Issue for July 14, 2022
China mother raises awareness for postpartum mood disorders
Family-friendly event to take place at China Community Forest, July 23
In 2017, Courtney, a lifelong resident of central Maine, gave birth to her son. A momentous occasion, she welcomed this significant life event with open arms and an open heart. However, soon she realized something was out of whack: her emotions. Not long after the birth, Courtney began struggling with depression and psychosis – the former more commonly known, the latter less known and much more severe… by Gillian Lalime
Your Local News
Town and Direct Communications, Unitel to work on broadband expansion
CHINA — China select board members have taken under advisement a memorandum of understanding with Direct Communications of Rockland, Idaho, represented locally by subsidiary UniTel, of Unity, to expand broadband service to town residents…
Select board agrees to pave parking area on Causeway Rd.
CHINA — At a short special meeting June 30, China select board members paid end-of-fiscal-year bills, agreed on paving parking areas on both sides of the Causeway Road bridge at the head of China Lake’s east basin and made three appointments…
TIF committee discusses pending project at China Village boat launch
CHINA — Members of China’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Committee approved a funding application, discussed a pending project and heard updates on on-going ones at their June 29 meeting…
Windsor select board makes several appointments; honors town manager
WINDSOR — At an abbreviated meeting of the Windsor Select Board on June 21, they unanimously approved certificates of appointments, submitted by Town Manager Theresa Haskell…
LETTERS: Thanks to all voters
from Katrina Smith (Palermo) – I wanted to send a sincere thank you to ALL who voted in the District #62 Republican primary on June 14. I appreciate the civic engagement and concern you have for the future of Maine!…
Name that film!
Identify the film in which this famous line originated and qualify to win FREE passes to Railroad Square Cinema in Waterville: “Play it Sam. Play ‘As Time Goes By.” Email us at with subject “Name that film!” Deadline for submission is August 5, 2022…
China to hold Window Dressers workshop
CHINA – The China for a Lifetime Committee is planning a Window Dressers workshop this November 7-13, at the China Lake Camp, off the Neck Road, on the west side of the lake. The initiative is a volunteer-led, barn-raising effort to construct low-cost “window inserts” that can significantly reduce residential energy costs…
Madison Legion Auxiliary seeks school supplies
MADISON – Members of the American Legion Auxiliary Unit #39, Madison, is once again collecting school supplies for children and for the classrooms in our local schools (Madison MSAD #59 and Carrabec #RSU 74). With all the uncertainties ahead this year, the need is still there…
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Town of Windsor Bicentennial celebration
WINDSOR – A schedule of events for Windsor’s Bicentennial Celebration on Saturday, July 16, 2022…
PHOTOS: Sheepscot Lake July 4 parade best ever
PALERMO – Sheepscot Lake Association hosted its annual boat parade on July 4. This year’s parade was the most successful yet with 32 boats participating, and residents of several camps along the lake cheering on from the shoreline. The weather was perfect…
Mikayla Achorn captures first place at karate tournament
CENTRAL ME – Huard’s Sport Karate team member Mikayla Achorn, 12, captured first place in point fighting at the recent Friendship Karate Tournament. The event took place on Saturday, June 18, at the Gorham Sports Complex…
Sheepscot Lake Assn. news
PALERMO – We will be hosting our Annual General Membership meeting on Thursday, July 21, at 7 p.m., at the Palermo Consolidated School, on Rte 3. Please join us that evening to renew your membership, meet your neighbors, and discuss the programs that help keep our Lake healthy…
Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Natural resources – Part 2 (new)
CENTRAL ME HISTORY — Last week’s article talked about some of the towns in which European settlers found naturally-occurring resources, like stones and clay. Stones were described as useful for foundations, wells and similar purposes on land; another use was for the dams that have been mentioned repeatedly… by Mary Grow [1886 words]
Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Natural resources – Part 1
CENTRAL ME HISTORY — As the preceding articles have at least partly shown, pre-European inhabitants of the Kennebec Valley lived off the land, using natural resources to provide food, shelter, clothing, transport, decoration and other necessities and frivolities… by Mary Grow [1937 words]
Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Native Americans – Conclusion
CENTRAL ME HISTORY — No historian your writer has found says how many Native Americans lived in the Kennebec River Valley before the Europeans arrived. The Maine Historic Preservation Commission has a document on its website estimating 25,000. Another on-line estimate for Maine and Maritime Canada (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island) says 32,000… by Mary Grow [2062 words]
Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Native Americans – Part 4
CENTRAL ME HISTORY — Last week’s article talked about Native American sites along the Kennebec River between Fairfield and Sidney on the west bank, but the east bank between Ticonic (Winslow) and Cushnoc (Augusta) was skipped for lack of space. This week’s article will remedy the omission by talking about Vassalboro and about sites inland on the east side of the river (as was done for the west side last week)… by Mary Grow [1958 words]
CALENDAR OF EVENTS: Open Garden Day at Palermo Community Garden
PALERMO — On Sunday, July 24, from 1 to 4 p.m., the Palermo Community Garden will be open to visitors who want to explore the 25-plus raised beds that help to supply the Palermo Food Pantry with freshly-picked, organic vegetables and fruits… and many other local events!
Lake Association meetings
Dates and times for local lake association meetings, including Sheepscot Lake, China Lake and Webber Pond…
WINSLOW – David G. Guimond, 93, of Winslow, died June 23, 2022 of natural causes. He was born in Fairfield, March 13, 1929, the son of David J. and Ita (Morrissette) Guimond… and remembering 12 others.
Common Ground: Win a $10 gift certificate!

DEADLINE: Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Identify the people in these three photos, and tell us what they have in common. You could win a $10 gift certificate to Hannaford Supermarket! Email your answer to or through our Contact page. Include your name and address with your answer. Use “Common Ground” in the subject!
Previous winner: Lisa Hockley, Skowhegan
Town Line Original Columnists
by Roland D. Hallee | Back in May, my wife and I moved to camp for the summer. It’s always great to leave the city and live in the serenity by the lake for about five months. And, on that Sunday, we were greeted by my wife’s favorite bird, the ruby-throated hummingbird. It was nice to see the little critters back with us…
by Gary Kennedy | I am not only a Rotarian but also a Knight of Rizal. I believe the most beautiful love story is the life and loves of Doctor Jose Rizal. Jose Rizal was born in the very beautiful hamlet of Calamba Laguna, Philippines on June 19th 1861…
by Peter Cates | Recently I viewed a 1956 film noir, A Kiss Before Dying, starring Robert Wagner and Joanne Woodward, both still living at 92; Virginia Leith (1925-2019) and Jeffrey Hunter (1925-1969). From the visual perspective, it was a very good United Artists technicolor experience…
by Roland D. Hallee | I was 11-years old when we got our first TV in October 1958. It was a black and white floor console. At that time, you could only get three channels – 5, 6 & 8. More on that later. This week, we’re going to take a look at what we did for entertainment pre-TV and electronic games…
(NAPSI) | According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you may be able to take a bite out of all sorts of health risks—if you take care of your oral health. The Problem Oral disease—particularly cavities, severe gum disease, tooth loss and oral cancer—can cause pain and infections…