Erskine Academy top 10 seniors in the class of 2018 include, front, from left to right, Valedictorian Caleb Tyler, Salutatorian Kayla Hubbard, Kassandra Nadeau, Luke Hodgkins, and Maggie Anderson. Back, Megan Lemieux, Emma Stone, Gabriella Pizzo, Kaylee Porter, and Carleigh Ireland. (Contributed photo)
Erskine Academy has announced the class of 2018 Top Ten Seniors.
Valedictorian is Caleb Tyler, son of Regan and Jason Tyler, of Palermo. Throughout his four years at Erskine, Caleb has participated in such activities as National Honor Society, Future Business Leaders of America, Soccer, and Lacrosse and he has completed a variety of community service projects. Caleb is a Maine Principal’s Association Award recipient, he is a Rensselaer Medal recipient, and he has received high honor roll distinction every trimester with awards of excellence in the areas of Algebra, Integrated Science, Chemistry, and US History. Caleb plans to attend the University of Maine to study Mechanical Engineering.
Salutatorian is Kayla Hubbard, daughter of Phil and Julie Hubbard, of Palermo. Kayla is a member of National Honor Society and she has participated in such activities as Student Council, EA Leadership, the Friends of Rachel (FOR) Club, Drama Club, Soccer, Tennis, and she has participated in numerous community service endeavors. A student who has received high honor roll distinction every trimester, Kayla has received awards of excellence in the areas of Algebra, Social Studies, PreCalculus, and Physics, she was the recipient of the Bausch & Lomb Honorary Science Award, and she has received Renaissance Recognition and Senior of the Trimester awards. Kayla plans to attend Lancaster Bible College where she will major in Elementary Education.
Third in academic standing is Kassandra Nadeau, daughter of Christine and Andrew Nadeau, of Vassalboro. Kassandra is a member of National Honor Society and she has participated in such activities as Business Club, Prom Committee, Cross Country, Indoor Track, and Track & Field. Kassandra has completed a variety of community service projects and she was selected to attend the New England Student Leadership Conference. Kassandra plans to attend the University of Maine with a major in Biology.
Fourth in academic standing is Luke Hodgkins, son of Lisa and Craig Hodgkins, of Jefferson. Luke is a member of National Honor Society and he has participated in such activities as Student Council, EA Leadership, Math Team, Future Business Leaders of America, the Friends of Rachel (FOR) Club, Cross Country, Tennis, and he has served as a class officer for three years. Luke has received an award of excellence in English and he has received Renaissance Recognition and Senior of the Trimester awards. Luke plans to attend the University of Maine to pursue studies in Biology.
Fifth in academic standing is Maggie Anderson, daughter of Michelle Anderson, of China, and Frank Anderson, of Augusta. Maggie is a member of National Honor Society and she has been a participant of the Drama Club, Prom Committee, and TLC (Erskine’s community service group). Maggie was a recipient of the Phi Beta Kappa Award and she has received high honor roll distinction every trimester. Maggie plans to attend Gordon College with an undeclared major.
Sixth in academic standing is Megan Lemieux, daughter of Debbie and Richard Lemieux, of Vassalboro. Megan is a member of National Honor Society and she has participated in such activities as TLC (Erskine’s community service organization), Drama Club, Math Team, and the Friends of Rachel (FOR) Club. Megan has received the Society of Women Engineers award, she has received high honor roll distinction every trimester with an award of excellence in English, and she has received a Renaissance Recognition award. Megan plans to attend Unity College with a major in Biology.
Seventh in academic standing is Emma Stone, daughter of Katrina Johnsen Smith, of Palermo, and Andrew Stone, of Hope. Emma is a member of National Honor Society and she has participated in such activities as Drama, the Friends of Rachel (FOR) Club, and Tennis. Emma plans to major in Business at Gordon College.
Eighth in academic standing is Gabriella Pizzo, daughter of Deanne and Greg Pizzo, of China. Gabriella is a member of National Honor Society and she has been a participant of the Drama Club, the Friends of Rachel (FOR) Club, and Tennis. Gabriella has received high honor roll distinction every trimester and she has received a Senior of the Trimester award. Gabriella plans to attend Sarah Lawrence College with a major in Theater.
Ninth in academic standing is Kaylee Porter, daughter of Deann and Shawn Porter, of Palermo. Kaylee is a member of National Honor Society, she has participated in such activities as Student Council, EA Leadership, the Friends of Rachel (FOR) Club, Soccer, Cross Country, Indoor Track, and Track & Field. In addition, Kaylee has completed a variety of community service projects. Kaylee was the recipient of the Smith Book Award, she received the Most Valuable Member of Student Council award, and she has been a Renaissance Recognition award recipient. Kaylee plans to major in Nutrition at the University of Maine.
Tenth in academic standing is Carleigh Ireland, daughter of Amy and Scott Ireland, of Vassalboro. Carleigh has participated in such activities as Math Team and Prom Committee. Carleigh has received awards of excellence in Health, English, and French. Carleigh plans to major in Nursing at the University of Maine.