SOLON & BEYOND, Week of November 10, 2016
by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979
Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!
Every year Eleanor Pooler, 4-H leader of the Solon Pine Tree 4-H Club, has invited me (and now Lief) to the Family Supper held at the Solon Masonic Hall. This year, as always, she told me about it early and I wrote the date down and told her we would be there. A little before six o’clock that night our phone rang and it was Eleanor (the time for the meal was 5:30 p.m.) and she still wanted us to come up to it! We rushed around and ignored speed limits as we didn’t want to be too late, and they had waited for us to get there before sitting down to eat! Now isn’t that a very nice and thoughtful thing to do!? My only excuse for forgetting about the supper is that I have been right out straight, working on cleaning out my house and getting ready for the craft fair last Saturday. The supper was very good, and then the awards and money the members received from exhibiting at the fairs were passed out.
The Solon Pine Tree 4-H Club received the Outstanding Club Award. Several of the members were absent that night because of something else going on, but there are 13 members this year. All of the members received certificates of recognition for their record sheets. Cooper Dellarma received outstanding county award in arts and crafts, Michaela Mardon received a county award in photography. Wendy Currier received a outstanding volunteer award. Lief and I appreciate being asked to attend this annual Family Night Supper, thank you very much.
Recently Eleanor Pooler and husband Rance attended the 125th anniversary of O.E.S. in Maine at Point Lookout, in Northport. There were over 200 people present for the meal and entertainment.
On Saturday, November 12, a complete turkey dinner will be served at the Embden Community Building at 5 p.m., donations will be accepted.
Just got interrupted by one of the many political telephone calls these days ….. I will be so-soo-so glad when this election is over with!
There will be a country jam/open mic at the Embden Community Building on Sunday, November 13, from 1 – 4 p.m. Thanks to Carol Dolan, this information about up coming events is much appreciated, I haven’t printed the events coming up in December at this time, but will in a later column.
Had lots of fun last Saturday at the North Anson Snowmobile Craft Fair. Amanda and I shared a table, Lief also helped. Many people stopped by to visit and purchase our hand made items. Lief and I displayed some of our paintings that were for sale.
The afternoon ended with another problem though. My plan was to go to Connie Hopkins’ funeral at the Solon Congregational Church at 2 o’clock, and so since the craft fair didn’t end until 3 p.m., I was going to have to leave early, but Amanda stayed until the end and I rode back to Solon to the funeral with Mary and Dave. Then, after the funeral, I accompanied Dave and Mary up to Bingham for the burial. As we were riding along I got a desperate phone call from Lief saying he got locked out of our house, without his hat and coat on, (he thought maybe I had my keys with me, but I didn’t!) After the burial, I rode home with Mary and Dave, and Lief had managed to get the garage door up just enough so that Mary could squeeze under it to get into the garage and open the door so Lief could get in the house and get warmed up. Much love and thanks go to my daughter for saving the day. I’m hoping that was the last adventure we will have for awhile.
And so for Percy’s memoir: from Ralph Waldo Emerson; Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense. This day is all that is good and fair. It is too dear, with its hopes and invitations, to waste a moment on yesterdays.