Windsor residents unhappy with rescue response time
by The Town Line staff
At their September 12, 2023, meeting, the Windsor Select Board heard from Douglas Hamm and Karalyne Rideout to speak of an incident that occurred on Saturday afternoon, September 9. Douglas was very upset that it took rescue units upwards of 45 minutes to arrive at his residence, responding to his wife having a serious medical event. He called 911, then called his mother-in-law, Karalyne. His mother-in-law arrived before rescue. Karalyne stated she called 911 for a second time and repeated the address. A state trooper arrived before Delta and began CPR with the first responders. They were both very upset with the response time and performance of rescue crews. Haskell said she will follow up on the incident.
Public Works Supervisor Keith Hall informed the board about the cost of obtaining safety signs with blinking LED lights to add extra safety for public works employees while working along the roadsides. The cost is estimated at $700. More discussion will take place. There was also a quick mention about future public works truck expenses and needs.
The monthly transfer station report for August was up from last year by $1,212.45, making the overall total of $8,623.25 for the year.
Richard and Jane Crecco came before the board to speak on their own behalf about a small community grant for a new replacement septic system they need, and would like the town to partake. The couple has done research and found a small community grant through the state of Maine that could reimburse the town, if the town pays for it up front. It wasn’t clear if the pay back was a full reimbursement. It looks like the town may not get the money at all if the grant ran out of funds before the work was completed. Following much discussion, not only at the board meeting, but through phone calls and letters between the small community grant program, lengthy discussions and meetings with Town Manager Theresa Haskell and talks with select board members, the board concluded this small community grant isn’t something they can partake at this time. There are many reasons this isn’t something the town is able to do currently.
In other business:
- Selectman William Appel Jr. made a motion to sign an abatement tax warrant for Anthony N. and Katherine L. Trask in the amount of $2,860.85, with one supplemental tax warrant to Cynthia Trask, personal respresentative for Catherine M. Trask in the amount of $2,853.60, as per Assessor Vern Ziegler’s recommendation;
- Road name changed from Bernier Lane to Landwork’’s Lane;
- Haskell handed out a draft copy of the emplyee manual, indicating some changes and updates made on paid timeoff. A float holiday was discussed with no changes made.
- Haskell asked the board if there were any changes to be made to the compensatory time off agreement time for the two public works employees. With the now approved employee manual, these two public works employees will need to sign up for the 2023-2024 year and then yearly in July thereafter.
- Ray Bates presented Richard H. Gray Jr. with the Spirit of America Award for his many years of dedication to the town of Windsor. Gray served 15 years on the select board, 16 years on the budget committee, cemetery committe. Among many other things he continues to have unwavering dedication to the Boy Scouts of America.
- Ray Bates read a letter from Clean Energy Connect, summarizing the construction that may happen, what it will entail and what it may look like, and sound like for surrounding communities.
- Andrew Ballantayne spoke about his day spent in Bangor speaking with legislative bodies. He gave a presentation about underground high voltage D/C. He wants to separate the transmission line from Clean Enerey when he speaks, feeling it is important.
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At their September 26, 2023, meeting, the Windsor Select Board heard from Public Works Supervisor Keith Hall about the Coopers Mills Road culvert that was recently caved in, and will need to be looked at and possibly redone. Hall spoke with Maine-ly Paving and they said they would take care of it.
Town Manager Theresa Haskell said Central Maine Power Co. has been working on getting road entrance permits dealing with the proposed lines within the corridors. Hall has been meeting with them.
Arthur Strout has informed Haskell that the Windsor Fair is possibly working on an agreement to have the field area across from the fair and next to the newly-paved transfer station used by a company with big trucks and equipment for a lengthy period. Strout suggested the town put some gravel shoulders on that side of the newly-paved road and Hall said he is planning on that, and will also meet with the company to make sure they use a different entrance with heavy equipment.
Planning board members Jerry Nault and Carol Chavarie said they have approved the building code and have brought it to the select board. With much discussion it was suggested by the select board to bring this back to the planning board with the proposed revisions.
Haskell handed out the 12-month budget for 2022/2023. The actual budget ended at 90.52 percent out of the 100 percent, but will still need to be finalized with the audit.
Haskell received a letter indicating the town of Windsor is in compliance with the General Assistance Statutes and the Department of Health and Human Services General Assistance policy. The state recommended designating a fair hearing officer in the event an applicant requests a hearing. Haskell said China Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood had agreed to be Windsor’s fair hearing officer, with Haskell becoming China’s fair hearing officer.
Selectman Andrew Ballantyne said local towns are writing a letter to the office of the public advocate in seeking assistance for receiving access to documents from the Maine Public Utilities Commission regarding the Aroostook Renewable Gateway’s proposed high-voltage transmission corridor that could impact about 41 towns, including Windsor. Ballantyne is asking to have the select board of Windsor to also join in and sign, along with Palermo, Unity, Albion and Thorndike, in requesting assistance in accessing the necessary information to protect the health, safety, wellbeing, welfare and livelihoods of residents. Select board members agreed unanimously.