Week of July 18, 2019
China CEO Mitnik moves on with regret and pleasure
“I’m saying goodbye to China,” Paul Mitnik said toward the end of our June 25 conversation in his office in the town office. After four years as codes enforcement officer, licensed plumbing inspector and building inspector, Mitnik is moving on, sooner than he intended, with a mixture of regret and pleasure. He offered China officials and residents two pieces of advice on his way out: protect your water quality, and try to change China’s image as business-unfriendly… by Mary Grow
Your Local News
Medical marijuana plan presented to planners; can’t rule yet
CHINA — Clifford Glinko gave his well-prepared presentation on his proposed medical marijuana facility on Route 3, in South China, at a July 9 public hearing – to no audience, and without enough detail to satisfy the China Planning Board, which can’t rule yet anyway…
Nuisance ordinance to be reviewed by selectboard
WINDSOR — Dog barking and the Veterans’ Memorial fundraising efforts were major topics at Windsor’s Selectmen’s meeting on July 9. A recent dog barking incident sparked conversations about ordinances at the last two selectmen’s meetings…
Bar Harbor Bank to acquire 8 bank branches in central Maine
CENTRAL ME — Bar Harbor Bankshares announced that its banking subsidiary, Bar Harbor Bank & Trust, has signed a definitive agreement to acquire eight branches located in central Maine…
50 YEARS LATER: The Town Line staff and volunteer contributors recall July 20, 1969
Regular contributors of The Town Line share their memories of that historic day when a man landed on the Moon…
Independence Day: remembering those who made it happen
by Gary Kennedy — The Americans relied upon their Preamble which basically stated, the Americans were declaring “unalienble rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”…
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Vassalboro American Legion recognizes volunteer, donates to FD
VASSALBORO — Don Breton, of Vassalboro, presented a check to the volunteer fire department and received a plaque of recognition from the American Legion Post #126 for his dedication in places flags on the graves of local veterans (photos)…
Sheepscot Lake Association’s first boat parade
PALERMO — The Miller family participated in the Sheepscot Lake Association’s first boat parade on July 4. There was a great turnout as 18 boats took part (photo)…
Benton students honor bus drivers
BENTON — The Benton Elementary PTO gifted Fairfield/Benton bus drivers with 240 books for students to use while on their buses (photo)…
Free concert set for Windsor Veterans Memorial fundraiser
WINDSOR — The Windsor Veterans’ Memorial Committee will be holding a fundraiser concert at the Windsor Town Hall on July 25, at 7:00 p.m. The Windsor Veterans’ Memorial will be located on Ridge and Reed roads and incorporate the existing monument…
“Take it or leave it” fundraiser successful in Windsor
WINDSOR — “Windsor Fire is very appreciative of the townspeople of Windsor and surrounding towns for coming to our annual fundraiser and making it another successful year,” a spokesman for the department said (photos)…
Misha Littlefield earns Eagle Scout status
CHINA — On Saturday, June 29, Troop #479 honored an Eagle Scout at a Court of Honor held for China resident Misha Littlefield, at the China Baptist Church…
Lovejoy Center welcomes back Dr. Austin
ALBION — The staff at Lovejoy Health Center recently welcomed David Austin, MD, back to the practice. He previously joined Lovejoy in 1993. David brings over 30 years experience providing medical care both in Maine and globally through volunteer organizations…
It’s Time to Order Peaches!
PALERMO — Luscious, just-picked peaches will be coming to the Palermo Community Center on August 2, 9, and 16! Proceeds benefit the ongoing programs of the Palermo Community Center, which include the Palermo Food Pantry, the Evolving Communities Film Series, the Palermo Community Garden, and more…
Benton native serves aboard U.S. Navy assault warship
BENTON — A Benton native and 2004 Lawrence High School graduate in Fairfield, Maegan Findley, is serving in the U.S. Navy aboard the USS Whidbey Island, a warship which transports and launches U. S. Marines from sea to shore as part of amphibious assault operations…
New pastor at First Baptist Church, in Waterville
WATERVILLE — Moderator of First Baptist Church, Sam Goddard, has announced David A. Rodrigue as its Interim Pastor. Rodrigue, a native of Waterville and educated in Waterville and Winslow schools, currently resides in China with his wife Valma…
Seeking parents help to provide bus to Cony
AUGUSTA — To the parents of RSU #12 students: Our school superintendent Howard Tuttle, as well as the districts finance and transportation committees, are working with local parents to organize bus transportation to Cony High School…
Burnham named to dean’s list at Plymouth State
CLINTON — Caelie Burnham, of Clinton, has been named to the Plymouth State University dean’s list for the Spring 2019 semester, in Plymouth, New Hampshire. Burnham is a business administration major at Plymouth State…
Erskine Academy third trimester honor roll
CHINA — Here is a list of the students that made the honor roll at Erskine Academy this Spring…
Lake Association Annual Meetings
When are Lake association meetings? Check here for Three Mile Pond, China Lake, Washington Lakes, Webber Pond and Annabessacook Lake.
CHINA: MARC BLACK, a history of the 1950s and 1960s through popular music, Sun., July 21, 2 p.m., at the Albert Church Brown Memorial Library, 37 Main St., China Village. Free admission, refreshments. (and many other local events!)
CHINA – Phillip Harry Webber, Jr., 73, passed away Saturday, June 15, 2019, at his home, in China. Clarence. He was born July 25, 1945, in Anson, the son of Phillip H. Sr. and Florence (Sealey) Webber… and remembering 10 others…
Common Ground – Round 7: Win a $10 gift certificate!

DEADLINE: Friday, August 9, 2019
Identify the people in these three photos, and tell us what they have in common. You could win a $10 gift certificate to Retail Therapy boutique, 11 KMD Plaza, Kennedy Memorial Dr., Waterville, next to the Dairy Queen!* Email your answer to townline@fairpoint.net or through our Contact page. Include your name and address with your answer.
You may also mail your answer to The Town Line, PO Box 89, South China, ME 04358. (To be eligible for the drawing, you must email or snail mail your answer to us.)
* Should there be more than one correct answer, a random drawing will be held to determine the winner.
Previous winner: Pat Clark, Palermo.
Town Line Original Columnists
by Roland D. Hallee | This week, I will turn my column over to Hildy Ellis, of the Knox-Lincoln Soil and Water Conservation District, who will be holding an informational program on these insects that are raising havoc on our forests…
by Peter Cates | Mario Lanza (1921-1959) was one of the finest tenors who ever lived, when it came to beauty, tone, powerful one-on-one communication and love of singing…
by Debbie Walker | This may be a subject most people would rather not think about much less talk about, if they have any awareness about it. Sugar free candies are not totally free of punishment…
by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy | Haven’t been able to chase down any recent news from Solon, so I’m going to start with an e-mail from Beyond. “The Saturday suppers continue at the United Methodist Church in North Anson on Saturdays, July 20 and 27. Thank you so much for your support”…
(NAPSI)—The prospect of needing long term care may be far from your mind today, but be aware, circumstances can change. A long term care event can happen at any age, and the potential financial and emotional strain that comes with it can affect you and your loved ones…