China transfer station receives excellence award

China transfer station employees, from left to right, Kevin Rhoades, Mary Kay Tisdale, manager Tim Grotton, holding the award, and Ed Brownell.
Contributed photo

The Town of China was awarded the Maine Recycling and Solid Waste Most Improved Program award in 2010. Since then the town has continued to strive for excellence.

China and Palermo have recently agreed to share the use of the China transfer station and the transition has been extremely successful. Many positive comments from Palermo residents have commended the staff’s high commitment to excellence in the pursuit of stellar service to all the residents served.

The inter-local initiative has benefited both municipalities through cost management and capacity building while recognizing the state’s hierarchy in solid waste disposal.

China’s personnel were an integral stakeholder in the conversations on how to make the transition a successful one. An innovative and dynamic group of determined workers provide outstanding service for residents of China and Palermo.

China has also expanded its composting program from 0-lbs of composting before 2012 to over 34-35 tons of composted materials today (weighed when leaving the transfer station and received by those who use the composted materials.)

Their daily contributions to solid waste management processes, environmental concerns, safety in operations, and economically sound solid waste management practices are honorable and appreciated and worth recognition.

The Town of China was presented with the MRRA’s 2017 Recycling and Solid Waste Continuing Excellence Award.

Vassalboro school board to hold special budget meeting

by Mary Grow

The Vassalboro School Board holds a special meeting at 6 p.m. Monday, May 1, at Vassalboro Community School to put the 2017-18 budget request in final form. The Budget Committee is scheduled to review the proposed school budget and municipal policies at a meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 2, in the town office meeting room. Both meetings are open to the public.

Vassalboro News: Public hearing set for two articles

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro selectmen scheduled public hearings for 7 p.m. Thursday, May 4, on two of the currently 68 articles on the June 5 town meeting warrant.

  • Art. 24 asks voters if they will approve amendments to the town’s Shoreland Zoning Ordinance. Voters rejected the changes in November 2016 on a written ballot by a little over 200 votes, 981 in favor to 1186 opposed.
  • Art. 25 asks if voters will approve a revised Sanitary District Charter.

Copies of both documents are available at the town office and on the Town of Vassalboro web site.

Selectmen reviewed a draft of the town meeting warrant at their April 20 meeting. The warrant is still incomplete, because the budget committee has not finished its review; a budget committee meeting was scheduled for Tuesday evening, April 25. Selectmen agreed with appropriations recommended by the budget committee earlier in April, including changing some of their previously-recommended amounts and deleting the article that would have asked voters to buy a police vehicle.

They are scheduled to sign the final warrant on May 4, during the selectmen’s meeting that follows the public hearings.

The deadline for submitting signed nomination papers for elective positions on the board of selectmen, school board and sanitary district board of trustees is 4 p.m. Monday, May 1, for candidates’ names to appear on the June 13 ballot.
The June 5 open town meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. at Vassalboro Community School. June 13 written-ballot voting will be from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the town office.

In other business April 20, selectmen discussed requesting a state-approved handicapped parking space in front of Hairbuilders on Oak Grove Road with owner Beth Morse, Public Works Director Eugene Field, Police Chief Mark Brown and David Allen of the Maine Department of Transportation.

Morse explained that drivers ignore her unofficial sign, making access difficult for her customers who use wheelchairs, walkers or canes. Selectmen wondered how many other town businesses might need handicapped spaces on public ways, how much additional street painting would cost and how the restriction could be enforced. They plan to get more information and return to the topic at one of their May meetings.

Selectmen signed a proclamation designating May 7 through 13 as Municipal Clerks’ Week. According to the International Institute of Municipal Clerks’ web site, the week “will feature a week-long series of activities aimed at increasing the public’s awareness of municipal clerks and the vital services they provide for local government and the community.” Town Manager Mary Sabins said Vassalboro town office staff will “continue to provide service to the public as we have always done,” with no special events planned.

CHINA NEWS: TIF group to ask for RFP to replace Causeway bridge

by Mary Grow

China’s TIF (Tax Increment Financing) Committee members plan to ask China selectmen to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for replacing the current Causeway Street bridge at the head of China Lake’s east basin, once they decide what the RFP should say.

At their April 24 meeting, committee members started by trying to specify measurements and materials. They moved toward a more general statement of goals, with the intention of leaving specifics to the selected contractor.
Currently proposed goals include a bridge that is high-quality and safe; enough wider than the present one to allow fishing plus a handicapped-accessible walkway on one or both sides; and enough higher to allow canoes and kayaks to go under it.

Committee member Dale Worster volunteered to draft an RFP for review at the next committee meeting, scheduled for Monday evening, May 8.

Committee members made two other decisions:

  • Rather than scheduling a formal public hearing or public information session on plans for the head of the lake, they will ask Town Manager Daniel L’Heureux to publicize the May 8 meeting as an opportunity for interested residents to get information.
  • After May 8, they will reduce their meetings from every two weeks to once a month, except when business requires additional meetings.

L’Heureux emailed committee members that acquisition of the Bailey lot where people using the boat landing just east of the bridge usually park has been delayed by an unexpected mortgage on the property. He expects the issue to be resolved soon, Selectman and committee member Joann Austin said.

There was consensus that if selectmen issue the RFP promptly and get prompt replies, work will still not start in the summer, because state permits are needed to work near the water and, committee member H. David Cotta said, state officials are likely to forbid work until the lake level is drawn down in the fall.

Since the bridge work will use up a good part of the $750,000 voters at the March town meeting approved for the next three years, committee members disagreed on whether they should go ahead with other plans for the head of the lake or with additional TIF projects.

They briefly discussed three other land acquisitions, one proposed by selectmen for voters’ action on June 13 and two entirely speculative.

Selectmen have added an article to the June 13 local ballot asking voters to appropriate $12,000 from surplus (Unrestricted/Unassigned Fund Balance) to buy a lot on Alder Park Road between two other town-owned parcels. Although TIF funds are not involved, committee members weighed in on the issue, asking what the town would do with the land if acquired and wondering why the lot already has a Sale Pending sign.

Two other suggestions briefly discussed were acquiring land adjacent to the Four Seasons Club beach off Lakeview Drive opposite the town office to provide more parking and better lake access (Austin’s idea) and acquiring land at the north end of the lake west of the causeway for a town beach there (Worster’s idea).

Jim Wilkens and Bob MacFarland said China’s Lake Access Committee should look for a town beach and request TIF money if needed. Ronald Breton and Worster said the Lake Access Committee is inactive.

Worster said he met one of the homeowners in the area he is interested in. He reported that he took several other initiatives, including talking with representatives of Reny’s department stores about the FairPoint building on Route 3; talking with local contractor Robin Tobey about adding gravel at the boat landing parking lot (once the town owns the property); learning from the state Department of Transportation that the type of guardrail at the head of the lake is a town decision, because Causeway Street is a town road; and getting cost estimates for imitation granite benches that could be installed near the causeway.

PALERMO: Meet the Author series

The Palermo Community Library presents Sister Elizabeth Wagner, the award-winning author of Seasons in My Garden: Meditations from a Hermitage, on Sunday, April 30, at 2 p.m. She will disclose what led her to become a hermit and the founding of Transfiguration Hermitage, in Windsor.

In the prologue, Sr. Wagner writes: “I didn’t come to Maine gladly. In fact, I came kicking and screaming: ‘This is Siberia, Lord!’…I came to Maine because it was a place that I could earn a living in solitude… And yet for me, it felt as if I’d been exiled to Siberia.”

In her inspirational book, she reveals how her contemplative life of prayer, tending a garden and meditations, led her to a deeper understanding of the presence of God.

The Library is located at 2789 Route 3. For more information: call 993-6088 or email

The Palermo Community Library offers Kindles, books, large print books, audio books, Inter-library loan, DVDs, VHS tapes, Wi-Fi, patron computers, printing, faxing, and! There is also a community room with a large screen TV available for meetings and presentations.

The Palermo Community Library is an all-volunteer library. If you would like to volunteer, please call 993-6088.


Barbershop chorus elects officers

Maine-ly Harmony officers, from left to right, Cathy Anderson, of Jefferson, president; BJ Pellett, of Winthrop, vice president; Janet Dunham, of Belgrade, treasurer; Candace Pepin, of Augusta, secretary; Betty Avery, of Augusta, and LouAnn Mossler, of South China, members-at-large. Contributed photo

Mainely-Harmony women’s barbershop chorus held its election of officers for the 2017-18 season. The new board includes President Cathy Anderson, of Jefferson, Vice President BJ Pellett, of Winthrop, Treasurer Janet Dunham, of Belgrade, Secretary Candace Pepin, of Augusta, and members at large Betty Avery, of Augusta, and LouAnn Mossler, of South China. Officiating the ceremony was Dotti Meyer, of Jefferson, and representing the membership was Kathy Joyce, of Bowdoinham. The chorus, directed by Kathy Greason, of Brunswick, meets every Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Salvation Army Church, 36 Eastern Ave., Augusta.

All women are invited to attend. For more information, contact Nancie at 293-4779 or email

David Mejia appointed Director of Education

David Mejia

David Mejia became an Emergency Medical Technician in 1998 in Brooksville, Florida. He attended Pasco Hernando Community College graduating in 1999 with an associate’s degree in EMS. During his education, he worked for Med­Fleet Ambulance, as a technician at Bayonet Point’s Emergency Department and for Polk County EMS, a busy 911-provider.

In 2003 David joined Nature Coast EMS where he could combine his dual passions of Emergency Medical Services and educating others. His desire to share his knowledge and experience with others led him to become one of the busiest instructors at Nature Coast.

David was involved in the creation of the Nature Coast EMS Explorer Post 605 where he was the lead advisor and mentored 14-20 year old coeds.

David was as an adjunct instructor for Nature Coast EMS in their EMT and Paramedic Program and also taught at Keiser Career College

In his 19-year career, he has been the recipient of various awards, including the National American Ambulance Association Star of Life, Explorer Advisor of the year and VFW Citrus County, and Florida EMT/Paramedic of the Year. While working for Keiser Career College, David received the Instructor of Distinction award.

David moved to Maine in 2012 and found a home at Delta Ambulance. He is excited to fulfill his new role as Director of Education and continue his passion of EMS and education.

PALERMO: Order Vidalia Onions Now

The deadline for ordering Vidalia onions, fresh from the farm in Georgia, is fast approaching. April 27 is the last day to call Connie at 993-2294 or e-mail These fresh, sweet beauties will be ready for pick up at the Palermo Community Center on Turner Ridge Road as of 8:30 a.m., on Saturday, May 6, as well as Sunday, May 7.

The onions are carefully packed into 25# boxes to prevent bruising on their express trip to Maine. The price is $27.00 per box. These onions keep up to 6 months, if they are kept in a cool place and not allowed to touch one another. Half boxes can be ordered for $16.00 a box (We have to buy boxes.). However, if you get together with friends and order four or more boxes, you get a discount of $2 per box. Recipes are available!

Racing Extinction in Palermo on April 28

PALERMO — As Earth Day approaches, now is the time to consider all of the lifeforms that share our planet with us. Native Americans consider these beings as relatives, and that is really a good way to value them. However, humanity has not been treating these relatives very well.

Academy Award-winning filmmakers expose the forces that are leading our planet to what could be the next mass extinction, potentially resulting in the loss of half of all species. Two forces, the shadowy international wildlife trade, and the gas and oil industry, are uncloaked for what they ultimately do to life on our Earth. This may sound depressing, but the film is actually an inspiring affirmation to preserve life as we know it, and know that we can get off what Native Americans term The Death Path.

Racing Extinction will be shown on Friday, April 28, following a delicious free potluck meal at 6 p.m. at the Palermo Community Center on Turner Ridge Road in Palermo. Bring a dish to share or a donation to the Food Pantry and prepare for spirited discussion following the movie. Contact Connie Bellet at 993-2294 for further info.


UNITY NEWS: Bird Walk planned

The birds are back!  Break out the binoculars and enjoy the outdoors and our feathered friends at the Rines Wetland and Wildlife Preserve.  Tom Aversa, the co-author of several bird guides and an adjunct instructor at Unity College, will be the guide of this short, SRLT-sponsored bird walk, on Saturday, May 20, at 7:30 a.m.  Meet on the south side of Rt. 139 – 2.5 miles west of Unity near the SRLT kiosk.  Bring binoculars and waterproof footwear.  All ages welcome but please leave pets at home.

For more information or to register, please call Doug 948-3766.