Entries by Mary Grow

VASSALBORO: Lack of information postpones project action

by Mary Grow Vassalboro Planning Board members discussed two proposed projects at their Sept. 5 meeting, but lacked information to act on either one. They had an incomplete application from Ronald Weeks to add what the agenda called “an Amish building” on a lot on Dam Road, on the southeast side of Webber Pond. Weeks […]

Vassalboro school board members hold responsibility workshop

by Mary Grow Before the Aug. 29 Vassalboro school board meeting, Steven Bailey, executive director of the Maine School Management Association (MSMA), led a workshop on board members’ responsibilities, including reminders of what they should not do. Although school board members are elected by town voters, their roles and responsibilities are defined by state law, […]

VASSALBORO: Board updated on school summer improvements

by Mary Grow Vassalboro School Board members began their fall/winter meetings on Aug. 29 with the usual updates on summer improvements; approval of new staff and other appointments for the coming school year; and financial report. Superintendent Alan Pfeiffer summarized the work done on the exterior of Vassalboro Community School (VCS) by Standard Waterproofing, of […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Music in the Kennebec Valley – Part 5

by Mary Grow Two musical Hallowell families In the course of reading about the history of music in the central Kennebec Valley, specifically George Thornton Edwards’ 1928 Music and Musicians of Maine, your writer came across two intertwined musical families who lived in Hallowell, before and after Augusta became a separate town in 1897. Both […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Music in the Kennebec Valley – Part 4

by Mary Grow R. B. Hall Band & Cecilia Club Kennebec County historian Henry Kingsbury provided a minor exception to the general lack of interest in music in local histories when he included a section headed “MUSIC” in his history of Waterville and wrote two whole paragraphs. The first was about “the earliest instrumental or […]

Up and down the Kennebec Valley: Slave trade in Vassalboro

by Mary Grow The story of Ebenezer Farwell Maine, including to some extent small inland towns like Vassalboro, was more heavily involved in the international slave trade than many residents realize, both before and after slave-trading was made illegal in the United States in 1808. Dr. Kate McMahon, Museum Specialist at the Center for the […]

China nomination papers available for November election

by Mary Grow China’s municipal elections for members of the select board, planning board and budget committee will be held Tuesday, Nov. 7. Nomination papers are now available at the town office; Friday, Sept. 8, is the deadline for returning signed papers to be on the local ballot. Select board members are elected from the […]