LakeSmart comes to Sheepscot
The Sheepscot Lake Association has launched the LakeSmart program on Sheepscot Lake, in Palermo.
Under the auspices of the Maine Lakes Society, the program focuses on preventing shorefront erosion and pollution of lake water caused primarily by rain and storm water runoff. Property owners like the Blomquists on Hoffman Shore request an evaluation which is carried out by trained volunteers. The evaluation is free and provides a summary of findings along with any recommendations. Owners are under no obligation to make changes and the report is not shared with any outside entity.
The Blomquist’s property was awarded the LakeSmart designation and they now proudly display their award signs lake side and road side.
Lakes are not an everlasting natural resource and zipping up the shorefront is the last line of defense against murky, smelly water, algal blooms, fish kills and resulting lowered property values. For more information email: