SOLON & BEYOND, Week of November 16, 2017
by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979
Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!
The Solon Pine Tree 4-H Club met on November 11 for their second meeting of the new year. The members voted to adopt a family for Christmas. They also voted to bring items for the Skowhegan Animal Shelter to the December meeting. These would be community projects for next year.
Officers elected were; Cooper Dellarma, president; Hunter Souce, vice president; Laci Dickey, secretary; Desmond Robinson, assistant secretary; Devyn Deleonardis, treasurer; Jillian Robinson, assistant treasurer; Brooks Souce and Sarah Craig, flag bearers; and Macy Plourde and Autumn Ladd, assistant flag bearers.
The members are planning to have a Christmas Party at their December meeting
Leaders Lois Miller and Hallie Dellarma worked with the members making holiday wreaths.
Several members are planning to attend a Swag making workshop in Skowhegan on November 18.
The next meeting will be on Saturday, December 9, at 9:30 a.m., at the Solon Fire Station.
Recently, the annual Solon Pine Tree 4-H Club Family Supper was held at the Masonic Hall, in Solon, with many parents and members present, Lief and I were invited as honored guests. There were many wonderful choices at the buffet table and Lief and I were invited to start the line. It was such a warm and welcoming feeling to be included in this family affair.
Leader Eleanor Pooler passed out awards. The Solon Pine Tree Club received the Outstanding Club Award again this year.
Leaders who have been with this club the longest are Eleanor Pooler with 56 years, Rance Pooler for 46 years and Doris Dean for 35 years. My congratulations go out to them! And, my many thanks for always including me for the Family Supper.
Was very pleased to receive an e-mail from the Solon Municipal Clerk and Tax Collector’s Office with news to share about the recent voting on November 7. There was a total of 267 voters who got out that day. Question #1…45 Yes, 220 No and 2 Blank. Question #2…135 Yes, 130 No and 2 blank; Question #3, 169 Yes, 96 No and 2 blank and Question #4…135 Yes, 125 No and 7 blank.
Another great craft fair coming up this week is at the Redington-Fairview General Hospital Main and MOB lobbies, at 46 Fairview Avenue, in Skowhegan on Friday, November 17, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Homemade crafts & goodies sponsored by the RFGH Auxiliary .
On October 18, Heidi Coffin from the Cromwell Center for Disabilities Awareness visited the Solon Elementary School to offer free programs for students in grades 1-5.
The Cromwell Center is a Maine nonprofit agency who offers disabilities awareness programs to build sensitivity and understanding, reduce bullying, and help create more inclusive schools and communities. The students learned that we all have strengths and challenges, that having a disability doesn’t define a person, and that they can help put an end to bullying of those with special needs.
The Solon School is having a Thanksgiving Food Drive November 6-17. Please send in donations of nonperishable food items to help the students in this community service project. Food will be donated to the Solon Thrift Shop Food Cupboard. This is sponsored by the Solon Kids Care Club.
On September 19 and October 4, Solon students and staff participated in the Walking School Bus Program. This activity is part of the school wellness plan.
Thanksgiving break at Solon Elementary will b November 22-26.
On November 18, from 5 – 7 p.m., Huntah’s Suppah at the Wellington VFW, 9 Parkman Rd., in Wellington. All you can eat! By donation To benefit the Wellington Church and Wellington Fire Department.
And now for Percy’s memoir, entitled The Way: A loving word, A cheerful smile, A kindly thought or two… A helping hand, A ready step, They help, my friend, they do. A patient heart, A thoughtful deed, A willingness to cheer… An endless day Of service, friend, These things make life most dear. Be kind, do good, Have loving thoughts Throughout the livelong day, Think right, serve God, Be friend to all, And you have found The Way! (words by Esther Nilsson).