SOLON & BEYOND, Week of November 17, 2016
by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979
Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!
The Solon Pine Tree 4-H Club met on November 5 for the second meeting. Seven members are planning to attend a workshop at the Somerset County Extension office on Saturday, November 19. They will be making Holiday Swags.
The members voted to bring in items for the Skowhegan Animal Shelter next meeting as one of the club’s community projects.
Officers elected were: president, Michaela Marden; vice president, Cooper Dellarma; secretary, Lacy Dickey; assistant secretary, Desmond Robinson; treasurer, Devyon Re Leonardis ; assistant treasurer, Hunter Soucer, color bearers, Sarah Craig, Dystany Young, Brooks Saucer and Tehya Caplin.
Haley Dellarma and Amanda De Leonadis are planning to be leaders next year.
Following the election of officers etc., leader, Eleanor Pooler showed the members how to make grape vine wreaths as a fun activity.
The next meeting will be on Saturday, December 3, at 9:30 a.m., at the Solon Fire Station.
There won’t be any Solon Historical Society meetings during the months of December and January.
On November 19 Band: Doug Mathieu, Danny Taylor & Adam Cates at the Embden Community Center from 7 – 10 pm.
Received a couple of e-mails from Happyknits: Hello Yarn Friends! It seems as if just the other day I was complaining about the heat, and here we are already nearing Thanksgiving! How did that happen? Before we know it, the Christmas season will be here. So, on Plaid Friday and Small Business Saturday (November 25 and 26), Happyknits will be joining with lots of locally owned businesses in downtown Skowhegan to celebrate our “smallness.” We are still working out the final details, but expect to see some fabulous deals here at Happyknits. Over the next couple of weeks, you’ll be seeing signs go up in participating storefronts in town Skowhegan. They will each be offering special “Shop Small” deals of their own, so there will be lots of ways to satisfy everyone on your gift list without heading out to the mall.
The second e-mail from Happyknits states that they are offering a daily dose of fiber therapy for you. If you come to the shop you might just find fellow knitters and crocheters releasing tension through their finger tips while working on beautiful projects. So grab your project bag and head on down. You’ll feel better . We promise! (I totally agree on that one! Nothing is more relaxing for me than knitting!)
Lief and I have attended three funerals of friends and relatives within a seven day period, it kinda’ gets to you after awhile.
But on a brighter note, When Mark called tonight he said they were in Pennsylvania in their journey back to Maine from their home in Florida for our annual family Thanksgiving at Peter and Sherry’s this weekend. There is always something to be thankful for.
And so now for Percy’s memoir: A Touch of Love: A little beauty to pass along, a little duty to make us strong. A bit of gladness to make us whole, a little sadness to cleanse the soul. A sense of humor to make us smile… these are the things that make life worthwhile. But more important than all the above, the greatest of these… A touch of love. (words by Carmen Boitel Adams). The date of Percy’s passing was just a few days ago, it has been a year, but we still miss him lots. Hope you are all enjoying his memoirs, he was a very special cat.