Entries by Mary Grow

EVENTS: China planning board meeting canceled

by Mary Grow The China Planning Board meeting and public hearing scheduled for Tuesday evening, Dec. 10, were canceled due to weather conditions. The two main agenda items were a public hearing and application review for a proposed retail store at 363 Route 3, in South China, and review of the town’s application for an […]

Up and Down the Kennebec Valley: William Mathews of Waterville

by Mary Grow As noted last week, this biographical sketch of Professor William Mathews, LL.D. (Doctor of Laws), is another follow-up to an earlier account, the Nov. 21 article on Waterville residents Jeremiah Chaplin and James Hobbs Hanson. Mathews was mentioned as a critic of Rev. Chaplin’s preaching. He also wrote the chapter in Edwin […]

China select board hears proposal for street radio installations

by Mary Grow China select board members’ main topic at their Dec. 2 meeting was a proposal by Tom Kroh, Regional Director, Site Acquisition and Deployment, for Ubicquia, Inc., based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. His company would like to contract with the town to attach street radios to town streetlights, to improve residents’ telephone and […]

Up and Down the Kennebec Valley: Education in Winslow Schools – Continued

by Mary Grow This week’s article was to be a discussion of early schools in Fairfield, continuing the subseries on early education, but again your writer has been distracted. The first diversion, this week, is back to Winslow elementary schools, about which summary information was provided in the Nov. 7 issue. Next week, yet another […]

Up and Down the Kennebec Valley: Jeremiah Chaplin & James Hanson

by Mary Grow Instead of moving to the next town, this article will provide abbreviated biographies of two men mentioned in last week’s story of educational development in Waterville. Jeremiah Chaplin (Jan. 2, 1776 – May 7, 1841) was primarily a Baptist minister. Born in the section of Rowley, Massachusetts, that separated in 1838 to […]