Entries by Jayne Winters

CRITTER CHATTER: It’s time to spring forward

by Jayne Winters By the time you read this month’s column, we will have turned the clocks ahead an hour and despite any late season snow storms, we know that spring is right around the corner. In looking through some of Carleen Cote’s old articles (dating from the 1990s), I thought I’d share one that […]

CRITTER CHATTER – Flying rodents: part 2

by Jayne Winters Continued from last month As a follow-up to last month’s article about the flying squirrel at Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center, I wanted to share some information I found from my on-line research. January’s column included a general overview from articles written by Carleen Cote several years ago, but I was curious […]

CRITTER CHATTER: Follow up on deer with three legs

by Jayne Winters As a follow-up to last month’s article about the whitetail buck with three legs and only one horn, I’d be remiss not to write about the other permanent resident buck at the Wildlife Center. Rather than simply missing an antler, this deer has two, but they’re both deformed and remain in velvet. […]

CRITTER CHATTER: Update on center releases

by Jayne Winters Although spring always brings admissions of injured, sick and newly-orphaned wildlife to the Wildlife Care Center, May and June are also the months that find Don and his volunteers releasing rehabbed critters back to the fields and woods where they belong. The animals have depended upon human assistance to regain their health […]