PHOTOS: Winslow summer track

Winslow Summer Track team members Carter Calvo, left, and Landon Letourneau recently competing in the 13-14 year old 100m hurdles division.(photos by Cameron Dyer/ Central Maine Photography staff)
Winslow Summer Track team members Carter Calvo, left, and Landon Letourneau recently competing in the 13-14 year old 100m hurdles division.(photos by Cameron Dyer/ Central Maine Photography staff)
While browsing through some old emails recently, I noticed one that I had planned to respond to, but as often happens, I was sidetracked and never got back to it. It was an email with photos of cicadas with an inquiry. I apologize to that person for not getting to this sooner.
Cicadas are green bugs, usually one to two inches in length with prominent eyes set wide apart, short antennae and clear wings. They have an exceptionally loud song, produced not by stridulation (making shrill or chirping sounds by rubbing certain body parts together), but by vibrating drumlike tymbals rapidly.
The “singing’ of male cicadas is not stridulation such as many familiar species of insects produce, like crickets, for example. Instead, male cicadas have a resilin structure call a tymbal below each side of the anterior abdominal region. Contraction of internal muscles buckles the tymbals inwards, thereby producing a click; on relaxation of the muscles, the tymbals return to their original position, producing another click. By rapidly vibrating these membranes, a cicada combines the clicks into apparently continuous notes. Only the males “sing.” However, both males and females have membranous structures called tympana by which they detect sounds, the equivalent of having ears.
To the human ear, it is often difficult to tell precisely where a cicada’s song originates. The pitch is nearly constant, the sound is continuous to the human ear, and cicadas sing in scattered groups.
The question posed was as to whether it was a periodic cicada, which spend most of their lives as underground nymph, emerging only after 13 to 17 years. This may reduce losses by starving their predators and eventually emerging in huge numbers that overwhelm and satiate any remaining predators.
At least 3,000 cicada species are distributed worldwide with the majority of them being in the tropics. Most are restricted to a single biogeographical region and many species have a very limited range.
Many of North American species are in the genus Neotibicen: the annual or jar fly or dog-day cicadas (so named because they emerge in late July and August). The best-known North American genus, however, Magicicada, have an extremely long life cycle of 13 – 17 years, suddenly and briefly emerging in large numbers. When this phenomenon occurs, the noise emitted by the cicadas is deafening.
After mating, the female cuts slits into the bark of a twig where she deposits her eggs. When the eggs hatch, the newly-hatched nymphs drop to the ground and burrow. Cicadas live underground as nymphs for most of their lives at depths down to about eight feet. Nymphs have strong front legs for digging and excavating chambers in close proximity to roots where they feed on xylem sap (the woody vascular tissue of a plant). In the process, their bodies and interior of the burrow become coated with anal fluids. In wet habitats, larger species construct mud towers above ground in order to aerate their burrows. In the final instar, they construct an exit tunnel to the surface and emerge. They then molt (shed their skins) on a nearby plant for the last time, and emerge as adults. The exoskeleton remains, still clinging to the bark of the tree.
The long life cycles may have developed as a response to predators, such as the cicada killer wasp and praying mantis. A specialist predator with a shorter life cycle of at least two years could not reliably prey upon the cicadas.
Other predators include bats, spiders and robber flies. Cicadas are fast flyers and can escape if disturbed, and they are well camouflaged. They are difficult to find by birds that hunt by sight.
Cicadas have been featured in literature since the time of Homer’s Iliad. They are also mentioned in Chinese and Japanese literature. Cicadas are also a frequent subject of haiku, where, depending on type, they can indicate spring, summer or autumn.
Cicadas have been used as money, in folk medicine, to forecast the weather, to provide song (in China), and in folklore and myths around the world.
Cicadas feed on sap; they do not bite or sting in a true sense, but may occasionally mistake a person’s arm for a plant limb and attempt to feed. They are not a major agricultural pest but in some outbreak years, trees may be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of females laying their eggs in the shoots.
The periodical cicada, which takes 13-17 years to emerge, does not exist in Maine. The Maine cicadas are the annual or dog-day species, which emerge in late July and August. It is common to discover a cicada’s shed exoskeleton on a tree (in Maine, at least) than it is to find an actual cicada. That it because they are strong fliers that spend their time high in the trees, so without the mass emergences that take place in other regions of the country, one is not very likely to encounter one in Maine very often, making them a thing of curiosity for anyone unfamiliar with them.
I have seen cicadas at my camp, but only on a few occasions.
By the way, cicadas are the critters you hear buzzing in late summer. Old farmers’ lore states that the first killing frost of the season will occur 90 days following the first sounds of the cicada. We heard the first buzzing of the cicada on July 22, which means the first killing frost will occur around October 22. Can’t you just wait?
Which former Red Sox outfielder went on to become a NASCAR truck series driver following his retirement from baseball after the 1996 season?
Which former Red Sox outfielder went on to become a NASCAR truck series driver following his retirement from baseball after the 1996 season?
Mike Greenwell.
The Board of Directors of the Webber Pond Association (WPA) is recommending that WPA members approve the Revised WPA Bylaws shown below at the August 13, 2022, Annual Meeting.
A. NAME: The name of the Corporation is the Webber Pond Association, Incorporated (“WPA”).
B. PURPOSE: The purpose of the WPA shall be to protect and improve the water quality and water level management of Webber Pond to enhance recreational enjoyment. This shall be accomplished through education, conservation efforts, active management, and timely identification and correction of problems that arise.
C. REGISTERED AGENT and OFFICE: The Registered Agent and Registered Office of the WPA shall be as designated by the Board of Directors or President. The address of the Registered Office may be changed from time to time by the Board of Directors, President, or the Registered Agent.
A. MEMBERSHIP: Membership shall be open to any person who supports the purposes of the WPA. A member in good standing is defined as an individual who supports the purposes of the WPA and has paid annual membership dues.
B. DUES: Membership dues shall be as determined by the Board of Directors. Members are to be notified of the dues amount at least 14 days prior to the Annual Meeting by the Secretary, President, or designee. Dues cover the period from one Annual Meeting to the day before the next Annual Meeting.
C. MEMBERSHIP PRIVILEGES: Only members in good standing are entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting or any Special Meeting, serve as a Director or Officer, or serve on a committee. Each member in good standing shall have the right to cast one vote. The approval of a majority of members is required to elect members of the Board of Directors and Officers of the WPA; amend the Bylaws of the WPA; approve the sale or other disposition of all, or substantially all, of the assets of the WPA; and approve the dissolution of the WPA, or merger/consolidation into another legal entity.
D. VOTING QUORUM and MAJORITY RULE: Twenty members of the WPA must be present in person or by valid proxy at Annual or Special member meetings to vote on agenda items. A valid proxy shall serve as a presence for quorum purposes. A majority vote of members present, in person or by valid proxy, is required to pass a motion.
E. PROXY VOTING: Any member in good standing that cannot attend the Annual Meeting, or any Special Meeting, has the right to appoint another member in good standing to attend the meeting and vote in their place as a proxy. The member appointing the proxy must sign and date a WPA proxy form authorizing the proxy to attend a specific meeting and vote on their behalf. To be valid, the proxy form must be signed and dated by the member not more than 60 days prior to the meeting, be presented by the person representing the member to the Secretary or the person presiding at the meeting before or at the commencement of the meeting and shall be effective only for the meeting specified in the document. A member in good standing may only act as a proxy for up to two members in good standing. Members who have signed a proxy form have the right to revoke the proxy by providing written notice to the President or Secretary of the WPA at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
F. ANNUAL MEETING: The Annual Meeting of the membership of the WPA shall be held on a Saturday in August, or as determined by the Board of Directors. The purpose of the Annual Meeting is to elect Officers and Directors for the following year, receive reports of the actions of the WPA and discuss issues of concern. Notice of the Annual Meeting shall be sent by the Secretary, President, or designee at least 14 days prior to the meeting and include the agenda for the meeting, the dues amount, and the recommended slate of Officers and Board Members.
G. SPECIAL MEETINGS: Special Meetings of the membership of the WPA may be called by the President, any five Directors and Officers, or any seven members of the WPA. Notice of a request for a Special Meeting shall be sent to the President and Secretary 28 days prior to the proposed meeting date and shall include the purpose of the meeting and a proposed agenda. The request including purpose and agenda shall be forwarded to members by the Secretary or President at least 14 days prior to the proposed meeting date.
H. POLL OF MEMBERSHIP: The Board of Directors my put questions to members by email if this is determined to be in the best interests of the WPA. The Board will include its position on questions posed.
A. RESPONSIBILITIES: The management and administration of the WPA shall be entrusted to the Board of Directors. The Board shall define, establish, and maintain policies and practices as necessary for the operation of the WPA.
B. NUMBER: There shall be a minimum of 5 and no more than 15 members of the Board of Directors, including those Directors serving as Officers.
C. QUALIFICATION: A person must be recognized as a member in good standing of the WPA to be a member of the Board of Directors.
D. TERM: Directors shall serve for a term of three years and remain on the Board until they resign or are replaced by vote of WPA members in good standing. Directors may be re-elected with no term limits. The Board may implement a system of staggered terms for Directors whereby approximately one-third of the Directors may be elected at each Annual Meeting, to provide continuity for the Board.
E. NOMINATION: 1. A Nominating Committee of 3 to 5 Board Members appointed by the Board of Directors shall ask WPA members for any expressions of interest in becoming a WPA Officer or Director or their recommendations for WPA Officers and Directors by the end of May. The Nomination Committee shall prepare a slate of candidates for the Board of Directors and Officers for review and vote at least 14 days prior to the June Board Meeting. The slate of Officer and Directors recommended by the current Board members will be included in the Notice of the Annual Meeting to be sent to members 14 days before the Annual Meeting.
F. MEETINGS: Board of Directors meetings may be called by the President or a majority of the Board members.
G. VOTING QUORUM: The attendance of half or more of the current Board members in person or electronically shall constitute a quorum to approve motions.
H. VOTING: For all matters coming before the Board of Directors, a majority vote of those at a meeting in person or electronically at which a quorum is present shall prevail.
I. USE OF ELECTRONIC MEANS: To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Board of Directors and committees may conduct business by electronic means, including, but not limited to, electronic attendance and email notices to Directors and committee members.
J. WATER QUALITY AND WATER LEVEL COMMITTEE: A standing committee of no less than 5 and no more than 11 members appointed by the Board of Directors, with a majority being Board Members and the balance being WPA members in good standing who have indicated an interest in participating. The committee shall develop, maintain, administer, and communicate water quality and water level monitoring and management procedures for the WPA. These shall be based upon Webber data, best practices, and recommendations from the Town of Vassalboro and relevant State of Maine and federal agencies. The committee shall also promote education and outreach programs that encourage best practices for lake users, such as the LakeSmart program that helps lakefront property owners manage their land to protect water quality.
K. VACANCIES: Vacancies in the Board may be filled by the Board of Directors. The person so selected will serve until the next Annual Meeting.
L. CONFLICT OF INTEREST: If any matter comes before the Board in such a way as to give rise to a conflict of interest, the affected Director shall make known the potential conflict, answer any questions that may be asked of them and withdraw from the meeting until the matter has been brought to a vote. The affected Director shall not participate in discussions or vote on the matter and shall not be included in the calculation of a quorum for the vote on the matter.
M. DISQUALIFICATION AND TERMINATION: Three absences from meetings of the Board of Directors shall constitute grounds for disqualification. Two-thirds of the Board of Directors shall have the authority to terminate a person’s position on the Board of Directors.
A. OFFICERS: The Officers shall be a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Secretary and Treasurer may be combined at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
B. QUALIFICATIONS: A person must be recognized as a member in good standing of the WPA to be a WPA Officer.
C. TERM: Officers shall serve for a term of two years and remain in office until they resign or are replaced by vote of WPA members in good standing. Officers may be re-elected with no term limits.
D. PRESIDENT: The President shall be the chief executive and administrative officer of the WPA, leading the affairs of the WPA in a manner consistent with the Purpose of the WPA and in cooperation with the Board of Directors. The President will preside at all Board, Annual and Special meetings and perform other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.
E. VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President shall perform duties as assigned by the President and the Board of Directors. In the absence or disability of the President, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President.
F. TREASURER: The Treasurer shall keep accurate records of all monies received and paid out and shall have custody of all property, including bank accounts. All funds shall be paid out as directed by the Board of Directors or President. The Treasurer shall make a report of the financial condition of the WPA at Board and Annual member meetings.
G. SECRETARY: The Secretary shall count votes at meetings, keep a faithful record of all meetings, and perform other secretarial duties as required. Draft minutes of Board Meetings are to be sent to the Board within 2 weeks of the date of any Board Meeting. Draft minutes of Annual and Special Meetings are to be sent to the Board for review within 14 days and shall be reviewed by the Board promptly, so that they can be forwarded and to the members of the WPA within 28 days of the date of the Annual or Special Meeting.
H. VACANCIES: Vacancies in any Officer position may be filled by the Board of Directors. The person so selected will serve until the next Annual Meeting.
A. INDEMNIFICATION: The Directors, Officers, volunteers, employees, and agents of the WPA shall not be individually or personally liable for the debts or obligations of the WPA and shall be indemnified by the WPA against all financial loss, damage, cost, and expense (including attorney’s fees) reasonably incurred by or imposed upon them in connection with or resulting from any civil or criminal action, suit, proceeding, claim, or investigation in which they may be involved by reason of any action taken or omitted to be taken by them in good faith as a Director, Officer, volunteer, employee, or agent of the WPA.
B. PRUDENT CARE: Indemnification is subject to the condition that a majority of a quorum of the Board of Directors comprised of those Directors who are not parties to such action, suit, proceeding, claim, or investigation, or if there be no such quorum, independent counsel selected by a quorum of the entire Board of Directors, shall be of the opinion that the person requesting indemnification acted in good faith and in the reasonable belief, under the circumstances, that their actions were in the best interests of the WPA, or that such person took or omitted to take such action in reliance upon advice of counsel for the WPA or acted on information furnished by a Director, Officer, employee, or agent of the WPA and accepted in good faith by the person seeking indemnification.
C. BENEFIT: The indemnification provided herein shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, or administrators of any Director, Officer, volunteers, employee, or agent and shall not be exclusive of any other rights to which such party may be entitled by law or under any resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors.
D. INSURANCE: The WPA shall procure insurance covering the Directors, Officers, and volunteers of the WPA against any liability incurred in such capacity or arising out of their status as such.
A. AMENDMENT: These Bylaws may be amended at any Annual or Special Meeting of members by a majority vote of members in good standing present in person or by proxy where a quorum exists. Suggestions for changes to the Bylaws to be made at an Annual Meeting must be submitted to the President and Secretary by any member in good standing no later than July 1 so that they can be considered by the Board of Directors and sent to WPA members with the Board’s input for consideration at least 14 days prior to the Annual Meeting. Suggestions for changes to the Bylaws to be made at a Special Meeting must be submitted to the President and Secretary by any member in good standing at least 28 days prior to the proposed Special Meeting so that they can be considered by the Board of Directors and sent to WPA members with the Board’s input for consideration at least 14 days prior to the proposed Special Meeting.
After a successful completion of Phase 1 of its fundraising campaign—which allowed urgent repairs to the foundation, floors, and interior of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Boyhood Home in Raymond—the Hawthorne Community Association has launched Phase 2 of its fundraising campaign, to fully repair, upgrade, and sustain the beloved boyhood home of the author of The Scarlet Letter.
The goal of the campaign is to raise $75,000. This money will allow the Hawthorne Community Association to repair structural deficiencies in the roof; re-shingle it; re-paint or re-side walls; repair or replace the front steps; repair cracks to the interior walls; and complete landscaping and add fencing where necessary.
“The Hawthorne House is a landmark and source of great pride to everyone who appreciates the culture and literary heritage of New England,” said Abel Bates of the Hawthorne Community Association, which has cared for the historic house since 1921. “By raising this $75,000, we will ensure that one of Maine’s most historic homes will endure and thrive as a community events center.”
Event rentals at the Hawthorne House will help fund Phase 2 of the fundraising campaign. Rates are $25 per hour for nonprofits and Hawthorne Community Association members, and $50 per hour for nonmembers (minimum of two hours).
To donate to Phase 2 of the effort to fully repair Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Boyhood Home, please consider a much-appreciated check payable to “Hawthorne Community Association” / PO Box 185 / South Casco, ME 04077. PayPal donations may be made online at:
For more information, please contact Abel Bates at (207) 318-7131 or
Allen Robert Brackett, born on July 14, 1924, passed away on Monday, July 11, 2022. Allen, the eldest son of Herman and Frances (Allen) Brackett was born in Medford, Massachusetts. Allen was married to Margurite Jones Brackett, daughter of Merle and Doris Jones, lifelong residents of Weeks Mills.
Allen lived a life defined by his curiosity and intellect. He spent much of his youth in Casco. He was a ‘Mainer’ through and through, always humble, polite, hard working, and respectful of others and the environment he enjoyed so much.
He is a World War II veteran, being drafted after graduation from Casco High School. Upon entry, he was tested and spent his first years in service at the University of North Dakota to study engineering. He was always a bit regretful for not immediately going to the front as so many others did. In November 1944, Allen was eventually sent to join the newly-formed 66th Infantry Division headed to England, then Northern France. Five months after Allen’s arrival in Europe, in May 1945, the Germans surrendered and most Allied Forces draftees were sent home. Allen remained stationed in Austria and France, assisting in the peaceful reconstruction of Europe, returning home with an honorable discharge later that year.
Allen took advantage of the GI Bill to attend the University of Maine at Orono, graduating in 1950 with a degree in mechanical engineering. He maintained a love for UMaine’s School of Engineering throughout his life, always following new developments in the news. He donated to the Engineering School after nearly every request.
Allen met his sweetheart, Marguerite Jones, at UMO and they married in 1951. They recently celebrated their 71st wedding anniversary. Allen moved his new family to Kittery to work at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in the Engineering Design Division until his retirement in 1979.
Allen was a Past Master of Naval Lodge #184 AF&AM. He was also a Scottish Rite Mason and a member of the Shriners. His friends and fellow masons invariably commented on his remarkable abilities in ceremony and degree work. He was often called upon to lead or take a part in a ritual around the state of Maine.
The loves of his life, his lovely partner and wife Marguerite, daughter Allane and son Russ, were constant sources of joy. He never missed a chance to listen, help in an endeavor, or educate in complex sciences of engineering or astronomy. If one wanted to understand black holes or the theory of relativity, Allen was the man to talk with.
Allen was predeceased by his youngest brother Weldon.
He is survived by his wife Marguerite; daughter Allane Ball and husband Steve; son Russell Brackett and wife Linda and their extended family; grandsons Benjamin Ball and wife Alison, and Jonathan Ball; great-grandchildren Briana, Elijah, Jacob and Alyssa; great-great-grandchild Graham “Chip” McKinney; brother Malcolm Brackett; sister-in-law Lida; several nieces and a nephew.
VASSALBORO – Evelyn Ashton, 90, passed away on Thursday, July 14, 2022, in her family home of 58 years, in Vassalboro. She was born on May 17, 1932, to Elizabeth (Scott) and Thomas Graham, in East York, Toronto, Canada.
Evelyn had three older sisters: Margaret, Lillian and Patricia; an older brother, Tommy and a younger sister, Ruth.
She attended schools in East York, Toronto, Canada and graduated from Jarvis Collegiate High School and Emmaus Bible School, with honors. While at Emmaus, she met James Ashton, from New Jersey, and they married on June 25, 1955. They set up house in an apartment in Beverly, Massachusetts, and then moved to South Hamilton, Massachusetts, while Jim finished college in 1958. Evelyn worked for CBS Hytron until their first child, Elizabeth, was born. They came to Livermore in 1958 and during their years there, Evelyn did some substitute teaching. After a move to Vassalboro, and following the birth of their sixth child in 1964, she continued substitute teaching.
Evelyn had a full-time job in the Waterville school system, first as a reading tutor, then as a secretary to the special education director at the high school. Evelyn also worked part-time at the dental office of John Koons. Evelyn finished out her career in the school system as a library aide at George Mitchell School. She then volunteered at the Vassalboro Food Station Pantry. Throughout these years, Evelyn met so many good people, some of whom became lifelong friends.
Her best, and most fulfilling work, was raising her children and helping them in so many ways, as they grew up to adulthood. Evelyn and Jim took their children camping for many years. Evelyn did much of the preparation for these trips, whether long or short: The Maritime Provinces, Ontario, Québec, and The Great Smokey Mountains, and, of course, many Maine trips.
After the children were out of the nest, Ev and Jim made trips to Colorado, Arizona, and California; to the cities of San Francisco, Seattle and New Orleans. They went to the United Kingdom twice. Ev managed a third trip there with her sister Ruth. Evelyn and Jim, with Ruth and Curt, made trips to Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, the Gaspé of Québec and Northern Ontario.
Evelyn also enjoyed knitting, rug braiding, wreath making and tending to her many beautiful flower gardens. She was also an avid reader. She was a very practical person, which helped immensely during the early years of raising a family.
Evelyn enjoyed visits to the coast, especially trips to many of the beautiful and historic sites of Maine.
Evelyn was predeceased by her daughter, Elizabeth Ashton.
Evelyn is survived by her husband, James, recently celebrating their 67th wedding anniversary; her son, Jonathan and his son Zach; her daughter, Karen Ashton and husband Michael Sullivan, and her children William, Meghan, Nicholas and Lyndsey; her daughter, Katherine and husband Douglas Houghton, and their daughter, Karly; her daughter, Judith and husband Louis Harle and their children Christopher, Jennifer and Colin; and her daughter, Paula Ashton and husband John Lewandowski and their children Ruth and Walter; as well as great-grandchildren, Will and Oscar.
A memorial service will held on Saturday, August 20, at 2 p.m., at the family home, in North Vassalboro.
In lieu of flowers, gifts may be made to Vassalboro Food Station Pantry, 20 Ferland Lane, Vassalboro, ME 04989 or Vassalboro Public Library, P.O. Box 62, East Vassalboro, ME 04935.
WHITEFIELD – Janice Marie Woodworth, 83, passed away Tuesday July 19, 2022, at Augusta Center for Health and Rehabilitation, following more than two years battling heart and kidney disease. Janice was born on May 20, 1939, in Palermo,
Janice was able to share wonderful memories and funny stories with family and close friends the weeks prior to her passing.
Janice loved spending time with her family and friends, shopping, going out to eat, or just watching a Red Sox game on TV. She took a Caribbean cruise with the girls, (Donna, Robin, Kim, Debbie, Zina, Katherine, and Robby) before she became ill; she had the best time hanging with the girls on the ship and on the beach.
Janice was an amazing mother and never stopped being a mom even after her children grew up and moved out to start their own lives; she was always looking out for them. She also loved her husband Philip Woodworth even though she had been known to play some pretty epic practical jokes on him over the years. She loved being a grandmother, and was lucky to have several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
She graduated high school by attending night classes while raising her family. Janice and her husband owned and operated a small country store in Washington for many years. After that she worked different jobs before retiring from Maine Veterans Home, in Augusta.
Janice was predeceased by her parents Wallace and Florence Curtis; and her brothers Lloyd, and Floyd (twins that died a birth), Cleveland Curtis, Duane Curtis, and John Curtis (her twin brother).
Janice is survived by her husband, Philip Woodworth; her daughter, Donna Woodworth and her husband David Bottom, and David’s children, Thomas Bottom and Mary Bottom and her husband Adam Mills, and their son Timothy Mills; her son, Michael Woodworth, and his son Dustin Woodworth and his wife Audrey Woodworth and their son, Corey Woodworth; her son, David Woodworth and his partner Robin Shaw, and David’s daughter, Brittany Leonard and her husband, Thomas Leonard, and their three sons TJ Leonard, and Blaine and Blaze Leonard (twins); her son, Brian Woodworth and his son, Jarrett Woodworth, and daughter Kristen Woodworth, her partner Demetrius Miller, and her sons Jaheim Miller and Xavion Woodworth; her brother, Warren Curtis; and many nieces and nephews who she loved dearly.
Janice, a.k.a. “the life of the party”, had a full life filled with much joy and laughter knowing that she was loved.
There will be no funeral at her request, instead, a celebration of life with a date to be determined.
Arrangements are in the care of Plummer Funeral Home, 983 Ridge Rd., Augusta, ME 04363. Condolences, stories, and photos may be shared at
FAIRFIELD – Orman W. Wheeler, 96, of Fairfield, passed away on Wednesday, July 20, 2022, at Oak Grove Center, in Waterville. Orman “Jim” Wheeler was born April 7, 1926, the son of Frank C. Wheeler and Alma (Damren) Wheeler.
He attended schools in Fairfield.
Orman “Jim” entered into active military service on June 24, 1944. He served in World War II a PUT.C.E., in Co. 1285th Engineer Construction Battalion. He received in action, EAME campaign medal, Good Conduct Medal, and World War II Victory Medal.
Orman “Jim” was a master mechanic by trade. He also enjoyed driving truck and had worked at many companies over the years. His biggest accomplishment was building/owning Shady Acres Trailer Park. He and his wife, Hilda, owned and operated the park for many years together. Anyone who knew “Jim”, knew he was a “jack of all trades”!
Orman “Jim” had many interests and hobbies. One of the things he loved most was traveling with his family. He and his family took many camping trips over the years. One of the most memorable would be the trip to California in a truck-camper!
Orman “Jim” was also known for his passion for John Deere tractors. He was very knowledgeable about all tractors. He enjoyed rebuilding, painting, selling, and trading them. Everyone in town knew if they had a question in regards to a tractor, to ask “Jim”!
Orman “Jim” was predeceased by his parents, Frank C. Wheeler, and Alma D. Wheeler; his two brothers and sister; and his wife of 66 years, Hildred E. (Jones) Wheeler.
Orman “Jim” is survived by his only daughter, Tonia M. Wentworth, of Fairfield; son-in-law John E. Wentworth II, of Fairfield; his two granddaughters, Kaylee M. and Saydee M. Wentworth,, both of Fairfield; many relatives too many to list.
A graveside service with military honors was held on Saturday, July 30, at Maplewood Cemetery, in Fairfield.
Arrangements are in the care of Lawry Brothers Funeral Home, 107 Main St., Fairfield where memories may be shared, and an online register book signed by visiting
WATERVILLE – Perry E. Mosher, 89, passed away peacefully at Avita Memory Care, in Brunswick, on Wednesday, July 20, 2022. He was born in Waterville on June 10, 1933, the son of Benjamin and Doris (Main) Mosher.
He graduated from Waterville High School and served in the U.S. Navy. He was a salesman for Ladd Paper Company until their closing, than went on to sell cars for Joseph Motor Company, both in Waterville, for a few years but decided to go back to selling on the road which he always enjoyed, and worked for Sysco until his retirement.
He was a member of the Waterville Methodist Church. Perry and Marilyn loved spending summers at their camp on Salmon Lake, in Oakland, with their children and many of their relatives along the same shoreline. He loved to fix cars in his free time and in later years was very passionate about antique clock repair / restoration. He also liked going to some of the local auctions.
He was predeceased by his parents Benjamin and Doris Mosher; his wife of 49 years, Marilyn (Ladd) Mosher; and his sister, Judith (Mosher) Varney.
He is survived by his sons Leslie Mosher and Scott Mosher; his daughter, Lisa Healy and her husband John, and his daughter, Lori Smith and her husband John; seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
A family graveside service will be held at a later date.
Arrangements are in the care of Lawry Brothers Funeral Home, 107 Main St., Fairfield where memories may be shared, and an online register book signed by visiting
WHITEFIELD – Richard L. Cummings, 77, passed away peacefully at his home in the early morning hours of Thursday, July 21, 2022. He was born on May 25, 1945, in Ellsworth.
After spending his childhood years with his grandmother, Florence Guptill, in Ellsworth, he moved to Chelsea and graduated from Cony High School, in Augusta, in 1963. He joined the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves in 1963 from which he was honorably discharged in 1969. He was a CLP logger and marine blood worm digger during his working years.
Richard enjoyed deer hunting, trout fishing, stock car racing, men’s softball, and horse racing. He was happiest when working on his son Todd’s stock car or being part of a good deer drive with family and friends. Many deer found their way into elderly friend’s cellars to help them through the winter.
He was predeceased by his grandmother; his parents Alexander and Dora Cummings; his brothers Bob and Alex; and grandson, Ryan Mullens.
He is survived by his partner of 24 years, Laurie Mullens; his sons Rick and partner Laurie Brann, of Whitefield, and Todd and his wife Greta, of Whitefield; his partner’s sons Wayne Mullens and partner Shannon Baron, of Whitefield, and Derek Mullens and wife Kelley, of Windsor; his grandchildren Logan and wife Kaitie, Jacob and partner Carmen, Caleb, and Sydney; and great-granddaughters Mackenzie and Harper; his partner’s grandchildren Jordon and her husband Ben, Thomas and Brylee, and great-grandson Crew; siblings Donald, Dennis and his wife Jerri, Margaret Allen and her husband Bernie, Cathy Trask and her husband Dan and sister-in-law, Donna Cummings; many nieces, nephews, cousins.
A graveside service for family and friends will be held at the Coopers Mills Cemetery (a.k.a. Howe Cemetery), in Whitefield, at a later date.
FAIRFIELD – Curtis “Curt” Paul Hymel, 75, of Fairfield, died peacefully at his home on Saturday, July 23, 2022. He was born in Vacherie, Louisiana, on May 25, 1947, to parents Donald J. and Marjorie R. Hymel (Simon).
Curt honorably served in the United States Navy as a Seabee, and was stationed in Vietnam, Cuba, and Rhode Island. Curt was a proud member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.
Curt enjoyed the outdoors, playing sports, fishing and hunting with friends, gardening, and watching the local wildlife with Dakota. He prided himself on his Cajun cooking, making homemade hot sauce, and teaching his children (and grandchildren) how to make a proper roux.
He was predeceased by his parents.
He is survived by his wife, Cynthia Tupper Hymel; and his children Janine Lairmore and husband Michael, Julia Burlette and husband Jeff, and Curtis Grenier; eight grandchildren, Caitlyn, Connor, Ryan, Charlotte, Maxwell, Josephine, Samuel, and Benjamin; his four younger sisters, Nadine Delatte (Larry), Pamela Zeringue, Marie Dufresne (Jun) and Jeanne Landry (Lloyd); and more nieces, nephews, cousins.
Graveside services with military honors was held at Tozier Cemetery, in Fairfield, on Saturday, July 30.
Arrangements are in the care of Lawry Brothers Funeral Home, 107 Main St., Fairfield where memories may be shared, and an online register book signed by visiting
In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation or Maine General Health Hospice.
WHITEFIELD – Jennifer Lynn Wilson Morrow, 38, wife to Ryan and mother to Blake and Keegan, passed away on Sunday, July 24, 2022. She was born in Augusta on October 15, 1983.
Jenn was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer after the birth of her second child. Despite the challenges she faced with this diagnosis, she was always positive and optimistic. She fought bravely to just have one more day with her family. #stage4needsmore was not only found on every social media post of her journey, but also her mission to spread awareness in hopes to help others in the future. In October 2019, Jenn had the privilege of being the Grand Marshal for the Walk for Hope, where she proudly wore the banner that supports all the work the Alfond Center provides to cancer patients.
Jenn grew up in Chelsea attending Chelsea School and graduating from Cony High School, in Augusta, in 2002. This is where she met lifelong friends “the Goldies”; Dostie, Angela, Sarah and Katie. They were with Jenn in her final days providing care and reflecting on precious times together. Many fond memories which always had lots of laughter, including a trip to Acadia and frequent breakfast dates, where Jenn would always say “Just take the damn picture”. Jenn had a very special bond with dear friend, Beth Sproul-LeBrun after many years working together. Beth was there to help Jenn have a peaceful journey and fulfilled the promise of all Jenn’s final wishes. The family will forever be grateful for the kindness and care Beth helped provide during these difficult days.
Jenn graduated from the University of Maine at Farmington with a degree in Early Childhood Education. She loved her role as “Ms. Jenn” working with the children from SKCDC – most recently Lake Region Center, City of Augusta Childcare Kindercamp and her involvement with Whitefield Elementary School. Jenn was a gifted teacher who truly was built for the teaching profession, as she helped shape hundreds of children educationally and was a role model to many. Jenn had a special place in her heart for many co-workers, who also became dear friends.
Family was everything to Jenn and even though Rose was her mother, they were also best friends, spending as much time together as they could and loving deeply as each day passed. Weekends spent with her mom and sister, Amanda, were also a favorite – especially the trips to Dunkin’ or Starbucks along with Target and TJMaxx adventures together. Rose and Amanda were by Jenn’s side nonstop as she slowly faded from us, reminding her how amazing she was. Although Amanda was her older sister, Jenn provided constant guidance and reassurance to Amanda and was her number one supporter during the journey of motherhood and life. A bond between sisters that was so strong and will be missed immensely. Jenn loved watching her father, Cliff, be the best Papa to her boys and cherished the bond that they share.
Jenn tragically lost her brother, Joshua Wilson, in a car accident in 2007. She reminded her boys that Uncle Josh was watching over them and she would soon be with Uncle Josh to watch over all of us.
Jenn leaves behind her husband, Ryan, who she loved with all her heart. In August 2010 she wed Ryan at Saddleback Mountain, in Rangeley, and soon grew their beautifully family together with their sons and black labs, Owen and Max. She is forever grateful to Ryan for making her a wife and mother. Ryan taught her how a person should be loved as he never left her side during her battle with cancer. Ryan spent the final days holding her, loving on her and ensuring her final moments were filled with laughter and love.
Jenn’s legacy lives on within her two sons, Blake (11) and Keegan (3). Family time sharing laughs over dinner, daily walks with the boys, disc golfing or time spent “upta camp” with “her boys” were such cherished moments for her. Jenn was the most patient and supportive Mumma to her sons and told them constantly “Love you to the Moon and Back a million times, Buddy”. Blake helped care for his mother at home her final week, bringing her favorite dill pickles, Dostie’s cookies and reminding his Mom how much she was loved.
Surviving Jennifer also are her parents, Cliff and Rose Wilson, of Chelsea; sister, Amanda Wilson-Gray and brother-in-law, Justin Gray, of Gray; a nephew, Kai Gray; her paternal grandmother, Jane Wilson, of Augusta; many aunts, uncles and cousins.
Arrangements have been entrusted to Plummer Funeral Home, 983 Ridge Rd., Windsor, ME 04363. Condolences, stories or photos may be shared by visiting
In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate donations sent to Camden National Bank, 66 Eastern Ave., Augusta, ME 04330 in support of her two sons, Blake and Keegan Morrow.
WINSLOW – Richard D. Roy, 97, of Winslow, passed away peacefully on Monday, July 25, 2022, at Maine Veterans Home, in Augusta. Richard was born to Alire and Leonie Roy, in Waterville, on November 15, 1924. He graduated from Waterville High School and attended one year at University of Maine College, in Brunswick, for mechanical engineering.
Richard married Jeannette Irene Brousseau on November 20, 1948. He worked for 40 years as a machinist at the Hollingsworth & Whitney Company, later known as Scott Paper Company, in Winslow.
Richard served in the U.S. Army from 1943 to 1946. He was in Company C, 248th Engineer Combat Battalion. He served in Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland and Central Europe. He received the good conduct army victory medals, 4 Battle Stars European African Middle Eastern Theater Campaign, Meritorious Service and American Theater Ribbons.
Richard loved carpentry work. He was very skilled and could make anything. He also enjoyed taking care of the yard, music, singing and spending time with his children and grandchildren.
He was always happy, smiling and loved to have a good laugh, which was contagious. He was a loving husband and father.
Richard was predeceased by his parents Leonie and Alire Roy; a sister, Vernette Grenier, a brother, Alire Jr.; and granddaughter, Kayla Jessie Brown.
Survivors include his wife, Jeannette, of 73 years, of the Maine Veterans Home, in Augusta; daughters Nancy J. Roy, of Cummings, Georgia; and her daughter Tammy Kennedy; Doreen A. Roy, of Winslow, Lisa M. Silva and husband Joseph T. Silva, of Fayette; two sons, David R. Roy and wife Cathie Roy, of Meridianville, Alabama, and Brian M. Roy, of Portland; grandchildren Travis Bickford and wife Lily Baker, Heather Bickford, Kaitlin Bickford, Melissa A. Hayden and husband Ryan Hayden, Kyle F. Brown, Christopher D. Brown; and great-grandchildren Gavyn and Emma Hayden, Winter Merkens and Brooks Schroeder.
At his request, there will be no visiting hours. A private graveside service will be held.
Arrangements are under the direction and care of Gallants Funeral Home, 10 Elm St., Waterville. An online guestbook may be signed, condolences and memories shared at
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Resident Activities Fund at the Maine Veterans Home, in Augusta.
WATERVILLE – Janice Pearl Bradbury, 89, of Waterville, passed away Wednesday, July 27, 2022. She was born November 24, 1932, in Rumford, the daughter of Lester Eugene Bradbury and Pauline Bradbury (Coolidge). Janice moved to Waterville at the age of five, where she lived the remainder of her life on Elmwood Avenue, with her aunt Pearl Loud and uncle Johnny, who raised her as their own. She attended Waterville schools and graduated from Thomas College, in Waterville, with a degree in business.
Her love and passion for animals lead her to a lifetime of service, rescuing animals. She loved life to the fullest. She loved to dance, go on adventures, and everything about the outdoors. The eldest of six girls, Janice took every opportunity to be with family and friends. Her nieces and nephews, who lovingly referred to her as “Aunty Jan”, meant the world to her.
Janice was an active and beloved member of her Jehovah’s Witness congregation from the age of 18, attending the Waterville Kingdom Hall. Using her degree, Janice worked bookkeeping jobs throughout her life and retired from the office of Woodlands Senior Living, in Waterville, at the age of 85.
She was predeceased by her parents Lester Eugene Bradbury and Pauline Bradbury (Coolidge); her aunt, Mina Pearl Loud; and her sister, Shirley Petrie.
Janice is survived by her sisters Christine Currier, of Florida, Dianne Sisneros, of Colorado, Roxanne Sisneros, of Iowa, Karen Heath, of Waterville; and a multitude of nieces and nephews.
A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m., Saturday, August 6, at Lawry Brothers Funeral Home, 107 Main St., Fairfield.
Arrangements are in the care of Lawry Brothers Funeral Home, 107 Main St., Fairfield where memories may be shared, and an online register book signed by visiting
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Humane Society Waterville Area, 100 Webb Rd., Waterville, ME 04901.
GRAND JUNCTION, Colorado – Charles Abbott, 74, died on Monday, June 25, 2022, in Grand Junction, Colorado. He was born in Waterville on February 11, 1948, to Carroll and Kathryn Abbott.
He graduated from Waterville High School, class of 1966.
With degrees from Colby College, in Waterville, and Columbia University, in New York, Charlie acquired fluency in music, Russian and Chinese. His professional life soon centered around photography and he became staff photographer for the Aspen Music Festival, out of which came his book, Reflections in Music.
In Aspen, Colorado, he cofounded Digital Arts Aspen, from where he pursued other projects, including many trips to the Dostoevsky Museum, in Russia.
For several years he conducted interviews on local public radio with visiting scientists, philosophers and metaphysicians in Aspen, Colorado. He is remembered by many for his generosity and ready laugh.
A graveside service is being planned for Waterville.
WATERVILLE – Jay Smith, of Hartland and Waterville, passed away on Saturday, June 30, 2022. Jay was born the youngest of six on June 15, 1965, to Margaret Foley Smith and Virgil Smith in Perth Amboy, New Jersey.
Jay attended Perth Amboy High School, where he began and continued many lifelong friendships. Upon moving away from his hometown, he invested in a career of painting and maintenance in Florida, where he also met his wife, Nancy.
After getting married and having a daughter, Madelyn, the young family settled in Maine. He started his own painting business, Evenflow Painting, and picked up a habit of buying fixer-uppers to live in and renovate with his wife and daughter.
In recent years, he’s worked as maintenance staff and a supervisor with employers such as Sugarloaf Mountain and the Carrabec school system. He enjoyed his time at home, playing pool, and finding the best food trucks.
Throughout his life, Jay made die-hard friendships and had a positive impact on the lives of many people, including the students he passed in the halls at work. To say the least, he left a hole in the lives of many and will be loved and missed by those who knew him.
He was predeceased by his parents; and siblings Carol Fell, Bruce Smith, and Joanne Tomczyk.
He is survived by his daughter, Madelyn Smith; and his wife, Nancy Rivers Smith; as well as two of his sisters, Patti Pukas, Terri Puleo; his brother-in-law, George Puleo; and many nieces and nephews.
MaineGeneral Medical Center’s Art Committee invites Maine artists to submit proposals to display and sell their work at a MaineGeneral facility. Those selected will have an opportunity to hang their art in the Alfond Center for Health in Augusta or the Thayer Center for Health in Waterville for a period of eight weeks.
Exhibition spaces can accommodate 15 to 20 pieces of art. All two-dimensional media are welcome, from solo artists or groups. Framed size of the artwork should range from 11×14 to 24×36 inches. MaineGeneral’s Art Committee retains a low 20 percent commission on any sales to purchase art for the benefit of the hospital’s patients and staff.
Proposals are accepted on a rolling basis and are reviewed monthly. Spaces are available in the fall and winter of 2022 and into 2023. Complete application information can be found on the hospital website:
To learn more or ask questions, please contact Jo Horn of Volunteer Services by email at or by phone at (207) 626-1244.
I just wanted to say, how happy I am to live in Albion. I love this beautiful town. I’m so pleased to see the village bustling again. A few years ago Main St. was desolate. Now the village is full of people, new living spaces, and several new businesses are thriving. I’m just so pleased. The village is still small, quaint, & has all the country charm that I moved from China to Albion for.
I am so grateful for the wonderful people that run this town. A few weeks ago I had an issue that (to me) was important, but truthfully could’ve waited. But me, being me, went knocking on the town office door even though it was clearly closed. I should not have been surprised, but I was, when the door opened. I was given the info I needed right then and there. I then made contact with the town road commissioner. He answered my call, even though he was actively working on a job site. Within an hour he called me back with the info I needed. The state was not as helpful, but that’s neither here nor there.
By the end of the day, when realizing what a pain I am (lol) I went to bed thanking my God for the people in and the town itself of Albion.
Thank you to every town official and every town resident who make this beautiful country town the most perfect place to live.
Danielle Foster