MY POINT OF VIEW – Memorial Day: a day to remember

by Gary Kennedy

Well, here we are again my friends. We are about to have another long weekend and it looks like it will be a beautiful day, weather wise.

For those who aren’t aware Memorial Day originally was known as Decoration Day. Unlike Veterans Day it is to pay our respects to those who have given their lives so the rest of us may be free. It is a federal holiday in the USA for honoring/mourning those soldiers, sailors and fly boys/girls (men & women), for their sacrifice.

The Civil War was the bloodiest war in our history; which ended in 1865. The first National Cemetery was established shortly after this war. The origin of this holiday is still unclear but it is believed that the first gathering to commemorate the fallen was organized by a group of former slaves in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1865. In 1966 the federal government declared Waterloo, New York, the official birthplace of Memorial Day. Waterloo was the first to host and celebrated it on May 5, 1866.

Many of us get confused between Memorial Day and Veterans Day. The difference is simple. We celebrate all the men and women who died defending our way of life; in particular our military. Veterans Day on the other hand is celebrated respecting all who have served. Many of these veterans are disabled, some seriously but didn’t die, as of yet. However, we place wreaths, flags, and flowers at the stones of those who have joined their Creator. Tears are shed, prayers are prayed. Every year at this time we thank them and acknowledge their supreme sacrifice. Unfortunately, without this sacrifice we would be enslaved by an entity that doesn’t respect life as we do.

In addition to placing flowers, wreaths, insignias and such, it is tradition that we place a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers, at Arlington National Cemetery, in Arlington, Virginia. This is a somewhat special event as this tomb represents all the unknown soldiers buried there. Also there are approximately 2,111 Union and Confederate soldiers buried beneath the tomb of the Civil War Unknowns. The inscription on the Tomb reads, “Here Rests in Honored Glory an American Soldier known but to God.” However, since the insemination of this event we have discovered the identity of that original soldier, 1st Lieutenant Michael Joseph Blassie, of St. Louis, Missouri. He died on May 11, 1972, near An Loc, South Vietnam.

The inscription has been changed since the unknown became known. It now reads, “Honoring and keeping Faith with America’s Missing Servicemen”. In another article I will give you complete details on Arlington, Virginia. It has a long and colorful history that I am sure you will enjoy reading.

After World War I, Memorial Day was expanded to encompass all who died defending their country in any and all wars. The holiday is always celebrated on the last Monday of May, which is considered the unofficial beginning of summer. It has evolved over the years and become more festive. It has become a time for family and friends to gather together and enjoy cook-outs or watch the Indy 500 together. However, it is suggested that at 3 p.m., on this serene holiday that a moment of silence take place. It’s just a moment in time to “thank the fallen for your ability to be standing.”

We respect our veterans and more so those who gave it all and are not able to join you on this sacred day. It’s good to remember and to early on teach our children history’s value to them. It’s a great lesson in respect.

Well, I and everyone here at The Town Line wish you a very happy and safe Memorial Day. Don’t forget the Moment of Silence at 3 p.m. It’s a little, wonderful thing you can do. I always feel the fallen are ever vigilant and watch over the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. God bless and protect you and yours and have a safe and happy long weekend.

MY POINT OF VIEW: Be thankful for what you have in this tough year

by Gary Kennedy

Thanksgiving is supposed to be a cheery time of year. We get time off from work and time is allowed to join with family and friends to give thanks for all we have received this year. All this is great in theory but what if your year has been a difficult one? I think many of us can say that 2022 has been a very hard and difficult year. Sometimes it is difficult to separate the positives from negatives. However, the test of character allows us to stop and look at all that is and to separate the positives from negatives. When this is done one will discover that there is much to be thankful for.

When all is said and done we must turn to the supreme architect and let Him know that we understand his plan and thank Him for having one. This is the plan that gives you and I a place in the greater glory in the gift he has waiting for the loyal among us. Realizing that the grave is not the end of things is such a wonderful gift.

Our world lately seems to be crumbling apart and this has weighed heavily on us. Some have let this consume them and give into the darkness. This is because they are weak in spirit and have lost sight of the gift of everlasting life. If you have family or friends that are harboring these negative feelings it’s your duty to step in and lend a hand. You both will feel so much better for it. Acts of love and kindness do not go unnoticed.

The traditional Thanksgiving with Pilgrims and Indians, is pretty much how we perceive Thanksgiving. We also know that the repast is turkey with stuffing and vegetables with mince meat pie for desert. It is a given, without knowing the who, what or why of it. I grew up in farming and logging community. I know that mince meat pie is made from the neck of venison but most people today don’t know that. Many hunters will throw the very tasty neck meat away because it is difficult to harvest. Many of the old secrets are lost in time.

It was George Washington, father of our country, and a Master Mason who set the 26th of November 1789 aside as Thanksgiving, but not to give praise for our bounty but to give thanks for the adaptation of U.S. Constitution. He also enjoined people to unite in a most humbly offering of our prayers and supplications asking God to pardon our transgressions. Thanksgiving didn’t become a permanent official U.S. holiday until President Franklin Delano Roosevelt became president in 1939. Both presidents were Master Masons. Since the beginning of the U.S.A. we have had 14 Master Masons as presidents. It seems fitting as Masonry is the oldest fraternity known. There you have it; you just learned one of the secrets of the Masonic order.

So Thursday, November 24, we will all be enjoying family and friends and great food and drink. Remember what it is all about and enjoy this great day with those you care about but be ever mindful of the millions that won’t have what you are about to enjoy. Pray for the less fortunate and share where and whatever you can. Give a special thanks to the veteran who has allowed this all to be possible and always remember those who gave the supreme sacrifice. Have a great Thanksgiving Day and God be with you all.

MY POINT OF VIEW: America’s first veterans were Revolutionary War soldiers

by Gary Kennedy

So here we are with another year passing us by and searching for meaning. We veterans know who, what and why we are considered veterans. In general, those who have served in the U.S. Military are veterans. However, title 38 of the Code of Federal Regulations defines a veteran as “a person who served in the active military, army, navy, or air service and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable”.

This definition explains that any individual that completed a service for any branch of armed forces classifies as a veteran as long as they were not dishonorably discharged. The most important thing to understand is veteran status. This is very important to the veteran but has no meaning to the general public. When the veteran is released from his military obligations he or she may be entitled to earned benefits, post military. At this point in time the veteran should locate the nearest “Veterans Administration” office and register any service related situation with a Veterans Advocate. Here also, he will receive information and advice as to what he may be entitled to. He will display his DD214 and perhaps show his military service and medical records. The veteran will be guided from there.

Now let’s take a look at how a veteran began and a little history of the veteran’s origin. In this country the making of a veteran basically began in 1775. This was the beginning of the Revolutionary War. This war began on April 19, 1775, and didn’t end until April 3, 1783; eight long years. We were a young country seeking freedom from mother Great Britain. She didn’t want to let us go so war ensued. The war was fought and won, but at great cost. We lost nearly 70,000 soldiers in this conflict. On the third day of April in 1783 our first veteran was born.

On April 12, 1861, the Civil War had begun. Before it was to end we would lose 364,511 Union soldiers and another 260,000 Confederates. History tells us that loved ones went to the killing fields to claim the bodies of their loved ones. This war ended on April 12, 1865. More veterans were created. They claim 25 percent of those who fought did not survive.

July 28, 1914, World War I began which took the lives of 116,708 and left 204,000 wounded. This ended on November 11, 1918. We were now getting familiar with the word “Veteran”. On September 1, 1939, World War II began and before it was to end 670,846 died and 405,399 were wounded. Those remaining became the new “Veterans”. Next came Korea on June 25, 1950, until July 27, 1953. This was long enough to allow 40,000 to die and 100,000 to be wounded.

Would you know it, we decided the country of Vietnam needed to be free from Communism. This was on November 1, 1955, and ended April 30, 1975. This involved Cambodia and Laos. We spent 20 years trying to change Vietnam but failed in our attempt. However, we did create more “Veterans”. I guess we didn’t have enough so we went to the aid of Afghanistan on October 7, 2001, to August 30, 2021. This would be another 20-year war which cost us 2,456 American lives. There were 20,752 of America’s finest wounded. Also this war led to many U.S. soldiers committing suicide. Currently, I don’t know why our troops were so affected by this particular war. I am currently searching for answers to that dilemma. In any case, we ended up with more “veterans”. The last one that I will mention is the Gulf War, which runs from August 2, 1990, to February 28, 1991. Two hundred nineteen men and women died, more “veterans”. There were other skirmishes that I haven’t addressed and my figures are only a good approximate; they are close enough for purposes of this article. I guesstimate around 1,520,226 deaths and approximately five times that in wounded. That’s a lot of sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters as well as others sacrificing to keep us and others free. So we have a million and a half posthumous veterans and many millions more who were lucky enough to make it home. Home is the key word and it’s still free and safe thanks to veterans; we continue to keep conflict off of our shores.

Believe me, if we didn’t have veterans we would be speaking another language by now. When will we and the world learn to live and let live? Greed and corruption continue to take the front seat and so we must continue to create “veterans”. I am a veteran, yet every night I pray for those in harm’s way, especially our veterans. My time has come and gone as is the case of thousands of others. We must rely on the strength of others now, as they will eventually do. At this point in time it’s the way of things. We need to pray for a world of peace. Until that time, God Bless our future veterans. Pray for them; thank them for serving our country and for watching over us. God Bless our veterans and God Bless America.

MY POINT OF VIEW – Labor Day: It gives us another needed break

Norman Rockwell’s painting of Rosie the Riveter in 1943.

by Gary Kennedy

Well, we have one of those long weekends arriving soon. It’s hard to believe that a year has gone by so rapidly. Covid coupled with stress and turmoil seems to have played a role in the rapidity in which time has flown. When you become a senior that doesn’t play out as a good thing. There comes a time in all of our lives when things need to slow down. Unfortunately, we have very little control over that.

Labor Day is celebrated on Monday, September 5, which allows many of us another needed break from the hazardous toils of employment. We might love our job but it sure is great to have a little free time to share with family and friends. It gives us a little extra time to share with our retrospective glasses which acts as a guide into the future. My family and I enjoy the holiday as we can reminisce and pull the past forward, thus allowing us conscientious purpose for the future.

When it is my time to tout the past the first thing that comes to mind is Rosie the Riveter. The holiday itself pays tribute to the conditions and achievements of the American worker. This holiday was created by the labor movement in the 19th century. Labor Day became a federal holiday in 1894, by then President Grover Cleveland. Labor Day carried some soon to be historically important people as well as some outlandish rules.

Rosie Riveter

I mentioned Rosie the Riveter who became America’s sweetheart because of her principals, attire and ethical demeanor. Rosie is one of my favorite historical figures as she represented the work ethic of Americans. She symbolized the ability of women to fill any void in support of their spouse and country. Whenever there was a shortage of help in the labor force women such as Rosie stepped up to fill the void. (America’s Pride) I always mention her during any labor shortage for whatever reason, especially war. I think of her on Memorial Day as well as Labor Day. I hope my annual effort serves to motivate the young ones who didn’t know her, to look her up and become familiar with the kind of person she was and what she stood for.

I mentioned outlandish rules; one of which was you shouldn’t wear white after Labor Day unless you were rich and could afford to vacation at all seasons. Many people actually adhered to that rule. However, after a time most people felt it was hog wash and dismissed it from the things not to do.

There were a couple of ladies who claimed to be the real Rosie the Riveter but I think the most accepted was Naomi Parker Fraley who passed away in 2018, at age 96. Dr. James J. Kimble, of the University of New Jersey, Professor of Communications, was the researcher that finally got it right. The most memorable thing Rosie ever said was shortly before her death and upon it being confirmed that she was in fact the real Rosie the Riveter, “The women of this country these days need some icons, if they think I’m one, I’m happy.” Rosie is one of my heroes, yet despite her success, Rosie was forced off the factory floor when the war ended. Her achievements are buried in books and all her accomplishments wiped out of our conscious. She proved what a woman could do in the labor force, especially in the hour of need. Thanks to historian researches in search of detail and truth we were able to receive her true unredacted story.

So while you are enjoying your family and friends on this extended weekend think about how we achieved what we have and who we are today. There are many Labor Day stories; I am only sharing one with all of my friends out there. Labor Day emphasizes work ethic of which there are many examples even in our own families. Look around and you will see where you got it from. I and all my friends here at The Town Line wish you a happy and safe holiday. May the one that you pray to bless and watch over you and yours. God Bless.

The views of the author of this column are not necessarily those of The Town Line newspaper, its staff and board of directors.

MY POINT OF VIEW: A lesson learned

Doctor Jose Rizal

by Gary Kennedy

I am not only a Rotarian but also a Knight of Rizal. I believe the most beautiful love story is the life and loves of Doctor Jose Rizal. Jose Rizal was born in the very beautiful hamlet of Calamba Laguna, Philippines on June 19th 1861. He died at dawns early light on December 30, 1896, at the hands of a Spanish firing squad. He was only 35 years old.

Dr. Rizal was a brilliant young optometrist whose most memorable surgery was that of the one performed on his own mother. She was blinded by cataracts. The surgery was successful. He loved his entire family as well as friends, unconditionally and spent his very short life trying to increase their lot, especially their equality in all forms to other races. He was one of the greatest humanitarians that God ever allowed to draw breath. His philosophy was not self centered or based on greed but to have the world recognize that all men were created equal and should have the right of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. (Sound familiar?) This included the realization that we were all born in the likeness of God as well as with the ability to think and to develop those abilities into meaningful products or venues.

Dr. Rizal was a brilliant doctor but also the master of many languages and skills. The list of his abilities is far greater than that of anyone I have ever known. His format was for the world to see Filipinos as a race of people equal to the best of what the world had to offer. Time is proving him to be correct. He surrounded himself with other scholars who shared his belief not only for Dr. Rizal’s race but that of others. The USA has many clubs nationally.

Dr. Rizal was raised under Spanish rule and he loved and respected Spain. He devoted his life trying to show Spain of his loyalty and respect and only asked for acceptance, as a child would his parents. For most of his beautiful life he sought Spain’s acceptance and its acceptance of equality and family. However, there were those who were jealous of him and wanted to see his beliefs along with its followers destroyed. When I read about this brilliant God fearing man I can’t help but think of the beautiful song that was written for Vincent Van Gogh, Starry, Starry Night. If you listen to the words they would parallel Dr. Rizal’s life.

I have read what has been made available to me about this man who some believe to be saint like. I am no expert on that but I certainly can see why some would hold him in the highest of esteem. Since I joined this group of followers in 2003, a day doesn’t seem to go by that his presence doesn’t cross my mind. I have often found myself day dreaming from conjured up memories of events in his life that have stuck with me from that which I have read, from books, essays, poems and articles which lead me down many paths. Dr. Rizal is one of those characters of life that leaves you with a lasting impression and many memories of which the human mind puts in its playground.

During one of the Cuban conflicts the Americans defeated Spain and took possession of the Philippine Islands. Under American rule, and becoming a USA territory, there was good and bad but change did come and over time Filipinos would fight alongside of the Americans, and to this day the American military has a large number of Filipino soldiers. They serve with great skill and integrity. They are also the largest alien population in Maine.

The Philippines ended up with the respect they so sorely deserved and education became mandatory. Although the Philippines is not yet a rich country or at least the people for the most part aren’t, it is well on its way. Dr. Rizal from the top of Mt. Makiling can say, “now the world can see that my people are as intelligent and gifted as any of this world”. I think the histories of America and the Philippines are very similar, as an intelligent God fearing nation which is still in the growth stage. There are those of other countries that have the same desire for superiority and greed as Spain once did. There is good and bad everywhere.

Beware of the little dog as he can reach places that others cannot and that is a serious under estimate of situations. Dr. Rizal and the lessons he left us with will be remembered and honed into tools of success. As I write these words these things are happening. Love of God and family are very powerful tools of which to build for. If you don’t love God and respect the rights of others to exist you have no foundation. There is no purpose to your life besides self fulfillment coupled with greed. On December 30, Jose Rizal willingly gave his life in order to lay down an example.

It was the leaders of the church and another country that took this beautiful man’s life of which he allowed for all to see. There were many tears shed then and there are still more now. Foot prints such as those are very hard to fill and very few in history have. In the end Dr. Rizal didn’t ask for any earthly reward. He just wanted to set an example. His only request was to the Spanish, who were about to take his life as the sun was rising on beautiful Manila Bay, “please let me face the sun as it is rising”. However, the world of 1896 seemed to have little or no heart. His final request was refused. The friars of the time wanted him to be shot in the back.

Dr. Rizal, while in a prison cell, prepared for this answer and planned his last moment on this earth. He would place his feet, weight and body so as when the volley of lead balls were to strike his back his body weight would compensate allowing his hat and body to meet the earth face up. Also some say a dog circled his body howling. The dog was identical to a dog that Rizal loved. Some believe it was the spirit of a dear friend. I guess I will have to wait to find out. Dr. Rizal wrote several books, the most famous of these were Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. There are many essays, poems and various manuscripts. All that you can find is well worth the reading. Also a complete history of Dr. Rizal is available. In my opinion he was one the most remarkable men in the history of the world. I am a member of the Knights of Rizal and would love to see a branch started here in the pristine state of Maine.

We are in some very precarious times right now. History has left us with so much information and so many doorways in which to unlock. I chose to share this very short story of a very big man during this time as his work, beliefs and philosophy have love as its foundation. God bless and may your decisions be based on the heart. It is a tablet for the one we hold most dear and will face in its time. If you would like to know more about this great human being, let me know and I will write more. It’s world history and available.

MY POINT OF VIEW: Freedom faces ongoing struggles

by Gary Kennedy

FREEDOM is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants, without hindrance or restraint. Also, the absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government. Also, freedom is the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. Freedom is traditionally understood as independence of the arbitrary will of someone else. Freedom can be defined in a great number of ways.

I have been putting pen to this very topic for years for The Town Line newspaper. Every year I think there is no more I can write but as I am an ardent reader I find a life time full of what could be defined as freedoms. However, it comes to mind that the readers of my articles are now many. We have a tremendously diverse community, many of which are unfamiliar with our country and its freedoms and what they mean to us. A good example would be the Philippine population is the largest minority in Maine, followed by the Somali immigration. That being said, I could go back to the first article I wrote 20 years ago because it was a reminder and a teaching, too.

During a recent survey of what the Fourth of July depicted, some of the responses were off the wall. So every year I feel we must remind all people what this holiday is, in fact, all about. It might appear on an immigration test. The first part of my narrative defines basic freedom but says nothing about how it came about, nor does it discuss the ongoing struggle we face and sometimes take for granted.

Eugene Delacroix did the great work La Liberte. It is a beautiful work of art but symbolic. Lincoln never stood in the fray of battle as depicted in the work. However, the battle for freedom for the most part could have looked a lot like the art. John Trumbull’s Depiction of the 4th in 1818 is fantastic also, John was also a veteran.

The birth of American Independence was actually voted on July 2, but the holiday was to be celebrated on the fourth. The Declaration of Independence was adopted by our Continental Congress, for the most part written by Thomas Jefferson. America was born, at least on paper. The 13 original colonies served their political ties to Great Britain.

We here in Maine take a lot of pride in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, an American poet from Portland, who wrote such works as Paul Revere’s Ride and the song of Hiawatha and Evangeline, to name just a couple. There is a statue of him in Congress Square, in Portland.

Long story short, the Revolutionary War was fought against Great Britain. The war began on April 19, 1775, and lasted to September 3, 1783. The turning point in the war was considered to be the battle of Saratoga. The war encompassed 165 battles with 291,557 American deaths and 671,846 wounded. It is estimated that the British suffered only 25,000 casualties. The French were our allies and they lost a couple of million souls. The French also gave us the Statue of Liberty in 1885. It took from 1875 to 1884 to build. History has shown France to be a great friend and ally. However, the politics of today shows us different pictures of friends and allies. Sad but the world is not in a very good place right now.

All that being said we need to strive once again for a better world, where all can live in Freedom and Peace. Have a happy and safe Fourth of July my friends. Share what you have with those in need. Be very careful with the fireworks. Make this a time of thoughtfulness and reflection. Save a special prayer for those who are suffering in other countries and fighting for the independence that we hold dear. May they also celebrate freedom one day. Happy Fourth and God bless.

MY POINT OF VIEW: Let’s not ever forget the importance of D-Day

by Gary Kennedy

June 6, 1944, five naval assault divisions landed on the shores of Normandy, France. An assault of this magnitude has never been seen in the history of mankind. The landings sites were given code names, Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword. The operation itself was given the code name, Operation Overlord. There were 7,000 ships with landing craft manned by over 195,000 naval personnel from the eight allied countries. England, Canada and the USA supplied more than 133,000 troops. During this landing 10,300 troops were casualties of war. By the end of June more than 850,000 men and 570,000 tons of supplies and equipment were involved. Also 148,000 vehicles were used.

Allied forces held the western front and the Russians held the Eastern front. All of Europe was involved. This would be the one time in history that all of Europe was united, and race, ethnicity, color went unnoticed. For me it seems so strange that we are united in war but divided in peace. We should have learned something given this great unity.

There are many brave men and women buried on foreign soil. Although this is sad the burial sites are very well maintained, respected and protected. On May 7, 1945, German General Alfred Jodi signed an unconditional surrender at Reims, France. The President of the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt, on a hand written note, gave total authority for Operation Overlord to General Dwight D. Eisenhower, who would eventually become president of the United States.

World War II actually began on September 1, 1939, when Germany invaded Poland. This horrific war lasted until September 2, 1945; claiming hundreds of thousands lives. Two days later September 3, France and Britain declared war on Germany in defense of Poland. World War II became a global war with Japan and Italy joining Germany and the United States eventually joining when things became tough for the now known allies. Democracy and freedom was the theme and the avoidance of world dominance by an evil dictator, Adolf Hitler. However, if it hadn’t been for the USA we would be looking at a different world today.

So as you can see by going back in history D-Day and Normandy became famous dates, places and events. Once again we must remember our veterans, especially those who gave it all. The greatest sacrifice given for God, country and family is one’s life. I don’t believe any soldier, land, sea or air ever intended to die but were prepared to do so if it became necessary. Older Americans have a family member in their past who perished because of events such as D-Day and its aftermath.

Currently we and the world are on very shaky ground and very close to world conflict, again, yet many of our leaders aren’t paying attention. Some of us see, remember and worry when we see what is happening in our country and around the world. When you start to count your allies it’s time to worry and pay attention to the big picture. If world peace is disrupted again can you count on those around you? Does everyone truly love these United States? Keep freedom in your sights on this D-Day and freedom in your heart. May the good Lord bless and keep you and yours safe and free from another D-Day. God bless America.

MY POINT OF VIEW: Mother’s Day manifests itself in different ways to different people

by Gary Kennedy

Do I need to ask what does Mother’s Day mean? It manifests itself in different ways to different people. For some of us every day is Mother’s Day as we love her so very much. However, others need to be reminded that one’s mother is a very special person. You were born on a foundation of love between two people, mother and father. That is why we set a special day aside just for them; to fortify our relationship and to outwardly express our feelings for them. Some­times it’s great to hear it in a ceremonious manner. This carries the magnitude of this relationship to a somewhat formal level and puts that glow into the relationship.

Mother carried you for nine months and even though she did this with love, sometimes it was difficult. Even so, the result was you and the title Mother came to be for her. Along with this comes copious amounts of laundry, thoughtful preparation for school and sports events. She also laid the foundation for your education and morality. She even made church fun by encouraging you to attend the church events for young people. This helped with building morality and character.

Most of us don’t really realize all that goes into acquiring one of the most glorious titles on earth. God created the Earth and also Adam. I guess most of us are aware of that. God saw that Adam was lonely so he decided to create Eve. As most of us know this cost Adam a rib but I’m relatively sure God was gentle in this extraction. God’s plan was not to only quench Adam’s need for the companionship but for allowing a pathway for procreation. And so it began. Eve became the mother of 28 children although the Bible mostly centers around Cain, Abel and Seth. Geneticists, by tracing the DNA patterns, found through lineages decendents from 10 sons with genetic material from Adam and 18 daughters from Eve’s genetics. There certainly was lots of motherhood there.

Mother’s Day is celebrated in 50 countries worldwide. Some or most use a different day than we do but they obviously remain the same. The entire world loves their mothers but just go about it in different ways. Our date for Mother’s Day is synonymous with Julie Ward Howe who wrote the Mother’s Day Proclamation in 1870 which she wrote condemning the senselessness of sons killing the sons of other mothers. Her persistence paid off as President Woodrow Wilson signed into law, Mather’s Day to be held on the second Sunday of May, in 1914. Anna Jarvis is given first credit for their holiday and its reason; war and the killing of our sons.

Women played such a dynamic role in the development of our great nation and nations throughout the world. Women especially, and mothers in particular, have played formidable roles in our history and that of the world. Most women are smart enough to not go near an apple tree, figuratively speaking. The Bible has many examples of Motherhood and in many different situations. Being a mother is the hardest job you will ever love. Times are hard right now but not so hard as to forget about our mothers. April showers brings May Flowers. So without a penny in my pocket I know I can pick some flowers to give to the first lady of our lives, Mother.

So, all I can say from my heart is do your best to make this second Sunday in May an event that will last the mother we love until next year at this time. It’s worth doing forever. Thank you Lord for Mother. God bless and have a happy and thankful Mother’s Day.

MY POINT OF VIEW: The real meaning of Easter; make Peter Cottontail second

Eastern Cottontail Rabbit

by Gary Kennedy

Here comes Peter Cotton Tail hopping down the bunny trail once again. It seems he is very punctual as he seems to appear to the children first with copious amounts of colored candy. My favorite was always the yellow coconut covered marshmallow rabbits closely followed up by the chocolate bunnies of the same configuration.

When I was five or six, perhaps even a little older I would love to go on the Easter egg hunts which carried a prize with each discovery. I never won big but I certainly got my share. It seems many holidays have something to do with a fantasy and something sweet or at least good food with great friends and family. It is an age old tradition which is enchanting and lots of fun for the participants as well as the observers. (Mom, Dad, grandparents and just older friends).

I believe this is a good thing as long as we teach and observe the true meaning of this fun-filled holiday with the most precious of us, our children. We all want them to grow properly with love in their hearts and respect for all of the human race. The best way I know of is instilling a moral structure based on faith for their lives in the here and now and for what comes in the hereafter.

There is such a wonderful feeling in knowing that even though our time here is short, if we conduct ourselves in a righteous way we will find another life which is more beautiful and eternal. I personally have given this a lot of thought and have come to the conclusion; what do I have to lose? All it really requires is living a good and respectful life and having the realization that there is a greater power out there that has created a beautiful place for us to grow with each other, and to respect diversity within the guidelines of our love of he who gave his life to open the door and make it all possible. It’s the right thing to do so why not live a harmonious life with God the father and Jesus the son.

The Bible has never asked too much or given any task that can’t be easily accomplished. At the same time we must respect that there are others who also believe, but in different ways. John 3:16 tells us that God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

I write things knowing full well that there are at least three major schools of thought on this matter but all three include God. So use this holiday as you wish but Jesus was in all three. All agree he was a man of God. Some know of him but don’t believe in his biblical position with God. I believe that irrespective of how you interpret the word of God you should respect the other point of view. The Bible fortifies itself. If you look at Luke 10:27, Mathew 22:37, Deuteronomy 6:4-7, Mark 12:30. The Deuteronomy version is my favorite as it tells us to love the lord with all our heart, soul and strength. It tells us to love our neighbor. These Gospels tell us to include the children and it’s all about “love”.

If our guidance is true and good then perhaps our children will reside in a righteous and peace loving world. Today we see pain, suffering and turmoil around us with a world in chaos, which is marked in confusion. My wish for this Easter is to remember the suffering it took to allow us a chance at life. Pray for your neighbor and pray for all those in the world who are suffering. I’m sure you will be reminded on Easter Sunday at the place where you worship. Put God first and Peter Cotton Tail second.

God bless all and have a happy and safe Easter.

MY POINT OF VIEW: St. Patrick was an active missionary in the fifth century

St. Patrick

by Gary Kennedy

The patron saint of my ancestors is St. Patrick. This, of course, is the Emerald Isle, Ireland. This is a magnificently beautiful island. St. Patrick was born in present day Great Britain in the year 385 and died in present day Gaelic Ireland, Northern Island. He was venerated a saint by the Catholic Church. The major shrine attributed to him is Armaugh, in Northern Ireland, Glastonbury Abbey, England. We celebrate St. Patrick on the March 17. St. Patrick is mostly noted for his relationship with the shamrock (father, son, holy, spirit) and driving all the snakes off this Irish island. The exact dates of which St. Patrick performed his deeds and miracles are not known for certain but he was an active missionary during the 5th century. It is also believed he raised the dead. For accuracy sake it is believed his life was late 4th to early 5th century.

Medieval history credits him with being the first Bishop of Alomagh and Primate of Ireland. St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated on the supposed date of his death. His young life is quite colorful as he was kidnapped by Irish pirates and for approximately six years served as a care taker of the animals, eventually he escaped captivity.

Slavery, as you can see, goes way back in time. During St. Patrick’s time it was all white enslavement. For the most part it was the enslavement of criminals. Fealty was for a period of time with the injured party benefitting. Eventually Christianity grew and the practice of holding co-religionists in bondage was frowned upon. St. Patrick himself was enslaved for a time. The church becoming more and more powerful and transformed the Roman slave system and serfdom began, not much different.

Also, when Bathilde became Queen of the Franks who herself had been enslaved before she married Clovis II, banned the slavery of Christians. Although the name changed, the act of slavery was still being used. So you see in all actuality black slavery came much later. It has only been recently that the African continents became used for the slave trade. The white slaves melted into serfdom and poverty and then came the exploitation of the black race, centuries later. However, for those of you who believed that Black Irish was a racial thing, you were wrong.

The Irish were a fair skinned people with mostly brown hair and blue, green and grey colored eyes. The further north you went the more changes were observed. The Viking races were relatively ruddy compacted with mostly blue-eyed people and we see more and more blonde hair. I have no idea how that happened or how skin colors began. I believe the environment had much to do with it; perhaps the sun impacted skin pigmentation.

The only thing that history tells us regarding the Irish was there was some infiltration of Spanish blood. However, for the most part our blood is basically the same with all the same varying types. I really don’t know St. Patrick’s blood type but I am sure it would be interchangeable with some of us today. The Spanish being world explorers co-mingled their blood in most of the earth.

St. Patrick was Roman born (5th century Romano-British). He is the Patron Saint of Ireland. He brought Christianity to the Picts and Anglo-Saxon’s. Most of the St. Patrick Day feasting, secular culture began here in the United States. I believe we invented corn beef.

Thus came the corned beef that I promised you’d hear more about from last week’s article, Corned Beef, which in the British commonwealth of nations, is a beef brisket cured in large grains as salt called corns of salt; Thus corn beef. The corn beef we use here on St. Patty’s Day will have some sugar and other spices to give it that wonderful flavor we have become so fond of. The basic brisket goes back at least 1,000 years and was used in the celebration. Cabbage and potato were very common in Ireland so we know they were used and perhaps onion and carrots with flat bread. The preferred drink was Guinness beer. The next Day you would have potato cakes with the left overs.

As you can see, the evolution of St. Patrick’s Day is not a great one over these past 1,000 years. Not much has changed, go to church, over eat, and drink Guinness beer. Of course, you have the enjoyment of family and friends. There is much more to know and I will share it with you next time. I might even share my recipes.

God bless all and have a happy and safe St. Patty’s Day.

As always pray for freedom for those currently in the struggle for their freedom and help where you can.