China school’s forest April vacation family events

CHINA — Join the staff at the China School’s Forest for fun activities for all ages. Children must be accompanied by an adult. All sessions start at the China Primary School Bus Circle. If programs are canceled due to the weather, it will be posted on the China School Forest- China, Maine facebook page or you can call 968-2255 to ask.

Children enjoying a day in the China School Forest. Contributed photo

These programs are free, but donations are appreciated to help us provide future programs and activities.

Wednesday, April 19: Signs of Spring Nature Walk 9:30 – 11 a.m. Look for signs of spring, make a journey stick and play a nature game. This will be rain or shine. Dress for wet, muddy trails.

Thursday, April 20: Night Hike 7 – 8:30 p.m. They will walk the trails of the forest, listen to night sounds and explore the night sky. Please bring a flashlight and dress warmly. Binoculars will help when looking at the moon, if visible. This program will be rain or shine. If it is raining, we will take a night hike and explore the pond.
Friday, April 21; Animal Skins, Skulls, Tracks and Scat 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Explore many of Maine’s mammals and talk about how they survive in the wild.

Saturday, April 22: Fairy Houses & Toad Homes 9:30 – 11 a.m. They will read a Fairy House story, gather natural materials and build fairy houses and toad homes in the school forest.
On Saturday, families may bring a picnic lunch to enjoy in the forest. Picnic tables are available at the Primary School Pavilion or throughout the forest.

Saturday, April 22: Pond Explorers 12:30 – 2 p.m. They will use dip nets to collect pond critters and talk about water habitats. Come dressed to possibly get wet.

CHINA NEWS: Planners OK plan for animal feed and grain shop

by Mary Grow

CHINA — Starting their new meeting format, China Planning Board members spent the first half hour of their March 28 meeting discussing relevant results of the March 25 town business meeting before reviewing and approving the only application on their agenda. They unanimously granted James Brown and Decindra Parker a permit to open an animal feed and grain shop plus a flower shop with greenhouses, using the former Mainely Trains building at 360 Route 3 and its grounds.

Town meeting voters approved all but one of the proposed Land Development Code changes that had been rejected as a package in November 2016. They again refused to authorize changing the rules for enlarging non-conforming structures – those that fail to meet one or more ordinance requirements – in the shoreland zone.

Codes Enforcement Officer Paul Mitnik thought voters had two major problems with the proposed changes: they would have allowed enclosure of decks and patios without the work counting as an expansion, even though it could add living space and impervious surface from which water could run toward a lake or other water body; and they did not include any requirement to install vegetative buffers to catch run-off.

Neck Road resident Sheri Wilkens added another problem; the amendments would have allowed shoreland property owners to demolish or remove accessory structures (like sheds) and count the reduction in roof area toward enlargement of a main building. “I don’t feel too bad that it failed. I think we can do better,” Mitnik said. Board members Milton Dudley and Tom Miragliuolo agreed they were not unhappy with the vote.

Dudley suggested the board survey residents about the ordinance and possible changes before seeking another vote on amendments. Chairman James Wilkens agreed, saying the survey would help educate residents about the ordinance.

When board members turned to the application, they were careful to give their reasons for each vote, as required by the town ordinance.

Brown and Parker explained that they intend a three-part project: opening an animal feed and grain store in part of the existing building so farmers and others with animals need not travel so far for supplies; opening a flower shop in another part of the building; and adding at least two non-permanent greenhouses and a hay storage facility on the property.

The additional temporary buildings drew questions from Miragliuolo. The property is in a resource protection district; it is “grandfathered” and can be used and reused, but cannot be made more non-conforming than it already is.

Mitnik said the planning board approved a proposed reuse of the building two years ago that involved additional temporary structures. The April 2015 permit was issued to Frank Kent and Florence Donovan to use the west end of the building for a vegetable, flower and craft shop. The project included seasonal tents.

Brown said the greenhouses will have floors of crushed stone with the stone extending beyond the walls to catch roof run-off.

The application was approved with one limit and two conditions, all of which Brown and Parker accepted. The limit is that the proposed additional temporary structures cannot total more than 2,500 square feet. The conditions are that Brown and Parker designate handicapped parking spaces – they said they plan to, probably one near each entrance – and that all fertilizer be stored inside a building.

Proposed maximum business hours are 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, with Mondays off. Brown and Parker plan to operate year-round and to add Christmas trees seasonally.

The next regular planning board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday evening, April 11.

Five-hour town meeting focused on TIF, land development, first responders

Town meeting quorum was met when over 150 residents were present for the beginning of the annual meeting.
Photo courtesy of Dan L’Heureux

by Mary Grow

CHINA — China voters had three major issues to deal with at their annual town business meeting March 25: seven articles about the Tax Increment Finance (TIF) program, 10 articles about Land Development Code amendments and a new proposal to recompense emergency services volunteers.

They approved everything except one of the proposed Land Development Code changes. The meeting lasted five hours, and the by the end only about 50 of the 150 voters assembled early in the meeting were still there.

Voters rearranged the agenda to discuss the Land Development Code articles before the TIF questions. The articles were aimed at bringing China’s local ordinance into conformity with new state standards, with the focus on shoreland uses.

Former codes officer and current China Lake Association President Scott Pierz objected to most of the changes, calling the new proposals less protective of water quality and “a step backward” for China Lake. He repeatedly asked whether the planning board had considered other alternatives, rather than a simple choice between current rules and state rules, and whether there had been an independent legal review of the proposed changes.

Current codes officer Paul Mitnik offered explanations as requested. Sheri Wilkens feared the changes would create more work than Mitnik can handle in his part-time position. Her later amendment to add $20,000 to the town administrative budget for additional codes enforcement was defeated.

Voters rejected one proposed change, on a 31-41 vote with many abstentions. China’s rules will not change for measuring a non-conforming structure (one that fails to meet current requirements) in the shoreland when reviewing an application to enlarge it. After two hours’ discussion of land use, voters returned to the TIF articles, one amending China’s TIF program and six authorizing TIF expenditures. The amendment article needed an amendment: as written, it authorized selectmen to approve credit enhancement agreements anywhere in town, but they should be allowed only in TIF districts.

Meeting moderator Richard Thompson ruled the change permissible, because the document is a resolve, not an ordinance, and voters approved the amended amendment. Selectmen held a special meeting March 27 to make the change before forwarding the revisions to the state for expected approval. The revised TIF program incorporates the new Central Maine Power Company substation off Route 3 as a second revenue service. Town Manager Daniel L’Heureux told voters the original source, the expanded CMP power line, pays about $270,000 annually and the revised estimate for the substation is $80,000 a year.

The longest discussion about TIF expenditures was over the proposed causeway project, aimed at expanding boating and fishing opportunities at the head of China Lake’s east basin. Many details remain to be worked out, because, TIF Committee Chairman Amber McAllister explained, committee members did not want to spend time and money on detailed plans before voters authorized the $750,000 requested over three years.

The proposal to set aside $40,000 from China’s surplus account to compensate fire and rescue personnel for time and service got about 10 minutes’ debate before being approved by a large majority. South China Fire Chief Richard Morse repeated his department’s position that rescue personnel but not firefighters should get stipends; China Village Chief Timothy Theriault repeated his department’s position in favor of the proposal and said he has collected ideas for implementing it from neighboring departments.

Annual municipal expenditures were approved with minimal discussion. Afterward, Town Manager Daniel L’Heureux said roads to be repaved out of the $741,473 highway appropriation include Parmenter Terrace, Bog Road, Hanson Road, part of Parmenter Road and maybe part of Dirigo Road.

Miscellaneous pieces of information from town meeting discussion include:

  • L’Heureux said China got about $15,000 in income from FirstPark this year, in return for almost $38,000 as its assessment for the park. The 2017-18 assessment of slightly over $38,000 will come from the TIF fund, as did the current year’s assessment.
  • The recent decision of Oakland Police Department members to unionize will not affect the contract between China and the five members of that department who are China’s police force.
  • During the current year, L’Heureux said, selectmen used money from their $45,000 contingency fund to improve handicapped access to the former classroom behind the town office so the building could be used for November 2016 voting. The contingency request was increased to $55,000 for next year – and approved – because it has not increased for about 10 years.
  • China has no debt and no plans to incur any, the manager said. Voters applauded. • Transfer Station Committee Chairman Frank Soares said the amendments to two solid waste ordinances that voters approved in no way move toward a pay-per-bag system.
  • L’Heureux said the refund voters authorized accepting from the Penobscot Energy Recovery Company as the town transfers to the new Fiberight facility amounts to more than $17,000, with more refunds likely in 2018.

In addition to making decisions, voters heard short presentations from their state legislators, Sen. Roger Katz and Rep. Timothy Theriault; the Thurston Park II and TIF Committees; and Selectman Irene Belanger on behalf of FirstPark. They recognized China’s volunteer firefighters, rescue personnel, committee members and police force. They applauded the volunteers running China’s LakeSmart program, recipients of the Spirit of America award; Town Clerk Rebecca Hapgood after Belanger announced that the town report Hapgood and the rest of the office staff prepared earned a superior rating from the Maine Municipal Association; and Debbie Dinsmore, in absentia, for the flowers she sent to decorate the meeting room.

Understanding the importance of town meeting


by H David Cotta
China resident and former state legislator

In just a short couple of days the town of China will be conducting the China town meeting. This meeting is held each year and at times I wonder if the citizens of China fully appreciate the form of government that the town meeting represents.

The town meeting form of government is the most democratic form of governance. Some not familiar with this form of governance and may believe that the town manager is the executive of the town of China and the town is governed by the select board, but neither is true. The governing body in China is the town meeting where the citizens cast a vote to direct the actions of the select board. At the start of the meeting the citizens in attendance elect a moderator who must conduct the meeting according to Roberts Rules of Order. Proposals, which are referred to as Articles, are presented for the people to approve or disapprove. The articles can also be amended.

I guess the best way to describe the town meeting form or governance is the people hold all the power to govern. The select board can only do what the people authorize the board to do (of course, the people can not direct the board to take illegal actions). It is at the town meeting where the people, by their vote, guide the course of their town and the actions of their elected town officials. The town manager is hired by the select board and works for the select board within statutory guidelines the town meeting is the most direct and equal form of governance. This form of governing is only as good as the level of participation by the citizenry, and there in lays the proverbial “fly in the ointment.”

Apathy is a stern heartless master and can only survive by inaction of the good people of our town. We all have our lives to lead and life has a habit of getting in the way of what we planned or intended to do.

Several (30+/-) years ago the level of participation at the town meeting had declined to the point that the people established a quorum which was a percentage of the number of voters who voted in the last gubernatorial election which must be present to open the meeting and conduct business. The quorum for this upcoming meeting is 126 voters which when you think, represents 126 of over 2000 voters who voted in China during 2014.

So what happens when there is minimal turnout at the town meeting? Each vote on the floor of the meeting represents many who did not attend the meeting. The citizens that chose not to attend will have no voice in the process, so the town governance will be by a small minority. Additionally, the result of low voter participation could take a couple of forms.

First, the direction given to the select board (municipal officials) may not be representative of the town as a whole. Second, would be to consolidate power which can be a matter streamlining the conduct of business but at the cost of the checks and balances that we as citizens are afforded. Granting an expanded range of powers to the administrators is not good governance. Some indicators of the “Flying by the seat of your pants” are reflected by comments by the auditor clearly stated in the 2015 report – (China 11-10-15) addressing the lack of internal controls. Further, the select board meetings are not recorded which can and has lead to a discussion of what was stated in a motion during previous meeting. Clarity, transparency and accountability is lost.

In closing I would encourage all citizens of China to attend the town meeting. Please provide your officials the insight and guidance of the citizenry. If you have questions do not hesitate to ask because your select board and others are there to answer questions. I hope I will see you there. Thank you.

Speaking for China Lake: the lake’s perspective


by Scott Pierz
President, China Lake Association

At the China Lake Association (CLA) mid-winter meeting held February 16, 2017, CLA board members voiced concern over the town’s placement of several warrant articles at the upcoming open March town meeting. These particular warrant articles are designed to seek approval of a series of proposed revisions to the China Land Development Code and its Land Use Ordinance. These proposed changes were just defeated less than six months ago at the November 2016 election. Some CLA board members believe the proposed changes “severely relax” the local Shoreland Zoning Ordinance and diminish the town of China’s Home Rule Authority on several issues that have been in-place for decades.

Included in our meeting’s discussion was why the selectmen would deviate from the town’s long-standing tradition of placing ordinance revisions before the voters at an annual November (or June) ballot election where the voter-turnout is significantly higher than the open March town meeting. The open March town meeting is customarily a discussion for approval of financial appropriations to operate the town’s budget, and most people will not recall a time when the open March town meeting sought approval of ordinance “changes” at this forum over the last 25 years. These proposed changes came as “recommendations” from the planning board, but it is still the selectmen’s warrant and the selectmen can move forward with their warrant articles as proposed, it is their prerogative. But it is unprecedented, and it seems to many that this circumvents tradition, relying on an extremely limited number of quorum voters (126 by number) rather than the numbers of voters who turn out in a November (or June) ballot election vote (often more than 1,000). Also, the articles appear at the tail end of the warrant and people know that the crowd thins out to even less than the quorum requirement as most of our open March town meetings go on for hours.

This could mean that it is likely that even less people will have voting power on the warrant at that time, substantially less than the number of people who defeated the same proposed changes at that November 2016 election. Of course, someone could move to advance the articles to an earlier portion of the meeting so that at least a majority of the voters present can decide on these important changes. The town’s strategy to gain approval for these proposed changes leaves many folks wondering why this avenue was taken if not to “push through” the proposed ordinance changes without much resistance (if any at all). If true, this is just very disappointing given that the changes are complicated, and probably not too many voters at the open March town meeting will have a thorough knowledge of or completely understand the nature of the changes and their ramifications on China Lake and its water quality.

By way of example, here’s one of the comments from a CLA board member: “The Town (and others) have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years to improve water quality in China Lake by reducing the phosphorus loading to the lake. The proposed amendments will increase the phosphorus loading and thus will undo work that has already been accomplished and will make future efforts both more expensive and difficult. The town is voting to spend 3/4 million to improve access to the lake; along with that should be a commitment to improve water quality, not degrade it. As a lake that does not comply with water quality standards, the town which derives substantial economic benefit from [China] lake should not be allowed to pass ordinances that allow more phosphorus into the lake to mirror DEP’s relaxed shoreland zoning guidelines.”

The comment is directed at the town and the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and a set of “relaxed guidelines” the DEP is proposing for local communities to consider. Please know that these are “proposed” guidelines, and towns can always chose a stronger set of rules and regulations to manage their shoreland zoning codes. Over the last few decades the town of China has had a set of shoreland zoning standards stronger than any community in the region, and one reason for these stricter standards being in-place for so long is to protect our environment, and especially China Lake.

A close examination of the proposed changes shows a serious digression from the current shoreland zoning regulations that have been in place for decades, so much so that they represent a potential negative impact to the water quality of China Lake.

Here are some of the downsides to the proposed changes the voters are being asked to consider:

  • The elimination of volume in determining expansion for shoreland principal structures (causing structures to increase their impervious surfaces and creating more storm water runoff and phosphorus into the lake). The town’s current practice requires the review of both footprint and volume thresholds (along with detailed record keeping the town has maintained for the last 25 years). This would be a significant reversal in policy and would allow shoreland properties that have already maxed out their expansion limits based on volume to continue to expand using only the footprint of a residential building(s) on a property.
  • The allowance to combine the footprint of existing non-conforming shoreland accessory structures with existing principal residential structures. This would allow even more expansion of a principal residential structure. In some cases this could be in very close proximity to the lake (again, more expansion, more runoff, and more non-point source pollution into China Lake without any plan to mitigate phosphorus from entering the lake);
  • A revision to the current timber harvesting standards that have been in-place for decades and have been integral to the local enforcement that the town has maintained over the years. It is vital that timber harvesting activities have a local steward since sound timber harvesting practices are essential to immediately prevent water quality impacts from timber harvesting activities in China Lake’s watershed;
  • The relaxation of seasonal conversion standards, allowing more year-round conversions, more activity in shoreland districts, more impact on local services, and with the potential of restricting property owners to only occupy their properties during certain months of the year.  Questions include: What is the rationale for this proposed change? How many properties would be affected?
  • The allowance of additional exemptions to the clearing and vegetation removal standards, thereby reducing areas required to be buffered. Vegetative buffering is essential to water quality as the CLA is promoting through its LakeSmart Program; and
  • A new proposed change that was not on the November 2016 ballot concerns the conditional use requirements reviewed by the planning board for commercial development. The proposed change seem to remove the planning board’s responsibility to make “findings of fact” as it reviews each criteria for conditional use applicants. If this is the case this may not be quite legal as Superior Court cases have rested upon the mandate that the findings-of-fact are critical to the review of a development proposal. The court’s position has respect to the rights of the abutters to know and understand the ramifications of development proposals in their neighborhood and the potential impact on their “peaceful use and enjoyment” of their personal homesteads and local environment.

There’s no “sugar coating” the proposed changes; overall the proposed changes do not seem to be in the best interest for China Lake’s water quality. The China Lake Association’s Mission is to protect China Lake. It is not enough to say that the DEP provided these “relaxed guideline changes” to the towns and so the town of China should (or must) adopt such drastic changes. As citizens we would leave behind our town’s well-maintained existing rules and regulations, along with our long-standing Home Rule Authority that has existed for decades.

As president of the China Lake Association it is an obligation to represent my constituency and inform the public on these matters. Although represented here are the thoughts of many of those present at our mid-winter meeting, they may not represent everyone’s opinion. As for me, I can only speak for myself. It may be that the proposed changes are adopted by the minimal number of voters who turn out at the open March town meeting, but this could represent a big step backwards. I will only repeat what I was quoted as saying in The Town Line newspaper last year: “I can’t tell anyone how to vote, I just know I’m voting “NO.”

Scott A. Pierz, President
China Lake Association

Project Learning Tree workshops at China school

China School’s Forest will be hosting two Project Learning Tree Workshops for adults in April. Each workshop will feature hands-on activities and lesson ideas for kids ages K-8. Both workshops will begin with a short introduction to Project Learning Tree and then we will head out into the forest for interactive sessions with trained facilitators. Lessons are interdisciplinary including connections to children’s literature and language arts activities. If you are an educator (formal or informal), community volunteer, scout leader, naturalist, natural resource professional, land trust member, homeschooling parent or just want to learn some great ways to teach kids about the forest, this workshop is for you. Workshops are rain or shine so come prepared for the weather. Sign up by April 8. Space is limited to 20 participants per workshop, FMI – Contact Anita Smith at 968-2255 or

Visit them on facebook at China School’s Forest – China, Maine.

Cost is $50 per participant and includes the Project Learning Tree K-8 activity book with 96 lessons, opportunities to network with resource professionals, tour the award-winning China School’s Forest and gain new skills to make nature learning fun.

Location: China Primary School, 763 Lakeview Drive, China, ME 04358.

Workshop 1 – Thursdays, April 13 and 27 (must attend both sessions) from 3 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Workshop 2 – Saturday, April 29 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Bring a bag lunch and drink.


CHINA NEWS: TIF meeting brings explanation of changes

by Mary Grow

The March 20 public hearing on proposed amendments to China’s TIF (Tax Increment Financing) document brought both explanations of the changes and a more nuanced view of the whole TIF process.

Voters at the March 25 town meeting, scheduled for 9 a.m. at China Middle School, will accept or reject the proposed amendment, a three-page document with an addition and a map, when they act on Art. 5 in the 56-article warrant.

Assessor William Van Tuinen said four changes are proposed.

1) China’s TIF, initially created in 2015, would be extended from 20 years to 30 years.
2) The new Central Maine Power Company substation off Route 3 would become an additional revenue source. Taxes from the expanded CMP power line, the original TIF revenue source, bring in about $260,000 a year, according to Town Manager Daniel L’Heureux. He estimated earlier this month the substation would add about $60,000 annually.
3) Additional areas in town would be available for economic development, as shown on the map. They include an area on Route 3 around the former Fairpoint building; a small parcel on the northwest corner of the intersection of Routes 202, 9 and 137 north of China Village; the newly acquired town land on Lakeview Drive opposite the former Candlewood Camps; and an area around Branch Mills dam.
4) Selectmen would be authorized to enter into credit enhancement agreements, under which an entrepreneur is encouraged to open or expand a business in a TIF area by promising a partial or full rebate of the additional taxes generated by the project. Van Tuinen emphasized that such partial tax relief is not an entitlement; selectmen decide when it would be in the town’s interest.

The point of a TIF, Van Tuinen said, is to shelter the additional property valuation created by new development, making it not count toward the state’s valuation of the town. The advantage is that the higher a town’s valuation in the state’s eyes, the more it contributes to county taxes and the less it receives in state aid to schools and state revenue sharing.

Were China not to have a TIF, for the first two years the entire taxable value of a new development would go into the tax base, perhaps lowering taxes for everyone. However, when the state caught up with the new value in two years, higher county taxes and lower state aid would offset 65 to 70 percent of the gain.

South China resident Richard Morse argued that having the full value of the new taxes for two years and up to 35 percent afterward was useful, and China should not have a TIF. He called the program “a confusing bureaucratic mess that nobody can understand very well,” a characterization with which L’Heureux sympathized.

However, the manager said, the program is competitive. If other towns have TIFs and China does not, China’s valuation, in the state’s eyes, rises in comparison to theirs, and China pays more and gets less. For example, he said, Augusta has $149 million in valuation protected under the TIF program, shifting a larger share of the county tax burden to the other Kennebec County municipalities.

“If you don’t play the game, you’re on the losing end,” the manager concluded.

Morse, unconvinced, said he thinks lower taxes are more important than the projects on which voters will decide whether to spend TIF money, citing specifically the TIF Committee’s planned fishing platforms and other improvements near the boat landing at the head of China Lake’s east basin.

Articles 6 through 11 in the town meeting warrant ask voters to approve proposed expenditures from China’s TIF funds.

CHINA NEWS: Chief scolds selectmen on proposed stipend article

by Mary Grow

China selectmen met with representatives of the town’s three fire departments and China Rescue March 20 to discuss the emergency services stipends proposed in the March 25 town meeting warrant – an action South China Fire Chief Richard Morse told them they should have taken weeks earlier. Art. 20 in the town meeting warrant asks voters to appropriate up to $40,000 from the town’s Unrestricted Fund Balance (surplus) to compensate emergency services personnel according to a policy to be developed by the selectmen.

Morse said the first time he heard about the proposed stipends was when a reporter called to ask his opinion. He said making the idea public with no advance notice to the department chiefs, no plan, no basis for the amount of money proposed and no evidence of need was “not a way to move a policy forward.”

Stipends, he believes, will not help increase membership in the fire departments or China Rescue. People join from a sense of pride, a desire to be part of a well-run organization and interest in community service. They are discouraged not by money issues but by too much state-mandated paperwork and training, not all of it relevant to part-time volunteer groups.

Despite his reservations, Morse said, he held a vote: his department members do not support stipends for town firefighters, but they do for China Rescue members, who get many more calls.

Morse recommended discussion among selectmen and emergency services people and development of a plan for sharing funds before a town meeting vote.

China Village Fire Chief Timothy Theriault was more inclined to go ahead now. His department members all voted in favor of stipends except himself, he said. To support them, he researched other towns’ plans for distributing funds and came up with a preliminary plan to discuss with his China colleagues.

“We have something to work on,” he said in answer to the claim that there is no plan for spending the funds if they’re approved. Theriault cited two examples from his experience which made it clear to him that earning money is one of the incentives that lead firefighters to remain active.

He sees the stipends, if voters approve, as an experiment; if after a trial he does not have more department members or higher turnout at fires, he will oppose continuing the program. Taking this year’s money from surplus instead of from taxes is consistent with the idea of an experiment, he said.

David Herard, speaking for China Rescue, said rescue members believe money might help keep members, but is unlikely to help with recruiting new ones.

Weeks Mills Fire Chief Webb Shaw was unable to attend the March 20 meeting, but Herard said the majority of that department favor stipends.

Theriault and Morse both said they repeatedly invited selectmen to meet with emergency services people to better understand the services’ needs and were repeatedly turned down, usually on the ground that selectmen’s meetings must be public. Perhaps, they suggested, one or two selectmen could be appointed a subcommittee.

Board Chairman Neil Farrington eloquently praised emergency responders who serve the community. Art. 20, he said, lets departments decide how to divide up stipend money, and doesn’t require everyone to accept it. Since the appropriation, if approved, won’t be available until July 1, there is time to develop plans.

“Let’s give it a chance,” he urged.

With bicentennial nearing, China remembers Sybil Jones

Excerpts from the book Eli and Sybil Jones: Their life and work, written by Rufus M. Jones, in 1889. Submitted by Neil Farrington.

Sybil Jones

Sybil Jones during one of her missions in Europe. Internet photo

Sybil Jones was at work in the southern states during a part of the year 1860, and returned to her northern home only a few weeks before the attack on Fort Sumter. The sound of war carried sorrow to the hearts of herself and her husband. They were loyal to their country and the great cause of human freedom, but they were loyal also to the Prince of peace.

For years they had longed to see the light of freedom break in on the south, but they had hoped no less for the day “when the war-drum should throb no longer” and universal peace should gladden the long watchers for its dawn. Now they saw the oncoming of a most terrible civil war, threatening the life of the nation. They mourned for mothers and fathers who must see their boys go to the field; they thought of the homes shattered for ever; but they did not yet realize that their eldest son was to go forth to return only on this shield – that the son who had urged them to go forward in the work of love in Liberia, their noble son, was to be demanded as a sacrifice.
The war was hardly begun when James Parnel Jones resolved to volunteer. President Lincoln’s call seemed to call to him. He had been a logical reader of Summer, and had closely watched the development of slavery, and to his mind the war to save our nationality would necessarily free the slaves. He wrote from the South: “Did I not think this war would loose the slave’s chains I would break my sword and go home.”

That it was hard for him to go when his parents were praying for peace, there can be no doubt, but his mind was filled with the thought of saving the life of a nation, and he certainly felt that the path of duty was in that direction.

The members of the Society of Friends felt almost universally that they owed allegiance to two fatherlands. “There was a patriotism of the soul whose claim absolved them from the other and terrene fealty,” and there was a manifest inconsistency between being members of “Christ’s invisible kingdom” and taking arms in support of a dominion measured by acres.

James Parnel came home wounded, but returned to his command before his furlough had expired. He went back with the feeling that the days left him were few: he indistinctly saw what awaited him. In an engagement to carry a strong point held by the enemy at Crystal Springs, near Washington, he was struck by a ball from a sharpshooter. The ball had glanced from a tree and brought him a mortal wound. The two hearts deeply wrung to have their son go into the war at all were pierced at the news of his death.

Henceforth whoever wore a soldier’s uniform had a place in Sybil Jones’ heart. Her unspent love went out to all who were suffering on the field and in the hospitals, and she could not rest at home. Obtaining the needful credentials, she took up in a new form the arduous service of her active and consecrated life, bearing the gospel cheer to the wounded and dying in Philadelphia and Washington. She could tell the soldiers of her own son, and so touch their hearts and her sympathy and love brought joy to many a poor sufferer. The aggregate of her visits shows that she preached and talked to 30,000 soldiers. To and from the field of her labor, at the depots, wherever she saw a uniform, she went to speak gentle words and to bear good news; and only those to whom the balm came can tell the good accomplished.

Soldiers and prisoners welcomed her and those high in power listened with respect to her messages. She comforted the widow of President Lincoln, and twice stood before his successor, President Johnson, and faithfully warned him to rely on the Ruler of the universe for counsel in guiding the helm of state.

She left home in the first month 1865, with a certificate for service. On her way to the field in which she felt called to labor she visited her children in Philadelphia, and attended meeting at Germantown, where she was favored with a gospel message.

She then proceeded to Baltimore accompanied by Lydia Hawkes, of Manchester, Maine. In this city she met her dear husband, who had been separated from her for three months. He was much worn by his labors as distributing agent of the New England Friends. He had distributed to the necessities of the freedman food, clothing, beds, etc., according to the quantity sent to the mission.

Sybil Jones rested a few days, and then commenced the labors for which she was liberated. Her first service was in Judiciary Square. She, with her companion, was taken there in an ambulance, and they were preceded and introduced by their dear friend Jane James, who often gave them like aid. They were pleasantly received, and permission was granted them to perform any religious service. They visited nine wards and had service in the chapel, speaking words of comfort to those confined to their beds. They also went to the hospital at Armory Square, visited all the wards of the sick and wounded, and had chapel service.

Eli Jones went for a short time to Philadelphia to try and gain a little strength, being very weary with his labors among the colored people. The mud was very deep and the work of distributing very hard.

Sybil Jones great earnestness in prayer for the bereaved ones in the far away homes as she was called upon to attend the funerals of the soldiers. Often more than one coffin stood on a form before them.

Columbia Hospital was visited. They were obliged to move from their lodgings on account of sickness in the family, and were most kindly received by their good friends William and Jane James. They found it a great privilege to be so cared for.

They then went to Lincoln Hospital, where there were 5,000 men. At a later visit they found 400 more wounded soldiers from City Point. The afflicted men were all broken down with suffering and were ready for the consolation of the gospel. The field indeed seemed white unto the harvest. A lad told them that he had been in the Crimean War, and had served two years in this. He was an Englishman. He showed them a silver medal gained by valor in the former war Sybil Jones said, “I hope thou art seeking a crown in that higher warfare?” He quickly replied, “I am pressing after it with all my might. I am looking to Jesus as my captain.”

She sighed for “universal peace to reign” as she witnessed the untold miseries of cruel war. Many were passing away. No one could bear to tell one poor dying youth that he could not live, and in all tenderness Sybil Jones said to him, “I think you cannot get well; what is they hope?” He replied, In Jesus I believe; he has forgiven my sins. Tell my father and mother I have gone to heaven.”

Sybil Jones grave

Sybil Jones, who died in 1879, is buried behind the Jones House at Dirigo Corner, the intersection of the Dirigo Road and Rte. 3.

Sybil Jones was presented to General Auger, the military commander of the District of Columbia. He said that he was much pleased with her mission. He was spoken to concerning the interests of eternity.On 4th mo. 1st, 1865, great excitement was felt in the capital city, as the President was personally directing affairs at Richmond, and the fall of the rebellious city was hourly anticipated. On the morning of the 4rd came the joyful intelligence that the Confederate capital had been evacuated, and a great tide of rejoicing swept over the loyal states. Sybil Jones describes the scene in Washington as follows:

“I was very fearful the inhabitants would be too full of joy to remember their great Deliverer and give thanks unto His name. We went to Camp Fry, and had to press our way through the throng, often pausing to note the variety of emotions exhibited – all joyful, but neither ridiculous nor profane. A subdued awe seemed to hold in check the lawless and dissipated, and tears of joy suffused the eyes of passers-by. The whistles of the engines, the roar of cannon, the music of the various bands, and the shouts of the multitude, mingled with the prayers, praises and hallelujahs of the colored people, some down on their knees in the dust of the street, others dancing like David before the ark of the covenant on its return to its place – all commingled in one mighty jubilant song which I trust was not devoid of the grateful tribute of praise to the great God of heaven and earth.”

Later, a sad scene presented itself in Douglas Hospital. There had just arrived 300 terribly mangled soldiers, some passing away, some in agony with lost limbs. It was an indescribably paintful scene, and the one “Physician of value” was recommended to the poor sufferers.

On a visit to Stanton Hospital, Sybil Jones met a young man from Maine named Eben Dinsmore. He told her that her son, James Parnel Jones, had been his captain when he first enlisted, and afterward his major. He spoke in the highest terms of his kindness to the men and his unspotted name, and said he heard a soldier of the same regiment say that he was with him from the time he was wounded until his death, and never saw a person die so happy, singing as he passed away.

Sybil Jones went once more to Washington, holding meetings and doing all she could to “lift the skirts of darkness.” She felt that she had another message to bear to the White House, where now, at the head of affairs of state, was the late President’s successor, Andrew Johnson. She had a most touching interview with the President’s daughter, the wife of Senator Patterson. While waiting for audience, the president’s little granddaughter offered to her a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and, drawing her close, Sybil Jones spoke to her of the infinitely more beautiful flowers of heaven.

After this, Sybil Jones returned to Maine, but she was not permitted long to enjoy the sweet associations in the home so dear to her.

Before engaging in the work in Europe, Sybil Jones obtained a certificate from the monthly meeting to visit the prisons and penitentiaries of some of the southern states. She went to the White House on a reception day for the president’s daughter, and passed in with the throng. Her whole soul was rejoiced to see the great change that had swept over the South since the shackles of slavery had been removed. Those who had been slaves now stood up men. She felt that there is indeed “a God who judgeth in the earth, and He only worketh wonders.”

Rumble strips to be installed on Rte. 3

By next November, most of Route 3 through China should be a bit noisier – and a lot safer.

Stephen Bodge, of the Maine Department of Transportation, spoke with China selectmen at their March 6 meeting about the plan to install center-line rumble strips in the heavily-traveled road in late September or October.

The installation is part of a state-wide project aimed at reducing head-on collisions. Rumble strips pay off, Bodge said; Maine has been adding them for 11 years, and studies comparing the 10 years before and after a road is treated show that head-on collisions decrease by 40 percent and fatalities resulting from head-on collisions decrease by 90 percent.

The only complaints the department receives have been about noise, Bodge said. Procedures to minimize the problem include leaving gaps at intersections, in passing zones and in front of hotels, motels, campgrounds and anywhere else “where people pay to sleep.”