Student Writers Program
This week featuring: King Middle School, Portland
Due to climate change, the Antarctic ice cap, where most of the world’s water is from, is in danger of melting within a century. I am Amos, a student at King Middle School, in Portland. We have been doing an expedition about climate change and the effects of carbon pollution. I strongly believe that educated United States citizens should focus more on helping move into a carbon neutral future, than trying to educate others. I am aware of the irony of me trying to raise awareness without taking action, but because of my legal ability, this is the best I can do.
There are enough people educated on this existential problem, that if we actually do something, we could make a major impact towards solving it. I live in Portland, which means a decent chunk of the city is at risk of flooding, and this both negatively impacts our environment, and our real estate. It will be very difficult to find reliable homeowners insurance in a city that is constantly flooding. We as citizens have the ability to vote on what climate policies we put into action. I believe nuclear power is a realistic, affordable, and an efficient energy source. Fifty two percent of the United States is powered by Nuclear, and I believe that Portland, Maine, should be as well. It is clean and extremely powerful.
In conclusion, we, as citizens of Maine, have the ability to make a difference. But in order to do so, we need to put our education to action. Everyone needs to vote on climate change policies. Everyone needs to change the way they use energy. Everyone needs to think more about how their actions have consequences. When it comes to carbon pollution, karma is real. People can make more of a difference than they realize, and need to put this power into action, immediately.
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According to President Barack Obama, “There’s one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other, and that is the urgent threat of a changing climate” My name is Justin. I attend King Middle School in Portland. I believe that by switching to solar energy, and switching to solar energy in general that we can sustainably move into a carbon neutral future. It is my duty to make sure that we can find the fastest and the most efficient ways to move into, not a carbon free, but carbon neutral future.
Evidently, I know that by switching to solar energy we can efficiently move into a carbon neutral future. Renewable energy, and to be exact, solar energy, is one of the most organic renewable energy sources. I call it organic because it uses an original source of energy, which is the sun. I could not think of a better source of energy than the sun itself, it is always shining, except for in the night, when the stars could be helpful to produce energy for solar panels. Solar energy can power houses, cars, and many more things. In fact, one of my teacher’s car is powered by solar panels. Secondly, army forces use solar energy. There are more than one hundred thirty Megawatt of solar photovoltaic energy systems powering the Navy, Army and Air Force bases, in at least thirty one different states, and the District of
Columbia combined. The installation of the solar panels provides enough clean energy to power twenty two thousand American houses.
Lastly, solar reduces pollution from the air. Knowing that solar energy reduces pollution means that we can reduce enough to be safe, but also be able to do things efficiently. Fossil fuels create a lot of pollutants. Especially, if you have been in California, New York, China, or anyplace where they have mountains and valleys you probably seen what dirty air looks like. Solar panels help get rid of air pollution.In conclusion, solar panels create clean energy that will not contribute to pollution.
As you can see, by switching to renewable energy we can impact the environment in a positive way. It is an organic source of energy, is ripe and is reliable at all times,even at night. Army forces use it and rely on it for almost everything in their base, and the army are pretty trustworthy people. Last, but not least, it reduces pollution from the world which these days is our number one problem in the world. The earth is too polluted and it is hurting the earth. Clearly, switching to renewable resources is neutral and will help make the world better.
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Young people in this world today will have to suffer from this everyday and can’t even have a normal childhood due to climate change. My name is Tass, short for Tasniim. I attend King Middle School, in Portland, and we are doing an expedition called “Engineering Our Energy Future.” It is about ways we can sustainably move us into a carbon neutral future. In my opinion, I strongly believe solar infrastructure is the best way to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Solar power systems derive clean, pure energy from the sun. Installing solar panels on your home helps combat greenhouse gas emissions and reduces our collective dependence on fossil fuel. Solar is one of the cleanest energy sources available today. As solar power’s influence and impact rises, scientists and manufacturers all over the world are working hard to develop even better, more sustainable solar energy technology. Solar power is in fact the cleanest environmentally-friendly energy source. Solar also reduces water pollution. The total amount of water needed to generate solar electricity is dramatically less than more traditional electricity sources. Older technologies such as nuclear, natural gas, and coal-fired facilities, all require massive amounts of water for cooling purposes.
In conclusion, we should invest in solar infrastructure to help fight climate change and sustainably move us into a carbon neutral future. People should not have to think twice about this. Solar infrastructure helps the earth in so many different ways it’s unbelievable.
Student Writer’s Program: What Is It?
The Town Line has many articles from local students under the heading of the “Student Writer’s Program.” While it may seem plainly evident why The Town Line would pursue this program with local schools and students, we think it’s worth the time to highlight the reasons why we enthusiastically support this endeavor.
Up front, the program is meant to offer students who have a love of writing a venue where they can be published and read in their community. We have specifically not provided topics for the students to write on or about, and we have left the editing largely up to their teachers. From our perspective this is a free form space provided to students.
From the perspective of the community, what is the benefit? When considering any piece that should or could be published, this is a question we often ask ourselves at The Town Line. The benefit is that we as community are given a glimpse into how our students see the world, what concerns them, and, maybe even possible solutions to our pressing problems. Our fundamental mission at the paper is to help us all better understand and appreciate our community, our state, and our nation through journalism and print.
We hope you will read these articles with as much interest and enjoyment as we do. The students are giving us a rare opportunity to hear them out, to peer into their world, and see how they are processing this world we, as adults, are giving them.
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