Entries by Website Editor

Squares to meet in Waterville

On Saturday, October 14, from 7 – 10 p.m., the Central Maine Square Dance Club will be holding its monthly square dance at the Waterville Junior High School, on Rte. 104, in Waterville. The caller for the evening will be Kip Moulton and the round dance cuer will be his wife Linda. There will be […]

Memories of the Mill at Palermo Historical meeting

The Palermo Historical Society will show a short documentary “Memories of the Mill” on Tuesday, October 24, at 7 p.m., at the Worthing House, 54 No. Palermo Road in Palermo. There will be a brief business meeting at 6:30 pm. The Dinsmore Grain Company Mill was a historic early 20th-century mill building on Branch Mills […]

Winslow Public Safety open house a success

by Mark Huard The first Winslow Public Safety open house took place at Winslow Fire Department on September 30. Community members had the opportunity to meet and talk with the firefighters as well as other local public safety personnel from the police department and Delta. On display was a replica “Squad 51” that carried equipment […]

Five Myths And Facts About Cholesterol

For Your Health (NAPSI)—High cholesterol is a known risk factor for heart disease and stroke and is estimated to cause nearly 2.6 million deaths annually. Yet, a survey from the American Heart Association shows that nearly two-thirds of people who have high cholesterol don’t think they’re at high risk for a heart attack or stroke. […]

Post-harvest tour to be held at Thurston Park

This post-harvest tour of Thurston Park in China is being held as a follow-up to a June pre-harvest tour. It is co-sponsored by the Thurston Park Committee and the Two Rivers chapter of Maine Woodland Owners. The park is a 400-acre, town-owned forest with waterfalls, hiking trails and cultural and historical landmarks. Directions: From Rte. […]

Guadalupi named to the Assumption College women’s cross country team

The Assumption College Department of Athletics, in Worcester, Massachusetts, has announced that Anne Guadalupi, of Augusta, has earned a coveted spot on the 2017 Assumption College Women’s Cross Country team. Guadalupi, Class of 2021, is competing during the Greyhounds’ fall season, which began with the Shacklette Invitational at Saint Anselm College, on September 2.