Windsor officials discuss ways to save money to help pay for diesel fuel tank

by Sandy Isaac

At the August 6 Windsor selectmen’s meeting, board members and Public Works Supervisor Keith Hall discussed ways to save money in order to help pay for the planned new diesel fuel tank. The 1,000 or 2,000 gallon tank alone, which town officials hope to have installed before winter, is estimated to cost between $10,000 and $13,000. Since the retirement of John Moody, who provided round the clock fueling in the past, was announced after the 2019-2020 budget was created, funding for the proposed tank installation was not included. The diesel tank would enable trucks to refuel after hours or overnight as needed during snow storms.

Selectmen will be entertaining bids for a new public works garage, which was included in the voter-approved budget. Once that process is completed, selectmen will review the final cost and, they hope, shift some funds over to the diesel tank project.

In the case of an unforeseen emergency, the town manager and the selectmen can request a meeting with the budget committee and seek approval for any cost over $25,000. The selectmen, along with Hall and Town Manager Theresa Haskell, think they should be able to diverge enough money to get the tank installed. The process however, will be contingent upon the garage construction cost. If garage bids come in at full priced authorized, town officials will have to look at alternative funds for the diesel tank installation.

Hall also recommended cutting costs by holding off on installing heat in the proposed new garage until next year. He suggested the 1,000 gallon tank option, stating that any company would be willing to come in to refill the tank when necessary.

Town officials are putting up for sale two trucks, the 2003 International and the 2010 Ford F550. Sealed bids will be due by 5 p.m. Tuesday, September 3, and will be opened during the selectmen’s meeting that evening. Proceeds from the sales will go into the Public Works Truck Reserve Account, as approved at the town meeting.

In other business, Cemetery Sexton Joyce Perry, reported a generous anonymous donor contributed $5,000 to the Veterans Memorial, bringing the fund raising efforts up to 77 percent of the goal of $45,000. The fundraising group will continue to offer concrete or granite pavers for sale, which will be placed at the Veterans’ Memorial site, to help raise money for the efforts.

Share the Road with Carol bike ride slated

Bicycling enthusiast Carol Eckert was tragically killed in a bike accident in 2016.

Share the Road with Carol is an all ages commemorative bike ride planned for Sunday, September 15, 2019, in Windsor and Whitefield, Maine. The ride, which has 12-mile and 27-mile options, starts and ends at the Windsor Town Office.

This annual ride honors the memory of Carol Eckert, M.D. Carol was tragically killed as a result of a bike accident that occurred in Windsor on October 10, 2016. Biking was Carol’s passion and we invite everyone who feels the same to join us in remembrance of a life well pedaled and to further the cause of bicycle safety in Maine. Register online ( or at the event from 7:30-8:30am.

There will be one rest stop on the 27-mile ride. Please join us after the ride at the Windsor Town Hall for fellowship, remembrances and light snacks.

Whether you knew Carol or not, this ride is a wonderful opportunity to explore the lovely rolling hills along the border of the Kennebec and Lincoln Counties.

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WINDSOR: Paving bids go before board of selectmen

by Sandy Isaac

Paving bids and a proposed solar project for local schools were discussed at the Windsor Selectmen’s meeting on July 23.

The meeting began with the public review of paving bids which were submitted earlier that evening to Town Manager Theresa Haskell. Bids were for projects on Piper Road, Coopers Mills Road and Griffin Road. These projects were factored into the current budget recently approved by voters.

Prior to the meeting, Haskell compiled the bid information into a comparison chart for the selectmen to review while asking questions and making their determination. Representatives from seven paving companies were on hand to listen and answer questions. Many of the paving crew members in the room knew and worked with or for each other in the past.

Most of the town roads are on a six- to seven-year maintenance schedule. Road maintenance may consist of crack sealing, shim work (a thin layer of asphalt thicker than a micro-surface, applied to the existing surface of a street), overlay (a layer of asphalt thicker than a shim applied to the existing surface) and complete resurfacing. According to Haskell’s research, road paving work averages $100,000 per mile.

The bids ranged from $235,560 to $361,510, with the average price of material coming in at $34.04 per ton. Over and above work (work discovered during the paving process) may include shoulder work, grading work and gravel.

The paving bid contract was approved and awarded to Maine-ly Paving Services, LLC. They are expected to start the paving project late summer to early fall.

Public work supervisor Keith Hall’s report continued to talk about road maintenance. The public works crew is completing ditching work to the rock wall along Reed Road. They are working on approximately 40 feet, but have hit ledge and will need to hire a “hammer.” Hall will be researching equipment rental. The rock wall will be built up once they have freed it up from the old fencing and deep tree roots.

Transfer station supervisor Tim Coston confirmed that the station revenue from incoming fees was down $2,000 from last year, with no explanation. Haskell reviewed the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) inspection report regarding the transfer station. The last time the DEP inspected the transfer station was in 2011. Not much has changed since then. Grass was well maintained and there was no sign of animals burrowing. Although saplings were observed around the “cap” at the station, the DEP inspector recommended only more mowing.

It was also noted that due to the Windsor Fair, the transfer station will be opened only from 9 a.m. until noon on August 31.

During the public comment period, Regional School Unit (RSU) #12 School Board member Richard DeVries discussed the RSU #12 solar project and asked the selectmen if they wanted to be part of the planned feasibility study.

RSU#12 is investigating purchasing a property to be utilized as a solar farm. The solar farm location (which has yet to be determined) must be able to accommodate a large number of solar panels and have power lines in place, adequate to handle the power generated. The proposed solar farm will need to generate power for multiple locations including the local schools. Board members are looking into a bond to pay for the project and a 20-year agreement for installation and maintenance. In addition, DeVries is reaching out to partners who might want to invest in the project and use some of the power.

The feasibility study is the first step in the process and is estimated to be completed by September 4. The selectmen agreed to be part of the feasibility study at no cost to the town. Many questions were brought up as to locations, wattage to be generated and power line capabilities. The feasibility study should help clarify some of those concerns.

In other business, Haskell reviewed the finalized numbers from last year’s budget. Overall, the town spent only 89.72% of the total approved 2018-19 budget, despite the fact that utilities, (which includes public safety) public works and Maine Municipal Management Services all went over their projected budgets.

The selectmen will hold their next regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, August 6.

Windsor’s Abby Haskell part of title-winning team, named to college dean’s list

Abby Haskell

Abby Haskell, of Windsor, a liberal studies major at the University of Maine at Augusta student, recently was named to the dean’s list, and received the Student Athlete Spotlight for Outdoor Track and Field. This was the first year for the UMA’s Outdoor Track and Field Team and the UMA Women won the USCAA National Invitational.

What is her favorite subject at the college? “I really like all of my education classes because they allow and encourage me to get in the classroom early and shadow teachers. This shows me what teaching is all about and it showed me that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life.”

Regarding her interest in outdoor track, she said, “I have bounced around a lot with track in high school actually. I did outdoor track my freshman and sophomore year and I did indoor track my sophomore and junior year. I bounced around so much because I also enjoyed playing basketball and lacrosse!

Balancing academic studies and athletics can be demanding. “I took all my classes online so I was able to get myself in a routine of days where I would sit down and finish my assignments. This routine allowed me to be able to attend some practices (when I wasn’t working!) and to attend the meets on the weekends! With all her accomplishments on the track and field scene, she is looking for improvement. “I’m looking forward to improving my personal records and to see how well the team can do together next year! Some teammates on our relay team had never done it before and I’m excited to see how we will improve our time next season.”

She compares her animal spirit to that of a turtle. “Because slow and steady always wins the race.”

Abby chose UMA because it was a lot closer to home and more affordable than where she was going before! “I also really wanted to continue playing sports and I knew that UMA was the perfect school for me to do that. I love the decision I made, I love UMA.”

Abby’s 2019 outdoor track highlights include:  Triple Jump (first) nationally in the USCAA;  Long Jump (third) nationally in the USCAA; 100m (fourth) nationally in the USCAA; first 4x100m Relay Team at the USCAA National Invitational Championship; and first 4x400m Relay Team at the USCAA National Invitational Championship.

Free concert set for Windsor Veterans Memorial fundraiser

Downeast Brass Band.

The Windsor Veterans’ Memorial Committee will be holding a fundraiser concert at the Windsor Town Hall on July 25, at 7:00 p.m. Donations will be requested in lieu of a ticket charge. The themed concert will feature the Downeast Brass Band putting on an “informance.” The performance will spotlight music from the 60’s and include stories, taking concert goers behind the scenes of their favorite songs and artists.

Downeast Brass Band founder Dwight Tibbetts said, “The narrative will discuss the top ten songs from each year and will explain why the music is the way that it is.” Refreshments will be provided by the Windsor Ladies Aide and be served after the hour and a half of entertainment.

The Veterans’ Memorial Committee will also be offering concrete and granite pavers to be purchased by the public as an additional way to help support the monument. Information on the pavers will be available the night of the concert or at the Windsor town office.

The Windsor Veterans’ Memorial will be located on Ridge and Reed roads and incorporate the existing monument. Original cost estimates for the project were over $45,000. Since 2017, over $14,500 have been raised through Veteran’s Beano games at the Windsor Fair, flower sales, pie auctions, public supers, other concerts and private donations. The citizens of Windsor also voted to give the Memorial $19,000 from the last two budgets. In addition, J.C.Stone Inc. from Jefferson has also donated 2 stone benches for the site. However, the committee still needs to raise over $11,000 to complete the project.

Once completed, the memorial will list the names of Windsor residents who have served our nation. For more information on the concert, please contact Windsor Cemetery Sexton Joyce Perry at 445-2998 or

WINDSOR: “Take it or leave it” fundraiser a success

“Take it or leave it” fundraiser for the Windsor Fire & Rescue Department on Saturday, July 12, 2019. (photo courtesy of Windsor VFD)

On Friday, July 12, the Windsor Volunteer Fire Department hosted their “Take It or Leave It” Game Show fundraiser. Nearly 300 local residents attended the event, which raised several thousand dollars that will go toward updating and upgrading their firefighting equipment. “Windsor Fire is very appreciative of the townspeople of Windsor and surrounding towns for coming to our annual fundraiser and making it another successful year,” a spokesman for the department said. “We are also grateful to the individuals and companies around town, out of town and even out-of-state for their continued contributions to our fundraiser.”

“Take it or leave it” fundraiser for the Windsor Fire & Rescue Department on Saturday, July 12, 2019. (photo courtesy of Windsor VFD)

“Take it or leave it” fundraiser for the Windsor Fire & Rescue Department on Saturday, July 12, 2019. (photo courtesy of Windsor VFD)

WINDSOR: Nuisance ordinance to be reviewed by board

by Sandy Isaac

Dog barking and the Veterans’ Memorial fundraising efforts were major topics at Windsor’s Selectmen’s meeting on July 9.

A recent dog barking incident sparked conversations about ordinances at the last two selectmen’s meetings. Animal Control Officer Kim Bolduc-Bartlett attended the July 9 meeting at the request of the Town Manager Theresa Haskell.

During the June 25 meeting, a resident requested re-examination of the Windsor nuisance ordinance and asked that it include wording regarding barking dogs. The resident expressed concerns over futile attempts to maintain tranquility in her neighborhood due to several barking dogs.

Currently, state laws do not address dog barking. Some municipal ordinances do. For example, Sidney’s dog nuisance ordinance states, “Any owner or keeper causing or permitting a dog to bark, howl, or yelp continuously for twenty (20) minutes or intermittently for one (1) hour or more shall be in violation of this section.”

The town of China has a kennel ordinance with similar wording, stating that “the owner or operator of a kennel…shall not permit the dogs therein to disturb the peace of any person in the vicinity of such kennel by barking, howling, baying, whining, yelping or other loud and unreasonably long or frequent periods.”

However, Windsor’s nuisance ordinance does not mention dog barking. Therefore state police and animal control officers are not able to proceed farther than checking on the animals’ welfare and making sure all animals are properly licensed.

During the June 25 meeting, the selectmen agreed to do additional research, contact the town attorney and re-discuss the subject during the July 9 meeting. On July 9, Bolduc-Bartlett presented copies of her reports on the dogs of whom the resident had complained. Since the resident was unable to be present, selectmen tabled further discussion.

Joyce Perry, chairman of the Windsor Veterans’ Memorial Committee, informed the selectmen about fundraising efforts for the Veterans’ Memorial, including a free concert by the Downeast Brass Band at 7 p.m., Thursday, July 25, at the Town Hall, featuring ‘60s music and discussion of the history of the music.

During the upcoming Windsor Fair, the memorial committee was offered two tables, one for items to sell and one to display information. The Windsor Historical Society offered the first table for free but planned to charge for the second. Haskell inspired the selectmen to each donate $5 to pay for the second table. She added her $5 to bring the total to $30: $20 for the table and $10 donated to the Veterans’ Memorial.

The Memorial will be located on Ridge and Reed roads and incorporate the existing monument. Original cost estimates for the project were over $45,000. Since 2017, over $14,500 has been raised through beano games at the Windsor Fair, flower sales, pie auctions, public suppers, other concerts and private donations. Windsor voters appropriated $19,000 from the last two budgets. In addition, J.C.Stone Inc., of Jefferson, donated two stone benches for the site. However, the committee still needs to raise over $11,000 to complete the project.

In her capacity as cemetery sexton, Perry provided an update on cemetery maintenance. The Windsor Neck Cemetery’s fencing has been replaced with poles and chains, thanks to the public works crew. While replacing the fencing, some granite with attached iron piping had been found. Due to safety concerns, the public works department will request permission from residents abutting the cemetery to remove the granite. A pile of rocks in the North Windsor Cemetery will be removed at the same time. If usable, all of the rock and granite collected with be repurposed on other projects.

In other business, Public Works Supervisor Keith Hall gave an update on preparing for the anticipated installation of a new diesel tank. The cement pad has been set and Hall is submitting drawings of the project’s layout to the state fire marshal for approval. Hall is requesting pricing for a 1,000-gallon and a 2,000-gallon double walled tank for comparison. Once installed, the tank will then be enclosed in a protective cement barrier. Although money for the tank was not part of the budget for the current fiscal year, selectmen deemed it necessary after John Moody announced his pending retirement. Moody has supplied the town with around-the-clock fuel service; selectmen want to have an alternative in place prior to snow plowing season.

The fire department also needs to find a source for after-hours fuel. Selectmen are discussing options for allowing firefighters to access the new tank.

Selectmen planned the final steps in acquiring the new Ford super-duty truck for the public works department. Arrangements will be made for the publics work crew to travel to Massachusetts to pick it up. Despite extensive research, officials could not find a locally-available truck meeting the town’s specifications.

The selectmen hold their next regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, July 23.

Lake Association Annual Meetings 2019

Image Credit:

2019 Lake Association Annual Meetings

*   *   *

Saturday, July 13 • 10 a.m.
Windsor Town Halle

Saturday, July 20 • 8:30 – 11:30 a.m.
China Primary School

Thursday, July 25 • 7 p.m.
Gibbs Library

Saturday, August 17, 9 a.m.
Vassalboro Community School

Saturday, August 17, 8:30 a.m.
Augusta West Kampground
off Holmes Road

*   *   *

To be included in this list, contact The Town Line at

Three Mile Pond pilot project aims to replicate successes of China LakeSmart

LakeSmart crews at work!

by Jennifer Brockway

China Region Lakes Alliance (CRLA) is pleased to announce a new program focused on water quality at Three Mile Pond.

Lakefront property owners know the impact of water quality on their summer experience. Not all landowners know, however, the positive impact they can have on water quality. The choices made by lakefront landowners can make a difference for the people, fish and wildlife that call Three Mile Pond home. By making landscaping choices that keep stormwater out of Three Mile Pond, landowners can help combat the number one water pollutant – eroded soil, also called “non-point source pollution.” Phosphorus in soil promotes plant growth – in the lake that means algal blooms!

LakeSmart is an education and reward program coordinated by the Maine Lakes Society that helps lakefront homeowners make land use choices that keep pollutants out of our lakes. It is free, non-regulatory and entirely voluntary. Properties that meet LakeSmart standards receive a distinctive blue and white LakeSmart Award sign in celebration of good lake stewardship.

China Lake Association has operated a highly successful China LakeSmart program for many years. This summer, the CRLA has partnered with China LakeSmart to pilot the program at Three Mile Pond. Through the program, a free LakeSmart evaluation is available to lakefront property owners in China and Windsor this July or August. A trained evaluator will visit the property and recommend steps to take to capture and filter stormwater in order to keep pollutants out of the lake. Participating landowners will receive a follow-up report with suggested actions to support lake water quality, such as maintaining or enhancing vegetated buffers, installing water bars or relocating pathways and installing “infiltration steps” down to the lake.

For a limited number of sites in 2019, the CRLA will provide a technical design developed by a qualified professional, and the free labor of the CRLA Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) Program will install the best management practices identified in the free evaluation. The CRLA is able to offer this program at no cost to Three Mile Pond landowners thanks in part to pilot project funding awarded by the Davis Conservation Foundation and New England Grassroots Environment Fund.

The CRLA will gratefully accept contributions to help offset the costs of the program and stretch pilot program funds across a greater number of sites. These gifts may be directed to CRLA, P.O. Box 6339, China Village, ME 04926.

For more information or to request a free LakeSmart evaluation, please contact Jennifer at (207) 679-7306 or

See also:

Beef up your buffers

Alan Johnston shows special everyday courage

It is always inspiring to see how our combat-injured veterans may rise above the limitations of their permanent injuries and restore themselves to full and active lives. Alan D. Johnston, of Windsor, a former U.S. Army captain active in veterans affairs, and who is now the commander of the Maine Chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars, exemplifies the indomitable spirit we so admire in our injured service personnel. These veterans truly show the rest of us a special kind of everyday courage.

Although legally blind, Alan recently competed in the National Veterans Golden Age Games, for those 55 and older, divided into various categories including male and female divisions, wheelchair bound, visually-handicapped and ambulatory. As with other senior athletic competitions, entrants compete against contemporaries in five-year age blocs, and in categories matching those with similar abilities and handicaps. Any veteran over 55, handicapped or not, may compete. This year, about 750 veterans from 48 states competed in the 33rd National Veterans Golden Age Games, in Anchorage, Alaska.

Alan won in his age category of visually-impaired veterans in five events, receiving gold medals in bowling, horseshoes, and shuffle board, and bronze medals in blind disc golf and bocci. He is also a recipient of the Department of Defense Valor Award, a civilian award equivalent to the Distinguished Service Cross.

Alan is very proud of his service dog Gypsy, a five-year-old Malinois. They have been together for four years having gone through a 40-week training course. The Military Order of the World Wars was established 100 years ago under the leadership of the legendary General John J. Pershing, and is open to all active and former military officers. Those interested in possibly joining the order may get more information from the National website at or by calling Alan at 207-549-3951.

General John J. Pershing