Entries by Mary Grow

Up and Down the Kennebec Valley: Education in Winslow Schools – Continued

by Mary Grow This week’s article was to be a discussion of early schools in Fairfield, continuing the subseries on early education, but again your writer has been distracted. The first diversion, this week, is back to Winslow elementary schools, about which summary information was provided in the Nov. 7 issue. Next week, yet another […]

Up and Down the Kennebec Valley: Jeremiah Chaplin & James Hanson

by Mary Grow Instead of moving to the next town, this article will provide abbreviated biographies of two men mentioned in last week’s story of educational development in Waterville. Jeremiah Chaplin (Jan. 2, 1776 – May 7, 1841) was primarily a Baptist minister. Born in the section of Rowley, Massachusetts, that separated in 1838 to […]

Vassalboro school board listens to plans for school building upgrades

by Mary Grow At their Nov. 12 meeting, Vassalboro School Board members heard and watched on screen a presentation from three representatives of their consultant on building upgrades, Energy Management Consultants (EMC), of Portland. President Thomas Seekins and engineers Adam Hodgkins and Erik Rodstrom had created an on-line program that describes work they recommend be […]

Vassalboro select board ponders changing bank, town attorney

by Mary Grow The Nov. 13 Vassalboro select board meeting included two phone-ins, as board members debated whether to change the town’s bank and the town attorney. After the discussion of switching banks, with Jennifer Seekins, of Bar Harbor Bank & Trust, they postponed a decision. Board member Chris French said he wanted more options […]

China committee, manager continue talks on transfer station changes

by Mary Grow China Transfer Station Committee members and Town Manager Rebecca Hapgood continued discussion of pending changes at the China facility at a Nov. 12 meeting. Station manager Thomas Maraggio said the new building to cover the sandpile available to China residents for winter driveway sanding is almost done. He plans to post informational […]

China planners set hearings on two applications

by Mary Grow The three China planning board members at the Nov. 12 meeting scheduled Nov. 26 public hearings on both applications on their agenda. They decided the first hearing, at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 26, in the town office meeting room, will be on the application to add a records storage vault to the […]

CMP reps: No new power line planned through China

by Mary Grow In response to China voters’ Nov. 5 approval of a moratorium on new power transmission lines through town, three representatives of Central Maine Power Company (CMP) attended the Nov. 18 select board meeting to ask about local concerns. Katie Yates, program manager, community relations, emphasized that as of now, the company does […]