Entries by Mary Grow

Select board discusses a wide variety of topics

by Mary Grow China select board members discussed a wide variety of topics at their March 11 meeting and made three decisions (in addition to the routine ones, like approving expenditures). Without dissenting votes, board members: — Agreed to apply for a Community Resilience Grant to be used for a new trail in Thurston Park; […]

Albert Church Brown library receives handicapped access grant

by Mary Grow The China Library Association (CLA) has received a $10,000 grant to improve handicapped access at the Albert Church Brown Memorial Library in China Village. Librarian, Miranda Perkins, and CLA president, Louisa Barnhart, shared the news early in March. The grant is from the American Library Association (ALA), under a program called Libraries […]

China select board reviews, amends 2024-25 budget

by Mary Grow China select board members spent another two hours March 4 reviewing and amending their draft 2024-25 town budget, in preparation for a budget committee meeting to be held March 5. They recommended reductions in several accounts. Board chairman Wayne Chadwick expects a hefty tax increase and wants to minimize spending as much […]

Vassalboro select board continues 2024-25 budget discussions

by Mary Grow Vassalboro select board members continued discussion of the draft 2024-25 town budget at a special Feb. 29 meeting, focusing on two topics. Holly Weidner, of the Conservation Commission, joined a wide-ranging discussion of protecting water quality in Vassalboro’s lakes (see the Feb. 29 issue of The Town Line, p. 3). With Brian […]

China planners refer solar ordinance back to town attorney

by Mary Grow China planning board members prepared for future action on two issues on their Feb. 27 agenda. After considering questions about the draft Solar Energy Systems Ordinance raised at the Feb. 26 select board meeting, they referred the document back to town attorney Amanda Meader, asking her to recommend different language for one […]

CHINA: Organizations answer questions about budget requests

by Mary Grow China select board members discussed the 2024-25 budget for much of their Feb. 26 meeting, and scheduled another meeting for 6 p.m. Monday, March 4, to continue the topic. At this stage, they are reviewing Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood’s recommended figures and requests from various committees, organizations and other recipients of town […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Windsor brooks named for early settlers

by Mary Grow Last week’s article was about ponds in Windsor that were named after people who settled or lived near them. According to Henry Kingsbury’s 1892 Kennebec County history and Linwood Lowden’s 1993 Windsor history, several streams or brooks were also named in recognition of early residents. Dearborn Brook is the newer name of […]

Vassalboro school board members see small piece of budget

by Mary Grow Vassalboro school board members got an introduction to some small pieces of the 2024-25 school budget at their Feb. 13 meeting. There will be more budget discussion at future meetings. The Feb. 13 agenda included presentations from: — Finance director Paula Pooler on three accounts, a $500 one that will remain the […]