EVENTS: Windsor Historical Society to offer evening talk

Windsor Historical Society at Windsor Fairgrounds

The Windsor Historical Society is offering an evening talk with John Bunker who will share his knowledge of Maine apple trees on Wednesday, October 12.

John Bunker is an apple historian, gardener and orchardist. In 1984 he started the cooperative mail-order nursery Fedco Trees. In 2012 he founded the Maine Heritage Orchard, in Unity. His recent book, Apples and the Art of Detection recounts his 40 years of tracking down, identifying and preserving rare apples. He lives with Cammy Watts on Superchilly Farm, in Palermo. To contact John or to learn more about John and Cammy’s activities, go to

There is no fee to attend but seating is limited. The talk will take place in the Malta Room, on the Windsor Historical Society grounds, Windsor Fairgrounds, at 7 p.m.

Please see the Windsor Historical Society page on Facebook for contact information.

China tax rate set at 12.05 mil

by Mary Grow

China’s property tax rate for the 2022-23 fiscal year, which began July 1, will be 12.05 mils ($12.05 for each $1,000 of valuation).

After a series of frustrating delays caused by computer issues, the new rate was approved unanimously by the board of assessors (also the select board) at a special meeting Sept. 6.

By June’s town business meeting vote, which select board members cannot change, the first half payment of local taxes is due at the town office by 4:30 p.m., Friday, Sept. 30.

Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood said bills would go to the printer as soon as possible. If the printer is speedy, they might be in the mail by Sept. 9 or Sept. 12. They will also be on the town website,

The 2022-23 rate is a decrease of 2.35 mils, or $2.35 per $1,000, from the 2021-22 rate of 14.4 mills ($14.40 for each $1,000 of valuation).

The lower rate does not mean everyone’s taxes will go down. Taxes are based on valuation multiplied by mil rate; some valuations will have increased, either through assessor William Van Tuinen’s adjustments as prices change or because property-owners have made improvements.

China’s tax rate is usually set by mid-August. The computer problems made other municipalities using the program that China uses send their bills closer than usual to due dates, Hapgood and assessing assistant Kelly Grotton said.

Interest will be charged on late payments, again by a town meeting vote that selectmen cannot override. Grotton said the interest rate is low enough so that for most property-owners, a few days’ interest will add only pennies to the bill.

Next year, Hapgood said, the warrant article for the annual town business meeting will be reworded to allow for unexpected delays – making the first due date either a fixed date “or 30 days after the tax commitment,” for example.

Hapgood said expenditures from taxes will rise in the current fiscal year, for the town, the school department and Kennebec County. An increase in valuations more than offset the increased spending, making the lower tax rate possible.

VASSALBORO: Review of solar moratorium ordinance on agenda

by Mary Grow

One agenda item at the Vassalboro select board’s Thursday, Sept. 15, meeting is a review of a solar moratorium ordinance that board members intend to ask voters to approve on Nov. 8.

At their Aug. 11 meeting, select board members voted unanimously to have the town attorney draft a moratorium ordinance. The purpose would be to postpone action on requests for commercial solar developments in town until after voters approve regulations specific to such developments.

Planning board members have already approved several commercial solar projects, adapting provisions of the existing Site Review Ordinance. Discussions have pointed out the desirability of additional rules for solar, like a requirement that the developer provide a plan and funding to restore the property after the solar panels’ useful life ends.

Planning board member Douglas Phillips said that the town can either adopt a separate new ordinance to govern commercial solar projects, or add rules for such developments to the Site Review Ordinance. He prefers the second route.

The select board meets at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 15 in the town office meeting room.

China select board approves one consultant; postpones another

by Mary Grow

At their Sept. 12 meeting, China select board members discussed hiring consultants for two different projects. They postponed action on a municipal building consultant until they know the price, and approved a consultant to assist with meeting state Department of Labor regulations.

They also talked about town committees, appointed and elected. Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood gave them the list of candidates on the Nov. 8 local ballot.

Sheldon Goodine has served 62 years on the South China Volunteer Fire Department. (The Town Line file photo)

Municipal Building Committee Chairman Sheldon Goodine presented another revision of the plan for a new storage building to contain the overflow of town records. This plan calls for a room on the south side of the town office, off the meeting room, 12 feet by either 22 or 24 feet.

In July, B. R. Smith Associates, Inc., of Presque Isle, proposed translating committee sketch plans into a formal plan and, if town officials approved, assisting with permitting and overseeing the process of getting construction bids.

Hapgood explained in an email that Keith Whitaker, a consulting engineer with BRSA, designed the new section of the present town office – hence the reach to a northern Maine company.

Selectmen favored the revised plan. They unanimously accepted Hapgood’s recommendation that they ask BRSA for a cost estimate for the company’s proposed services.

Last fall, select board members contracted with Lynn Gilley Martin, of Fire Service Compliancy Associates, to help bring town facilities and departments into compliance with state labor regulations. Now, Hapgood said, China’s three fire departments and China Rescue needed similar assistance.

To work with the fire and rescue chiefs, she recommended another contract with Martin. The consultant told select board members last October that she works with, but not for, the Department of Labor, offering municipalities advice on complying with labor laws and regulations.

Hapgood said for a fee of $1,850 per department, Martin would advise them for a year, including providing each department with a $450 manual with information on training requirements, record-keeping and other necessities. Money would come from the fire departments’ and China Rescue’s reserve funds, she said.

Select board members Blane Casey and Wayne Chadwick and board chairman Ronald Breton asked if the town could save money by treating the four departments as one. Hapgood said her discussions with the chiefs indicated a combination would not work.

Casey asked Goodine his opinion on the issue. Goodine, who said he started his 63rd year as a member of the South China volunteer fire department May 1 (and who celebrates his 86th birthday on Sept. 16) replied that volunteer fire departments all over the country are having trouble getting members, and complex regulations don’t help, but the department will follow the rules.

Board members unanimously approved the contract with Martin.

When they turned to the agenda item titled “How to increase participation to join committees?” Hapgood said the local transfer station and comprehensive plan implementation committees and the Regional School Unit #18 cost sharing committee all need members.

Selectmen started by volunteering themselves for various positions. Then they discussed how the town committees relate to the select board – are they sub-committees, or advisory committees, or something else? – and whether it was a conflict of interest for a select board member to serve on a committee that reported to the select board.

Hapgood’s list of candidates on the Nov. 8 ballot revealed pending vacancies on elected boards, too.

For Planning Board, she said, at-large member James Wilkens is on the ballot; there are no candidates for the District 2 and District 4 seats.

Timothy Basham and Elizabeth Curtis are seeking re-election to the budget committee, and Trishea Story has said she will accept re-election as secretary if she gets the most write-in votes. There is no candidate for the currently vacant District 2 seat.

District 2 is the northeastern part of China. District 4 is the southwestern area.

Any China resident interested in being considered for membership on any town committee is invited to contact the town office.

Hapgood said on Nov. 8, there are three candidates for three seats on the select board, incumbents Blane Casey and Janet Preston plus Brent Chesley.

The only contest on the Nov. 8 local ballot is for one of China’s two positions on the Regional School Unit #18 board of directors. Incumbent Dawn Castner seeks re-election; Wallace Pooler III and Darrell Stevens are also on the ballot, Hapgood said.

In other business, Hapgood said applications for Maine’s new property tax stabilization program are keeping town office staff busier than usual. (See the front page of the Aug. 4 issue of The Town Line for an explanation of this program, aimed at stabilizing property taxes on qualifying senior residents’ homesteads.)

Staff has already received 150 applications from current residents, Hapgood said. Because the program allows homesteads in multiple Maine municipalities to count toward the required 10 years’ residency, town office staff members also need to check former residents’ tax records for information the residents’ current municipalities need.

The next China select board meeting, on Monday, Sept. 26, will be preceded by two public hearings, beginning at 6 p.m. in the town office meeting room. Hapgood said one hearing will be on the local referendum questions for Nov. 8; the other will be the annual hearing on adjustments to the appendices to the general assistance program.

Windsor select board approves assessor’s municipal tax assessment warrant

by The Town Line staff

At their August 16 meeting, at the suggestion of Windsor’s Assessor’s Agent, Vern Ziegler, the select board unanimously voted on the Assessor’s Certification of Assessment, 2022-2023 Municipal Tax Assessment Warrant, certificate of commitment and certificate of assessment to be returned to the municipal treasurer of the state of Maine.

There was also discussion on the draft utility scale solar energy facility ordinance which was continued to the next meeting to give the select board more time to read the draft.

The select board also voted unanimously to authorize Town Manager Theresa Haskell and board chairman Ray Bates to sign the general obligation bond for the town to finance the purchase of a new E-One/Freightliner Tanker Truck as approved at the annual town meeting. The amount is not to exceed $300,000 and would be payable on August 17 of each year of the next six years. The bond was awarded to Kennebec Savings Bank at an interest rate of 3.89 percent. The bond qualifies as being tax exempt.

In other business:

  • The board gave approval for the town manageer to move $10,000 from the cemetery fund interest account to the cemetery fund interest account CD. This was done because the CD maturity date is September 5, 2022.
  • The board also authorized Haskell to move $978.93 from the administration line to the planning/codes enforcement line that was overspent because of additional plumbing permits that were issued but not budgeted enough. This will not change the bottomline total expenditure spent which was approved at town meeting by the voters.
  • Resident Moira Teekema distributed a photo of what the new food pantry sign, which she designed and donated, will look like.

Select board member Ronald Brann mentioned that the Lincoln County News had an article on a solar ordinance from the town of Whitefield posted if the select board wanted to read it and compare to the draft utility scale solar energy facility ordinance, in Windsor. There was some discussion of what happens when taxes are not paid. Who is responsible – landowner or solar company. Brann suggested the town obtain a copy of the lease agreement, and maybe ask the Kennebec Valley Council of Governments (KVCOG) about their thoughts on the subject.

The next meeting of the select board was scheduled for August 30.

Webber Pond one of six Maine lakes at high risk for toxic algae bloom

Blue-green toxic algae bloom.

No lakes or ponds have been put on advisory just yet

by Roland D. Hallee

Following the news that a couple of dogs in southern Maine had to be euthanized following their exposure to a blue-green toxic algae bloom, this news was released by Lakes in Maine.

According to them, six lakes in Maine are at high risk for a blue-green toxic algae bloom. In our immediate area, Webber Pond, in Vassalboro, in on the short list of six lakes.

While the algae has been spotted in Maine lakes in the past, this year no lakes or ponds have been put on advisory just yet. However, officials have rated the waterways in the state based on their likelihood of having it before the summer’s end.

Many lakes in Maine see algae blooms every year and officials are closely watching to make sure residents are aware of any blooms that become toxic.

The toxic blue-green algae is actually called Cyanobacteria and it thrives in warm water. This warmer water is not unusual here in the summer, which is why reports of it typically happen in the warmer months. Learn to recognize what this bacteria looks like when you’re checking for toxic algae.

Many lakes and rivers have seemingly foreign objects and foam floating in them. Most of these things are harmless. But the algae that can cause illness is known by its blue-green color. You’ll want to avoid it wherever you can. Children and pets are especially susceptible.

Those topping the list are, in alphabetical order: 1. Annabessacook Lake, in Monmouth, 2. Cross Lake, in Aroostook County, 3. Georges Pond, in Franklin, 4. Sebasticook Lake, in Newport, 5. Trafton Lake, in Limestone and 6. Webber Pond, in Vassalboro. There are plenty of great lakes in the state that are safe for swimming, or just hiking, camping, or enjoying views. Check out more about lakes in Maine that you can feel free to enjoy.

Coming into contact with the toxic algae can cause rashes, skin irritations, and even some gastrointestinal illnesses. You’ll see these symptoms even more severely in children and pets.

Officials urge folks to be mindful of any standing bodies of water. Always do a check for discolored water or “froth” that has a bluish color to it before you swim or come into contact with water. If contact is made, be sure to wash it off with clear and fresh water as soon as possible. You might be worried if you run into toxic algae in Maine, but there won’t be any long-term problems to worry about if you wash it all off right away.

Remember that fish can also be affected. If you fish in any water that might be affected by the blue-green algae, be sure to clean the it well before cooking at a high temperature.

To keep track of the Maine lakes at highest risk of cyanobacteria advisories, check out the official state website.

If you’ve been affected by any of the algae blooms this summer, they would like to hear your experience. Contact them at

China budget committee urges approval on 6 ballot questions

by Mary Grow

China Budget Committee members have recommended voters at the town’s Nov. 8 town meeting approve all six proposed expenditures from federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grants.

All votes but one were unanimous. Select board members have unanimously recommended approval of the expenditures (see The Town Line, Aug. 25, p. 2).

The split vote was on the article requesting $70,000 to expand broadband service to unserved and underserved areas of China. After a brief question and answer session, committee chairman Thomas Rumpf, secretary Trishea Story and members Kevin Maroon, Timothy Basham and Elizabeth Curtis voted to recommend voters approve the expenditure; Michael Sullivan dissented.

The other proposed ARPA expenditures presented to voters, with unanimous affirmative recommendations from both town boards, are:

  • Up to $21,590 to reimburse China Rescue Unit’s reserve fund for the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) the unit bought. Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood said the machine was used frequently for diagnoses during the Covid epidemic, justifying use of ARPA money.
  • Up to $7,000 for improvements to the radio tower at the town office.
  • Up to $22,000 to buy three heat pumps, for the town office, the transfer station office and the scale shack at the transfer station. Hapgood assured committee members the pumps are eligible for Efficiency Maine rebates; she does not know how long it will take to get bids, choose a vender and have the pumps installed.
  • Up to $75,000 for the new 2022-23 fuel assistance program for senior residents.
  • Up to $30,000 to replace or repair fences around China cemeteries.

At the select board meeting following the budget committee meeting, select board members unanimously approved rules for the fuel assistance program. After the previous discussion Aug. 22, Hapgood had checked the 2020 census records; she estimated that 136 households would have been eligible that year.

Select board members left the maximum household grant at $500. They approved maximum income limits – $30,000 for a one-person household, twice that for two people – and a residency requirement. The application process will be as simple as possible; the $500 will be sent to the fuel company, not to the householder.

If voters approve the proposal on Nov. 8, application information will be publicized.

Budget committee members do not plan to schedule another meeting until January 2023, when town officials begin work on the 2023-24 municipal budget.

CHINA: Computer problems stall setting tax rate

by Mary Grow

China select board members were again lacking the information they need to set the 2022-23 tax rate at their Aug. 29 meeting; the town’s assessment process has been plagued by computer problems. They will schedule a special meeting as soon as possible, they hope on or before Tuesday, Sept. 6.

After the rate is set, Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood said, town office staff need between one and two weeks to get each property-owner’s bill(s) calculated, printed and mailed. By town meeting vote, the first half payment of local taxes is due at the town office by 4:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 30.

Board members’ Aug. 29 decisions included final action on the local ballot questions for Nov. 8 and on regulations for the new senior residents’ fuel assistance program (see the related story on the Aug. 29 China Budget Committee meeting in this issue of The Town Line).

They discussed ongoing topics: the future of the closed waste recycling plant in Hampden and the proposed local ordinance to govern commercial solar development in town.

The Nov. 8 ballot will include one question in addition to those approved at the board’s Aug. 22 meeting (reported in the Aug. 25 issue of The Town Line). Board members voted 3-2, with Chairman Ronald Breton, Jeanne Marquis and Janet Preston in the majority and Blane Casey and Wayne Chadwick opposed, to ask voters to approve amendments to chapters 2 and 11 of the China Land Use Ordinance, as requested by the planning board.

The proposed changes are on the town website, Most are required by the state as a condition of approval for the local ordinance.

The proposed new ordinance to govern commercial solar development will not be presented to voters this year. Planning board members have worked on the ordinance for months, using a model select board members said was provided by an environmental group.

Now, Hapgood said, board chairman Scott Rollins, having reviewed town attorney Amanda Meader’s comments and suggestions on the latest version, proposes Meader prepare a new draft. Hapgood pointed out that planning board members are not lawyers; given the current complexity of regulations, she said perhaps the attorney should draft a solar ordinance and propose other new ordinances or revisions.

Breton objected that asking Meader to do so much would overspend the legal budget. Yes, Hapgood said; but the board could ask voters to approve a larger 2023-24 budget to cover future work.

So why have a planning board, if members don’t prepare ordinances? asked Casey.

China’s Planning Board Ordinance, last updated in 2008, lists board responsibilities as preparing ordinances, preparing the comprehensive plan (the most recent update was drafted by a separate committee) and reviewing applications forwarded by the codes officer and other town officials to make sure projects conform to local land use and building ordinances.

Another suggestion, from Chadwick, was to add solar-specific provisions to existing ordinances, instead of writing a separate solar ordinance.

Discussion ended with Breton asking Hapgood to consult with Meader about the best way to proceed.

For discussion of the Hampden waste facility, now owned by the Municipal Review Committee (MRC) representing China and 114 other Maine municipalities, MRC Executive Director Michael Carroll joined the select board virtually.

Carroll explained that at this point, the MRC is negotiating a contract with Revere Capital Advisors to operate the plant as originally intended, to accept and recycle waste from member towns. As a fall-back if negotiations fail, the MRC is seeking money, including from member municipalities, to run the plant itself, he said.

In either case, Carroll said, he expects MRC will avoid errors made by past management. For example, he agreed with Breton that delay in getting state permits was a handicap to the earlier venture, and said he has worked with state agencies and permitting is up to date.

The Fiberight process established previously worked well for the seven months the facility operated, Carroll said. The operation closed primarily because it was already underfinanced and Covid was “the final straw.”

Carroll expects a decision on funding within two months. He said the facility might begin operating on a small scale, as a demonstration, in six months or so.

In other business, Hapgood asked approval to pay the Westbrook-based company St. Germain $2,300 from the public works road reserve fund to prepare an application for state grant funds to help replace an Ingraham Road culvert.

St. Germain describes its business on line as environmental assessment and remediation and civil engineering and permitting. Hapgood said the reserve fund’s current balance is a little over $20,000.

The company did a similar application last year, the manager said; China received no grant, and St. Germain received no payment. This year, Hapgood said, grant criteria have been amended and she thinks China has a better chance.

Select board members approved her request on a 4-0-1 vote, with Casey abstaining.

A brief discussion of an unrepaid loan granted under the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) program led to a discussion of canceling the program. So far, only one businessman, the defaulter, has applied for a loan. The question was referred to the Tax Increment Financing Committee.

The next regular China select board meeting is scheduled for Monday evening, Sept. 12.

China TIF committee hears reports from fund recipients

by Mary Grow

At their Aug. 24 meeting, China’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Committee members heard reports from representatives of programs that have received TIF funds. The China Broadband Committee’s project has a 10-year, $30,000 a year allocation, approved by voters. The Thurston Park Committee, the China Region Lakes Alliance (CRLA) (and the China Lake Association [CLA], not represented Aug. 24) and the China Four Seasons Club apply annually.

Committee members also discussed briefly the proposed boundary survey of the nearly-unused town-owned boat launch in South China. Committee member Jamie Pitney said $15,000 was approved for the survey, recommended by Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood.

Once town officials know how much land they have, they can decide how to use it. Pitney said South China Volunteer Fire Department members want continued access to the lake. Public possibilities include restoring a small area for boat trailers (to take pressure off the often-crowded north end landing, TIF committee member Michael “Mickey” Wing said) or allowing only hand-carried canoes and kayaks.

Thurston Park Committee Chairman Jeanette Smith said the park is getting increasingly favorable reviews on on-line sites like AllTrails as roads are improved and maintained and especially since the installation of two solar-powered dehydrating outhouses that, she said, “do not smell.” Trails are suitable for bicyclists and horseback riders as well as hikers; they are open for winter use.

There is vehicle access to the pond on Yorktown Brook in the northwest, and this summer one of three Eagle Scout projects planned a picnic area near the canoe and kayak launch. The other Eagle projects were an improved Monument Trail to the stone marking the intersection of the Albion, China and Palermo town lines and a winter parking area by the entrance road from the north, Smith said.

The next project, already started, is a storage building for equipment and supplies.

CRLA Executive Director Scott Pierz summarized major ongoing programs.

  • The Courtesy Boat Inspection Program, partly funded by Kennebec Water District, is aimed at keeping invasive plants out of China Lake.
  • The state-wide LakeSmart program helps shorefront property-owners plan erosion control measures, like buffers, retaining walls and infiltration areas. Pierz said Fieldstone Gardens, in Vassalboro, has been helpful in recommending appropriate shoreline plants.
  • Members of the Youth Conservation Corps, ably led in summer 2022 by Jack Blais, work with shorefront landowners to install erosion control features.
  • The Gravel Road Rehabilitation Program works with individuals and groups responsible for fire roads to minimize road run-off into water bodies. Pierz said CRLA recently sent out nine requests for bids for work on Fire Road 37; two companies replied, and Pine Tree Waste’s bid of $19,160 was accepted, being more than $15,000 lower than the other bid. Pierz expects work to start in September.

Pierz plans to ask for more TIF money for 2023, and said CLA president Stephen Greene will probably apply on behalf of that organization. He reminded committee members that the updated watershed management plan recommends an expensive alum treatment to seal off phosphorus-rich bottom sediment in the north end of China Lake’s east basin

TIF Committee member James “JJ” Wentworth reported briefly on the Four Seasons Club’s 2022 trail work, mostly toward the southeastern part of town.

China Broadband Committee (CBC) Chairman Robert O’Connor explained the current proposal to work with UniTel, of Unity, Maine, and its owner, Direct Communications, of Idaho, (see the Aug. 25 issue of The Town Line, pages 2 and 3) to expand and improve internet access in China.

The plan, O’Connor said, is to fund a project estimated to cost close to $1.2 million without raising tax bills. The TIF will contribute $300,000 over 10 years; if voters approve on Nov. 8, China’s American Rescue Plan Act funds will add $70,000, for about 31 percent of the total; UniTel and Direct will contribute a matching amount, another 31 percent; and a state grant from the Maine Connectivity Authority (MCA) would cover the remaining about 38 percent.

MCA grants are available to extend service to unserved and underserved areas, where people have no or inadequate broadband access. O’Connor showed TIF committee members an updated map of the proposed backbone, new fiber lines that would deliver broadband first to grant-eligible areas and in later project phases to all interested residents.

“Here’s my big thing,” Wentworth said. “Tell me if I’m wrong.”

He said when he chose to live off a main road, he paid for electricity to be extended to his house. Why, he asked, should residents who chose to live at the end of camp roads or otherwise distant from main lines be given broadband access without charge?

What if you inherited an unserved house? Wing asked. Wentworth, envisioning it as lakefront property, said he’d sell it and “make a ton of money.” But, Trishea Story said, lack of internet access would reduce its value.

Committee chairman Brent Chesley added that town-wide internet service is intended partly to benefit current residents and more to attract new residents and especially new businesses, as envisioned in the TIF program.

Pitney said that modern fiber technology has capabilities current copper-wire technology lacks. UniTel will become a competitor to existing services, probably to the benefit of all customers. O’Connor added that fiber allows broadband to function when electrical power is interrupted, except when the tree that took down the power line also snapped the fiber cable.

Meanwhile, Wentworth said, UniTel will make a profit off new customers. Businesses should make profits, Wing retorted.

At the Aug. 22 select board meeting, no one knew when MCA grant applications would open. In an Aug. 25 email, O’Connor said first-round grants will be accepted beginning Sept. 10, with the deadline Nov. 9. CBC members will work with UniTel personnel and CBC consultants Mission Broadband to prepare an application.

TIF Committee members scheduled their next meeting for 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 26.

Why China decided to create TIF

At the Aug. 24 Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Committee meeting, committee member Jamie Pitney reminded the group why China decided to put tax revenue from Central Maine Power Company’s major transmission line through town and its South China substation into a TIF. Otherwise, he said, the revenue would have gone into the tax base, making China richer compared to its neighbors and thereby increasing its county tax and decreasing its share of state funding under various programs.

State law allows, but does not require, municipal TIFs. If the town does not spend its TIF money, eventually state officials will require it be un-TIFed and added to the tax base, Pitney said. In recent years not all the income has been allocated, and not everything allocated has been spent.

Efficiency Maine announces funding to expand electric vehicle charging

A new initiative from Efficiency Maine will further expand the coverage of the state’s electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure by supporting installation of public EV chargers in rural communities. This is the first of a series of planned EV charging infrastructure incentives from Efficiency Maine using $8 million allocated by Governor Mills’ Maine Jobs and Recovery Plan.

Level 2 EV chargers add 20 to 40 miles of range per hour, and are suitable for hotels, restaurants, retail stores, and public parking lots where the vehicle can recharge for an hour or longer. Eligible projects under the funding opportunity being announced by Efficiency Maine can receive 80 percent of installation costs, up to a maximum of $5,000 per Level 2 plug for networked chargers or a maximum of $2,000 for non-networked chargers.

Thanks to the generosity of The Nature Conservancy, projects at local government-owned properties and public libraries in rural areas will be eligible for a bonus incentive of $2,000 per networked plug, with the total combined incentives covering up to 90 percent of the total project cost.

To be eligible for funding, proposed projects must be in a publicly accessible location in a rural community as defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Projects in York and Cumberland counties, and the cities of Lewiston, Auburn and Bangor, are ineligible for this round, but future funding opportunities from Efficiency Maine are intended for areas not covered by this opportunity. To learn more about this funding opportunity, please visit the Efficiency Maine website. The deadline to apply is November 15, 2022.