Issue for December 8, 2022
Scouts hold Lego derby at Camp Bomazeen
More than 60 Cubs and Scouts, some from as far away as Buxton, West Paris, and Bath, rolled into Belgrade’s Camp Bomazeen on Saturday, November 12, for the second annual Lego Pinewood Derby. Isa Russell, of Lewiston Troop #2019, won Best in Show with her Phoenix Lego Derby Car. She is a Life Scout from Randolph and enjoys the creativity of the Lego project. Gabriel Booker, a Tiger Cub with Augusta Pack #603, was the fastest Lego car in the Camp’s Dining Hall. He had plastic lights on the back of his car so other racers would be able to follow him to the finish line… by Chuck Mahaleris
Town News
China to join national communications system
CHINA – China select board members voted unanimously at their Dec. 5 meeting to spend $2,000 a year for the next two fiscal years to join a communication system called TextMyGov…
Vassalboro selects new town manager
VASSALBORO – The Vassalboro Select Board has announced that Aaron Miller has been selected as the new Vassalboro town manager following a nationwide search. Miller will succeed Mary Sabins who is retiring on January 2, 2023…
The Remembrance Tree
Help us decorate the tree and at the same time remember a loved one. For only $10 a ball, you can commemorate a love one who has passed. Mail your donation and the names of your remembered loved ones to The Town Line, PO Box 89, South China, ME 04358. Deadline is Friday, December 16!
Name that film!
Identify the film in which this famous line originated and qualify to win FREE passes to Railroad Square Cinema in Waterville: “Houston, we have a problem.” Email us at with subject “Name that film!” Deadline for submission is December 7, 2022…
Letters & Opinions
LETTERS: Is Poland more forward thinking than us?
from Frank Slason (Somerville) – Concerning the new trend toward the electrification of America, just a reminder of what’s to come. This stampede to electric cars and heat pumps all need electric back ups and will put a big strain on our already crumbling grid…
LETTERS: Appalled at court’s action on public land
from State Senator Rick Bennett (Oxford) – As one who helped draft Article 9, Section 23 in 1993 to protect our public lands from private misuse, I am appalled at this court’s action [Maine Supreme Judicial Court in the case of Russell Black et al v. Bureau of Parks and Lands et al.]…
Local happenings
Admit Day at Winslow High School
WINSLOW – On November 29, 2022, Winslow High School hosted its annual Admit in a Day for Seniors. Admission representatives from the University of Maine, Husson University, of Bangor, Thomas College, of Waterville, Kennebec Valley Community College, of Fairfield, the University of Maine at Farmington, and the University of Maine at Augusta, were at WHS and gave students on the spot admission decisions, as well as feedback on their applications… by Mark Huard
Waterville Creates announces staffing changes
WATERVILLE – Waterville Creates (WC) has announced the arrival of several new staff members across the organization…
Northern Light welcomes three new specialists
WATERVILLE – Northern Light Inland Hospital has announced three new specialists to the staff in Waterville…
Annual scouting food drive
CENTRAL ME – Scouts in Kennebec Valley District, which includes Somerset, Kennebec, Franklin, Lincoln and Knox Counties, are taking time during the holiday season to help other people through the annual Scouting for Food Drive…
Somerville farm to hold Yule Goat fundraiser
SOMERVILLE – Pumpkin Vine Farm’s Yule Goat celebration, which aims to help spread the magic of Christmas from Scandinavia to India, is scheduled from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Sunday, December 11, at the 217 Hewett Road farm, in Somerville…
F.A. Peabody Insurance opens new central Maine branch
PALERMO – Christopher Anderson, President of F.A. Peabody Insurance (FAPCO,) is announcing the opening of the agency’s 11th branch office in Palermo. Palermo is centrally located in the tri-city community of Belfast, Augusta and Waterville…
The Town Line to benefit from bag sales
CHINA – The Town Line, Inc., a weekly, reader-supported, nonprofit newspaper, has been selected again to receive $1 from every $2.50 reusable Community Bag sold during the month of January 2023 at Hannaford, 33 Hannaford Drive, in South China…
Citrus orders deadline nears
PALERMO – The deadline for ordering bright, tangy, and sweet citrus in time for Christmas is December 11. You can have it shipped anywhere in the lower 48 states for one low price…Proceeds from this sale benefit the Living Communities Foundation, which hosts the Palermo Food Pantry, in the Palermo Community Center, as well as the Palermo Community Garden and the Great ThunderChicken Teaching Drum…
Volunteer coordinators needed for Big Brothers/Big Sisters
WATERVILLE – Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mid-Maine (BBBSMM) is looking for adult volunteers to serve as coordinators at eight of its school-based mentoring programs…
Northern Light pharmacy expands
WATERVILLE – Northern Light Pharmacy has announced the opening of a new location on December 6, in Waterville, at the Penny Hill Plaza Park, located at 295 Kennedy Memorial Drive. The new storefront will be open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m., and Saturdays from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m…
How to protect yourself from holiday shopping scams
CENTRAL ME – Online scams cost Americans nearly $7 billion throughout 2021, according to the FBI, and with the holiday shopping season ramping up, it’s vital that people understand how to avoid falling victim to scams…
EVENTS: Art show at Gibbs Library
WASHINGTON – There will be an art show at the Gibbs Library, in Washington, through December 31. Library hours for art viewing are Monday, 4 – 7 p.m., Tuesday, 9 a.m. to noon, and 4 – 7 p.m., Wednesday, 3 – 6 p.m., Thursday, 3 – 6 p.m., and Saturday, 9 a.m. to noon…
EVENTS: Give blood ahead of hectic holiday weeks
CENTRAL ME – As more people make travel plans to celebrate with family and friends this year, the American Red Cross asks donors to set aside a time to give blood or platelets for patients waiting for care over the holidays. As a thank-you, all who come to give through Dec. 15 will receive a $10 Gift Card…
EVENTS: Community Blue Christmas ceremony shines a light on winter solstice
ALBION – The ShineOnCass Foundation will host its Second Annual Blue Christmas Ceremony for grieving families and friends, and those who support them, Wednesday, December 21, at 6 p.m., on the Winter Solstice – the longest and darkest night of the year. Light the Night will feature music, speakers, along with a reading of submitted names of loved ones’ lost and the lighting of memorial blue candles… by Monica Charette
EVENTS: Craft fair to benefit Shakespeare group
AUGUSTA – A Craft Fair with white elephant, Luck of the Draw, bake sale and hot lunch. will be held on Saturday, December 17, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the South Parish Congregational Church, 9 Bridge St., in Augusta, to benefit Recycled Shakespeare Company and the South Parish Congregational Church. Accessible to all, free to shop…
Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Social activities (new)
CENTRAL ME HISTORY – This year’s Nov. 6 time change, with darkness falling an hour earlier, led your writer to think about how central Kennebec Valley families passed long winter evenings 200 or 250 years ago – a research challenge, as few historians devoted pen and ink to such mundane events… by Mary Grow [1749 words]
Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Jefferson Medical College grads – Part 2
CENTRAL ME HISTORY – As promised last week, this week’s article will feature random information about three more central Kennebec Valley doctors with degrees from Jefferson Medical College, in Philadelphia. Their names were Cyrus Kendrick, Class of 1850, who practiced in Litchfield; James E. Tuell, Class of 1884, who practiced in Augusta and who started this topic; and Lewis King Austin, Class of 1894, who practiced, at least briefly, in Waterville… by Mary Grow [1513 words]
Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Jefferson Medical College – Part 1
AUGUSTA HISTORY – Your writer recognized a question, probably unanswerable, left over from last week’s mention of Dr. James Tuell, of Augusta. Why had he chosen to attend Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia, when Maine had a medical school at Bowdoin, founded in 1820, and there was one at Dartmouth, and numerous others closer than Philadelphia?… by Mary Grow [1923 words]
Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Augusta fires & fire departments – Part 4
AUGUSTA HISTORY – Charles W. Ricker was Augusta’s chief engineer for more than a decade, starting in 1893. In the city’s annual report for the fiscal years that ended March 1, 1894, Mayor Charles A. Milliken wrote: “I think politics should be eliminated from this department. The present chief engineer is a competent man and I think should be retained… by Mary Grow [1949 words]
Webber’s Pond
Webber’s Pond is a comic drawn by an anonymous central Maine resident (click thumbnail to enlarge)…
CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Christmas with the Clauses
FAIRFIELD — Victor Grange, in Fairfield Center, invites everyone to Christmas with the Clauses, Saturday, December 10, from 1 to 4 p.m., at the Grange Hall, at the junction of Routes 23 and 104. Events include crafts, decorating cookies, a visit with Santa Claus and a story from Mrs. Claus. Hot chocolate and cookies will be served. Admission is free.. and many other local events (including lots of area Christmas events)!
SOUTH CHINA – Marie Antoinette (Gleason) Stevens, 92, passed away on Sunday, November 13, 2022, at MaineGeneral Rehabilitation and Care (Glendridge), in Augusta. Marie was born October 4, 1930, in North Belgrade to Alice Gleason… and remembering 7 others.
Common Ground: Win a $10 gift certificate!

DEADLINE: Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Identify the people in these three photos, and tell us what they have in common. You could win a $10 gift certificate to Hannaford Supermarket! Email your answer to or through our Contact page. Include your name and address with your answer. Use “Common Ground” in the subject!
Previous winner: No Winner
Town Line Original Columnists
by Roland D. Hallee | There is a road off Lakeview Drive, in China, called Killdeer Point Road, that takes you to Killdeer Point, on the lake. We know the area received its name when someone exploring the area saw what he thought was a killdeer, and so named the point. So, what is a killdeer?…
(NAPSI) | The holidays are right around the corner and sending your mail and packages with the U.S. Postal Service has never been easier or more reliable. With a little planning and the right tools, you can ensure that the perfect gift reaches everyone on your list…
by Roland D. Hallee | This week we’ll take a look at another winter activity. This one required work, cold nights, and the help of some adults…
by Peter Cates | Movies portraying the love of man’s best friend have been melting the hearts of cynics since the days of Lassie Come Home. Another perspective was achieved in this past February’s release, Dog…