LETTERS: Hemenway admirable

To the editor:

Stephen [Hemenway] wants to preserve the beauty of Maine…I agree! I also agree as a parent you should be able to witness the lessons being taught in the “remote classroom”. I find his time working in law enforcement extremely admirable! Overall, he is very personable and a friend to many!

Madi Gleason

LETTERS: Democrats helped him hear

To the editor:


This was me in 2017. My patient wife suggested an audiologist appointment to determine whether I needed hearing aids and to get an estimate of their cost. The resultant report was yes, I had significant hearing loss. The fee for the hearing aids that were recommended? $1,750 each – $3,500 for both – and that was with the $750 each that my generous (at that time) insurance would cover. We decided we couldn’t afford them.

Fast forward to December 2019. I received a letter from my insurance company saying they would now cover the cost of hearing aids beginning in January 2020. I immediately made an appointment and was hearing better by mid-February. The cost to me for a pair of $5,000 hearing aids that can link to my phone, take calls, and enable me to listen to podcasts without bothering anyone else with the sound? $4! Yes, you read that correctly, four dollars.

Why did the insurance company decide to cover my need? Was it because they suddenly decided that, yes, everyone should have the benefits of decent hearing and be able to interact in a meaningful manner with their spouses, friends, and neighbors?

Nope. It was the Democratically-led legislature and Gov. Janet Mills who broadened not only who is covered but the actual coverage all Mainers receive from their healthcare insurance.

This didn’t happen as a result of politically-charged rhetoric. It was the Democratic legislature and a governor whose leadership style is to carefully examine all sides of an issue, make a determination, and then act in a manner that provides the most benefit to the most residents of this magnificent state.

And, as you may have heard, hearing aids will soon be available over-the-counter for those who wish to go that route. Thank you again, Democrats.

If you want to continue this sort of leadership – leadership Maine can be proud of that actually helps the little guy (and gal) overcome real issues that improve their lives – join me in supporting Gov. Janet Mills and return a Democratically-led legislature to Augusta in November.

Geoff Bates
South Bristol

LETTERS: We must protect our children

To the editor:

Let me preface this letter by saying I’m a Conservative Republican. I’m that because I believe in a strong border, the right to life, and the strength of family. I met Steven J. Hemingway several times and he told me that when he saw the legislation pushed by Jan Dodge to keep parents from listening to their children’s classes while online learning is being conducted, well he got my attention. We have seen what the lefts agenda and the NEA’s agenda toward parents is. Labeling them as domestic terrorists.

Jan Dodge supports a version of this by wanting to exclude parents from knowing what their children are being taught. The greatest gift given to men and women are their children. They belong to them not the teachers unions or the government. This is why I support Steven J. Hemingway in this November’s election. We must protect our children from anything or anybody from indoctrinating them with an agenda or mindset that undermines family. Thank you.

Alva Philbrook

LETTERS: Let’s Not Go Down That Path

To the editor:

A recent political mailer from a conservative PAC seeks to spread hateful innuendo and disinformation about Maine educators and schools to scare voters while asking them to vote Republican. Maine doesn’t need attacks on the overworked and underpaid educators that run our schools and teach our kids and grandchildren. Nor do we need dishonest attacks in our politics.

Reflect on the good teacher, coach, counselor or custodian in your past that showed you understanding and support through a tough time or inspired you to find your purpose. They taught not only subject matters, but also social and emotional learning, like how to treat other students with kindness and make friends. Educators inspire kids to learn and make the time to meet with parents to discuss their child’s learning. They, and school board members who also have been under attack recently, are your neighbors. All the folks who make our schools work are our neighbors and they deserve respect for what they do, not smear tactics.

If you want people representing you who will stand up for students receiving a full and truthful education and for public school funding; who will stand up for women’s rights, and affordable healthcare; who will stand up for property tax relief by expanding revenue sharing and homestead exemptions, then re-elect Gov. Janet Mills, Congresswoman Chellie Pingree, Maine Sen. Eloise Vitelli, Maine Representatives Holly Stover and Lydia Crafts, District Attorney Natasha Irving, Sheriff Todd Brackett and County Commissioner Bill Blodgett. And elect Cameron Reny to the Maine Senate and Clinton Collamore, Pam Swift, and Jane Beckwith to the Maine House.

Take a moment to ask yourself whether it makes sense to vote based on trumped-up fears or to vote for people who spent two years helping Maine people weather the pandemic together and make historic fiscal improvements through honest advocacy, compromise, and hard work. Those are the people we need, and more like them.

Chris Johnson, Chairman,
Lincoln County Democratic Committee

LETTERS: Gives Hemenway full support

To the editor:

The November election is coming up soon and there are important decisions to be made for Waldo County. I support Stephen J. Hemenway for District #39. He supports all of the issues that are important to me.

Stephen J. Hemenway is a strong supporter of parental rights. He believes parents have the right to know what their children are being taught in the classrooms. He believes parental involvement in the schools is a valuable tool for education.

Stephen J. Hemenway also supports medical rights for the individual. He believes the government needs to stay out of all medical decisions that should only be made by the patient and doctor.

As a deputy sheriff for 32 years, he is a strong supporter of law enforcement. He knows the value of proactive law enforcement for the safety of the community. He has experience with community policing and knows the effectiveness of partnering with the community.

Although there are many other issues he stands for, these three issues are important to me. I give Stephen J. Hemenway my full support as my District 39 Representative.

Terri McAlister

LETTERS: Enjoyed M*A*S*H story

To the editor:

I really enjoyed reading the Story behind the creator of M*A*S*H (The Town Line, Sept. 22, 2022 issue, page 8).

I lived in Waterville in the ‘50s and ‘60s and I remember Dr. Hornberger and Dr. Pratt very well. They were wonderful doctors. I also remember another, Dr. Clarence Dore. He was “one of a kind.”

I look forward to your paper every week in my mailbox. Keep up the good work. Thank you.

Kitty Clair Gee

LETTERS: Prefer Christians as their ruler

To the editor:

It won’t be long before voting will start in Maine. We should counsel what George Washington said, “It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.”

Proverb 12:5 also says, “The thoughts of the righteous are right: but the counsels of the wicked are deceit.”

The very first Supreme Court justice, John Jay, said, “Americans should select and prefer Christians as their rulers.”

Remember these things when you pray and when you go to vote.

Marcel LeRoi

LETTERS: Smith supports hunting rights

To the editor:

Hunting season is upon us, a tradition Mainers have looked forward to for generations. In this day and age with the rising cost of inflation hunting is now not only a tradition, but a necessity to feed our family. There is only one candidate in the race for the Maine House of Representatives who will ensure your right to hunt and to bear arms is never infringed upon and that is Katrina Smith. Endorsed by the NRA, Katrina Smith will stand strong and defend the 2nd Amendment, knowing that Maine is the safest state in the nation. Please join me and vote for Katrina Smith on November 8.

Paul Lucas

LETTERS: Gubernatorial positions on rising utility costs?

To the editor:

With Election Day now just weeks away, I’m eager to hear where the gubernatorial candidates stand on one of the issues of great concern to Mainers, particularly older Mainers on a fixed income. Electric bills jumped by 30 percent for average use customers this year with no meaningful break in sight while winter is just around the corner.

No one should have to choose between necessities — such as medicine and food — and needed utility services. In a state like Maine with a widely distributed population, many of our most vulnerable residents live in remote corners of our state. All consumers deserve affordable utility service that keeps us warm in the winter, cool in the summer and with the lights on when we need them.

Where do the gubernatorial candidates stand on this issue? If elected, how will they protect Mainers on a fixed income from skyrocketing utility rates, and bring equity to Maine’s utility policy?

Pam Partridge
AARP Maine Volunteer Advocate
North Anson

LETTERS: Couple to vote for Hemenway

To the editor:

My wife and I will be voting to elect Stephen J. Hemenway for State House District #39 during the upcoming November 8. election. Stephen is a retired deputy sheriff of 32 years. He currently produces a national public access family television program called The Children’s Corner. He is running for public office to offer an alternative choice for voters to bring prosperity and moral values back to the State. Stephen believes in the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, Parental Rights and medical freedom.

In addition, Stephen is an advocate that Maine schools should be teaching our children the basic educational tools. These include but are not limited to, reading, printing, arithmetic, geography, history, civics, etc.

Many of our schools curriculum’s are crossing the line, teaching kindergartners and first graders about sex.

Also, Stephen recognizes that energy costs continue to rise and heating fuel is a huge financial burden during the winter for many Maine residents. We believe he will make an honest commitment to explore all common sense ideas for reducing energy costs to Mainers.

Finally, Stephen is convinced we should reduce the state regulatory and tax burdens on small businesses. He believes that family-owned businesses are the backbone of our great state! Maine small business owners suffered so much during the Covid shutdown. We must never forget how much damage Governor Mills caused the citizens of Maine by shutting down our state.

Kenny and Sandy Bowen