2018 Senior Bulldogs girls soccer players

The 2018 Lawrence High School senior girls soccer players are, front, Emma Robilliard and Emily Curtis. Back, Captain Ashley Rhoades, Eran Dowd, Captain Riley Hanson, Kiana Joler, and Captain Brianna Meader. (Photo by Tawni Lively, Central Maine Photography staff)

Area Students Enroll at Colby College 2018

The following area students have enrolled at Colby College, in Waterville, for the 2018-19 school year.

Benjamin J. Amalfitano, of Oakland, is a graduate of Messalonskee High School. He is the son of Neil and Kimberly Amalfitano, of Oakland.

Benjamin K. Bernier, of Waterville, is a graduate of Waterville Senior High School. He is the son of Daniel and Jennifer Bernier, of Waterville.

Jacob T. Burton, of Oakland, is a graduate of (high school unknown). He is the son of Thomas and Lisa Burton, of Oakland.

Jarret T. Mayo, of Fairfield, is a graduate of Lawrence High School. He is the son of Thomas and Tammy Mayo, of Fairfield.

Luca R. Thamattoor of Waterville, is a graduate of Waterville Senior High School. He is the son of Dasan and Davida Thamattoor, of Waterville.

Blaisdell named to president’s list

Benjamin Blaisdell of Benton, has been named to the President’s List at Western New England University, in Springfield, Massachusetts, for the Spring 2018. Blaisdell is working toward a degree in marketing.





Sarah Smith named to dean’s honor list

Sarah Smith, of Whitefield, has been placed on the Gettysburg College dean’s honor list, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, for outstanding academic achievement in the Spring 2018 semester.







Local students named to Ithaca College dean’s list

The followinglocal students graduated from Ithaca College, in Ithaca, New York. Gabrielle Bridger, of Fairfield, graduated Magna cum Laude with a BA in sociology; Mia Fairman, of Waterville, graduated with a BA in sociology.





Area students on URI dean’s list 2018

The following students have been named to the dean’s list at the University of Rhode Island, in Kingston, Rhode Island.

Alexandria M Jarvais, of Madison, Rachel Cambridge Pratt, of Cornville, and Kristen Elizabeth Prelgovisk, of Oakland.

Local students on dean’s list at Dean College

Dean College, in Franklin, Massachusetts, is pleased to announce the students that have earned a place on the dean’s list for the Spring 2018 semester.

Kiara Andreozzi, of Waterville, and Joshua Veilleux, of Winslow.

Lawrence soccer seniors 2018

The 2018 Lawrence High School, in Fairfield, boys soccer seniors and coaches are, from left to right, Coach Bob Towne, Drake Zimba, Alex Owens, Christian Adams, Nick Ellis, Jackson Dudley, Sebastian Nebauer and Coach Ryan Mountain.(Photo by Missy Brown, Central Maine Photography staff)

Erskine announces calendar change 2018

(photo credit: Erskine Academy)

Parents and students should be advised that Friday, September 14, will now be a teacher and staff workshop day with an early dismissal for all Erskine Academy students. Students will be dismissed at 11:30 a.m. Please contact the school with any questions.

Kenan Estes named to dean’s list at Cedarville Univ.

Cedarville University student Kenan Estes, of Sidney, achieved the dean’s list for the 2018 spring semester, in Cedarville, Ohio. Estes maintained a 3.5 GPA while taking at least 12 credit hours from Cedarville University.