by Marilyn Rogers-Bull & Percy
Solon, Maine 04979
Good morning, dear friends. Don’t worry, be happy!
The Stewart Public Library, in North Anson, will hold its annual book sale on Saturday, June 24, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the North Anson Fire Station, rain or shine. Books, magazines, audio books, DVDs, and CDs will be available for sale. New this year is a small area hosted by the volunteers, of collectible and newer books at higher prices. This area will only be open 9 a.m. to noon. Come and stock up on your reading needs.
The monthly supper at the Embden Community Center will be held on Saturday, July 8, at 5 p.m.
There are many public meals being offered in North Anson during the month of July. Every year the North Anson Congregational Church does a public breakfast every Saturday morning from 7 – 10 a.m.,; this year the dates are July 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29.
The North Anson Methodist Church is having their baked bean, casserole and salad suppers on the following dates at 5 p.m. June 24, July 22, and July 29.
My thanks to all who sent me the news to share with all of you.
The other good news was the Solon School News which started out with, “Best Wishes to Fifth Graders.” We want to extend our best wishes and good luck to our fifth grade students who will enter sixth grade at Carrabec Community School in the fall.
The students attended a Step-Up-Day activity at CCS on June 6 with the other fifth graders from across the district. They met their teachers, saw the school, and did some team-building activities run by the high school’s JMG students.
“We will miss our fifth graders. We wish them the best of luck in the next step of their educational journey. Goodbye and Good luck to Emily Baker, Tehya Caplin, Jayden Cates, Dusty Corson, Sarah Craig, Cooper Dellarma, Sascha Evans, Reid Golden, Levi Hills, Nevaeh Holmes, Elisha Ireland, William Lawrence, Summer Lindblom, Jackson Pease, Alyssa Schinzel, Lucas Vicneire, Hailey Wyman and Dystany Young.
“The Solon Masons sponsored the second annual Bikes for Books program in the Solon Elementary School this spring. This program promotes reading among the K – 5 students. The program kicked off on April 24. Students read books and filled out a form on each book they read, putting the forms in large envelopes in their classrooms. On June 7, an assembly was held to do a drawing for a boy and a girl from each class. Each of those students won a new bike, helmet, and T-shirt provided by the Masons.
“At the assembly, Deputy Mike Pike went over bike safety with the students, especially the importance of wearing a bike helmet every time you ride.
“The students did a lot of reading in this second year of this great program. The total for the K through 5 readers was 410 books. Congratulation to these bike winners and the top readers in each class who received $ 15 Walmart gift cards.
“We appreciate the support of a community organization like the Masons to promote reading and fitness with our students.
“The winners were K students Maxx Caplin and Charlotte Hamilton; Grade 1, Amelia Cooper and Colton Enos; Grade 2 Riley Pelkey and Brice Agren; Grade 3 Macie Ploude and Aaron Soosman; Grade 4,Ciara Myers-Sleeper and Nick Wildes and Grade 5, Elisha Ireland and Dusty Corson. The Top Readers were David Dixon, Karen Baker, Charlotte Hamilton, Ciarrah Whiiemore, Delena Cabral, Amelia Cooper, Jayden Cates, and Dystany Young.”
And now for Percy’s memoir entitled: Love’s Laughter. “There is a place within each of us from which laughter springs. I think it must be somewhere awfully close to the heart. The thrill that leads us to laugh is surely connected to that which leads us to love. Each is as intertwined with the other as music and dance or prayer and devotion. Whether brought on by the candid honesty of a child or the wit of a sweetheart, laughter expresses love and appreciation for that person. And as it bubbles from within and rises to the surface, laughter becomes a manifestation of love.” How very true!