Entries by Sandra Isaac

DEP denies Windsor’s initial request to install a diesel fuel tank

by Sandy Isaac At the November 12 selectmen’s meeting, Town Manager Theresa Haskell reported that the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has denied Windsor’s request to have a diesel tank installed on town property, specifically at the public works department. The need for a new diesel fuel tank stems from John Moody’s retirement announcement, effective […]

Windsor selectmen sell two no longer used vehicles

by Sandra Isaac Windsor Selectmen sold two no-longer-needed public works vehicles to the highest bidder at their meeting on September 3. Sealed bids for the 2003 International and the 2010 Ford F550, were opened and reviewed. Nine bids were received for the 2003 International, with the winning bid $9,150; 15 bids came in for the […]

Windsor selectmen reduce tax rate to 12.7 mils

by Sandra Isaac Windsor selectmen decided to lower the tax rate to 12.7 mils ($12.70 for each $1,000 of valuation) at the August 20 meeting. Last year’s rate was 12.9 mils or $12.90 for each $1000 of valuation. Assessors Agent, Vernon Ziegler, CMA, met with selectmen to set the 2019-2020 mil rate. Ziegler explained the […]

WINDSOR: Paving bids go before board of selectmen

by Sandy Isaac Paving bids and a proposed solar project for local schools were discussed at the Windsor Selectmen’s meeting on July 23. The meeting began with the public review of paving bids which were submitted earlier that evening to Town Manager Theresa Haskell. Bids were for projects on Piper Road, Coopers Mills Road and […]

WINDSOR: Nuisance ordinance to be reviewed by board

by Sandy Isaac Dog barking and the Veterans’ Memorial fundraising efforts were major topics at Windsor’s Selectmen’s meeting on July 9. A recent dog barking incident sparked conversations about ordinances at the last two selectmen’s meetings. Animal Control Officer Kim Bolduc-Bartlett attended the July 9 meeting at the request of the Town Manager Theresa Haskell. […]

Selectmen discuss improvements, tree trimming, bridge report

by Sandy Isaac At the May 29 Windsor Selectmen’s meeting, members discussed road, bridge and tree maintenance, purchasing a new one-ton truck and installing a diesel tank for the Public Works Department. The meeting began with Road Supervisor Keith Hall presenting the Public Works report. He said Windsor is currently out of salt but will […]