Emmanuel College announces fall 2016 dean’s list

In honor of their outstanding academic achievement, Emmanuel College, in Boston, Massachusetts, has named more than 700 students to the dean’s list for the Fall 2016 semester. Local students on the dean’s list include:

Alexandra Gorrill, of Whitefield; Paulina Hersey and Katherine Thompson, both of Waterville.


Lasell College announces dean’s List for fall 2016

Lasell College, in Newton, Massachusetts, has announced that Benjamin Allen, of Augusta, and Vincent Marchesi, of Waterville, have been named to the dean’s list for outstanding academic achievement during the Fall semester of the 2016-17 academic year.

Youth basketball action

Winslow third / fourth grade girls rec basketball team member Bethany Blakley gets set to shoot for the hoop during a recent game held in Winslow.

Photo by Missy Brown, Central Maine Photography staff

Winslow rec basketball team member Brady Poulin (25) makes his way down court during a recent game against Fairfield.

Photo by Missy Brown, Central Maine Photography staff

Waterville Youth Basketball team members Luke Quimby and Bryant Frost get into the Christmas spirit during a recent team photo shoot.

Photo by Mark Huard, owner Central Maine Photography

Area News: Central Maine Squares donate to children’s home

Again this year the Central Maine Square (CMS) Dance Club was able to collect almost $1,000 in toys and clothing for the Home For Little Wanderers of Waterville. Each year the home puts on a drive for children across the area for the holidays. And as in the past the Central Maine Squares was eager and very willing to come to their aid.

Central Maine Squares dancers, from left to right, Colleen Howes, Claude Francke and Becky Potter are pictured with just a few of the gifts they collected. Contributed photo

Beginning with two club workshops in November and a dance on December 4, they were able to make this donation. The club thanks all who were able to donate, both club members and visiting dancers, and some of the spectators who came to the dance just for this purpose.

The Central Maine Square Dance Club invite any interested people to their new beginner lessons starting on Tuesday, January 3, and Tuesday, January 10, 2017. These will be free nights for anyone new to square dancing. All are welcome, no age requirements, and space is limited. Lessons start at 6:30 p.m., at the Waterville Junior High School on Route 104 (West River Road), in Waterville. To pre-register or for more info call Bob at 447-0094 or Cindy at 631-8816.

Girl Scouts bake pies for dinner


The Arnold Trail Girl Scouts gathered on November 22 to  bake 188 pies for the Messalonskee High School Thanksgiving dinner.  The troop donated all the supplies to make the pies. Approximately 1,000 people attended the dinner. The following troops were represented: #1783 Belgrade, #2204 China, #9, #15 and #906 Oakland, #375, #376, #1523, #1776 and #1785 Sidney, #2044 Vassalboro, and #1254 and #1557 Waterville.

Contributed photo

Parade of Lights kicks off season


TNT Dance Studio dancers performed a variety of songs this year, from Pit Bull to Sesame Street, at the annual Parade of Lights, in Waterville, on November 25. The parade brings Santa and Mrs. Claus to downtown Waterville for their perennial stay at Kringleville, located at The Center near Castonguay Square, downtown.

Photo by Mark Huard, owner Central Maine Photography

Maine Children’s Home lacking donations for program

The Maine Children’s Home for Little Wanderers is lacking the donation items needed to support the agency’s Christmas Program. Each year, the program provides new clothing, books and gifts to more than 1,700 financially disadvantaged children across Maine.

page111pict1Last week, the Waterville-based nonprofit was forced to postpone Christmas box packing by volunteers until their inventory of donation needs is replenished. The most urgent needs include popular boys and girls toys, warm pajamas and outfits sizes 2 through 12, craft sets and books for all levels up to age 12.

For a full list of Christmas Program donation needs, visit mainechildrenshome.org/christmas-program-needs-list.php.

“The Christmas Program is a year-long effort,” said Cristen Sawyer, Christmas Program coordinator at The Maine Children’s Home. “It’s never too early to donate, and we look to our supportive community to help more than 1,700 Maine children wake up to a Christmas they’ll always remember.”

For more information about The Maine Children’s Home, please visit MaineChildrensHome.org.

Local communities honor veterans with parade



Waterville, above, and Winslow police departments honor guards participated in the Veterans Day parade in Waterville on November 11.
Photos by Mark Huard, owner Central Maine Photography


Thomas named to the spring dean’s list at USC Upstate

Tristan Thomas, of Waterville, has been named to the Spring 2016 Dean’s List at the University of South Carolina Upstate, in Spartanburg, South Carolina.

Area students on dean’s list at UNH

The following area students have been named to the dean’s list at the University of New Hampshire, in Durham, New Hampshire.

Kelly McCormac, of South China; Michaela Hinckley-Gordon, of Benton; Kellie Bolduc and Luke Violette, both of Waterville; Sarah Wildes, of Winslow; Myrilla Hartkopf, of Albion; Andrew Marden, of Bingham, Maxwell Kenney and Kyle McLain, both of Fairfield; Adam Bovie and Rebecca Grenier, both of Vassalboro.