Entries by Mary Grow

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Eli & Sybil Jones, Mary Hoxie Jones

by Mary Grow From Rufus Matthew Jones, your writer goes backward and then forward in the Jones family. Rufus Jones was the nephew of Eli Jones and his wife Sybil (Jones) Jones, well-known Quaker missionaries. Rufus and Elizabeth (Cadbury) Jones’ daughter, Mary Hoxie Jones, born almost a century later than Eli Jones, was a historian […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Rufus Matthew Jones, of China

by Mary Grow China native Rufus Matthew Jones was another writer with a religious background, like Sylvester Judd, though both his religion and his writing style were quite different. Various sources describe him as a philosopher, religious leader, theologian and mystic; he was also a writer, magazine editor, historian and educator. Jones was born Jan. […]

China transfer station committee looks into relationship with Palermo

by Mary Grow China Transfer Station Committee members’ April 16 discussion of use and abuse of the waste disposal facility ranged from minutely detailed to widely philosophical. Two issues dominated, the free for the taking building and relations with Palermo. Palermo residents share use of China’s facility under a contract that China Town Manager Rebecca […]

Vassalboro select board discusses road work, sanitary district

Town attorney rules protest letter does not meet requirement for petition by Mary Grow The April 18 Vassalboro select board meeting was in sections. After an hour and a half discussing road work, Vassalboro Sanitary District customers’ communication and other matters, board members recessed for an executive session with the town attorney. They then spent […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Sylvester Judd of Augusta

by Mary Grow Another local writer mentioned in Thomas Addison’s chapter on literary people in Henry Kingsbury’s Kennebec County history was Rev. Sylvester Judd, who was born in Westhampton, Massachusetts, and grew up in adjoining Northampton. James North, in his history of Augusta, wrote that Judd was descended from Deacon Thomas Judd, who came from […]

Vassalboro select board postpones marijuana business, discusses roads, sanitary district

by Mary Grow Vassalboro Select Board chairman Chris French postponed the April 11 public hearing on the amended marijuana business ordinance to discuss, first, planned 2024 road work and second, the Vassalboro Sanitary District’s (VSD) financial problems. Brian Lajoie, of the town’s public works department, and select board members discussed two road concerns: keeping up […]