Vassalboro school board chairman stepping down

Vassalboro Community School (contributed photo)
by Mary Grow
VASSALBORO, ME — The May 17 Vassalboro School Board meeting was Chairman Kevin Levasseur’s last, after 21 years on the board, and was marked by expressions of appreciation on both sides.
Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer and board members thanked Levasseur for his service, and Pfeiffer assured those present that, “I still know where he is” in case his experience is needed.
Levasseur thanked all those he’s worked with over the years, especially the present board members. “You’ve come through the worst two years we’ve ever had with flying colors,” he told them.
At Vassalboro’s June 14 local election, school board member Jessica Clark is unopposed for re-election and Amy French is unopposed to fill the vacancy on the board. One agenda item at the first post-election meeting, scheduled for Tuesday evening, June 21, will be election of a new board chairman.
Counselor Meg Swanson is also resigning. In an April 24 letter posted on the school website,, Pfeiffer said Swanson will move to the state Department of Health and Human Services and oversee a special program on school readiness.
Pfeiffer told board members at the May 17 meeting that the process of seeking new administrators and staff members to replace those resigning or retiring is going well. He is pleased that five new substitute teachers have qualified and been hired since the April board meeting, making it easier to maintain in-school classes despite staff illnesses.
Board members unanimously approved two new staff members, Ashley Smith as a custodian and Megan Sutherburg as school nurse.
Curriculum Director Carol Kiesman said Vassalboro Community School (VCS) has received a grant for a four-week summer school program. It is currently scheduled to start the last week in June; classes will be three days a week, with transportation provided and a field trip at the end.
The program will focus on reading and mathematics. Student enrollment is by teacher recommendation or parental request.
Finance Director Paula Pooler said it appears that both the overall school program and the school meals program will be within budget when the fiscal year ends June 30. Pfeiffer anticipates no unusual building and grounds maintenance issues over the summer. School grounds have been treated for ticks, he reported.
For the June 21 meeting, Pfeiffer has invited the executive director of the Maine School Management Association to discuss responsibilities of superintendents and school board members.