Vassalboro select board to hold two public hearings

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro select board members plan February and March public hearings on two town ordinances they intend to finish revising in time for voter action at the June 3 town meeting.

Amendments to the Solid Waste Ordinance are nearly final (see the Jan. 11 issue of The Town Line, p. 3, and the Jan. 25 issue, pp. 2-3). The hearing on this ordinance is scheduled for Thursday evening, Feb. 22.

Board members are still working on the town’s Marijuana Business Ordinance. They intend to have a revised version ready for a hearing on Thursday, March 7.

Town attorney Kristin Collins attended the board’s Jan. 25 meeting and confirmed what chairman Chris French believes about small medical marijuana growing operations in town: since the state authorizes them, the town cannot ban them (see the Jan. 18 issue of The Town Line, p. 3).

However, Collins said, the town can regulate such operations, including requiring licenses and conformity with local licensing rules.

Discussion of amending the marijuana ordinance was followed by discussion of amending the town’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Ordinance, to expand allowable uses for TIF funds. This amendment, too, would need voter approval, Collins said, and approval by the state Department of Economic and Community Development.

Board members then considered amending yet another local ordinance, the one setting a high quorum requirement for any special town meeting. Town Manager Aaron Miller considers that requiring 125 voters be present to start a special meeting effectively bans such meetings. No decision was made.

The Jan. 25 meeting included a public hearing on renewing marijuana business licenses for five “grandfathered” commercial growing operations, those in business before the 2017 ordinance was approved. Four are on Old Meadows Road; the building housing one on Cushnoc Road is being rebuilt after a fire in the fall of 2022, but select board members did not consider the business had been discontinued.

As codes officer Jason Lorrain recommended, board members renewed the licenses for 2024. One renewal is conditional on installation of a security system, a job Lorrain said is in process.

Chris Mitchell, newly chosen executive director of Delta Ambulance after months as acting executive director, explained again that because of rising costs and stable or declining revenues, Delta needs to join Maine’s other ambulance services in charging an annual fee to towns whose residents it serves.

This year, Delta’s 13 member towns, including Vassalboro, paid $15 per resident, Michell said. For the 2024-25 fiscal year, the request is $25 per head; and it will be higher again in 2025-26.

French asked what happens if some towns don’t pay. Their residents don’t get ambulance service from Delta, Mitchell replied.

He told French losing supporting towns would not raise the 2024-25 rate; the $25 is firm for the year.

The majority of Delta’s board of directors represents area hospitals. French recommended more input from municipalities; Mitchell agreed, and said revamping board membership was a project he hadn’t had time to explore yet.

From the audience, Vassalboro rescue head Dan Mayotte and fire chief Walker Thompson told French they have no problems or concerns about Delta’s service.

Returning to previously-discussed transfer station plans, select board members unanimously approved a contract to pay Senders science engineering and construction, of Camden, $7,600 for mapping Vassalboro’s site; redesigning the facility and assisting with seeking grant funding; and preparing a final plan and obtaining state and local permits.

Miller said company head Jeff Senders’ Jan. 23 meeting with the Transfer Station Task Force had been “productive” and led to a consensus to move ahead.

Select board members briefly discussed two other money matters, making no decision on either.

Resident John Melrose, speaking for the town’s trails committee, asked for funding to improve the South Loop Trail, which he said runs between the public works garage parking lot and the soccer field. Committee members’ main concerns are avoiding bridges and “getting out of the water and the mud,” Melrose said.

He plans to present options with cost estimates at a future select board meeting.

Brian Lajoie, for the public works department, asked approval to use left-over 2023-24 paving money this spring to pave some of Vassalboro’s few remaining gravel roads. Winter gravel road maintenance is challenging, he said.

By that point in the meeting, board member Frederick “Rick” Denico, Jr., had left. French preferred saving the left-over funds; board member Michael Poulin favored Lajoie’s request; a decision was therefore postponed until Denico can break the tie.

French and Poulin accepted the board’s new Remote Participation in Public Proceedings Policy (currently available on the website,, under the agenda for the Jan. 25 select board meeting; as of Jan. 29, not added under Documents: Ordinances and Policies).

The next regular Vassalboro select board meeting is scheduled for Thursday evening, Feb. 8.

Towns seek Spirit of America nominations (2024)

by Mary Grow

Several area towns, including China and Vassalboro, are seeking nominations for 2024 Spirit of America awards.

According to its website, the nonprofit Spirit of American Foundation was established in Augusta in 1990 to honor volunteerism. Initially, municipalities presented awards “to local individuals, organizations and projects for commendable community service.”

Since 2022, the program has included a Spirit of America Foundation School Award.

In a Dec. 11 email to municipal officials, Bruce Flaherty, President of Maine Spirit of America, invited them to seek nominations.

At the Jan. 2 and 16 China select board meetings, Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood encouraged China residents to recommend outstanding volunteers. The town has an on-line nomination form, found twice on the website,, under Town Clerk and Town Manager. These pages are under Administration, which is under Town Departments on the main page.

Deadline for nominations to be submitted to the China town office is Friday, March 1.

Vassalboro Town Manager Aaron Miller is also soliciting nominations from his town’s residents. Vassalboro has no form, he said; people wanting to nominate someone should call the town office at 872-2826 or email

Both China and Vassalboro have in the past presented annual Spirit of America awards at their June town meetings.

Flaherty explained that municipalities submit their awardees’ names to the state organization by June 1, and the names are forwarded to county officials for county-wide ceremonies in the fall.

Windsor board carries over $300,000 in WVFD tanker truck funds

by The Town Life staff

Select board members, at their January 2, 2024, meeting, approved carrying over Windsor Volunteer Fire Department tanker truck funds in the amount of #300,000, which was approved at the last town meeting. Town manager Theresa Haskell said the tanker truck should be ready by the end of January.

Keith Hall, public works supervisor, reported that clean up work continues along Windsor roads from recent storms.

Hall also reported that a culvert will need to be replaced on Coopers Mills Road, an item that will be discussed more in the upcoming budget. The projected cost is $12,000 for the four-foot or five-foot culvert. This estimate does not include labor cost to install the culvert.

At the transfer station, Hall reported they had to disconnect the switch on the gate to one of the compactors, for now, because it wasn’t working properly. J&M Electric inspected the switch will take another look at it when they have time.

The annual inspection of the compactor has been done, at a cost of $1,995.65, an expense that is expected to increase next year.

In other business:

Haskell reported the town of Windsor has received $25,000 from Mark Scribner, for the NET Co Scholarship Fund for the 2024-25 school year. This will be the 11th year the town has received this donation.
The town’s assistant E-911/CEO/LPI has been working on updating roads and mapping. He will be joining the codes enforcement officer to look at some roads in the coming weeks.
Haskell also informed the board the town will be mailing, via certified mail, the impending automatic foreclosure notices to residents who sitll have not paid on property that has a lien.
Presidential primary voting will take place at the Windsor Elementary School on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. The budget committee is also scheduled to meet that day, at 6 p.m., at the town hall.

China select board approves emergency services dispatching

by Mary Grow

At a brief meeting on a snowy Jan. 16 evening, China select board members approved an emergency services dispatching agreement, made three committee appointments and briefly discussed pending ordinance changes.

One amended ordinance will be on the ballot for the June 11 annual town business meeting. Board members approved for presentation to voters the official copy of the revised Planning Board Ordinance.

Planning board members are working on revisions to the Land Use Ordinance, Chapter Two of China’s Land Development Code. Planning board chairman Toni Wall said it would be on the Jan. 23 planning board agenda.

Select board member Brent Chesley questioned provisions dealing with expansion of non-conforming uses in the shoreland. Other members had additional suggestions for planning board members to consider.

The nine-page dispatching agreement provides for the state Department of Public Safety (DPS) to continue to dispatch emergency service providers in China for the fiscal year beginning July 1. The fee will be $51,528.94 for the year, which Hapgood said is about a five percent increase over the current year.

Select board members unanimously approved the contract and appointed Hapgood the town’s contact person with DPS.

Other appointments were James Hinds and Benjamin Weymouth to the transfer station committee and Trishea Story as budget committee secretary. Last fall, board members appointed Weymouth to the comprehensive plan implementation, broadband and tax increment financing committees.

Board member Janet Preston said she is working on getting electric vehicle charging stations in China, seeking cost estimates and possible locations. She said she has been advised that the town office is not a good place for Level 2 chargers, despite its central location, because of the length of time charging takes.

Hapgood reminded those present that the town office is accepting nominations for Spirit of America awards for volunteerism until March 1.

The Jan. 16 select board meeting was followed by an executive session. Hapgood said no action was taken afterward.

The next regular China select board meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Monday, Jan. 29.

Vassalboro transfer station committee looks for redesign

by Mary Grow

At their Jan. 18 meeting, members of Vassalboro’s transfer station task force finished proposing revisions to the town’s Solid Waste Ordinance, now renamed the Solid Waste and Recycling Ordinance, and planned next steps for the ordinance and for their other task, redesigning the transfer station (see the Jan. 11 issue of The Town Line, p. 3).

Transfer station manager George Hamar and committee member Amy Davidoff had made more ordinance changes, based on suggestions offered at the previous meeting and emailed afterwards. The Jan. 18 discussion topics included recycling; use by commercial haulers and multi-family building owners and occupants; and enforcement. By the end of the meeting, committee members had a rough draft mostly ready for select board review.

Town Manager Aaron Miller had arranged for Jeff Senders, the engineer working with the town on the transfer station redesign, to visit the transfer station and meet with task force members Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 23.

Miller and the two select board members on the task force, chairman Chris French and member Michael Poulin, decided the group should discuss Senders’ visit at 5:45 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 25, before that evening’s select board meeting.

French would like to have the draft ordinance on the Jan. 25 select board agenda. The select board’s version will be reviewed by the town attorney, he said, and a public hearing will be scheduled for residents’ comments and questions, probably in February.

Assuming agreement on a revised ordinance, it will be presented to town voters for approval or rejection at the annual town meeting in June.

The Jan. 25 select board meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. with public hearings on five applications to renew commercial marijuana-growing licenses. Four of the growing operations are on Old Meadows Road; one is on Cushnoc Road.

Vassalboro school board takes up several money items

Vassalboro Community School (contributed photo)

by Mary Grow

Although discussion of the 2024-25 budget doesn’t start in earnest until February, Vassalboro school board members had several money items on their Jan. 22 agenda.

Board members approved wage increases for five categories of substitute employees, to keep them slightly ahead of the state minimum wage that went up to $14.15 an hour on Jan. 1. Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer said the increases were coordinated with the Waterville and Winslow school departments and keep Vassalboro competitive with most other area schools.

The current year’s budget will cover the higher pay, Pfeiffer said. Additional pay increases for more employees will be discussed as part of planning next year’s budget.

Board members also accepted Special Education Director Tanya Thibeau’s recommendation to hire a part-time IEP (Individualized Education Program) coordinator for the rest of the current school year, to help oversee these programs at Vassalboro Community School.

The current year’s budget will cover this position, Thibeau said, because one of VCS’s social workers is part-time – she could not find the full-time employee whose compensation was included in the 2023-24 budget.

Thibeau informed board members of proposed legislation that, if approved, would expand special education in public school to three- and four-year-old students. She said Maine is one of only two states without such a program.

Maine Commissioner of Education Pender Makin has promised generous state financial support if the program comes into effect, Thibeau said.

Pfeiffer distributed copies of the lease under which the day care program run by Jenifer Lizotte uses VCS space. He asked board members to consider whether it should be renewed for another year and if so, whether there should be changes, specifically a small increase in the $25 a day rent, due to inflation.

Pfeiffer strongly supports continuing the day care program at the school. He had high praise for Lizotte and her staff; said he has heard of no other local facilities that would take over if the VCS program were discontinued; and called the program “a big win for the community.”

VCS Principal Ira Michaud and Assistant Principal Tabitha Brewer seconded Pfieffer’s commendation. They said Lizotte runs a good program with well-trained staff, goes out of her way to accommodate families’ needs and consistently cooperates with school staff.

The current lease runs to the end of the school year, so immediate action is not expected.

Pfeiffer said when secondary-school tuition rates for calendar year 2024 came out in December 2023, they were about 5.5 percent higher than for 2023. The Vassalboro board had anticipated and budgeted for the increase, he said.

The superintendent reported on on-going work at VCS, like installing the ceiling fans authorized last year, and on use of the building as a warming center during the December power outage. Thanks to cooperation from residents and school staff, the warming center was a success, he said.

Town office staff are collecting names of residents who would like to be trained to work as volunteers at the center in future disasters. Pfeiffer said about 20 people had signed up so far.

Other business at the Jan. 22 meeting included approval of three new hires: Gifted and Talented teacher Rod Robilliard and Special Education Technicians Julie Chavez and Isaac Mercier. Board members accepted two resignations, from Speech and Language Pathologist Sharon Peabody and Special Education Technician Heather Bassett.

The next regular Vassalboro school board meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 13, at VCS.

Vassalboro board members consider amendments to marijuana ordinance

by Mary Grow

Vassalboro select board members have made progress toward livestreaming and recording their meetings. The Jan. 11 meeting was at least partly covered. Michael Picher donated the camera. David Trask provided technical support. Brian Lajoie helped with installing television screens and running wire. The selectboard was responsible for the directive and helping in coordinating with Picher and Trask.

Board member used three-quarters of an hour at the meeting to consider possible amendments to the town’s marijuana ordinance.

Board chairman Chris French’s goal is an updated ordinance that will provide more information and more income from fees to cover town expenses. He’d like to have it ready for voters’ action at the June town meeting.

As French explained the situation, there are two kinds of legal marijuana-growing operations in Vassalboro. Eight are grandfathered commercial operations, predating the town’s June 2021 Marijuana Business Ordinance. The rest are facilities whose adult plants cover an area of less than 500 square feet.

The 2021 ordinance says: “Marijuana Businesses shall be prohibited in the Town of Vassalboro unless they were in lawful operation or had received site plan or building permit approval for the use prior to the Effective Date of this Ordinance.”

That sentence means Vassalboro voters decided to prohibit any new commercial marijuana growing facilities. Planning board member Douglas Phillips, from the audience, repeatedly reminded select board members not to dispute the voters’ will, and they denied any such intention.

The second type of marijuana business in Vassalboro is limited to less than 500 square feet of adult plants, or fewer than 30 adult plants. These facilities, French said, are allowed by state law; and owners are allowed to sell their products, up to a state-specified limit, to licensed medical marijuana caregivers.

In French’s interpretation, the town cannot deny what the state authorizes. However, he would like town officials to have more information, like where such facilities are located, and recommends requiring a town permit through the planning board.

The topic will be revisited at a future meeting.

Town adopts new policy on remote public participation

At their Jan. 11 meeting, Vassalboro select board members adopted a new town policy titled “Remote Participation in Public Proceedings Policy.”

Referencing the state Freedom of Access law, the policy applies to “public proceedings or meetings” of all town boards and committees. It defines conditions under which a member of a board or committee may be allowed to participate remotely.

Whenever “any member of the body participates via remote methods,” members of the public will have the same opportunity.

If public comment is allowed, it is to be open to remote attendees as well as those present in person.

In an “emergency or urgent situation” a board or committee may hold a meeting entirely by remote means. In such a situation, all votes will be by roll call, visible and audible. Public attendance may also be limited to remote participation.

The policy describes how to give public notice of meetings. It says documents and materials being discussed are to be made available to remote public attendees equally with those present in person, “provided no additional costs are incurred by the body.”

A copy of the policy will be available on the Vassalboro website.

A second major topic Jan. 11 was how to use remaining ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds. Town Manager Aaron Miller said the account has $84,705 left, some of it authorized for projects not yet completed.

Board members considered four proposals.

They returned to the idea of emergency generators to keep town facilities operating during power outages. Miller said the one person who responded to the request for cost estimates for the town office told him an order for several generators would reduce the price of each.

After discussion, board members asked Miller to get a price for generators for the town office, the Riverside fire station and the food pantry building. They plan to review the result at their first February meeting.

Miller recommended security cameras for town facilities. Board members waived the procurement policy and authorized Miller to spend $12,400 for security cameras.

A third proposed ARPA-funded project is replacing the elderly gasoline and diesel fuel pumps at the town garage. Miller said they are used for public works equipment, gasoline-powered school buses, the police vehicle and fire trucks.

The manager said he had one price quote and hoped to get at least two more. Select board members did not object.

Board members approved another $1,150 from the ARPA account to finish updating lights at the Vassalboro Historical Society building, the former East Vassalboro schoolhouse.

Looking at finances more broadly, Miller presented a summary financial report for the first half of the 2023-24 fiscal year. Neither he nor board members saw any problem areas.

Miller announced that Joshua Barnes is Vassalboro’s new animal control officer. Barnes holds the same position in China, he said.

During the Dec. 18 storm and following power outage, Miller said 86 people came to the new town warming center at Vassalboro Community School. He and Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer are satisfied; they would like to train more emergency volunteers. Interested residents are invited to contact the town office.

The next Vassalboro select board meeting is scheduled for Thursday evening, Jan. 25.

China planners return to talks on solar development

by Mary Grow

China planning board members returned to an old topic, the proposed town ordinance to govern commercial solar development, at their first 2024 meeting, held on Jan. 9.

Chairman Toni Wall shared her revised draft of the ordinance. Board members made a few immediate comments and accepted Wall’s suggestion they discuss it again at their Jan. 23 meeting.

They hope to recommend a final draft to select board members in time for that board to present it to voters at the June town business meeting.

Revisions to China’s Planning Board Ordinance are already scheduled for a June vote, Wall said.

State statute regarding new state housing law

To give readers an idea of what planning board members are dealing with as they propose amendments adding provisions of the new state housing law to the town ordinance, here is a section copied from the law:

§4364-A. Residential areas, generally; up to four dwelling units allowed.

1. Use allowed. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, except as provided in Title 12, chapter 423‑A, for any area in which residential uses are allowed, including as a conditional use, a municipality shall allow structures with up to two dwelling units per lot if that lot does not contain an existing dwelling unit, except that a municipality shall allow up to four dwelling units per lot if that lot does not contain an existing dwelling unit and the lot is located in a designated growth area within a municipality consistent with section 4349‑A, subsection 1, paragraph A or B or if the lot is served by a public, special district or other centrally managed water system and a public, special district or other comparable sewer system in a municipality without a comprehensive plan.

A municipality shall allow on a lot with one existing dwelling unit the addition of up to two dwelling units: one additional dwelling unit within or attached to an existing structure or one additional detached dwelling unit, or one of each.

A municipality may allow more units than the number required to be allowed by this subsection.

Another planning board project is revising Chapter Two of the town’s Land Development Code, the section titled Land Use Ordinance. The version on the town website,, last revised in November 2022, is 63 pages long.

A major change needed is incorporation of the new state law that began as LD 2003, titled “An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Commission To Increase Housing Opportunities in Maine by Studying Zoning and Land Use Restrictions.” It became law in April 2022.

The law seeks to increase available housing by expanding the numbers and types of dwelling units allowed on a lot. Municipalities are required to amend local ordinances to include provisions of the law.

Wall said she had asked China Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood to ask the Kennebec Valley Council of Governments to draft amendments to China’s ordinance. KVCOG has received many such requests from other member towns, she said.

Also needing planning board members’ attention are changes made by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection that should have been added to the town ordinance years ago and were overlooked.

Wall is reviewing the entire ordinance, aided by comments from codes officer Nicholas French as he has applied it over past months. She is noting incorrect cross-references, inconsistencies, omissions, contradictions and other substantive problems, as well as correcting capitalization, punctuation, grammar and spelling.

In other business Jan. 9, French said he is still working on ordinance violations, mostly work done without obtaining required permits.

Wall said she submitted the planning board’s 2024-25 budget request to the town office and is working on the board report for the town report that will come out in the spring, covering the fiscal year from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023.

The next China planning board meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 23.

WINDSOR: Delta Ambulance chief gives select board presentation

by The Town Line staff

At their December 5, 2023, meeting, the Windsor Select Board heard Chris Mitchell, interim executive director for Delta Ambulance, speak about a variety of topics on behalf of the board of directors for Delta Ambulance.

He started by answering questions regarding his relationship with Delta and his history with the corporation. He then reviewed some future financial and demographic goals for Delta Ambulance. He confirmed the rumors that Delta will be selling the Cony Street location, in Augusta, and relocating up to 80 staff and up to five trucks, emphasizing they have not been using the location at full capacity. The reduction of rescue calls and transfers were a couple of the big deciding factors. New locations have been discussed with other towns, Windsor being one of them. Delta covers 13 towns.

Mitchell reported that currently the town of Windsor pays $15 per capita and that will increase. What the increase will be has yet to be determined, but could go as high as $25 per capita, if not higher.

Delta currently pays operating expenses only at the Cony Street location. They have contacted a consulting group and meetings will be held soon. He pledged to keep Town Manager Theresa Haskell up to date with any financial changes.

In other business, Haskell handed out the monthly transfer station report. November was up from last year at this time by $642.89 making the overall total $4,595.95 for the year.

Acting as the Board of Assessors, they accepted the assessor’s agent’s 2023-24 supplemental tree growth penalty commitment in the amountt of $3,040, as presented by Assessor Vern Ziegler.
The Select Board accepted the three-year contract from RHR Smith Buxton & Co., for auditing services. Haskell sent out six bid requests and received two responses.
Haskell updated the board on renovations that could take place in the future at the town hall. The renovations include adding interior walls near the lift and adding office space and possible storage area. There was also discussion about heating and cooling in the office areas as well as upstairs. More information will be forthcoming.
It was agreed to sign the certificate of appointments for the Windsor Educational Foundation & Reed Fund member.
Haskell reported the Health Trust rates have increased by 4.25 percent. Dental rates didn’t change.

Windsor public works director applauds work crew

The Town Line staff

The Windsor Board Selectmen, at their meeting of December 19, 2023, heard Keith Hall, Public Works Director, report on the storm of December 18, 2023. He said truck #6 is still out of service.

He then praised the public works crew for working until 5 p.m., on December 18, during the wind and rain event, until they ran out of daylight. He said they did what they could do with the equipment available. With many downed trees and limbs, they were able to open all roads with at least one passable lane. There was no loss of roads nor bridges at the time, and flooding was held to a minimum. Town Manager Theresa Haskell has begun the FEMA paperwork for storm damages.

Tim Coston, Public Works driver and laborer, said that with the approval of the select board, effective immediately, the transfer station will no longer accept tires on rims.

Haskell reported the town received seven applications for the transfer station attendant position. They conducted six interviews last week, with one no show, and a decision will be made soon and training will begin.

In other business, Haskell handed out and reviewed the town’s 2023-24 three-month budget figures. There were no areas of concern.

The building code that was on the agenda will be reviewed in its entirety at a later date. Coston asked the other select board members to review page 6 closely when time approaches.
Haskell distributed nomination papers for the Spirit of America Award and asked the select board to think about possible candidates.