Entries by Website Editor

Eagle Scout completes LifeFlight helipad

Kaleb Brown, the Senior Patrol Leader of Palermo Boy Scout Troop #222, recently finished his Eagle Scout project by installing a helicopter pad for LifeFlight. This is the only permanent, concrete pad between Augusta, Waterville and Belfast. This is a multi-community asset as the First Responders of Palermo, China, Somerville, and Liberty will have access […]

FOR YOUR HEALTH: Health Tips for Adults

Consuming healthy foods, beverages, and snacks, and getting regular physical activity may help you reach and maintain a healthy body weight. Making suitable lifestyle choices may also help men and women prevent some health problems. Setting healthy eating and physical activity goals may help you improve your health. Here’s a quick overview of some ways […]

LEGAL NOTICES for Thursday, September 14, 2023

STATE OF MAINE PROBATE COURT 41 COURT ST. SOMERSET, ss SKOWHEGAN, ME PROBATE NOTICES TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN ANY OF THE ESTATES LISTED BELOW Notice is hereby given by the respective petitioners that they have filed petitions for appointment of personal representatives in the following estates or change of name. These matters will be […]

LETTERS: Why are we selling bricks?

To the editor: Our American Legion Post #179 is selling veteran bricks to raise funds for a new heating/cooling system at the South China Legion building. This is the monetary reason but there is also a personal reason. Our monument in the village (across the street from the famous direction sign) has a monument stone […]

Urgent funding needed by Winslow Community Cupboard Food Pantry

Winslow Community ­ Cup­board food pantry – which has served more than 20,087 food-insecure households in Central Maine so far in 2023 – is urgently seeking new one-time and recurring monetary donations to meet surging demand. According to Operations Manager Bruce Bottiglierie, the food pantry, which also operates a Mobile Food Pantry that directly serves […]

Local political coalition receives grant submitted

submitted by Megan Marquis Representatives from the local United Valley Democratic Committee (formerly China Dems) are diligently working alongside Kennebec County Democratic Committee on the Contest Every Race grant. Kennebec County is one of two counties in Maine, where groups are set to receive a $3,000 grant from Movement Labs via their Contest Every Race […]

OPINIONS: Thoughts about high impact transmission lines through central Maine

COMMUNITY COMMENTARY by Thomas Bolen Albion resident Historically when the citizenry finds itself in a position where they perceive their elected officials have failed them in pursuit of a larger goal, citing “For the common good” common folks like me, regardless of political stripes, find themselves pushing back and asking for pause to reassess their […]