Each desk had a thin slab of slate, a clay pencil and a small rag for erasing the slate. The wall behind the large adult desk and chair sported a cobbled together slate. On the desk were several pieces of clay pencils and a couple of large rags as well as a thick ruler and a wooden pointer. In the corner of the room, near the teacher’s desk was a stool with a dunce cap sitting on top of it.

All of a sudden a transparent figure appeared at the desk. As the male figure, the headmaster, walked to the front of the desk, he was struck by a small item coming from nowhere in particular. “David, how many times have I told you to stop throwing spitballs in the classroom and now you dare to hit me with one?” stormed the schoolmaster.

“What? Me? Wait, this isn’t real!” said Dave.

“We both know it’s not real. Just go along with it to get this over with. Nothing will happen. It will be OK.” stated Jake, referring to what happened in the attic.

“Come here this instance,” ordered the educator. Dave, going along with it, went toward the front of the room toward the see-through teacher. The disciplinarian took the heavy ruler on his desk and ordered Dave to put his hand out.

“Now, wait a minute!” shouted Dave.

“Don’t make this any harder on yourself, boy!” declared the school master. Looking toward Jake for reassurance and getting a nod from him, Dave went to the teacher and put out his hand. Whack came the thick ruler onto his hand.

“OUCH!” yelled Dave. “It’s not real, you said. Nothing will happen, you said. That hurt like H E Double hockey sticks! Yet when he looked at his hand, it didn’t appear like anything happened to it.

Jake started to laugh. “I see you haven’t learned anything either, dear Jacob,” stated the schoolmaster. “Go sit yourself on the stool and place the cap on your head.”

Once Jake did as he was told, everything disappeared and they were back in the linen/storage room. A slight giggle could be heard near the small desk and chair that was sitting in the middle of the room.

“Let’s finish up with the measurements you need and get the heck out of this room,” said Jake and when they left the room he took the slate and clay pencil with him. Another room was ‘cleaned’.

“Jake, Dave where the heck are you?” called Miri from the bottom of the stairs. “Dinner is ready. You guys have been up there forever.”

After taking a deep breath and calming his nerves, Jake called back, “On our way. C’mon Dave. Wait until Miri hears about this!”

“Are you guys OK?” Miri asked after hearing about the second episode to happen in the house.

“Other than our nerves being stretched out and my knuckles hurting, I think we’re OK.”

“Your knuckles don’t even look like they were hit even though I saw that ruler coming down hard on them,” said Jake.

“I felt it though,” said Dave rubbing the top of his right hand fingers. “You have to admit, it was funny when you were forced to wear the dunce cap.”

This evoked a laugh from Miri. “I’m just glad you guys are OK.”

“I heard the kid laughing. This was a game for him,” Jake pointed out.

“It is a game,” Miri asserted. “If we can tough out whatever he has us experience, we can pacify him and he’ll finally leave us alone, hopefully leaving the house.”

Continued next week

FICTION: The House, part 4: Between the weeds

This story is completely fictional. Any resemblances to names of people and/or places is purely coincidental.

by Peg Pellerin

Click here for the previous installment.

While Jake and Miri went into town to pick up groceries and other needed supplies for the house, Dave decided to be outside of the house so he mowed the lawns and roamed the property. Once mowed, the place looked more inviting. A tractor that had mower and bucket attachments, made the task quicker and easier, taking only about an hour and a half to complete. After putting the tractor away in the garage that was once a carriage house, he decided to walk around the grounds taking note of trees that should come down due to rotting or too close to the house if heavy winds should come about causing large limbs or the tree itself to come down onto the house.

Toward the back of the property there appeared to be a path overgrown with weeds and low brush. “Depending where this goes, we might want to clear this out,” he thought to himself. He found himself drawn to the path and decided to go through as much as the growth would allow him. After about a five minute stroll, dodging prickly brush and a few large fallen tree limbs, he came to a clearing, which was also densely grassed in. By the shape of the area it gave Dave the impression that it might have been a garden of some sort. There was something in the center of the space.

Trudging toward the object, he saw there were more articles within the confines of the tall grass. He also saw a broken down arbor. In the arbor were a couple of granite benches. To either side of the arbor there were statues. Upon closer inspection of the statuaries he found one to be of a man wearing what seemed to be safari type clothing. At the bottom of the statue was an inscription. Dave pulled some of the grass away so he could read it. Jebediah Hodges Big Game Hunter was carved into the stone. There were no dates, so Dave didn’t think the big game hunter was buried there or at least he hoped he wasn’t. He then went to the other statue and it was that of a young boy. The inscription on this was Ian Hodges My Precious Little Boy. “So you’re the one who caused us to be frightened out of our wits last night,” he said aloud to himself. He thought he heard a giggle coming just outside of the garden area but did his best to ignore it, but it still gave him the creeps. He thought, “I’ll have to make sure Jake and Miri see this.”

By the time Dave came out of the path and onto the freshly mowed lawn, Jake and Miri were driving up the driveway toward the house. “The lawn looks great!” Miri said. “It makes the place look so much cheerier.”

“You’re not going to believe what I found on the back of the property,” said Dave as he grabbed some of the packages from the SUV and helped to bring them into the house. He told them about his little excursion and discovery. After putting things away, he led them to what may have been at one time a tranquil garden for Mrs. Hodges.

“Alrighty then!” exclaimed Jake. “We’ll have to decide what we’re going to do about this but the inside of the house takes precedence.”

“I like the idea of a place to come and sit to unwind, but I don’t know about those two statues.” Miri pondered while looking at the little boy. “House first, garden later,” agreeing with Jake.

To be continued…

FICTION: The House, part 3 (chapter conclusion): Tiger, tiger, burning bright

This story is completely fictional. Any resemblances to names of people and/or places is purely coincidental.

by Peg Pellerin

Continued from last week.

With uncertainty in his voice Dave said, “I don’t know about you guys but it’s getting dark, which means we’ve been up here a lot longer than we should have been. How much time just passed? I think we should go back downstairs and think about what just happened.” It didn’t take much for Jake and Miri to agree. They carefully put the real and toy guns back where they belonged, closed the lid to the trunk and headed down to the main floor.

The nerve-racked threesome sat at the breakfast table trying to piece together what had happened. Miri brought iced-tea for everyone and then sat down trying to explain what she experienced. “When I picked up the toy gun I suddenly felt dizzy so I hurried to sit down. Everything in the room seemed to swirl, changing from the attic to a jungle. I heard a little boy’s voice telling me to shoot the tiger with the toy gun. It wasn’t making much sense to me but he continued urging me to do it. Once I pretended to shoot the tiger, he thanked me and said something like, ‘You are now my chuckaboo,’ whatever that means. Everything then came back to normal. How long did that last?”

While Jake was using his Smartphone to look up chuckaboo Dave said, “I just happened to look at my watch when Jake was pulling out the carved box because I was getting hungry and thought we should break for lunch. It was 1:15. I forgot about lunch when I saw how gorgeous that box was and wanted to know what was in it. All hell broke loose and it’s now 6:00. Believe it or not I’ve lost my appetite.”

Jake said, “I found chuckaboo and it’s a very old word meaning close friend. Miri, you told me a few times that you’ve had dreams about someone telling you to continue reading the diary so you’d better understand the house and that the individual was lonely. Could that individual be the one who reached out to you to shoot the tiger?”

Miri looked at him and said, “I don’t know; might have been, but does that mean this place is haunted? I sort of believed in the paranormal but now that something has happened to us, I feel a little more strongly about it. Do you think that’s why people left after living here for only a few years? If I hadn’t pretended to shoot the tiger, would it have harmed us? I’m trying to get my head around this. I’m going to go make us some sandwiches. We do need to eat something.”

The three sat in silence working through their sandwiches and trying to get over what happened. Jake broke the silence. “What are we going to do? Do we stay here and hope nothing like this happens again? We’ve invested everything we have to make this place work but can we handle any more ‘hauntings’, or yet, open a B & B where guests will witness weird events?” He put his head in his hands, shaking it back and forth.

“While I was making the sandwiches I was thinking more about the little boy that was talking to me and things he’s said in my dreams and also in the attic. Did you guys hear him in the attic or did he just talk to me?” They shook their heads in the negative. “I’ve finished reading the diaries and Ian, the little boy, was very lonely. According to his mother’s entries, he used the house as his play area going from room to room pretending to be someplace or do something with an imaginary friend. In my dreams he often said he was lonely and by reading the diaries I would understand the house. He was giggling and clapping when I ‘killed’ the tiger. Maybe it wasn’t the intent for us to be injured but playing a game with Ian.”

“Ok,” said Jake, “Let’s say for argument’s sake that the little boy, Ian, is haunting this place but doesn’t intend to do us any harm, what caused the event to happen in the first place? I was looking at the gun his father probably used to kill the tiger when the attic turned into an Indian jungle.”

“I think it happened when I picked up Ian’s toy gun. It was like a password for the game to begin,” replied Miri.

“Some game,” said Dave. “I wasn’t having fun and I’m surprised I didn’t have to change my underwear!”

“Listen,” requested Miri, “remember movies based on a couple from Connecticut that dealt with the supernatural or paranormal? This couple was real and they would collect artifacts from homes that were haunted. Once the artifacts were removed, the houses were no longer possessed. Jake, you mentioned that you wanted to give some of these antiques to the state or some other museum. If we do that then the house would lose its unearthliness.”

“I see where you’re going with this and it might work,” agreed Jake. I don’t know about you two but I’m exhausted. I might not be able to get any sleep but I feel like I need to go to bed.”

Miri finally fell asleep but it was restless. Ian approached her in another dream. “You haven’t been through the whole house yet,” he said. “There is still fun and games to be had. You’ll see when you visit all my rooms.”

That morning they all sat around the table looking like death warmed over. “You guys didn’t get much sleep either,” Dave yawned while rubbing his eyes.

“I had another visitation in a dream,” replied Miri. “Apparently Ian wants us to visit every room. He wants to play.”

“Oh just great!” Said Jake. “Wait, if there’s something of his in each room and we go along with his fun and games, we can get rid of those items and hopefully we’ll be free. Dave you can continue with your renovations while Miri and I visit the other rooms and see what we can scare up,” he said half-heartedly. “Hopefully we can get this over, with and soon.”

“It’s worth a try,” agreed Miri as Dave nodded in approval. I just hope our nerves can handle whatever he has in store for us.”

Dave held his hand up as if in a classroom. “Won’t whatever you bring to a museum, or wherever, haunt that place too?”

“I don’t think so,” replied Miri. “I think the items and Ian are connected to this house only. He died here, leaving his toys behind and once we play with him and his toys it should all be over, but I’d still like to get rid of his things once we accomplish the tasks.”

“Sounds logical,” Dave and Jake said in unison. Dave continued, “Do you want me to do anything to the smaller room on the second floor that you’re intending on using as a linen/storage room?”

Jake replied while looking for Miri’s approval, “Maybe make closed closets with shelving? We can measure later in order to decide how big we want them. Before you do work in that room, though, we have to search it to see if there are any artifacts that could cause an event to occur and clear it out of there.” Miri nodded her agreement. “Let’s just hope if we have to go through another episode, it isn’t as frightening as last night’s!”

Continued next week.