LETTERS: A thank you to the community, Supports Marquis for selectboard

To the editor:

Dear Friends,

I would like to thank the Town of China for the many years of continuous support during my terms of office. After 22 years serving on the selectboard, I have decided it is time to hand over the baton to someone else. Jeanne Marquis has the same spirit for volunteerism and the deep connection to China as I have had over the years. She and I worked side by side picking up trash on Earth Day on the lakefront. Many people may recognize Jeanie for her articles in The Town Line newspaper, but you may not know she also spends many hours each month volunteering for the China For a Lifetime Committee.

When COVID first broke out, Jeanne organized a team of drivers to deliver groceries to the elderly so they could stay home. She gathered volunteers who like to sew to make and deliver masks before masks were readily available, and she helped to create outdoor classroom spaces in our China School Forest. Jeanne has and always will be there to help our town, so I feel strongly about supporting her to carry on in my place on the selectboard. Please vote for Jeanne Marquis on November 2.

In appreciation and love of the China community,

Irene Belanger

LETTERS: Marquis is superb candidate

To the editor:

Dear Town of China Friends and Neighbors:

Good government in our community requires the election of outstanding candidates.

The best candidates offer personal qualities such as independence, non-partisanship, positivity, knowledge, balance and modesty. They also possess a demonstrated record of community achievement and action.

Jeanne Marquis is a superb candidate who meets that test; she is running in the November 2 election for a position on the China Select Board.

As a resident and registered voter in China, I will support Jeanne.

I respectfully ask you to consider casting your vote on November 2 for Jeanne Marquis; please also ask other residents you know to carefully review her background in order to make the best choice for the Town of China.

Thank you.

Stephen Greene

LETTERS: Jeanne is a darn good listener

To the editor:

Over the past few years, I have become acquainted with Jeanne Marquis. I was informed recently she is running for the office of selectperson to serve the town of China in a leadership position. I find Jeanne to be a darn good listener and to have great loyalty to the town in which her family has lived for generations. She is bright, curious, mature, well-educated and offers good ideas and sensible suggestions. She is respected and will make a good addition to the board that provides stability and guidance to the town. I openly support her candidacy.

Richard Dillenbeck
Augusta, Georgia, summer resident on China Lake

Polling places and times for March 3, 2020 primary


Chelsea Elementary School, 566 Togus Rd.
8 a.m. – 8 p.m.


Portable Building China Town Office
7 a.m. – 8 p.m.


Fairfield Community Ctr., Water Street
8 a.m. – 8 p.m.


Municipal Building, 26 Weston Ave.
8 a.m. – 8 p.m.


Palermo Town Office
8 a.m. – 8 p.m.


Sidney Town Office, 2986 Middle Road
8 a.m. – 8 p.m.


Somerville Town Office
8 a.m. – 8 p.m.


The Elm (former American Legion), College Ave.
8 a.m. – 8 p.m.


Windsor Town Hall (upstairs)
8 a.m. – 8 p.m.


MacCrillis-Rousseau VFW, 177 Veteran Dr.
8 a.m. – 8 p.m.

To be included in next week’s issue, contact The Town Line at townline@townline.org.

China TIF ballot questions explained by committee chairman


by Dan L’Heureux
China Town Manager

The November 8, 2016, local ballot contains two questions requesting appropriations based on recommendations from China’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Committee. As chairman of the TIF Committee, I wanted to provide you with information about the TIF committee and the resulting two proposed local ballot questions.

In 2015 the town of China was successful in a TIF application to the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development, resulting in the creation of Municipal TIF District and Development Program; the District term being 20 years with a town revenue allocation projected at $5.2 million.

Projects associated with this development program are obligated to be connected directly to economic development.

The select board appointed a TIF committee to develop prospective economic development projects and to provide guidance on those projects from an original concept through an ultimate town vote for final approval of project costs. The TIF committee is obligated to be mindful of the areas within the district and within the China municipality that are eligible for approval and funding. The TIF committee has met over several months and has initially proposed the two following local ballot questions that the China Select Board has approved to be put on the November 8, 2016 ballot. A short reasoning statement is below each question and respective Select Board and Budget Committee recommendation.

Question 11. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $50,000 from the Development Program Fund (established through revenues received from the Central Maine Power/China Lake Tax Increment Financing District and Development Program) for the purpose of Trails Maintenance and Bridge Capital Projects/Repairs associated with the China Four Seasons Club Trails Program; said maintenance and capital projects of the Four Seasons Club to be done on the CMP Powerline in the current fiscal year.

Select Board Recommends: Yes
Budget Committee Recommends: Yes

A major focus of China’s TIF Program application included trails maintenance. The current request is directly connected with economic development and will be used to fund much needed repairs and maintenance of trails. Our trails system attracts many visitors to the area and provides outdoor recreational options to residents.

Question 12. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Municipal Officers/Select Board to acquire land, more specifically described as Map 63 Lot 059-A, and further to appropriate an amount up to $10,000 from the Development Program Fund, (established through revenues received from the Central Maine Power/China Lake Tax Increment Financing District and Development Program) for the purpose of acquiring the property, and further to authorize the select board to execute said transaction as they deem in the best interest of the Town of China.

Select Board Recommends: Yes
Budget Committee Recommends: Yes

The Causeway Road was also a specific focus of the TIF Program application and the TIF committee chose the improvement of the area as its highest priority. The proposed purchase of this land would provide options for the town as it proposes to improve Causeway Road pedestrian safety, to implement measures to improve and sustain water quality in China Lake along the Causeway Road such as erosion control and sedimentation processing, to improve recreational activities on the Causeway Road, and to enhance the aesthetics of the general area. The proposed property purchase is integral to the TIF committee plan.

KCS & WCD district supervisor election upcoming

Persons wanting to run for the office of District Supervisor for the Kennebec County Soil and Water Conservation District should contact the District office at 21 Enterprise Dr. Suite #1, Augusta, ME telephone (207) 622-7847 x3, to obtain nominating papers. Nomination papers require 25 valid signatures in order to become a candidate.

Nomination papers must be received at the District office no later than November 3, 2016. This year we have one full three-year term of office up for election.

Any person who desires to run for the office of District Supervisor must be a resident who is living on lands lying within the boundaries of the Kennebec County Soil and Water Conservation District.

The actual election is scheduled for November 25, 2016. Ballots for the election will be mailed to anyone requesting one. Registered voters wishing to vote in the election of District Supervisor must contact the District in order to receive a ballot. All registered voters residing within the Kennebec County Soil and Water Conservation District boundaries are eligible to vote. All completed ballots must be received by the afternoon of November 25, at 4 p.m.