IF WALLS COULD TALK, Week of September 22, 2016
by Katie Ouilette
WALLS, you simply must tell our faithful readers about all you would talk about this week, if you could talk. I am amazed at all that has happened for you in just one week!
Well, WALLS, you know me well and know, for sure, that this great-grandma absolutely loves to have busy young-ones frolicking around. Most of them were our great-granddaughter Reese’s age, but after he got his bare feet, her brother Owen Paine showed that he wanted to climb steps. Grandma Linda and Grandpa “Tiger” Holt kept very busy being busy. One young student whom I was so thrilled to talk to sings, plays the violin, tap-dances, and even created a very unusual scrapbook. She will soon appear in a play in Waterville! Frankly. WALLS, her life reminded me of when I was very young and the same path was followed. Oh, the birthday cake that Reese made was perfect.
Yes, WALLS, I know you are eager to tell about the Skowhegan Heritage Council’s hosting the 10th “Last Rose of Summer” Day. This year, as usual, all the Heritage groups in Somerset County were invited. Gail Kay, the chairman of Skowhegan Heritage Council was in charge of the council’s guest book and energetically told of the work that she and her husband painted the walls of the Dudley Corner School. Yes, faithful readers, the Skowhegan Heritage Council has been diligent over these many years in restoring the Dudley Corner School, which not only schooled students, but the schoolhouse was, at one time, a meeting house for town meetings, was home to Boy Scout meetings and even has bragging rights to having Knights of Columbus meetings there. Former Skowhegan Town Manager Pat Dickey encouraged fund raisers for the work done to the school’s exterior and for the erection of the present historic sign.
Yes, WALLS, it is time for you to tell of the piece-de-resistance to the LAST ROSE OF SUMMER DAY event held at the Margaret Chse Smith Library, on September 14. Skowhegan’s Senator Margaret Chase Smith definitely did everything possible for her Skowhegan and Maine people. Well, the red rose decorated the table….a single red rose was centerpiece.
There was also sheet music of Piece I Leave With You centered with the red rose, as, surely Senator Smith leaves us ‘peace’. Oh, yes, there were lots of red, white and blue plates filled with cookies and there was iced tea to drink, but the best of the best was music by Robert Choinier. Senator Smith loved music and surely she was looking down from her “special fluffy cloud’”and smiling. Yes, Senator Smith surely loved the variety of songs played by Robert and which echoed through the rooms of the senator’s former home and who called this magnificent house “home in Skowhegan.” Yes, David Richards, though working in his office for UMO, joined us, as did Angie, John and other members of the senator’s team. Oh, WALLS wonder if you know the red rose is our national flower and why?
Heather Johnson, executive director of Somerset Economic Development, stopped by en route from Jackman and said she remembers Senator Smith’s waving from her favorite porch chair to people driving past her house and her waving a “welcome” to those whom she loved so much.
Now, WALLS, the latest news you should bring to our faithful readers. Fr. John Massie announced that Father Rasle will be highlighted at the Madison Historical Society’s Museum, on Old Point Avenue, in Madison, on Sunday afternoon.