Entries by Mary Grow

VASSALBORO: Junkyard, marijuana licenses approved by planners

by Mary Grow The March 3 Vassalboro Select Board meeting began with two public hearings, followed by unanimous approval of applicants’ licenses, as recommended by Codes Officer Ryan Page. Robert Parise, owner of Platinum Core, LLC, at 1702 Riverside Drive (formerly RAP’s Auto – see The Town Line, Feb. 10), received a junkyard license, with […]

Vassalboro committee begins pre-town meeting budget talks

by Mary Grow Vassalboro Budget Committee members began their pre-town-meeting considerations at their March 3 meeting with a two-way virtual discussion with human resources consultant Laurie Bouchard, of LBouchard and Associates of Jefferson. Bouchard explained the salary schedule she and Town Manager Mary Sabins have been working on for weeks. When select board members approved […]

ARPA funding topic at special meeting

by Mary Grow At a special meeting March 2, spokespeople for the Vassalboro Sanitary District (VSD), the Vassalboro Volunteer Fire Department and the Vassalboro First Responders told select board members how they would use federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds if they got some. Select board members made no decisions. Renewed discussion is tentatively […]

China rec committee talks about possible pickle ball court

by Mary Grow Pickleball, anyone? Reacting to local requests, China Recreation Committee members discussed the possibility of adding a pickleball court to the town’s recreational facilities at their Feb. 23 meeting. Pickleball requires a paved court. Committee Chairman Martha Wentworth’s first idea was to convert a corner of one of the two ballfields near the […]

China planners decide to schedule two public hearings

by Mary Grow China Planning Board members decided at their Feb. 22 meeting that they need at least two public hearings. They scheduled one, on SunRaise Investments’ expanded solar project on Route 3 (see The Town Line, Feb. 3, p. 3), for their March 8 meeting, with a review of the application to follow. One […]